The Techniques of Collecting the Data The Techniques of Analyzing the Data

commit to user 24 6. Revising the Plan Based on the weaknesses found from the activity that has been carried out, the researcher revises the plan for the next cycle. It is done to get better results of the method she applied.

E. The Techniques of Collecting the Data

In this classroom action research, the researcher uses qualitative and quantitative methods in collecting the data. Each of them is explained as follows: 1. Observation In this research, the observation was done to describe the activities and class situation during the teaching-learning process when the YouTube video applied. When the researcher that is also a teacher taught vocabulary using video, the observer observes, evaluates, and offers suggestion about the application of video in English class. 2. Documents The documents were in the form of lesson plans and students’ worksheets and it was used to gain the information about the students’ progress in vocabulary competence. 3. Interview The researcher used interview to get information from the students toward their perception about English, their understanding about the lesson, and the strength and weaknesses of the application of video in teaching-learning process. It was held at the beginning and the end of the research. 4. Research diary In this research, the researcher made her own diaries to write some important notes toward the students’ behavior and also its improvement during teaching- learning process. 5. Photographs By taking photographs, it helped the researcher to describe the real situation during teaching-learning process. commit to user 25 6. Tests In this research, the tests involved pretest and posttests. Pretest was given to identify the students’ vocabulary before the method applied while posttests were given to measure the improvement of students’ vocabulary after applying video in English class.

F. The Techniques of Analyzing the Data

After collecting the data, the next step is analyzing the data. In order to analyze the qualitative data gained from observation, interview, research diary, documents, and photographs, the researcher analyzes them by using interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman 1992: 16. The procedures are as follows: 1. Data Reduction Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data appear in written-up field notes or transcription. Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, sorts, focuses, discards, and organizes data in such a way that “final” conclusions can be drawn and verified. 2. Data Display Generally, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusions drawing and action. The most frequent form of display for qualitative data has been extended text. 3. Conclusion DrawingVerification Conclusion drawing is only a half of a Gemini configuration. Conclusions are also verified as the analyst proceeds. Verification may be as a brief as a fleeting second thought crossing the analyst’s mind during writing. On the other hand, the pretest and posttests that belong to the quantitative data were presented with the mean score of pretest and posttests and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The formula as follows: N x x ∑ = N y y ∑ = commit to user 26 In which x = mean of pre-test score y = mean of posttest score N = number of samples commit to user 27