Research Data tesis Rizka Hayati

60 The basic step of collecting the data was observing several talk shows. This step was taken to get some options about talk shows that would be used in the analysis. b. Selecting After observing some talk shows, selecting step was conducted to decide which talk shows would be used. The selected talk shows were chosen by identifying the sociological background that the guests had. The sociological backgrounds are relative power, social distance, and rank of imposition. The selected talk show must reflect different level of the guests’ sociological background. c. Identifying After the writer selected the talk shows, the writer identified the related data in the talk show by watching it. Th e data are in the form of host’s and guests’ utterances. The writer watched the talk shows thoroughly and repeatedly to understand and get the deep understanding of the whole content, and decide which data that would be taken and relevant with the analysis. d. Transcribing The last step in collecting the data was transcribing the relevant data. It was transcribed orthographically because this study is pragmatic research and it focused on the analysis of politeness strategy. 61

3.4 Method of Analyzing Data

Once the data have been collected, the data analysis comes as the next step of method in this study. The analysis in this research used descriptive method because its aims are to describe and interpret the phenomena happen in society. Based on Miles and Huberman 1994: 10-11 the data analysis is divided in three concurrent flow of activities, those are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawingverification. a. Data reduction Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in transcription. Qualitative data can be reduced and transformed in many ways through selection, summary, paraphrase, and so on. From the data that has been obtained, the writers reduced the data by selecting important things and discarding the unused. The data were reduced based on the research problems and would be guided by the objective to be achieved. Thus, the data simplified and abstracted by selecting the utterances considered contain face threatening acts, politeness strategies, and reflect the influence of sociological variables. The writer also gave code for the date to make the analysis easier. The coding was based on the guest code and the number of the utterance. The example of the coding was A10, which means it is the conversation with guest A, utterance in turn taking number 10.