PT WIJAYA KARYA PERSERO, Tbk. PT WIJAYA KARYA PERSERO, Tbk. DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Maret 2015 dan 31 Desember 2014 For the period ended March 31, 2015 and Desember 31, 2014 Disajikan dalam ribuan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain Expressed in thousand Rupiah, unless otherwise stated Proyek Jalan Sorek Meranti-Gintung, Riau Jalan Sorek Meranti-Gintung Project, Riau PENDAPATAN YANG AKAN DITERIMA Pelanggan PT Wijaya Karya Persero Tbk PT Wijaya Karya Persero, Tbk Departemen Investasi Invesment Department PLTG Borang 60 MW PLTG Borang 60 MW PLTD Ambon PLTD Ambon PLTMG Rengat 20 MW PLTMG Rengat 20 MW Pusat Manajemen Head Office Pelanggan PT WIKA Industri Konstruksi PT WIKA Industri Konstruksi Customer Pelanggan PT WIKA Beton PT WIKA Beton Customer Jumlah Total PIUTANG LAIN-LAIN OTHER RECEIVABLES Akun ini terdiri dari: This account consists of: Pusat Manajemen Head Office Piutang lain-lain Konstruksi Other receivable Construction Departemen Investasi Investment Department Departemen Sipil Umum Civil Construction Department Departemen Wilayah Region Department Departemen Industrial Plant Industrial Plant Department Departemen Bangunan Gedung Building Construction Dept. PT WIKA Industri Konstruksi PT WIKA Industri Konstruksi PT WIKA Beton PT WIKA Beton PT WIKA Realty PT WIKA Realty PT WIKA Gedung PT WIKA Gedung PT WIKA Bitumen PT WIKA Bitumen PT WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi PT WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi Sub Jumlah Sub Total Akumulasi penurunan nilai Allowance for impairment Jumlah Total Rincian Piutang Lain-lain per pelanggan : Details of Others Receivable by customers consists of : PT Jasa Asuransi Indonesia PT Jasa Asuransi Indonesia PT Tobishima - Wika KSO PT Tobishima - Wika KSO PT Artama Indocitramulia PT Artama Indocitramulia PT Propelat PT Propelat KSO Wika-Navigat-Mega Eltra KSO Wika-Navigat-Mega Eltra PT Sece PT Sece PT Dharma Naga Energy PT Dharma Naga Energy Jumlah dipindahkan Carried forward 6,592,804 - 10,757,700 10,757,700 2,784,920 77,577,795 3,721,026 8. 8. 2015 2014 3,350,513 2,771,115 913,098 2,038,945 1,635,785 6,991,758 Mar Mar Des Dec 13,700,000 13,700,000 7. 7. ACCRUED INCOME 1,305,498 5,985,310 112,448,080 82,846,239 38,659,708 33,445,912 Pendapatan akan diterima merupakan piutang usaha yang belum ditagihkan selain dari aktivitas pelaksanaan proyek, dengan rincian sebagai berikut: Accured income represents unbilled trade receivables from other than project construction activites, details are as follows: 2015 2014 38,939,085 102,709,241 102,709,241 1,013,671 2014 9,394,171 141,065,408 16,682 10,574,608 149,268,420 Perseroan mempunyai tagihan bruto Rp2.854.337 atas eskalasi Proyek Jalan Sorek Meranti. Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Propinsi Riau belum melakukan pembayaran karena adanya perbedaan cara perhitungan eskalasi. Penyelesaian tagihan bruto tersebut melalui BANI . Sisa tagihan bruto per 31 Maret 2015 senilai Rp 1.036.155 3,610,465 5,874,868 13,814,146 29,519,032 Mar Des 24,911 32,409,759 116,739,418 108,655,649 Mar Des Dec 39,334,860 7,371,078 7,371,078 34,286,415 34,286,415 990,886 19,913,585 20,274,971 20,072,324 60,583,069 6,998,956 480,120 485,370 The Company has the account remain of do from customer amounting to Rp2,854,337 for the escalation of Sorek Meranti Road Project. Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Provinsi Riau has not made payments due to the different way of calculating the escalation. Completion of the due from customers through BANI . The remain of due from customer in March 31, 2015 is Rp 1.036.155 6,301,836 Mar 15,788,144 15,788,144 13,814,146 6,991,758 21,709,173 - 2015 32,529,002 Dec Mar 6,742,597 62