Ministry of Home Affairs KEMDAGRI Immigration Ofice

FRP Secretariat • 21 2. KITAS On Line Notiication Print out It will be sent to Applicant email address after in putting data through http:izintinggal. imigrasi.go.idIT-online 3. Copy of passport; 4. Copy of visa number 315; 5. Copy of Arrival Date Stamp on the Passport; 6. Two pieces of recent red background 4x6 cm size photograph; 7. Finger Printing and digital photo will be taken at Immigration Oice. Before reporting at local immigration oice for collecting the KITAS, Applicant is requested to input his data through KITAS On Line Registration into the link: http:izintinggal.imigrasi.go.idIT-online See the below website Figure 6: Website of Immigration Head Quarters for inputing data of KITAS On Line: http:izintinggal.imigrasi.go.idIT-online FRP Secretariat 22 • For Applicant who enters Indonesia by using the visa number 315 for conducting research and will stay less than 30 calender days, he may get examption of the obligation to make a Limited Stay Permit KITAS at local immigration oice. In this case, the Indonesian counterpart should report to the local immigration oice instead of his obligation for making the KITAS. the visa number 315 is legally for doing research during less than 30 calender days. After completion the research, he may also directly exit the country without any Exit Permit Only EPO.

5. Ministry of Environment and Forestry

the foreign researcher who will conduct research in more than one conservation areas such as national park or nature reserve, Ristekdikti will also provide a letter of request for Entering Permit to Conservation Areas SIMAKSI = SuratI zin Masuk Kawasan Konservasi. The letter will be addressed to Directorate General for Conservation of Nature Resources and Ecosystem, Ministry of Environment and Forestry Direktorat Jenderal Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam dan Ekosistem, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan,Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok VII Lt. 7, Jln. Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan. The researcher who will conduct research in only one Conservation area, the SIMAKSI will be issued by oice of National Park or Nature Resources Conservation Institute BKSDA in the provincial capital city. For obtaining SIMAKSI, the following documents are needed: 1. Copy of research proposal; 2. Copy of CV; 3. Copy of Travelling Permit SKJ from POLICE HQ; FRP Secretariat • 23 4. Copy of Research Permit Letter from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education; 5. Copy of Research Notiication Letter SPP from Ministry of Home Afairs; 6. Copy of passport; 7. Copy of vusa number 315; 8. Revenue stamp values of Rp. 6000. Foreign Researcher who will collect and deliver research sample to other region or foreign country should apply Permit for Collecting and Delivering Research Sample SATDN SATLN. Collecting and delivering samples from conservation area or outside conservation area to other ones, the permit will be issued by oice of National Park or Nature Resources Conservation Institute BKSDA = Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam. Delivering samples to foreign countries should be equipped by Material Transfer Agreement and apply Delivering Permit SATLN = Surat Angkut Tumbuhan dan Satwa Luar Negeri, The permit will be issued by the Directorate General for Conservation of Nature Resources and Ecosystem, Ministry of Environment and Forestry at Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok VII Lt. 7, Jln. Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan..

6. Research Center for Biology LIPI

Both for Collecting Permit and Delivering Permit SATDN and SATLN, a Scientiic Recommendation from Research Center for Biology LIPI, Cibinong Science Center, Jalan Raya Jakarta- Bogor, Cibinong, Jawa Barat is still needed.