





Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Art,

Sebelas Maret University


Evi Falenti C9307006








Approved to be examined before the Board of Examiners, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University

Final Project Report :


Name : Evi Falenti

NIM : C9307006


Drs. S. Budi Waskito, MP.d NIP. 195211081983031001



Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiners, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University

Report Title :


Student’s name : Evi Falenti

NIM : C9307006

Examination Date : 30 June 2010

The Board of Examiners:

1. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A (………)

(Chairperson) NIP. 197111301999031001

2. M. Farchan Mujahidin, S.Ag, M.Ag (………)

(Secretary) NIP. 197007162005011003

3. Drs. S. Budi Waskito, M.Pd (………)

(Main Examiner) NIP. 195211081983031101

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts sebelas Maret University


Drs. Sudarno, M.A NIP. 195303141985061001




Ketika kau sudah berniat

Azammu sudah bulat

Ikhitiarmu sudah dasyat

Maka yakinlah bahwa

Pertolongan ALLOH SWT sangatlah dekat.

Keep smile and Spirit

(the writer)



My beloved family Who always pray and support me My beloved deceased nephew (Alm.Hamzah ash Shidiq) As my spirit My fiancé Who always support and guide me All of you




The writer would like to say Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin to Alloh SWT for all blessing and guidance in writing this final project. This final project is written to fulfill the requirement in obtaining degree of English Diploma Program. This final project is written based on the job training activity which was done in SMP N 19 Surakata. The job training activity was held from February 1st up to March 6th 2010.

This final project entitled “ Enriching Students Vocabulary Acquisition to Improve Students Achievement in English for VII Grade Students in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta.” The writer is interested to discuss the process of English teaching and learning activities, teaching processes of enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve students’ achievement in English for VII grade students of SMP N 19 Surakarta. Here, the writer also discusses the problems and its solutions of enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition.

The writer believes that this final project is far from being perfect. There might be some errors and mistakes in it. Therefore, the writer hopes any suggestions and advices to improve the quality of this final project. Hopefully, this final project is able to give some benefits to the readers.

Finally, the writer would like to say thank you to everyone who help until the completion of this final project.

Surakarta, June 5th, 2010



Alhamdulillahirobil’alamin. All praise for Allloh SWT the Almighty; because of rahmatulloh this final project is finished. I also would like to say my deepest thanks to:

1. The Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Art, Sebelas Maret University, Drs. Sudarno, M.A

2. The Head of English Diploma Program, Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A, I would like to say thanks you for your guidance during my study. 3. The Secretary of Diploma Program, M. Farhan M, S.Ag, and all of the

administrators of English Diploma Program. I would like to say thank you for your help during my study.

4. My Academic Supervisor, Dr. Djatmika, M.A, I thank you for your help during my study.

5. My Supervisor Drs. S. Budi Waskito, M.Pd. I thank you for your time and your guidance during my study.

6. All of lectures of English Diploma Program for giving me a valuable knowledge.

7. The Headmaster of SMP N 19 Surakarta, Hj. Endang Mangularsih, S.Pd, MM,M.Pd. I thank you for giving me a chance to have the job training

8. The English teachers of SMP N 19 Surakarta and also all of the teachers, the administrators and the students especially VII grade students, I thank you for your help, guidance and support during my job training. I do apologize if I made mistakes during the job training. 9. My beloved parents, I thank you for fulfilling me with you love and



10.My beloved family, my brothers and my sisters in law, I thank you for your wonderful joke and support.

11. My beloved fiancé, I thank you for your wonderful guidance and spirit.

12. The English Diploma Program especially 2007 year, Ery, Indah and “nyak” you are my best friend, thanks for your jokes and unforgettable moments during my study.

13. My friends who always accompany me and share everything in writing this final project, Fritriana, Bashir, and Ery.

14.My proofreaders, Pandu and mbak. Fatimah , I thank you for your help and guidance.

Finally, I realize that this report still has mistakes and errors, I apologize for it.

Surakarta, June 27, 2010



Evi Falenti. 2010. Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition to Improve Students’ Achievement in English for VII Grade Students in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project was written based on the writer’s job training as an English teacher in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta which was done for one and a half month. The writer took three classes in VII D, VII E, and VII F as the subject to be observed. This final project discusses the effectiveness of enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve students’ achievement in English for VII grade students in junior high school.

The objectives of making this final project report are to describe the English teaching and learning process, to describe the English teaching process of enriching students’ vocabulary to improve students’ achievement in English, to describe the effectiveness or positive effects of enriching students’ vocabulary to improve students’ achievement in English, to describe the problems and their solution which give influence to the English teaching process to VII Grade students in SMP Negeri 19 Surakata.

During the job training, the writer took some activities to collect the data by doing observation at the school and in the class, interviewing the English teacher to get more information about the school and the English teaching and learning process.

The writer decided to enrich students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve students’ achievement in English. The writer divided the activities in the class into four stages, they were, Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF), modeling, joint and independent construction of the text. The writer started the class with BKOF that consist of greeting, brainstorming, reviewing last material and introducing new material. Next, the writer delivered the whole of the material through modeling. The writer also gave the exercises to the students through joint and independent construction of the text. Here, the writer still guided the students in doing these exercises. At the last the writer evaluated the students’ works and discussed the mistakes they made. Besides, the writer use a variation teaching method to make the students interested in learning English. There were some problems that encountered the teaching and learning process such as, the difficulties of understanding and memorizing certain vocabulary, the difficulties of expressing their idea in English, the using of grammar, the influence of Indonesian language, laziness or unstable emotion and interest in learning English, but in the end of the job training the writer found that all the problems got improved. This was the fact, that enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition could be applied to improve students’ achievement in English.




TITTLE………..……… i



MOTTO……….………... iv

DEDICATION……….……….……. v

PREFACE………...…. vi


ABSTRACT…………...……….………... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS……….………..………... x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background……….. 1

B. Objectives………....…………... 3

C. Benefits……….…..………. 3

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW A. Introduction………..……….... 5

B. Teaching and Learning……….….………..… 5

C. Teaching English to Young Learners…..……….…... 7

D. The Importance of Vocabulary in Second Language Acquisition……….………..…… 8


E. The Implication of Vocabulary Acquisition for Students

Achievement in English………..……. 9

F. Strategies in Teaching English Vocabulary…….……….... 10

CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION A. Introduction……….... 14

B. Description of SMP N 19 Surakarta...…….……... 14

1. General description….……….….. 14

2. Facilities……….... 15

3. Extracurricular Activities………... 16

C. Job Training Activity………….……… 17

1. School Observation……..……….. 17

2. Class Observation.……….………. 18

3. Lesson Plan Making…………..……….. 19

4. Teaching and Learning Process………..……. 25

D. Problems in Enriching Students Vocabulary Acquisition for VII Grade Students of SMP N 19 Surakarta……….. 27


B. Suggestion………..……….. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY





A. Background

Man is a social creature who needs and does social interaction. We communicate with peers using language. Formerly, sign language was often used when we had not known present language. Nowadays, a language is needed more as a means of communication, a message conveyor, especially English as an International language.

Indonesia as an archipelago country has many various kinds of languages. There are hundreds of regional languages that are used by Indonesian people besides Indonesian as the national language. Nowadays we faced globalization era so we are demanded to master international language. As we know that English is the one of international language. English has pivotal role as a communication means for both oral and written. Therefore, English is taught to young learners in the early age in Indonesia and all over the world. English has been taught to young learners at pre-school until university

As English learners, we surely want to use English fluently. The first step toward that goal is to have a rich vocabulary acquisition. Unfortunately, English teaching and learning processes in Indonesia as a second language have some problems, such as vocabulary acquisition. Vocabulary acquisition becomes one of the major obstacles in teaching young learners.


Based on the observation during the teaching-learning process to VII grade students of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta, the writer found some difficulties in English teaching and learning process because of the limitation of students’ vocabulary acquisition. It is the reason why the students still do not understand the meaning of the reading text, question or teacher’s explanation and the students still made errors when the students make or compound sentence because of vocabulary. It is true that every English teacher often finds some difficulties to improve students’ achievement in English due to the limitation of students’ vocabulary acquisition, especially in teaching young learners. However, the important thing is that the teachers of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta afford to solve this problem through enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition in an appropriate ways.

The writer was interested to improve students’ achievement in English of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta through enriching students’ vocabulary because there were still many difficulties encountered in English teaching and learning process during the job training. Actually, in this final project, the writer would present discussion and report entitled “ Enriching Students Vocabulary Acquisition to Improve Students Achievement in English for VII Grade Students in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta.”



B. Objectives

The objectives of making this final project are:

1. To describe the English teaching and learning process of VII Grade students of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta.

2. To describe the English teaching process of enriching students’ vocabulary to improve students’ achievement in English to VII Grade students of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta.

3. To describe the effectiveness or positive effects of enriching students’ vocabulary to improve students’ achievement in English.

4. To describe the problems and their solution which give influence to the English teaching process to VII Grade students in SMP Negeri 19 Surakata.

C. Benefit

It is expected that the final project will give benefit to the following parties: 1. The English teachers of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta, especially the VII Grade

English teachers.

The writer expects this report will give contributions to the teachers concerning with the students’ achievement in English. It is also expected that this report will give information to the teachers about the appropriate method to improve students’ achievement in English through enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition.


2. The students of VII Grade in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta.

This report is expected to give benefit to the students of VII Grade in SMP negeri 19 Surakarta to improve their achievement in English through enriching teir vocabulary acquisition.

3. The English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

The writer hopes that this final report could be beneficial for the readers and could be used as the reference for those who are interested in English teaching and learning field.





A. Introduction

In chapter II, the writer will discuss some literature review related to the topic of discussion in this report. Here the writer presents at least five main topics, covering teaching and learning, teaching to young learners, the importance of vocabulary in second language acquisition, the implication of vocabulary acquisition for students’ achievement in English, and the strategies in teaching English vocabulary.

All of the part as mentioned above will be explained in details bellow.

B. Teaching and Learning

Teaching can not be separated from learning because it is considered as a part of learning activity where there is an interaction between the teachers and the students. The teachers deliver the knowledge or the material to the students and the students give feedback to the teachers.

Based on this situation, there are many definitions about teaching and learning. First, according to the Brown, teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, providing with the knowledge, causing to know or understanding (1994:7). According to this statement, it can be concluded that in teaching activity, the teachers are not only demanded to give the material and the task, but also asked to guide the students in doing the task, finding and correcting the mistakes they made.


Meanwhile, learning is the learners’ or students’ activity during the teaching and learning process. According to the Oxford Learners’ Pocket Dictionary, learning means process of gaining knowledge or skill in a subject or activity (Oxford, 1995:237). Brown (2000:7) in his book Principle of Language Learning and Teaching breaks down the component of definition of leaning as follows:

1. Learning is acquisition or getting.

2. Learning is retention of information or skill.

3. Retention implies storage system, memory, and cognitive organization. 4. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside

or inside the organism.

5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.

6. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice. 7. Learning is a chance in behavior.

Hock and Hill define learning as a continuous process of selecting and interacting with experience that tend to satisfy the students’ motives. They also explain that learning process involves the selection and rejection of information or knowledge and also activities which give them a personal meaning of each student. Therefore, each student learns what is taught to extent that teaching has personal meaning for her/him (1960:22).

Hock and Hill also state that the kind of learning in a public school is searching what we call effective learning. Both teachers and learners are aware that behavior changes may be in an undesirable direction as well as in a desirable one. It means



that to be a good teacher, she/he needs to know in what direction a student’s learning are taking him. Hock and Hill also define that teaching must be personalized to the highest degree attainable within the realistic restriction under which we operate, such as teachers’ load, class size, heterogeneity of groups, and limited finances (1960:23).

C. Teaching English to Young Learners

Teaching English as a second language to young learners in the early age is very important, because as it is known that English is an international language. Moreover, teaching English to young learners at the early age is easier than teaching English to adult because young learners or children have a great motivation to learn. Kerstin and Klein define that teaching young learners is different from teaching adults. Young learners tend to change their mood every other minute. On the other hand, they show a greater motivation than adults to do thing that appeal to them.

According to Philips, young learners are children from the first year of formal schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or twelve years of age (2996:5). Besides, Suyanto states that the learners who attain the age of 8-10 years old are ready enough to learn language. The language that they have will help them in the learning English (Suyanto, 2007:19). Based on the statement above it can be concluded that young learners who attain the age of 5-12 years old are ready to learn language.


D. The Importance Of Vocabulary In Second Language Acquisition

Vocabulary is central to language and critical importance to the typical language learners. Vocabulary is one of the important things in teaching language especially English as a second language. Vocabulary can not be separated from learning language because it is considered as a part of language. The first thing that is taught when studying language especially English is vocabulary. Nevertheless, the teaching and learning of vocabulary have been undervalued in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) throughout its varying stages and up to the present day. Hockett states that one of the most influential structural linguistic of the day went so far as to argue that vocabulary was the easiest aspect of a second language to learn and that it hardly required formal attention in the classroom. (In James Coday and Thomas Huckin, 1997:1)

According to Wilkins, without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” His view is echoed in this advice to students from a recent course book (Dellar H and Hocking D, Innovations, LTP): “If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words!”(In Scott Thornbury, 2002:13). Shortly, it can be concluded that in learning language, we should have a lot of vocabulary because without vocabulary it is difficult to express and to understand something.



Since then, however, the status of vocabulary has been considerably enhanced. This has come about partly as a result of the development of communicative approaches to language teaching, and partly through the stimulus of comprehension based methods such as the Natural Approach (Krashen and Terrell). Proponents of these methods point out that in the early stages of learning and using a second language one is better served by vocabulary than grammar, and that one can, in effect, ‘bypass’ grammar in going for meaning if one has reasonable vocabulary base.(In Theodore Rodgers, 1984: 117)

Moreover, Rivers argues that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because, without and extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and functions we may have learned for comprehensible communication. (In Theodore Rodgers, 1984: 117)

According to the definitions above, it can be concluded that learning language is always related to vocabulary. If English learners have a rich vocabulary acquisition, they will be easier to master English and to improve their achievement in English.

E. The Implication of Vocabulary Acquisition for Students’ Achievement in


Vocabulary is very important for English learners. As English learners, students surely want to use English fluently and reach a great achievement in English, but the major obstacle of these goals is the limitation of students’ vocabulary acquisition.


The first thing toward these goals is having a rich vocabulary acquisition. Most learners, too, acknowledge the importance of vocabulary acquisition.

As what has been mentioned before by Rivers, he argues that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because, without and extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and functions we may have learned for comprehensible communication. According to West, learners who have an adequate vocabulary will be able to express their idea they wanted. On recent days, it becomes a consensus of opinion that the development of a rich vocabulary is a prominent element in the acquisition of second language.

Moreover, Fox argues that learners who want to comprehend such material need a much extensive receptive vocabulary. Receptive here means words are those which readers understand but which they do not necessary use.

Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that as English learners who want to improve their achievement in English, firstly they should have rich vocabularies acquisition to make them easier in understanding and expressing their idea in English.

F. Strategies in Teaching English Vocabulary

Strategy is one of the important things in teaching process. An appropriate strategy gives advantages for both of teachers and students. According to Nation, strategy is an important way to make learners learn language easily. There are several kinds of strategy as mentioned:


xxxi 1. Writing the word in the board

2. Getting the learner to repeat the pronunciation of the word 3. Showing the spelling of the word

4. Giving the stress pattern of the word and the pronunciation 5. Showing the prefix, stem, and suffix that make up the word 6. Pointing out any spelling irregularities in the word

(Nation, 2008:98)

Besides, Nattinger presents a number of classroom techniques for vocabulary developments. These are briefly described below:

Ÿ Comprehension

Context clues. Technique for guessing vocabulary from context including activating background knowledge from the topic of a text, obtaining clues from grammatical structure, pronunciation and punctuation, and using the natural redundancy of surrounding words. For example, the reader should be able to guess the meaning of ‘workaholic’ in the following sentence: ‘my father was a workaholic, he worked so long and so hard that we rarely show him.’

Ÿ Word morphology

Learners can be taught to extend their vocabulary by mixing and matching words stems, suffixes and affixes.


Ÿ Mnemonic device

This is a form of mnemonic in which a list of words to be learned is associated with a familiar visual image such as a room or a well known tourist spot.

Ÿ Paired associates

In this technique, which is similar to the use of loci, words in the first and second language which have some similarity of sound and meaning are associated.

Ÿ Key words

Here the target vocabulary items are paired with its native language equivalent in an idiosyncratic way.

(In Theodore Rodgers, 1984: 134)

Moreover, Graves and Rein suggest that in deciding how to teach a vocabulary item, the teachers should consider how they can get the meaning across most clearly and most quickly. Many new words can be understood through the context. The teachers can draw the students’ attention to the aids wherever they exist. Concrete visual examples are usually best. If the students’ book does not provide relevant illustrations, the teachers can use classroom media, such as the students’ uniforms, mime, stick-figure drawings on the board, or pictures from a magazine or a picture dictionary such as the New Oxford Picture Dictionary. When illustration is not possible, the teachers can use synonym or paraphrased verbal explanations. As the teachers speak, they can write on the board to ensure that the students follow the



teachers’ explanation. When there is no other efficient way to teach a vocabulary item, the teachers can ask the students to use a bilingual dictionary, or both of the teachers and the students can offer a translation; but they should consider the use of native language a last result. Dependence on bilingual dictionaries encourages the students to see English in terms of their native language and to translate word for word. Therefore, it prevents them from relying on context and other clues essential to effective language learning. (In Theodore Rodgers, 1984: 127)

These strategies above are important to support the students in learning English vocabulary. Therefore the writer chooses these strategies in order to make effectiveness of English teaching learning activity.




A. Introduction

In this chapter, the discussion is based on the activities done in the job training. The chapter III is divided into three main points. They are: school description, job training activities, and problems in enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve students’ achievement in English for VII grade students of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta.

The three main points above will be presented in this chapter.

B. Description of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta

1. General description

SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta is one of the favorite junior high schools in Surakarta. It is located in Brondongan Street – Serengan, Surakarta. SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta was established in 1981.

SMP Negeri 19 Surakata has a large area. The total area is about 2,300 m2 and this area is divided into two parts, they are 1,700m2 for the building and 600 m2 for the yard, parking area and the basketball field. The building in this school is divided into several rooms, they are; a headmaster office, a teacher room, a guiding and counseling room, a school committee room, a living room, a student committee room, a school health unit, a computer and multimedia room, a library, a language



laboratory, a scientific laboratory, a mosque, eighteen classrooms, six canteens, a kitchen, and ten toilets. In the middle of the building, there is a square field which is used for sport activity and ceremony.

Like other junior high schools, SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta consists of three grades. They are grade VII, grade VIII, and grade IX. Those grades have different number of students. Each grade consists of six classes and thirty five up to forty students for each class.

SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta has a school committee and 64 staff. They can be divided into: a headmaster, a vice headmaster, administrators, forty three teachers including subject teacher, eighteen class teachers, three guiding and counseling teachers, a librarian and a laboratory staff, a cleaning service, and a security officer.

2. Facilities

School without facilities can not reach the expected goals of the main purpose of education. There are some facilities which are owned by SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta, such as library, scientific laboratory, language laboratory, art room with supporting facilities inside.

In the library the students can read and borrow some books to support their study or even to refresh their mind. Meanwhile, in the language laboratory the students can practice English skills especially listening and speaking. Besides, in the art room the students can practice how to make some handicrafts and to practice dancing.


3. Extracurricular Activities

SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta has three extracurricular activities that could be followed and enjoyed by the students. These extracurricular activities could be divided into:

a. Scout

Scout is a very useful activity for students to train their creativity, teamwork, skill or facing problems. This activity can also increase their independence and their solidarity to other human being. This extracurricular is held once a week on Friday.

The scout trainers only supervise the activities but the activities are conducted by the chief assistants who are taken from selected students. Scout extracurricular starts from 2 pm until 4 pm. It is a compulsory extracurricular for the VII and VIII grade students.

b. Basketball

Basketball is one of the units of sport. This sport is held once a week on Tuesday, starting from 2.30 pm up to 4 pm for each meeting. The students who are permitted to join this activity are the chosen students of the seventh to the eighth grades.


xxxvii c. Religion activity

Religion activity focuses on reading the Holy Qur’an (BTA and Qira’ah). This activity is held everyday before the students begin to study in the class.

C. Job Training Activity

The job training activity was started from February 1st 2010 up to March 17th 2010. The writer did some activities during the job training; they were school observation, class observation, lesson plan making, teaching and learning practice. Here are some explanations of the writer about the activities during the job training period:

1. School Observation

School observation was done in January 29th 2010 up to January 30th 2010. The purpose of this activity was to know the school environment and to make the writer as a trainee knows the situation of SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta. During this period, the vice headmaster of curriculum system gave explanation about the job description of the writer, the rules of the job training, and the class schedule.

The writer was asked to teach the VII grade or the first year of junior high school. There are six classes in this grade, VII A up to VII F. Each class has 35 up to 40 students. The school asked the writer to teach and to handle class VII D up to VII F.


2. Class Observation

Class observation was done by the writer before conducting the job training. The class observation was aimed to observe the class room condition, the English teaching learning activity and all information needed to teach English to the students. The writer observed class VII D, VII E, and VII F. Physically, both of VII E and VII F were conducive enough for teaching, but VII D was more noisy and active. There are 18 - 20 desks and 36 – 40 chairs for 36 – 40 students. Besides, there are some facilities such as white board, black board, an attendance board, first aid kid boxes, some visual aids at the back of the class, a door and ten windows in each class.

Every class has five hours for English lesson in a week based on the class schedule. An hour of the lesson is about forty minutes. The teaching and learning process of English lesson in VII D was held on Wednesday at 08.25-09.45, Friday at 08.25-09.05, and Saturday at 09.45-11.35, and for VII E was held at Monday at 08.25-09.45, Friday at 09.45-11.35, and Saturday at 09.45-10.05. While in VII F it was held on Monday at 11.35-12.10, Wednesday at 08.20 and Friday at 07.00-08.20.

During the class observation period, the writer observed the way of teacher’s teaching the students, the condition of this class, and the material which is used. The materials used by the teacher are “Let’s Talk for VII Grade Junior High School” distributed by BOS as main students’ handbook which was lent by the library and used for every meeting and also “Inovasi, Membina Kreativitas untuk Berprestasi, Kelas VII” by Pustaka Mulia as students’ worksheet.



3. Lesson plan making

As a good teacher, he or she should prepare everything well before she or he teaches the class. He or she should think carefully about what will be taught in his or her class and he or she should plan what should be reached by the students in the end of the teaching and learning activity. That is why a good teacher needs a lesson plan. A good lesson plan is a mixture of materials and activities. Therefore, both the teacher and the students will enjoy the class. Moreover, the students can be active during the teaching learning activity and can be able to achieve the goal of this activity. The function of lesson plan is actually for guiding the teacher in teaching based on the topic being discussed.

The writer made the lesson plan in the first week of the job training period. One lesson plan can be presented more than one meeting. It depends on the length of time, the difficulties of the material, and the students’ ability in accepting the material. There are four stages of lesson plan, such as: Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF), Modeling of the Text, Join Construction of the Text and Independent Construction of the Text. Before making the lesson plan, the teacher should decide the topic or the material which will be discussed.

All of the parts as mentioned above will be explained in details bellow:

Lesson Plan

Date : Friday, February 12th 2010 Grade level : First grade of Junior High School


Skill : Listening, reading, and writing Number of students : 40 students

Duration : 90 minutes

Material : Hobbies (concern in gardening)

Goals : Students can mention and write kind of hobbies

Students have knowledge about hobbies especially gardening BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

The first was BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field). In the BKOF, they were greeting, brainstorming, reviewing last material and introducing new material. In this step, the writer made a few conversations with the students to make them interested in this class.

For example:

Greeting : Good morning students!

How are you today?

Nice to meet you again! Who is absent today?

Reviewing last material : Ok, students do you still remember our last material? What did you learn in the last meeting? (Discus it for a minute to remind students’ memorizing)

Introducing new material : What do you do in your spare time? What kind of activity do you like? Do you know the meaning of hobby? What is your hobby Donny? Etc



Modeling (body)

Here the writer started to give and explained the whole of the new material. When explaining the material, the writer gave both of oral and written explanation. The writer explained the material clearly including the difficult words, the pronunciation, the preference and the tense used. The writer asked the students to guess the meaning of the difficult words through the context or by giving the clues of these words. The writer maked some conversations (questions and answers) with the students to make them interested and to create their enthusiasm in studying English. For example:

Ok students now we will study about hobby! Do you know what is hobby?

Well, can you mention kinds of hobby? Good, Radit, what is your hobby? What about you Nadia?

Why you like…? And

When do you usually do your hobby? Etc.

Ok students now we will study more about gardening. Do you like gardening?


Mrs. Yulianti is my mother. She is a housewife. Her hobby is gardening. She has a garden behind the house. It is not wide but it is clean.


In her spare time, she always works in the garden. She plants some flowers such as roses, jasmine, orchid, sun flowers, and some other beautiful plants. She grows and waters them everyday.

Joint Construction of the Text

After presenting the material, the writer gave exercises to the students. The exercises are as follow:


Mrs. Yulianti is my mother. She is a housewife. Her hobby is gardening. She has a garden behind the house. It is not wide but it is clean.

In her spare time, she always works in the garden. She plants some flowers such as roses, jasmine, orchid, sun flowers, and some other beautiful plants. She grows and waters them everyday.

Task 1

Answer the question based on the text above!

1. Does Mrs. Yulanti like gardening? 2. When does she like doing her hobby? 3. How is her garden?

4. What flowers does she plant?

5. What does the word “them” (last line in paragraph 2) refer to? Task 2

Arrange these jumbled phrases or words into good sentence!


xliii 2. I – water – flowers – always – the 3. Diana – a flower – pick – wants – to 4. gardener – is – your – a – father

5. garden – she – a – has – her – behind – house Task 3

Here the writer modified the task, for example playing game to make students interested in studying English. This game would be focused on listening skill and the theme is hobby. The role of this gamewas that the teacher would give some clues that were related to the subject, and the students had to guess or answer the names of hobby which the teacher means.

For example:

The clues : By doing my hobby I can get information and knowledge I usually do my hobby at the library

I like novel

I have many books in my house Question : What is my hobby?

The answer : Reading

Independent Construction of the Text

The students had to be able to make a short text that was related with this material (hobby) in this stage. Here the teacher still had to guide the students to do this task; the teacher would give them some questions to encourage students’ ability


to make a short text. The students had to answer these questions and then arranged them into a good paragraph or text.

For example:

1. What is your name? 2. What is your hobby? 3. Why do you like it?

4. When do you usually do your hobby? 5. Where do you do your hobby? 6. How do you do your hobby? Etc


The last stage was closing. After the students finished the task, the teacher evaluated the students’ work and then the teacher ended this class. Besides, the teacher had to check the students’ understanding first to measure the students’ ability. For example:

Ok class, we have studied about hobbies. What are they?

When do we usually do this? Wonderful!


xlv 4. Teaching learning process

After making a lesson plan, the writer started to practice teaching English in a real condition. The writer handled 3 classes; there were VII D, VIIE, and VII F. the teaching learning process that the writer had done can be described as follows:

The writer began the class by praying and greeting the students. These activities would train the students to apply their English orally. After that, the writer checked the students’ attendance.

The next step is BKOF. In this step, the writer reviewed the last material that has been discussed. After that, the writer started to introduce the new topic or material which would be discussed. The writer tried to give a simple description about the material by asking some questions related to this topic which would be discussed. Besides, it was also used to increase the students’ interests about the lesson. Then, the writer told the objective of the lesson to the students, the purpose was to make the students understand about the goal expected after they learned the lesson.

In modeling of the text, the writer started to explain the whole of the material. The writer explained the material clearly including the difficult words and sometimes the writer made a short dialogue with the students to make them interested to the lesson and to create their enthusiasm in studying English. The writer tried to make the students accept her explanation easily. Therefore, the writer used some aids, such as classroom media, pictures from a magazine or a picture dictionary (New Oxford Picture Dictionary), synonym or paraphrased verbal explanations, and drawing the


students’ attention to the aids wherever they exist. By using these strategies, the writer hoped that the students would memorize the vocabulary easily.

Considering that English is the new language for the students, the writer used both of Indonesian and English in presenting the lesson. She also repeated her explanation more than once because the students’ ability is different, that is why all of the students would understand the explanation.

After presenting the lesson, the writer continued the lesson by giving exercise to measure the students’ comprehension about the materials given. The exercises were divided into two stages. First, the exercise which was done with their partner, and then they had to do the next task individually. The exercises were taken from the students’ hand books and sometimes the writer created other exercises which were not provided in these books.

At the last stages, the writer checked and evaluated the students’ exercises and then closed the meeting. Before closing the meeting, the writer also gave opportunity to the students to ask some questions if they do not understand any materials. Besides, the writer also summarized the materials that had been discussed and asked some questions to the students to check the students’ comprehension whether they understood or not.



D. Problems in Enriching Students Vocabulary Acquisition for VII Grade

Students of SMP N 19 Surakarta

During the teaching learning activity, the writer got some difficulties in enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition. These difficulties came from both of the students and the teacher. The students got difficulties to pronoun the words correctly; they have already Javanese and Indonesian language as their native language. Besides, the students also got difficulties to memorize the vocabularies. Another problem from the students was their interests in learning English that influence their attentions much to the teacher’s explanation.

On the other hand, the writer as the teacher actually often got some problems, such as the limitation of teaching media and resources to support the teaching learning activity. SMP N 19 Surakarta has only limited resources and teaching media. Most of the materials came from the students’ hand books and BOS program. Besides, there is no variation in teaching English activity. The teachers only use the material from the students’ books.




A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion in chapter II, some points could be drawn and arranged as follows:

1. For the first time, the English teaching and learning process of VII grade students in SMP N 19 Surakarta was difficult enough because the students of the school were mostly passive. Besides, this institution had limited material resources to support English teaching learning activity and there was no variation of English teaching method. For the writer, it was also the first experience for her to be an English teacher there. However, when the writer could adapt and created a good atmosphere in the class, the teaching and learning activity could run well. In English teaching learning activity, the writer used both of English and Indonesian language. The writer used English for simple command and explanation, while Indonesian language for explaining the difficult words.

2. The English teaching process of VII grade students in SMP N 19 Surakarta is started by the English teacher of this institution. She delivered the materials to the students without any variation in the teaching method. The writer continued by changing and giving a variation method. She started the class by brainstorming first to encourage students’ attention. Then, she tried to deliver



the material through a simple explanation and focused on the vocabularies. By understanding the vocabularies first, the students will understand the whole of the material easly. Therefore, the students would do the exercises easily, and the students could be able to improve their achievement in English. At the end of the meeting, the writer checked the students’ work. The writer also discussed the mistakes made by the students and asked them to revise their mistakes in the next meeting.

3. The writer decided to enrich the students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve students’ achievement in English. By enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition, it is believed that it can make the students easier in learning English so it can improve students’ achievement in English. The writer used this way with variation teaching method. Then, the writer gave some exercises to the students. Based on the result, most of their achievement improved. This is the fact, that enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition can be applied to improve students’ achievement in English. Moreover, they also loved to learn English.

4. Some problems influenced the process of English teaching learning activity for VII grade students. These problems which come from the students are; understanding and memorizing certain vocabularies, the using of grammar, the influence of Indonesian language, laziness and acting as if they were elementary school students, and unstable emotion and interest in learning English. The mistakes of the use of grammar, memorizing and pronouncing


certain vocabularies can be minimized by practicing the material as well as they can, reading many materials about these problems and using it in teaching learning process. The influence of Indonesian language can also be minimized by telling them the right one. While laziness and interest can be minimized by telling them that all of these lessons would be useful for themselves so that they should change their mindset and behavior. Besides, the writer used an interesting way such as playing games so that they would be interested in learning English.

B. Suggestion

Based on the job training experience, the writer wants to give some suggestions to some parties, as follows:

1. SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta

One of the facilities that are support the process of teaching English is written materials. The contents of the students’ hand books are not enough to cover the teaching English materials. These books only provide limited and general materials and the activities are monotonous. Besides providing the resources from BOS” book and students” worksheet, it will be better if the institution also provides the resources from other kind of English resources such as English magazine. Besides, there should be a variation activity in teaching and learning process such as playing game.



Moreover, the English teachers in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta should use various and interesting method in teaching English to the students. These are needed to make the students interested in learning English. Besides, the teacher should enrich students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve their achievement in English. It is hoped that by using these strategies in teaching English, it can help both of the teachers and the students to motivate their self in teaching and learning English. 2. The English Diploma Program of Sebelas Maret University

The English Diploma Program should prepare everything needed by the students in doing the job training, such as giving mainstream lecture as soon as possible and providing more references and literatures, especially in the teaching mainstream. So far, the theoretical materials given in the class are not enough to contribute the skill in doing job training activity in the real field. Besides, it is important for the program to have relation with other institutions in order to help the students do the job training.



Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, Third edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Coday, James and Thomas Huckin. 1997. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crawley, Angela.2001.Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hock, Louise E and Hill J. Thomas. 1960. The general Education Class in the Secondary School. New York: Holt and Winston.

Nation, I.S.P,Jefferies. 2008. Teaching Vocabulary. Australia: Sherise Roehr. Philips, Sarah. 1996. Young Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rodgers, Theodore S. 1984. Language Teaching Methodology. Hawai: University of Hawai.

Suyanto, Kasiani K.E. 2007. English for Young Learners. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Thornbury, Scott.2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. London: Longman Rodgers.



D. Problems in Enriching Students Vocabulary Acquisition for VII Grade Students of SMP N 19 Surakarta

During the teaching learning activity, the writer got some difficulties in enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition. These difficulties came from both of the students and the teacher. The students got difficulties to pronoun the words correctly; they have already Javanese and Indonesian language as their native language. Besides, the students also got difficulties to memorize the vocabularies. Another problem from the students was their interests in learning English that influence their attentions much to the teacher’s explanation.

On the other hand, the writer as the teacher actually often got some problems, such as the limitation of teaching media and resources to support the teaching learning activity. SMP N 19 Surakarta has only limited resources and teaching media. Most of the materials came from the students’ hand books and BOS program. Besides, there is no variation in teaching English activity. The teachers only use the material from the students’ books.




A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion in chapter II, some points could be drawn and arranged as follows:

1. For the first time, the English teaching and learning process of VII grade students in SMP N 19 Surakarta was difficult enough because the students of the school were mostly passive. Besides, this institution had limited material resources to support English teaching learning activity and there was no variation of English teaching method. For the writer, it was also the first experience for her to be an English teacher there. However, when the writer could adapt and created a good atmosphere in the class, the teaching and learning activity could run well. In English teaching learning activity, the writer used both of English and Indonesian language. The writer used English for simple command and explanation, while Indonesian language for explaining the difficult words.

2. The English teaching process of VII grade students in SMP N 19 Surakarta is started by the English teacher of this institution. She delivered the materials to the students without any variation in the teaching method. The writer continued by changing and giving a variation method. She started the class by brainstorming first to encourage students’ attention. Then, she tried to deliver



the material through a simple explanation and focused on the vocabularies. By understanding the vocabularies first, the students will understand the whole of the material easly. Therefore, the students would do the exercises easily, and the students could be able to improve their achievement in English. At the end of the meeting, the writer checked the students’ work. The writer also discussed the mistakes made by the students and asked them to revise their mistakes in the next meeting.

3. The writer decided to enrich the students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve students’ achievement in English. By enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition, it is believed that it can make the students easier in learning English so it can improve students’ achievement in English. The writer used this way with variation teaching method. Then, the writer gave some exercises to the students. Based on the result, most of their achievement improved. This is the fact, that enriching students’ vocabulary acquisition can be applied to improve students’ achievement in English. Moreover, they also loved to learn English.

4. Some problems influenced the process of English teaching learning activity for VII grade students. These problems which come from the students are; understanding and memorizing certain vocabularies, the using of grammar, the influence of Indonesian language, laziness and acting as if they were elementary school students, and unstable emotion and interest in learning English. The mistakes of the use of grammar, memorizing and pronouncing


certain vocabularies can be minimized by practicing the material as well as they can, reading many materials about these problems and using it in teaching learning process. The influence of Indonesian language can also be minimized by telling them the right one. While laziness and interest can be minimized by telling them that all of these lessons would be useful for themselves so that they should change their mindset and behavior. Besides, the writer used an interesting way such as playing games so that they would be interested in learning English.

B. Suggestion

Based on the job training experience, the writer wants to give some suggestions to some parties, as follows:

1. SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta

One of the facilities that are support the process of teaching English is written materials. The contents of the students’ hand books are not enough to cover the teaching English materials. These books only provide limited and general materials and the activities are monotonous. Besides providing the resources from BOS” book and students” worksheet, it will be better if the institution also provides the resources from other kind of English resources such as English magazine. Besides, there should be a variation activity in teaching and learning process such as playing game.



Moreover, the English teachers in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta should use various and interesting method in teaching English to the students. These are needed to make the students interested in learning English. Besides, the teacher should enrich students’ vocabulary acquisition to improve their achievement in English. It is hoped that by using these strategies in teaching English, it can help both of the teachers and the students to motivate their self in teaching and learning English. 2. The English Diploma Program of Sebelas Maret University

The English Diploma Program should prepare everything needed by the students in doing the job training, such as giving mainstream lecture as soon as possible and providing more references and literatures, especially in the teaching mainstream. So far, the theoretical materials given in the class are not enough to contribute the skill in doing job training activity in the real field. Besides, it is important for the program to have relation with other institutions in order to help the students do the job training.



Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, Third edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Coday, James and Thomas Huckin. 1997. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crawley, Angela.2001.Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hock, Louise E and Hill J. Thomas. 1960. The general Education Class in the Secondary School. New York: Holt and Winston.

Nation, I.S.P,Jefferies. 2008. Teaching Vocabulary. Australia: Sherise Roehr. Philips, Sarah. 1996. Young Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rodgers, Theodore S. 1984. Language Teaching Methodology. Hawai: University of Hawai.

Suyanto, Kasiani K.E. 2007. English for Young Learners. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Thornbury, Scott.2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. London: Longman Rodgers.