National Interest Theoretical Framework:

13 ExternalSystemic Factors and Domestic Factors. External Factors contained by Structure of System, CharacteristicsStructure of World Economy, Purpose and action of other actors, Global and regional problem, International law, and World Opinion. While in the Domestic Context contained by SocioeconomicSecurity needs, Geographic and Topographic Characteristics, National Attributes, Government StructurePhilosophy, Public Opinion, Bureaucracy, and Ethical Consideration. 31 In this research, the use of the theory of foreign policy will more refer to the theory of Holsti that emphasize on external and internal factors in foreign policy making. Thus, the analysis developed in this research focuses on the assumption that Turkish motive to become EU member is Turkeys foreign policy which is based on the internal and external factors.

2. National Interest

As well as Foreign Policy, there are definitions of the concept of National Interest. In the internet dictionary, the national interest defined as a broad term for any matter of public concern that is addressed by a government in law or policy. And the definitions of this concept also come from scholars. Among them are Donald E. Nuechterlein, Hans J. Mogenthau, Beard,and also Holsti. Donald said that the national interest is the set of goals a nation or country strives for in the world, as contrasted with its domestic needs and priorities but it is 31 Ibid, p: 274-284 14 different with public interest. 32 While according to Beard, National Interest is “National Honor,” “the Public Interest,” and “the General Will”. 33 Hans J. Morgenthau in his book In Defense of the National Interest: A Critical Examination of American Foreign Policy said that National Interest is not only a political necessity but also a moral duty for a nation to always follow in its dealings with other nations but one guiding star, one standard for thought, one rule for action. 34 Morgenthau recognized that the kind of interest determining political action in a particular period of history depends upon the political and cultural context within which foreign policy is formulated. 35 National Interest is also called as purspose, according to Holsti, four purposes that are common in foreign policy making; security, autonomy, welfare, and status or prestige. 36 The concept of national interest according to Beard and Donald has the contrast meaning, one said that national interest is different with public interest while the other said that it is the same and the definition of Morgenthau about the concept of national interest is more neutral. However, those definitions have similar idea that the concept of national interest has the relation with the concept of foreign policy. This research will refer to the definition of national interest of Beard and Morgenthau as their definition is more applicable for this case. What Beard said that the national interest is the public interest is more accaptable because what 32 Donald E. Nuechterlein, National Interest And Foreign Policy Formulation, November 2000, accessed from http:donaldnuechterlein.com2000major.html , 6122014 33 Charles Beard, The Idea of National Interest: An Analytical Study in American Foreign Policy,New York: Macmillan. 2934. P: 26 34 Hans J Morgenthau, In Defense of the National Interest: A Critical Examination of American Foreign Policy New York, 1951.p. 241-242 35 Ibid, p: 8 36 K.J Holsti,”International Politics : A Framework for Analysis, p: 83 15 Turkeys government pursue for their national interest through their foreign policy is for the sake of Turkeys public interest, one of the goals is for their wealthy. The four purpose of Foreign Policy of Holsti will also be a guide in doing the analysis for this case.

F. Method: