S PAI 0906253 Abstract

Pendidikandalamartiluasadalahsegalapengalamanbelajar yang
dilaluipesertadidikdengansegalalingkungandansepanjanghayat.Pendidikandalambatasan yang
sempitadalah proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di lembagapendidikan formal. Di
npendidikanIslām, DjawadDahlan (1993: 10)
berpendapatbahwadalamajaranIslāmterdapatduakonsep yang diajarkanolehRasūlullāh
yaitukonsep māndanTaqwā.Dewasaini,
pendidikanmatapelajaran‘aq daħkurangdiperhatikanolehsebagianumatIslām.Kita
patutmenyadaribetapapentingnyaperan‘aq daħdalammenentukannasibbangsaini.Memeliharadan
memperkokoh‘aq daħini pun hendaklahdibina di atasdasarimān yang kukuh, yang
m yang memiliki‘aq daħ yang
deinilebihdiarahkanpadaupayamendeskripsikansuatufenomena yang terjadidanditemukanselama
proses Pendidikan‘aq dāhmelaluimatapelajaran‘a q daħa khlāq yang berlangsungdi kelas 7 MTS
PondokPesantren Modern Al IhsanBaleendah, Bandung. Melaluipenelitianini,
wawancaradanstudidokumentasi yang terkaitdengantujuan, program, substansimateri, proses

pembelajarandancaraevaluasimatapelajaran‘aq daħyang dilaksanakan.Dari
hasilpenelitiandiperoleh data
bahwatujuanpendidikan‘aq daħmelaluimatapelajaran‘a q daħa khlāqyang ingindicapai di kelas 7
MTS Al IhsanBaleendah, Bandung diantaranya:
siswamampuhidupdanbergauldimanasajamerekaberada, sertamenjadikan Kader Agama
danbangsa yang berakhlāqAl-Kar maħ. Program pembelajaran‘aq daħ yang dirancangyaitu
program pembelajaranberupamodel silabus yang sudahdidapatkandariKementrian Agama,
pelajaranGontor, danaturan‘aq daħ yang sesuaidengan‘aq daħakhlāq.Substansimateripendidikan‘aq daħdalammatapelajaran‘a q daħa khlāq yang
diajarkanmeliputi : Dasar dan Tujuan ‘Aq daħ Islām, keimanan kepada Allāh melalui
pemahaman sifat-sifat Nya, memahami Asmāul Ḥusnā, dankeimanan kepada malaikat-malaikat
Allāh dan makhluk ghaib selain malaikat. Proses pendidikan‘aq daħ yang dilaksanakan di
kelasprinsipnyaselarasdenganapa yang tertulisdalamSilabus ‘Aq daħAkhlāq MTS,
sedangkanevaluasipembelajaranpadamatapelajaran‘aq daħa khlāq yang
dilaksanakanyaituberupatestulisdanteslisan.Model pendidikan yang digunakanadalah model
pendidikan formal.
Kata kunci : ModelPendidikan‘Aqīdaħ

Ema Rahmawati, 2014
Model Pendidikan ‘Aqīdaħ di Kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Ihsan Baleendah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Education in a wide meaning are means all of learning experiences of a student in all of his or
her surroundings and in his or her entire lifetime. But in a more specificmeaning, education
means it is a learning process held in a formal institution of education. Specifically, education
means learning process in formal institution. Education has many components. Among those
components, one of the important is the purpose of education. In the theme of Islamic education
Djawad Dahlan (1993:10) said that in there are two concepts taught by Rasūlullah SAW, which
had a strong relation with the concepts of faith and worship to Allāh SWT. Recently, the subject
of faith education has lack of attention from some of the muslim communities. But basically, we
still have to realize the important role of the faith education to rule the way of this nation. To
obtain and strengthen the faith has to be cultivated on a strong faith, strengthen by the knowledge
and good attitude, and also has to be protected from the lost and mistakes. A muslim with the
strong faith, will run his or her life as a long way to do kindness. In this research, I use the
qualitative methode with descriptiveapproach. The consideration of using this method in to
emphasize on my effort to describe a phenomena that I found and happened during my
observation in ‘a q daħa khlāqlearning process held in 7th graders at Al Ihsan Boarding School.
Through this research, I will emphasize to the analytical results that I have from my, observation,

interviews and documentation study that connected to the purposes, programs, the substanceof
material givens, learning process and the evaluation of the aqidaakhlaq subject that held in 7 th
grader’s students of Al Ihsan Boarding School. From the research that I did, I could understand
that the purpose of the ‘a q daħa khlāqsubject is to make the student able to live and make
relationship wherever they will promising generation of Islam and the nation who had good
islamic attitudes. The design of the ‘a q daħa khlāqlearning program is based a form of syllabus
from the Ministry of religion of Indonesia, from Gontor Islamic School, aqida rules which are
relevant with aqida attitudes term. Main lessons of the program are explanation about the basic
and goals of islamicaqida, faith to Allāhthrough the understanding of Allāh, understanding
AsmāulḤusnā, and believes the angels and all unseen creatures of Allāh. Principally, the
education processes are relevant with what has written in the syllabus. And for the evaluations
themselves are writing test and oral test. And for the education model that has been used is the
formal education model.
Keywords : model of aqida education

Ema Rahmawati, 2014
Model Pendidikan ‘Aqīdaħ di Kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Ihsan Baleendah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu