Research Design tesis Rizka Hayati


3.2 Research Data

Arikunto 1998: 114 states that the data source refers to subject from which the data are obtained. The data source of this research is Talk Indonesia TV talk show. All talk shows in Talk Indonesia are the population of this research. “Population is all cases, situations, or individuals who share one or more characteristics ” Nunan, 1992:23. To get a comprehensive and deep analysis, samples must be taken. Sample is a subset of individuals or cases from within a population. To decide which talk show that would be analyzed, purposive sampling was used to choose the samples. Purposive sampling is the samples that are likely to be chosen in a deliberate manner Yin, 2011:88. The reason in taking the samples was based on the sociological variables background that the guests had. The sociological variables in this analysis were based on relative power, social distance, and rank of imposition. Thus, the talk show which was chosen must reflect the different level of sociological background. The talk show must reflect different level of social distance, relative power, and rank of imposition. The first talk show was Talk Indonesia with guest A. He was a governor. Since A was a governor, he had high relative power and social distance with the host. The second guest was B, a former TV news anchor and colleague of the host. Since B was the colleague of the host, she had mid relative power and closed social distance 59 to the host. The last was C. She was a young actress and singer. Since C was the youngest guest, so C had low relative power and mid social distance. After getting the data source, the writer took the data. Data are something that is analyzed. It can be in the form of picture, words, sentences, phrases, graphs, etc. “Data” refers to a collection of organized information, usually the result of experience, observation, experiment. This may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables. Yin, 2011: 130 The data of this research are the conversation between the host and his guest in Talk Indonesia TV Talk show. It consists of the utterances of the host and his guests. The host utterances were chosen to be analyzed because the host is the interviewer, and as the interviewer he had to manage his show by asking and giving comment or feedback. The writer then analyzed the utterances in the perspective of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson 1987. Moreover, the guests’ utterances were also taken to be analyzed because sometimes they create face threatening acts against themselves.

3.3 Method of Collecting Data

The writer used four steps in collecting the data, those are observing, selecting, identifying, and the last is transcribing. a. Observing 60 The basic step of collecting the data was observing several talk shows. This step was taken to get some options about talk shows that would be used in the analysis. b. Selecting After observing some talk shows, selecting step was conducted to decide which talk shows would be used. The selected talk shows were chosen by identifying the sociological background that the guests had. The sociological backgrounds are relative power, social distance, and rank of imposition. The selected talk show must reflect different level of the guests’ sociological background. c. Identifying After the writer selected the talk shows, the writer identified the related data in the talk show by watching it. Th e data are in the form of host’s and guests’ utterances. The writer watched the talk shows thoroughly and repeatedly to understand and get the deep understanding of the whole content, and decide which data that would be taken and relevant with the analysis. d. Transcribing The last step in collecting the data was transcribing the relevant data. It was transcribed orthographically because this study is pragmatic research and it focused on the analysis of politeness strategy.