The Translation Variation of Verb Phrases Found in the

a tendency or inclined. So, the translation above is from verb phrase into verb. 2 Verb Phrase is Translated into Noun The researcher finds 24 data from 711 data or 3,35 data belonging to verb phrase are translated into noun. This is one of the examples of the analysis: No: 859LAC49LPB38 SL: It has been symbolized in many ways. TL: Simbol untuk ini bermacam-macam. From the datum above, there is a verb phrase has been symbolized. Here, has been symbolized is a verb phrase that is translated into noun simbol. The phrase has been symbolized in the source language is categorized by a verb phrase because it contains of auxilary have been and verb symbolized. The phrase in source language is translated into simbol which is categorized as noun. So, it is made from the word, there is from verb phrase into noun. 3 Verb Phrase is Translated into Adjective The researcher finds 61 data from 711 data or 8,5 data belonging to verb phrase are translated into adjective. This is one of the examples of the analysis: No: 572LAC32LPB38 SL: Two of those levels are describable in terms of words and phrases; their position are fixed for each word. TL: Dua darinya terdapat pada kata dan frasa; posisi mereka tetap. From the datum above are fixed is a verb phrase. Are fixed can be translated literally into tetap that is categorized into adjective. The verb phrase are fixed in subtitle above is functioned as the predicate of object their position. The verb phrase are fixed is derived from to be are and verb fixed. So, the translation above is verb phrase that translated into adjective. 4 Verb Phrase is Translated into Adverb The writer finds only one datum or 0,25 from 711 data of translation shift of verb phrase into adverb, there is: No: 152LAC9LPB11 SL: It may seem so, but it is quite easy to understand if we realize that there are two kinds of differences in the sounds of a language. TL: Kelihatannya memang demikian, tetapi ini mudah kita mengerti kalau kita sedar bahwa dalam bahasa ada dua macam perbedaan bunyi. From the datum above, may seem is a verb phrase is translated into adverb kelihatannya. Kelihatannya is an adverb that is formed by prefix ke-, verb lihat, suffix –an, and +nya. So, the translation above is verb phrase that translated into adjective. 5 Verb Phrase is Translated into Preposition The next analysis is about the verb phrase is translated into preposition. The writer finds 5 data of 711 data or 0,75 of verb phrase is translated into preposition. The following example of analysis is: No: 060LAC4LPB5 SL: The failure in the use of these lay in disregarding their language content. TL: Metode ini juga gagal dan oleh hal yang sama pula. Lay in is formed from the verb lay + preposition in. Lay in belong to verb phrase is translated into preposition oleh. Oleh in the TL modifies the noun phrase hal yang sama. As the result, the translation above is verb phrase that translated into preposition. 6 Verb Phrase is not Translated The last research finding is verb phrase is not translated. The writer finds 99 data or 13,90 of the verb phrase is not translated. The translator uses translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and form, paraphrasing by omission word. This is one of the examples of the analysis: No: 101LAC5LPB5 SL: The result will be a more compact, more effective test through selection of words that are representative of the vocabulary difficulties that our student will find and through selection of those features of meaning that will be most revealing. TL: Hasilnya akan merupakan suatu kumpulan kata-kata yang menjadi problema para siswa. From the datum above, the verb phrase will find is not translated. The verb phrase will find as functions predicate of subject our student and the object selection of those features of meaning. The verb phrase will find is not translated in the target language and also the meaning misunderstandable to the reader.

b. Equivalence of Translation of Verb Phrases Found in the Linguistics

Across Cultures into Linguistik di Pelbagai Budaya Book The translation of the sentence cannot be separated from correctness, appropriateness, or equivalence. The equivalence of translation variation of verb phrases is divided into equivalence and non equivalence. The explanation of each component will be discussed further into explanation below: 1 Equivalent Translation The equivalent translation is important to translator to translate the source language into target language, so their works acceptable for the readers. From the analysis, the writer finds 677 data from 711 data or 95,20 are classify into equivalence translation. This is one of the examples of the analysis: No: 2045LAC49LPB38 SL: When foreign visitors from areas where coffee is served very black and very strong taste American coffee, they do not say that it is different; they say that American coffee is bad. TL: Waktu orang asing dari daerah di mana kopi disuguhkan sangat kental dan tidak pakai gula merasakan kopi Amerika, maka mereka tidak mengatakan bahwa kopi Amerika berbeda; mereka berkata bahwa kopi Amerika tidak ada rasanya. This translation belongs to equivalent translation. It is due to the fact that the message between source language and target language is same. The verb phrase is served can be translated literally into disuguhkan become verb. The verb phrase do not say can be translated literally into tidak mengatakan become verb. The verb phrase is different can be translated literally into berbeda become verb. The verb phrase is bad can be translated literally into tidak ada rasanya become adjective. Therefore, the message in source language can be transfered well into target language by the translator. In other word, there are no chnage of meaning from source language into target language. Thus, this data are really relevant with equivalent translation. 2 Non-Equivalent Translation After classifying the data, the writer finds 34 data or 4,80 which belongs to non-equivalent translation. This is one of the examples of the analysis: No: 633LAC36LPB38 SL: When pitch is used to identify and differentiate words, we call it intonation. TL: Nada yang terdapat dalam kalimat atau frase kita sebut intonasi. This translation belongs to non equivalent translation. It is due to the fact that the message between source language and target language is different. The verb phrase is used to identify in this utterance is translated into verb phrase yang terdapat. It makes the reader confuse to understand the meaning of content. In other word, there is change of meaning from source language into target language. The suggestion to the translator is nada digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan membedakan kata, kita sebut intonasi. Thus, this datum is not relevant with equivalent translation.

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