




Written by: Puji Lestari 04360117





This thesis was written by Puji Lestari approved on 4th February 2011.

Advisor I, Advisor II,


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on 4th February 2011

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Drs. H. Fauzan, M.Pd

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M 1………

2. Dra. Thathit Manon A, M.Hum 2………

3. Fardini Sabilah, M.Pd 3………



Alhamdulillahi robbil alamin, finally the writer can finish the thesis. First of

all, the writer presents the greatest thank for the merciful and the beneficient Allah

SWT of His blessing in finishing this thesis.

Second, the writer says thank for the advisors, Fardini Sabilah, M.Pd and

Rina Wahyu S, M.Ed for their patience and valuable time to complete this thesis.

Next, her special appreciation for her parents, Kasmani and Rusmini who

always give support and patience, also for her big brother and sister and all of her

family who always support her.

The last, she thanks to all friends especially 77A for wonderful moment and

time that always make her laugh. She will miss you guys.

Malang, 4th February 2011









CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of study………. 1

1.2Statement of Problem………... 3

1.3Purpose of study………... 3

1.4Significance of Study………... 4

1.5Scope and Limitation………... 4

1.6Definition of Key Terms……….. 5


2.2 Novel………... 8

2.3 Kind of Novel………... 8

2.4 Element of Novel……….. 9

2.4.1 Character………... 9

2.4.2 Characteristic……… 10

2.4.3 Characterization……… 11


2.4.5 Conflict……….. 12

2.4.6 Setting……… 13

2.4.7 Theme………. 13


3.2 Approach………. 16

3.3 The Object of the Study……….………….... 17

3.4 Data Collection……… 17

3.5 Data Analysis………. 18


4.1.1 Characteristics of Main Characters………... 19 Bernard L. Rivers Characteristics…….. 19 Conceited……… 19 Liar………. 20 Sly………... 22 Reawakening……….. 24 Mark Preston Characteristics…………. 25 Honest………. 25 Hard Worker………... 26 Curious……… 27 Brave……… 29 Calm………... 29


4.1.2 The Effect of Main Characters’

Characteristics to Their Life……… 31 Bernard L. Rivers ……… 31 Mark Preston……… 32

4.2 Discussion……….. 35

4.3 Lessons………... 36


5.2 Suggestion ……….. 38





Arini, Yunita. R. 2004. The Characteristics of Twin in Danielle Steel’s Novel

“Mirror Image”. Malang: University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education Sixth Edition. Stanford: Wadsworth Thomson Learning Inc.

Barnet, Sylvan, William Burto and William E. Cain. 2006. An Introduction to

Literature Fiction, Poetry and Drama. New York: Pearson Longman.

Beaty, Jerome. 2002. The Northon Introduction to Literature. New York: W.W. Northon and Company

Diyanni, Robert. 2002. Literature (Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama). Boston: Mc Graw Hill.

Eagleton, Terry. 2007. Teori Sastra (Sebuah Pengantar Komprehensif). Yogyakarta: Jala Sutra.

Gordon, Jane Bachman and Karen Kuehner. 1999. Fiction, The Element of Short

Story. National Textbook Company.

Kearns, George. 1984. Apreciating Literature. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Kennedy, X.J. 1983. Literature, An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Toronto: Little Brown and Company.

Koesnosoebroto, Sunaryono Basuki. 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction. Jakarta: Departement Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Krisznel, Laurie G and Stephen R. Mandell. 2001. Literature Reading, Reacting,

Writing. New York: Harcourt College Publisher.

Krisznel, Laurie G and Stephen R. Mandell. 2004. Portable Literature Reading,

Reacting, Writing. Toronto: Thomson Inc.

Kustantini, Eni. 2004. An Analysis on The Characteristics of The Main Characters

of The Novel “A Beautiful Mind” By Sylvia Nasar. Malang: University of

Muhammadiyah Malang.

Madden, Frank. 2007. Exploring Literature. New York: Person Education Inc.

Prinawati, Dian Ayu. 2005. An Analysis on The Main Character’s Conflicts in Judith





This chapter presents the sections, namely, background of study, statement

of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and

definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1Background of Study

Literature as the part of art is interesting to study. People that study

literature will have an enjoyment and it will be more interesting if they study

deeply. According to Kennedy (1983: V), “Literature is kind of art, usually

written, that offers pleasure and illumination.” Reading literary work invites the

readers’ emotional and intellectual involvement and also the readers’ response to

the story. It means that by reading literary works, the reader will get involved in

the characteristics experienced by the character. Reading literary works also gives the readers new experience. They use their thought to understand the condition,

situation, and the characteristics of the characters.

Literary work has some branches such as short story, drama, essay, poetry,

and novel. Novel as one of literary works has a purpose of entertainment,

enjoyment and motivation. According to Kennedy, “Novel is a book-length story

in prose whose author tries to create the sense that, while we read, we experience

actual life” (1983: 180). Some novels usually written based on true story in real


2 they will also get new experience about anything that can happen in life. In

addition, they can get better way of thinking.

Novel has some elements, for example, plot, conflict, setting, theme, point

of view, character, characterization and characteristic. Character is the persons, in

a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with the moral and dispositional qualities

that are expressed in what they say and what they do (Abrams in Koesnosoebroto,

1988: 65). Character is distinguished into two types, main or major character and

supporting or minor character. Koesnosoebroto defines main character is the most

important character in story and supporting character is character of less important

than those of the main (1988: 67). Characteristic supports other elements of novel

such as conflict. Conflict happens because characters in novel have many kinds of

characteristics. Jones in Arini has stated that characteristic is depicting of clear image of a person (2004: 3). The differences of characteristics in novel make the

reader learn more about people’s personality. So, they know how to interact with

others in society.

In this study, the writer chose Peter Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful

Golden Frame” as the subject of research, and focused on the main characters’

characteristics. Peter Chambers is one of England authors who write a lot of great

crime fiction novels who was born in 1924. Peter Chamber wrote more than 30

books. The Beautiful Golden Frame is one of his famous novels. The writer chose

to analyze main characters’ characteristics because main characters’

characteristics always appear from beginning till the end of the story. So in this


3 main characters’ characteristic become important part of the story and support

other elements to make the story more interesting. Furthermore, the story told

about a famous and successful detective ways and efforts to solve a crime case.

The novel analyzed is based on the consideration that characteristics are a

particular attitude that differentiates one individual from another.

The writer considers that this study is a kind of realization in appreciating

of literary work especially novel. By appreciating literature she will get new

insight and new experience in solving problem indirectly from the author’s

solution. The writer hopes that it will train her and the readers to become critical


1.2Statement of Problem

Based on the background above, the problem to be analyzed are follows:

1. What are the characteristics of main characters found in Peter Chambers’

novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”?

2. What are the effects of main characters’ characteristics to their life on

Peter Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”?

1.3Purpose of Study

The main purpose of this study is to know the characteristics of main

characters in novel in order to learn personality of human being. Furthermore, the


4 1. To know the characteristics of the main characters found in Peter

Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”

2. To know the effects of main characters’ characteristics to their life on

Peter Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”

1.4Significance of Study

The result of this study is expected to give more information to those who

study literary work especially characteristics of main characters. Since the aspects

of human life are reflected in the novel, we can learn by reading the objective

aspect, which are pictured in characteristics of characters, actions and words.

Furthermore, the writer hopes that the description of characteristics on the

main characters will serve as an additional source for students of UMM in order that they have opportunity to make up their own mind to understand about

literature, especially to understand about the story of novel.

1.5Scope and Limitation

Dealing with the title of the thesis, the writer of the thesis would like to

analyze literary works, especially a novel. The writer only focuses the discussion

on the main characters, namely Preston and Bernard L. Rivers. In fact, Preston

and Bernard L. Rivers have more than ten characteristics in the whole of story in

“The Beautiful Golden Frame”. It is impossible for the writer of the thesis to

analyze all of them. Therefore, the problems discussed here are considerably


5 characteristics of Preston and Bernard L. Rivers as main characters that affect

their life.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

To make the study clear to the readers and to avoid misunderstanding, the

writer would like to present several definitions of key terms:

1. Analysis is a description about element that has purpose to comprehend the

relationship between one element and others in supporting the meaning of

the literary work. (Sudjiman in Prinawati, 2005: 4)

2. Characteristic is depicting of clear image of a person (Jones in Arini,

2004: 3)

3. Main character is the most important character in story of novel

(Koesnosoebroto, 1988: 67).

4. Novel is a book-length story in prose, whose author tries to create the

sense that, while we read, we experience actual life. (Kennedy, 1983: 180).

5. Peter Chambers is the author of “The Beautiful Golden Frame” novel

written in 1982. He dedicated his life to write novel or short story about


6. The Beautiful Golden Frame is the title of Peter Chambers’ novel that is



Arini, Yunita. R. 2004. The Characteristics of Twin in Danielle Steel’s Novel “Mirror Image”. Malang: University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education Sixth Edition. Stanford: Wadsworth Thomson Learning Inc.

Barnet, Sylvan, William Burto and William E. Cain. 2006. An Introduction to Literature Fiction, Poetry and Drama. New York: Pearson Longman.

Beaty, Jerome. 2002. The Northon Introduction to Literature. New York: W.W. Northon and Company

Diyanni, Robert. 2002. Literature (Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama). Boston: Mc Graw Hill.

Eagleton, Terry. 2007. Teori Sastra (Sebuah Pengantar Komprehensif). Yogyakarta: Jala Sutra.

Gordon, Jane Bachman and Karen Kuehner. 1999. Fiction, The Element of Short Story. National Textbook Company.

Kearns, George. 1984. Apreciating Literature. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Kennedy, X.J. 1983. Literature, An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Toronto: Little Brown and Company.

Koesnosoebroto, Sunaryono Basuki. 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction. Jakarta: Departement Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Krisznel, Laurie G and Stephen R. Mandell. 2001. Literature Reading, Reacting, Writing. New York: Harcourt College Publisher.

Krisznel, Laurie G and Stephen R. Mandell. 2004. Portable Literature Reading, Reacting, Writing. Toronto: Thomson Inc.

Kustantini, Eni. 2004. An Analysis on The Characteristics of The Main Characters of The Novel “A Beautiful Mind” By Sylvia Nasar. Malang: University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Madden, Frank. 2007. Exploring Literature. New York: Person Education Inc. Prinawati, Dian Ayu. 2005. An Analysis on The Main Character’s Conflicts in Judith




This chapter presents the sections, namely, background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1Background of Study

Literature as the part of art is interesting to study. People that study literature will have an enjoyment and it will be more interesting if they study deeply. According to Kennedy (1983: V), “Literature is kind of art, usually written, that offers pleasure and illumination.” Reading literary work invites the readers’ emotional and intellectual involvement and also the readers’ response to the story. It means that by reading literary works, the reader will get involved in the characteristics experienced by the character. Reading literary works also gives the readers new experience. They use their thought to understand the condition, situation, and the characteristics of the characters.

Literary work has some branches such as short story, drama, essay, poetry, and novel. Novel as one of literary works has a purpose of entertainment, enjoyment and motivation. According to Kennedy, “Novel is a book-length story in prose whose author tries to create the sense that, while we read, we experience actual life” (1983: 180). Some novels usually written based on true story in real life. That is why in reading a novel, the readers will not only get enjoyment but


they will also get new experience about anything that can happen in life. In addition, they can get better way of thinking.

Novel has some elements, for example, plot, conflict, setting, theme, point of view, character, characterization and characteristic. Character is the persons, in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with the moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they do (Abrams in Koesnosoebroto, 1988: 65). Character is distinguished into two types, main or major character and supporting or minor character. Koesnosoebroto defines main character is the most important character in story and supporting character is character of less important than those of the main (1988: 67). Characteristic supports other elements of novel such as conflict. Conflict happens because characters in novel have many kinds of characteristics. Jones in Arini has stated that characteristic is depicting of clear image of a person (2004: 3). The differences of characteristics in novel make the reader learn more about people’s personality. So, they know how to interact with others in society.

In this study, the writer chose Peter Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame” as the subject of research, and focused on the main characters’ characteristics. Peter Chambers is one of England authors who write a lot of great crime fiction novels who was born in 1924. Peter Chamber wrote more than 30 books. The Beautiful Golden Frame is one of his famous novels. The writer chose to analyze main characters’ characteristics because main characters’ characteristics always appear from beginning till the end of the story. So in this story, main characters’ characteristics exist with more variations. Because of it,


main characters’ characteristic become important part of the story and support other elements to make the story more interesting. Furthermore, the story told about a famous and successful detective ways and efforts to solve a crime case. The novel analyzed is based on the consideration that characteristics are a particular attitude that differentiates one individual from another.

The writer considers that this study is a kind of realization in appreciating of literary work especially novel. By appreciating literature she will get new insight and new experience in solving problem indirectly from the author’s solution. The writer hopes that it will train her and the readers to become critical persons.

1.2Statement of Problem

Based on the background above, the problem to be analyzed are follows: 1. What are the characteristics of main characters found in Peter Chambers’

novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”?

2. What are the effects of main characters’ characteristics to their life on Peter Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”?

1.3Purpose of Study

The main purpose of this study is to know the characteristics of main characters in novel in order to learn personality of human being. Furthermore, the specific purpose is to answer the research problems, namely;


1. To know the characteristics of the main characters found in Peter Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”

2. To know the effects of main characters’ characteristics to their life on Peter Chambers’ novel “The Beautiful Golden Frame”

1.4Significance of Study

The result of this study is expected to give more information to those who study literary work especially characteristics of main characters. Since the aspects of human life are reflected in the novel, we can learn by reading the objective aspect, which are pictured in characteristics of characters, actions and words.

Furthermore, the writer hopes that the description of characteristics on the main characters will serve as an additional source for students of UMM in order that they have opportunity to make up their own mind to understand about literature, especially to understand about the story of novel.

1.5Scope and Limitation

Dealing with the title of the thesis, the writer of the thesis would like to analyze literary works, especially a novel. The writer only focuses the discussion on the main characters, namely Preston and Bernard L. Rivers. In fact, Preston and Bernard L. Rivers have more than ten characteristics in the whole of story in “The Beautiful Golden Frame”. It is impossible for the writer of the thesis to analyze all of them. Therefore, the problems discussed here are considerably limited to avoid aimless discussion. The writer limits her study on the ten


characteristics of Preston and Bernard L. Rivers as main characters that affect their life.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

To make the study clear to the readers and to avoid misunderstanding, the writer would like to present several definitions of key terms:

1. Analysis is a description about element that has purpose to comprehend the relationship between one element and others in supporting the meaning of the literary work. (Sudjiman in Prinawati, 2005: 4)

2. Characteristic is depicting of clear image of a person (Jones in Arini, 2004: 3)

3. Main character is the most important character in story of novel (Koesnosoebroto, 1988: 67).

4. Novel is a book-length story in prose, whose author tries to create the sense that, while we read, we experience actual life. (Kennedy, 1983: 180). 5. Peter Chambers is the author of “The Beautiful Golden Frame” novel written in 1982. He dedicated his life to write novel or short story about crime.

6. The Beautiful Golden Frame is the title of Peter Chambers’ novel that is analyzed in this study.