English For Specific Purposes

2. English for Midwifery

This section discusses some literatures related to the English for Midwifery. They are Mobile Learning, Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Android, and App Inventor. The discussion is presented as follows.

a. English For Specific Purposes

ESP is an approach in English language teaching and learning designed to meet the learners’ needs. Hutchinson and Waters 1987 state that English for specific purposes ESP is an approach to second and foreign languages teaching in which all decisions as to the content and method of instruction are based on the learner’s reason for learning. All the materials and methodology aim at developing the learners’ competence in order to achieve the learners’ learning goals. According to Hutchinson and Waters 1987, in ESP, learners were seen to have different needs and interests, which would have an important influence on their motivation to learn and therefore on the effectiveness of their learning. Thus, what they are taught should be restricted to what they need and their interests. Learners would be demotivated if they are given materials that are not practical and not applicable to convey to their particular role. The ESP learner is usually studying English in order to carry out a particular role, such as that of hotel staff, mechanic, or flight attendant. Richards 2001 states that in ESP, what is needed by the learners is not lessons in ‘advanced English’ or ‘colloquial English, but training in the kinds of English learners would use or encounter in their specific occupations or situations. The materials of the ESP course should be authentic and applicable in the real target situation. If the purpose of the learning is to acquire English for jobs such as doctor or business, the learners do not need to learn about second language acquisition, phonetics, and or phonology. What they need is that the lessons that will make them able to use English in their certain roles of jobs. The ESP course is designed based on the specific needs and interests. Strevens in Richards 2001 states that the content of ESP courses is determined by the restriction of “basic skills’ which are required by the learner’s purposes; the selection of vocabulary, patterns of grammar, functions of language which are required by the learners purpose; the inclusion of themes and topics which are required by the learner’s purposes; and communicative needs which are required by the learner’s purposes. Hutchinson and waters 1987 distinguish between target needs i.e. what the learners need to do in the target situation and learning needs i.e. what the learners need to do in order to learning. Target needs can be looked at in terms of necessities, lacks, and wants. ‘Necessities’ are the type of need determined by the demands of the target situation, that is, what the learner has to know in order to function effectively in the target situation. On the other hand, ‘lacks’ are the gap between what the learners know already and the necessities. The analysis on the target needs and the learners needs alone, however, are not enough. If training was a journey, the learner’s lack could be seen as the starting point and the necessities as the destination. The learners’ wants, are, what the destination should be. It is the learners’ own view as what their needs are. Learning needs, broadly speaking, are the kinds of learning situation that most appeal to the learners so that they would learn effectively. The needs, potential and constraints of the learning situation must also be taken into account if we are going to have any successful analysis of learner needs Hutchinson and Waters, 1987. Information of these needs can be gathered in a number of ways. The most frequently used ways are questionnaires, interviews, observation, data collection, and informal consultations with sponsors, learners, and others. Richtertich and Chancered 1978 propose that learners and teachers can all be involved in determining learner’s needs. Information can be collected about the resources of the teaching institution, objectives, and methods of assessment used. Information will also be needed about the different kinds of activities the learner will be using the language for, the language function involved, the situations, and which of the four skills will be needed.

b. Midwifery Program