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OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 33 SOLOK SELATAN ” this thesis is true – masterpiece of myself.

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Padang, 10 August 2017



Ratna Puspita Sari, 2017. The Effect of Comic Strip In Teaching Writing Of Narrative Text At The Eight Grade Students of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan.

The purpose of this research was to find out the significant effect of students’ writing ability between those taught by using Comic Strip and those who

are taught without using Comic Strip at class eighth of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan.

This research was experimental research. The population of this study was all of the students at class VIII of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan that consist of 63 students who were divided into three classes. The sample was

chosen by using random sampling. The result was class VIII 2 as experimental class and VIII 1 as control class that consist of 43 students. In collecting the data, researcher used written test. The test was given to both classes with the same topic. Then, post-test was given after applying the treatments for five meetings to determine the differences of using Comic Strip.

The result of this research showed that the mean score of students’ writing ability in experimental class (79. 57) was higher than the mean score of students’

writing ability in control class (71.2). While, t- observed (4.804) was also bigger than t- table (1.682). Moreover, each components of writing both of classes are different. It can be seen from the comparison of students’ mean scores of post-test. Statistically, it is showed that teaching writing by using Comic Strip gives significant difference on students’ writing skill.

It can be concluded that Comic Strip gives significant effect on students’ writing ability especially in narrative text considering five components of writing. So, it is recommended for English teacher and should consider the use of Comic Strip as an alternative strategy in teaching writing.


Ratna Puspita Sari, 2017. The Effect Of Comic Strip In Teaching Writing Of Narrative Text At The Eight Grade Students of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan efek yang signifikan pada kemampuan belajar siswa antara siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan Comic Strip dan tanpa menggunakan Comic Strip di kelas delapan SMPN 33 Solok Selatan.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas SMPN 33 Solok Selatan yang terdiri dari 63 siswa dan dibagi kedalam 3 kelas. Kemudian peneliti mengambil sampel dengan cara

random sampling . Hasilnya kelas VIII 2 sebagai kelas ekperimen yang terdiri dari

19 siswa dan kelas VIII 1 sebagai kelas pembanding yang terdiri dari 24 siswa. Dalam mengumpulkan data peneliti menggunakan tes tertulis. Tes diberikan sesudah diberikan perlakuan selama lima kali pertemuan untuk melihat perbedaan penggunaan Comic Strip.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata siswa di kelas eksperimen (79.57) lebih tinggi dari pada nilai rata-rata siswa di kelas kontrol (71.2). Hal ini membuktikan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa. Selain itu, t- hitung (4.804) juga lebih besar dari t- tabel (1.682). Hal ini dapat dilihat dari perbandingan nilai rata-rata post-test siswa. Secara statistik, terlihat bahwa pengajaran menulis dengan menggunakan Comic Strip memberikan perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa.

Singkatnya, bisa disimpulkan bahwa Comic Strip meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa dengan memperhatikan lima komponen menulis . Oleh karena itu disarankan pada guru-guru bahasa Inggris mempertimbangkan Comic Strip sebagai strategi alternatif dalam pembelajaran menulis.


Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, the writer expresses her highest gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this

thesis entitled “The Effect of Comic Strip In Teaching Writing of Narrative Text At The Eight Grade Students of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan. ”. Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam who

had delivered the truth to human beings in general and Muslim in particular. Furthermore, the writer presents her sincere appreciation to advisors, Yuhardi., S.Pd, M.Pd. and Dra. Hj. Luli Sari Yustina, M.Pd. who have given advice and guidance in the completion of this thesis from beginning to the end. The researcher would like to thank the chairman of the English Tadris Department of Islamic Education and Teacher Training faculty, Besral, M.Pd. The next sincere gratitude addressed to his academic advisor Yuhardi, S.Pd., M.Pd. who is also the secretary of English Department. Then, the writer also thanks to all lecturers who have taught and guided her during her study.

Besides, the writer’s deepest appreciation goes to her beloved parents, brother and friends for the endless love, prayer, patience, care, and support. The

writer would also like to give a special regard to the headmaster of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan, (Ahmad Nazi, S.Pd) and for the English teacher (Diani Yulia, S.Pd.) for all of the support, time, and kindness.

Finally, may Allah SWT receive all their works and give the rewards, Aamiin. Padang, 10 August 2017 Researcher

Ratna Puspita Sari


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework ......................................................................28


Graph 1 : The Interval Data of Experimental Class ........................................50 Graph 2 : The Interval Data of Control Class ..................................................53 Graph 3 : The Comparison Result of Post Test Score of Experimental

Class and Control Class....................................................................61


A. Background of the Problem

As an international language, English has been taught earlier to students in Indonesia in order to provide them with enough basic skills. Indonesia’s curriculum of education puts English as compulsory subject that

must be taught for students since at junior high school up to university. According to curriculum KTSP, the targets of learning English in the junior high school are the students who are able to communicate both spoken and written text. It means the students are able to understand and produce spoken and written text. It is achieved in four skills, namely speaking, writing, reading and listening.

Writing is the most important means of communication. People usually use it in their daily activities both formal and informal situation. Writing is one of the English language skills that are related to other skills. Therefore, it is essentially to teach students to be able to write in English. Components of writing consist of content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. Moreover, writing product is not instant because the students do some stages of writing process that includes prewriting, outlining, writing first draft, revising, editing and writing final draft. For teaching of writing, there are six kinds of genres that can be used by Junior High School. Those are implemented in the curriculum as known KTSP.

The purpose of writing is reflected in many kinds of genres in form of written texts. The models of these written texts have each own difference in their social function, generic structure, and grammatical feature. After the students learn kinds of genres, they are hoped to understand and able to differentiate the text according to their own features based on their genres.

Among many kinds of genres, one that is being taught in Class VIII of Junior High School level on is Narrative text. Narrative text is the kind of text that has been taught in this grade. Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to find the resolution to solve the problems. Purpose of narrative text is to amuse or entertain the reader with a story. Moreover a narrative text consist of four generic structure, they are orientation, complication, resolution, and re-orientation or coda.

Based on the researcher preliminary study, and then also the interview with one of the English teacher who teaches at Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan, the researcher found that many students got difficulties in producing the texts, especially in a narrative text. The researcher found some problems related with the failure of students in their writing. Generally, student s’ knowledge about the five components of writing was still low.

The researcher found that the students were lack of vocabularies. Most of students, they are lazy to bring a dictionary when they study English, so that they are difficult to find the meaning of the word. They prefer with the other friends works. As a result, they are not able to make a good sentence or good paragraph by themselves. Beside that, most of the students kept silent The researcher found that the students were lack of vocabularies. Most of students, they are lazy to bring a dictionary when they study English, so that they are difficult to find the meaning of the word. They prefer with the other friends works. As a result, they are not able to make a good sentence or good paragraph by themselves. Beside that, most of the students kept silent

Beside that, the students was difficult to memorize what they have learned. On the other hand, students found difficulties to recognize the patterns or forms of English that they have learned. The researcher found that students’ ability in writing was still low. The table below is evidence that writing ability is difficult for students in the second of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan.

Table 1.1

Students’ Mean Score on Writing Test (Preliminary Observation) In Junior

High School 33 Solok Selatan Mean Score Of Writing Components Total

Total Score

19 17.26 12.52 13.47 16.15 2.6 62.1 Source: Student’s Score of Writing Test at class VIII-2 of SMPN 33 Solok Selatan

Note: C = Content V = Vocabulary M =Mechanics

O = Organization L = Language Use

The table above shows the data about student’s achievement in writing. It’s assessed by Jacob’s writing criteria. This is also an indication that the students have not produced writing product successfully yet.

In fact, it can be seen that students of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan had low achievement on writing. The lack of students’

achievement on writing ability was influenced by many factors. The main factor was the low of students’ knowledge of five essential elements in

writing. Therefore, English is difficult for them especially in writing ability.

Hence stated that the appropriate strategy should be selected by the teacher to help the students overcoming difficulties in writing, especially writing narrative text. For this problem, the researcher is suggested comic strip for the teacher in teaching writing subject. Most students like comic strip, because it consists of interesting pictures and stories. They can easy to understand it. Pictures in the comic strips can help the students to visualize and construct story ideas to be written, so narrative writing activity will be easy. Furthermore, it can be combined to this narrative writing activity.

According to Liu (2004: 226) Comic is an art form using a series of static image in fixed sequence. There are two kinds of comics, comic strips and comic books. A comic strip is defined in this study as series of pictures inside boxes that tell a story. While comic books are collection of stories that have picture consist of one or more titles as themes.

A comic strip usually contributes to understanding by being a part of a context. Comic as sufficient essential visual aids can be used as a tool of communication between teacher and pupils in teaching learning A comic strip usually contributes to understanding by being a part of a context. Comic as sufficient essential visual aids can be used as a tool of communication between teacher and pupils in teaching learning

“The Effect of Comic Strip in Teaching Writing of Narrative Text at The Eight Grade Students of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan.”

B. Identification of Problems

Based on the background above, most of Junior High School students still had difficulties in writing. In this case, the problem was happened at Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan, the researcher found that the students faced problem in writing because they had to consider many aspects. The problem that was found in writing ability, especially in writing a narrative text was de aling with the students’ difficulties in considering the components of writing such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use and also mechanics when they were writing. The students did not understand well how to consider those components in writing. Therefore it makes them get difficult in writing and affect their product.

Beside that, the teaching and learning process tend to be teacher centered that means the teacher acted dominantly by explaining of generic structure, language features and social function of narrative text then the students just listened and took note of teacher’s explanation. Students Beside that, the teaching and learning process tend to be teacher centered that means the teacher acted dominantly by explaining of generic structure, language features and social function of narrative text then the students just listened and took note of teacher’s explanation. Students

Therefore, the researcher was interested to use a strategy that can help students to write and interest to implementation Comic Strip as media in which help students to develop new ideas and critical thinking.

C. Research Question

Based on the background of the study, identification of the problem, and the limitation of the problem, the researcher formulates the problem : Does Comic Strip gives significant effect on students writing ability in teaching writing of narrative text by using comic strip in eight grade of Junior High School 33 Solok Selatan?

D. Purpose of Research

Purpose of Research of the study can be stated: To find out the significant effect on students writing ability in teaching writing of narrative text by using comic strip.

E. Significance of the Problem

Through this research, researcher expects that the problem solving that is offered in this study is able to be implemented in every writing class by the teachers, later. In this case, the teachers should consider about the implementation of comic strip in teaching writing as an alternative media that is expected to be able to help the teacher in teaching writing. Besides Through this research, researcher expects that the problem solving that is offered in this study is able to be implemented in every writing class by the teachers, later. In this case, the teachers should consider about the implementation of comic strip in teaching writing as an alternative media that is expected to be able to help the teacher in teaching writing. Besides

And the learners are also expected to enjoy the writing class because their burden will be reduced with following the enjoyable strategy to produce a more qualified writing. Through this research, the learners are hoped to be more interested in following their writing class.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

Effect : A change that something causes something else; a result

Comic Strip : The Sequence of panels where the story is presented, usually by dialogue, narration, or pure visual symbol.

Writing : Writing is one of the language skills that must be learnt and mastered by the students in the school. It helps them to develop their imaginative and critical thinking abilities in order to be able to write effectively and creatively.

Narrative text : A text like storytelling, arranging events in a story in chronological order, is also a way of thinking about those events.


This chapter will describe of the concept of Comic Strip, concept of writing, the concept narrative text, relevant study, conceptual framework, and hypothesis.

A. The Concept of Comic Strip

1. Definition of Comic Strip

According to Liu (2004: 226), Comic is an art form using a series of static image in fixed sequence. There are two kinds of comics, comic strips and comic books. A comic strip is defined in this study as series of pictures inside boxes that tell a story. While comic books are collection of stories that have picture consist of one or more titles as themes

Comic strip is a printed paper consisting of images and incorporated with text. It is also categorized as one of media of teaching in the classroom. In addition, comic strips are often regarded as interesting and motivating media. A comic strip usually contributes to understanding by being a part of a context. Comic as sufficient essential visual aids can

be used as a tool of communication between teacher and pupils in teaching learning process.

Arlin and Roth (2001) suggest that comics are interesting, and children will attend to that which they find interesting more than to that which they find uninteresting. Absolutely, it can appeal to children, because of consisting of picture series and interesting story. Each comic strip has various stories, it may tell about humor, action, mystery, thriller, adventure, and so forth. It also often influences the chil dren‟s emotion and feeling while conceiving the story.

Comic strip is a fun for students and also developing their imagination. They consist of a series of humor drawing or a cartoon with words in balloon and captions. Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that comic is an art work which has sequence of characteristics stories, events in picture form which can be humorous, mysterious, adventurous, and etc.

2. Strength of Comic Strip

First of all, comic strips assist the students in generating ideas and retrieving words for their writing. Besides, they can make students more careful in using correct spellings. As one type of visual media, it also provides the students with interesting writing prompts.

Another confident opinion is expressed by Brown (2004:226) in discussing the relationship between visual media and test of writing composition. They affirm that one of the effective ways in testing writing skill is by assigning the students to write a composition based on ideas they gather from pictures. Comic strips meet this characteristic since they Another confident opinion is expressed by Brown (2004:226) in discussing the relationship between visual media and test of writing composition. They affirm that one of the effective ways in testing writing skill is by assigning the students to write a composition based on ideas they gather from pictures. Comic strips meet this characteristic since they

Based Morrison, Bryan, and Chilcoat assumptions, there are some reasons why comics have more strength rather than other teaching strategy as follows:

a. It is evident that comic is familiar to and popular with middle and high school students.

b. The comic is a form of literature that students enjoy.

c. Students engage in greater literacy exploration than they otherwise would, due to comics’ popular and easily accessible format. Through comics students investigate the use of dialogue, succinct and dramatic vocabulary, and nonverbal communications.

d. Most students like comic strip, because it consists of interesting pictures and stories. They can easy to understand it. Pictures in the comic strips can help the students to visualize and construct story ideas to be written

From those reasons, it can be concluded that comic has important role in education, especially in teaching-learning activity between the teacher and students in the classroom. By using a good medium like From those reasons, it can be concluded that comic has important role in education, especially in teaching-learning activity between the teacher and students in the classroom. By using a good medium like

3. Application of Comic Strips

Most of the students are lazy to write because they regard it as a complex and difficult English language skill. In their thought, it needs a long process to write something. They also are often having no idea about the topic that will be written on their paper. Moreover, they are always getting stuck to tell and describe the next plot of story after writing the introductory paragraph. Therefore, the teacher can use comic strip to help them develop their ability in writing from the pictorial story.

In the classroom, the teacher can apply it to teach writing narrative text. After explaining about narrative text, he/she can distribute the comic strips to each student, and then ask them to retell and rewrite the story into paragraph in English. This strategy is very easy to be conducted by the teacher in the classroom, and it will make the students feel fun in writing. Hence, teaching writing of narrative text by using comic strips is an appropriate and recommended strategy for the teachers to apply in the classroom in the teaching-learning activity.

4. The Procedures of Using Comic Strips

Noemy mentions eight stages of using comic strip as follows.

a) The teacher cuts apart the individual panels of a comic strip and gives it to the students and asks them to arrange the piece into proper sequence to tell the story in written form.

b) The teacher removes the speech or though bubbles of comic strip, hands out copies of both the comic strip and the text of the bubbles to the students and the students task is to figure out the proper order of the speech or thoughts.

c) The teacher hands out a comic strip form which the last panel is cut out. Students are asked to continue the story and come up with an ending.

d) The teacher organizes students into pair and gives them a written story with missing information. And asks them to discuss what might be missing from the text.

e) The teacher gives the students a comic strip version of the text and asks them to fill in the blanks in written story by describing what they see in the pictures.

f) The teacher asks students to write the story based on what they see in the picture.

g) Teacher explain the lesson by writing the main point on the white board and explain to student generic structure, social function and language features, in the white board based on the student knowledge.

h) The teacher calls one of the students randomly to share their writing text in front of the class and students check the draft over content, organization, language use, and mechanics after getting feedback from teacher and other students.

B. Concept of Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is a crucial aspect of interaction in language teaching beside listening, speaking, and reading. Through writing, students can express or transfer their feeling, messages or ideas, perception and knowledge in written form for the readers

According to Harmer (1998: 79) writing is a basic language skill besides speaking, listening, and reading. Writing is the way to express thought, ideas, and information into written text. It is not only how to put word by word into text, organize them well, but also makes it understandable. That is why writing is important and should be mastered by the students. They need to know how to state their idea, how to organize them well and make it readable.

Writing is a process of thinking in the mind then it will be compiled in paper to become paragraphs that have meaning to readers. According to Brown (2001) writing is a thinking process, because writing is the process of putting ideas down on paper to transform thoughts into words and give them structure and coherent organization.

Nation (2008:113) also mentions that writing is an activity that can

be useful to be prepared for working in the other ability of listening, speaking, and reading. It shows that writing is an important ability should

be learned by the students before learning the other ability, because the be learned by the students before learning the other ability, because the

According to Harmer (2007), writing is a way to produce language and express idea, feeling, and opinion. Furthermore he states that writing is a process that what people write is often heavily influenced by the constraints of genres, and then these elements have to

be presented in learning activities. The use of grammar and vocabulary correctly are very required in

writing to show how well the students’ mastery in writing. The students must think about the process and the use of language also. They will be

interested in writing if the kind of writing is suitable with their age, language ability, and interest. The students will enjoy in writing about topics that are familiar with them, such as writing about themselves, their families, their activities, their best friends, and their hobbies.

From the definitions of writing, it can be concluded that writing is the way of producing language and expressing ideas, feelings, and opinions and so on. Writing requires students to use grammar and vocabulary correctly to express what they want to say clear ly. Students’ writing shows how well they are mastering the language.

2. Types of Writing

Writing includes various kinds of text types. There are six major of writing text types. They are narration, description, argumentation, analysis, and synthesis.

a. Narration

A narrative is a report on an event, a happening that unfolds in time. Narration is a form of writing shared by the creative writer, who invents the events to be narrated.

b. Description In description, it takes a scene or an object and captures it in language. That is, it organizes the details of the object or scene to describe in the way that will most effectively convey the sensual image.

c. Classification Classification is another form that puts a premium on organization. In classification, it organizes the material not by time or space, but by a principle of logic.

d. Argumentation Argumentation differs from persuasion by being more rational. It is aimed at clarifying a topic rather than at moving a reader. Its function is to make the reader do something.

e. Analysis Analysis is both a way of observing and a way of writing about something has observe In particular, it involves taking things apart and seeing how the parts are related, so as to understand how the object of analysis works.

f. Synthesis Synthesis is the fullest and most complete form of academic writing. In synthesis, the writer uses the structure of an argument, and the data provided by research and analysis, to develop a thesis

3. Component of Writing

There are five components in the profile of writing are adopted by Jacobs (1981: 92):

a. Content Content is substance a text. Content related knowledgeable, substantive, through development of thesis statement and relevant to

be assigned topic

b. Organization In organization there are six descriptions that have to take in good written text. They are fluent expression, ideas clearly, supported, succinct, well organized, logical sequencing and cohesive.

c. Vocabulary The good writers have to enrich their vocabularies for their writing’s quality. But it is not enough without chosen the correct vocabulary in the text four. Jacobs (1981: 31) states vocabulary into four descriptors. Supplicated range, effective word/idiom choice and usage, word form mastery, and appropriate register.

d. Language use Language use related about effective, complex constructions, agreement, and tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns and preposition.

e. Mechanics Mechanics related about spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, and handwriting in written product. It is as basic of the evaluation in the profile of composition.

4. The process of Writing

According to Harmer (2007:326) the process of writing is more complex than this, of course, and the various stages of drafting, reviewing, re-drafting and writing, etc. In addition, Oshima and Houge (2007:16-19) states that process of writing consist of four steps, they are :

a. Prewriting Prewriting is choose a topic and collect ideas to explain the topic to get idea. Writer can use listing technique to get the idea. Listing is a prewriting technique in which write the topic at the top o a piece of paper and then quickly make a list of the words or phrases that come into the mind.

b. Organizing Organizing is to organize the ideas into a simple outline. The writer of models wrote a sentence that named the topic and told the main idea.

c. Writing In this step the writer write the rough draft using outline as a guide. Write the rough draft as quickly as you can without stopping to think about grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

d. Polishing : Revising and Editing In this step the writer polish what have written. Polishing is most successful if the writer do it in two steps. First, attack the big issues of content and organization, it is called revising. Then work on the smaller issues of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, it is called editing.

5. Writing Assessment

In writing assessment, the teacher has to assess the writing based on the components of writing. Jacob (1981: 91) stated that there are five indicators which will be assessed in writing, they are: content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics.

Table 2.1 Indicators of Writing Assessment based on Jacob’s Theory

Score Criteria Level

30-27 Excellent to Very Good : knowledgeable; substantive; thorough development of thesis; relevant to assigned topic

C 26-22

Good to Average : some knowledge of subject; adequate range; O limited development of thesis; mostly relevant to topic, but N lacks detail T

N 21-17

Fair to Poor : limited knowledge of subject; little substance; T

inadequate development of topic

16-13 Very Poor : does not show knowledge of subject; non- substantive; not pertinent; or not enough to evaluate

Score Criteria


A 20-18 Excellent to Very Good : fluent expression; ideas clearly N

stated/supported; succinct; well organized; logical sequencing;

I cohesive Z


17-14 Good to Average : somewhat choppy; loosely organized but main

I ideas stand out; limited support; logical but incomplete O

sequencing N

13-10 Fair to Poor : non-fluent; ideas confused or disconnected; lacks logical sequencing and development

9-7 Very Poor : does not communicate; no organization; or not enough to evaluate

Score Criteria Level

20-18 Excellent to Very Good : sophisticated range; effective

V word/idiom choice and usage; word form mastery; appropriate O


B 17-14 Good to Average : adequate range; occasional errors of U

word/idiom form; choice; usage but meaning not obscured L


13-10 Fair to Poor : limited range; frequent errors of word/form; Y

choice usage; meaning confused or obscured

9-7 Very Poor : essentially translation; little knowledge of English vocabulary; idioms, word form, or not enough to evaluate

Score Criteria Level

25-22 Excellent to Very Good : effective complex construction; few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/ function, articles, pronouns, prepositions


21-18 Good to Average : effective but simple construction; minor

G problems in complex constructions; several errors of agreement, U

tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,

A prepositions but meaning seldom obscured

E 17-11

Fair to Poor : major problems in simple/complex constructions; U

frequent errors of negations, agreement, tense, number, word S

order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/or

E fragments, run-ons, deletions; meaning confused or obscured

10-5 Very Poor : virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules; dominated by errors; doesn’t communicate, or not enough to evaluate

Score Criteria Level

5 Excellent to Very Good : demonstrates mastery of conventions; few errors of spelling, punctuations, capitalizations,

M paragraphing

C 4 Good to Average : occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,

H capitalizations, paragraphing, but meaning not obscured


Fair to Poor : frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,

I 3 capitalizations, paragraphing, poor handwriting, meaning

C confused or obscured S Very Poor : no mastery of conventions; dominated by errors of

2 spelling,

capitalizations, paragraphing, handwriting illegible; or not enough to evaluate


C. The Concept of Narrative

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text may be either fiction or non-fiction. The examples of fiction include realistic fiction, science fiction, mysteries, folk tales, fairy tales, and biographies.

Sabarun (2008:11) stated that narrative is to tell a story, to tell what happened. In addition, there are several points about effective narrative paragraph. First, a good narrative paragraph must include the entire significant event. Second, it does not bring up un-significance points. Third, it follows a logical time sequence. Fourth, it does not drag on; its pace is brisk. Fifth, it usually has a point that can be drawn from the story. An effective narration paragraph has three important characteristics, they are: Sabarun (2008:11) stated that narrative is to tell a story, to tell what happened. In addition, there are several points about effective narrative paragraph. First, a good narrative paragraph must include the entire significant event. Second, it does not bring up un-significance points. Third, it follows a logical time sequence. Fourth, it does not drag on; its pace is brisk. Fifth, it usually has a point that can be drawn from the story. An effective narration paragraph has three important characteristics, they are:

b. It was organized by time order or chronological order. In addition, the series of events in narration are generally arranged by time order or chronological order. This means that the story begins with what happened first, then moves on to what happened next and ends with what happened last.

c. It shows the writer’s attitude point. When writing a narration, you should have purpose, in other word, you tell a story to teach something, persuade, or make point. Otherwise, your readers will probably wonder why they need to brother to read your story. Your purpose will guide you to select the details to include and those to exclude in your story.

Narration is more often about past story, but sometimes it is also about repeated present story. Past and present narrations have several similarities and differ mainly in when the story takes place. Therefore, in writing both present and past narrations, you need keep yourself aware with your choice of verb tenses.

Common forms of narrative text which are studied in high school are legend. What is legend? A legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history. Typically, a legend is a short, traditional and historicized narrative performed in a conversational mode. Some define legend as folktale. The examples of legend in narrative text are: Sangkuriang, Maling Kundang, The legend of Tangkupan Perahu, The Story of Toba Lake, etc.

2. The Structure of Narrative Text

a. Generic Structure

A narrative text usually has three main parts: orientation, complication and resolution.

1) Orientation: sets the scene: where and when the story happened, introduces the participants of the story: who and what is involved in the story.

2) Complication: Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax) of the main participants.

3) Resolution: The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending. According to Sudarwati there are three points about the generic structure of narrative text. First, Orientation (beginning): who were involved in the story, when and where Second, Complication (middle): a problem arises followed by other problem. Third, Resolution (ending): solution to the problem.18 Based on the statement above, the writer 3) Resolution: The problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending. According to Sudarwati there are three points about the generic structure of narrative text. First, Orientation (beginning): who were involved in the story, when and where Second, Complication (middle): a problem arises followed by other problem. Third, Resolution (ending): solution to the problem.18 Based on the statement above, the writer

Thirdly is resolution. It is an optional closure of event. The complication may be resolved for better or for worse, but it is rarely left completely unresolved. The writer can conclude that resolution is the end of the story. Furthermore, the generic structure of narrative text can be shortened as; orientation, complication and resolution.

b. Language Features

1) The use of noun phrase: a beautiful princess, a huge temple, etc.

2) The use of connective: first, before, that, then, finally, etc.

3) The use of adverbial phrase of time and place: in the garden, two days ago.

4) The use of simple past tense: He walked away from the village.

5) The use of action verbs: arrived, ate, went, laughed, walk, sleep, wake up, etc.

6) The use of saying verbs: say, tell, ask.

7) The use of time connectives and conjunctions: one day, a week later then, a long, long time ago, when etc.

D. Relevance Studies

A study was conducted by Afiyusma titled using comic strips the eighth grade students’ Narative writing ablility in SMP N 1 Pandak . She found that using comic had improved the students’ ability in story retelling. Since it could catch the students’ attention, create a student-

centered activity, and motivate them to become more active, creative, and fluency in story retelling.

Fika Megawati entitled “comic strips a study on the teaching of w riting narrative texts to Indonesian elf students‟‟. In her result, she found that the result of his study shows that using of comic strips could improve

the students‟ ability in writing a narrative text. It was found that the use of comic strips for composing narrative texts through writing process in the study showed that the students‟ writing ability improved during the cycles conducted.

Norma Indah Lutfifati in her thesis entitle “Using comic strips to improve the eighth grade students' ability in writing narrative texts at

SMPN 9 Malang‟‟. The result of the writer shows that comic strips successfully improved the students' ability in writing narrative texts" All of

the students had reached the minimum score of 3" Moreover, the majority of the students gave positive responses toward the implementation of comic strips and they said that comic strip was interesting and easy to understand because there were some dialogues related to the topic" In the students had reached the minimum score of 3" Moreover, the majority of the students gave positive responses toward the implementation of comic strips and they said that comic strip was interesting and easy to understand because there were some dialogues related to the topic" In

Lili Purwanitasari entitled “Using comic strips to improve the ability of students of SMP Negeri 2 Malang in Writing Recount Text. She found that the result of the research showed that comic strips successfully improve the student ability in writing recount text especially in term of content, language use and spelling.3 In this study, the writer has different subject and object of the study.

Another study was conducted by Farida Aroyani (2010): The Effectiveness of teaching using comic strips to facilitate students’ reading comprehension skill on narrative text. The result is using comic strips as

teaching media/aids in teaching narrative text can improve the students’ writing skill and also motivate the students’ in learning English especially in narrative text. Because it can creates fun, competitive, and consequently memorable learning in English subject.

In this study, the researcher has different subject and object of the study. In this study, the writer’s subject is the students of Junior High

School 33 Solok Selatan. The researcher takes the eighth grader students. The writer’s object is teaching English writing using comic strip and

without using comic strips.

E. Conceptual Framework

This research studies about the ef fect of using Comic Strip on students’ writing ability. There are many problems of this research such as the lack of ideas, the lack of practice, the lack of vocabularies, and the lack of grammatical knowledge.

The students are afraid of making mistakes and finally give up before finishing it. To overcome those problems, the researcher will try to conduct an experiment by using Comic Strip in this research. By using Comic Strip, it can help the students in many aspects which make them easier in the learning process. Therefore, students will think creatively in visualizing of the ideas in their writing.

The schema of the research is described completely below:

 The lack of ideas Students’ problem on writing

skill  Students have lack of vocabulary

in writing English

 Students lack in vocabulary  Afraid of making mistakes


Using Comic Strip



1. The teacher cuts apart the individual panels of a comic strip and gives it to the students and asks

them to arrange the piece into proper sequence to tell the story in written form.

2. The teacher removes the speech or though bubbles of comic strip, hands out copies of both the comic strip and the text of the bubbles to the students and

the students task is to figure out the proper order of the speech or thoughts.

3. The teacher hands out a comic strip form which the last panel is cut out. Students are asked to continue

the story and come up with an ending.

4. The teacher organizes students into pair and gives them a written story with missing information. And asks them to discuss what might be missing from

the text.

5. The teacher gives the students a comic strip version

of the text and asks them to fill in the blanks in written story by describing what they see in the pictures.

6. The teacher asks students to write the story based

on what they see in the picture.

7. Teacher explain the lesson by writing the main point on the white board and explain to student generic structure, social function and language features, in the white board based on the student


8. The teacher calls one of the students randomly to

share their writing text in front of the class and

students check the draft over content, organization,

language use, and mechanics after getting feedback from teacher and other students

Result  The students can increase

their think ability creatively Students’ writing is

 Can stimulate the students improved

brain in gaining the ideas  The students can write with

Relevant Stud stress free

 The students feel easy in

writing because this technique is interesting and



A. Research Design

The design of this research was experimental research, because the researcher wants to know the effect and relationship by implementing the stimulus. According to Gay (2000: 367), the experimental method is the only method which can test truly hypothesis concerning cause and effect relationship. It represents the most valid approach to the solution or educational problems, both practical and theoretical, and to the advancement of education as a science. He also states that an experimental typically there were two groups; an experimental group and a control group.

In this research, the researcher used posttest-only control design (Sugiyono (2013: 114). The design of this research can be represented as:

Table 3.1 Research Design

X = treatment of experimental group Y = post-test

This design had two classes where the researcher randomly choosed. The first. One class was the experimental class that received a treatment (X) or using comic strip in teaching writing process, while another class was the control class that receives no treatment.

The effect of giving treatment was posttest result (O 1 :O 2 ). In this research, the effect of mind mapping with picture technique was being statisically analyzed with t-test

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Gay (2000:122) state that population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the results of the study to be generalizable. In the other words population is the total number of students on a research.

The population of this research was students of Junior High School

33 Solok Selatan which consist of three classes of class VIII. The population of this research was 63 students. The distribution of the population can be seen in the table below.

Table 3.2 Population of the Research



Number of students

Source: English teacher at class VIII SMP N 33 Solok Selatan

From the table above we can conclude that total of population is 63 students, consist of 3 classes, namely: VIII-1, VIII-2, VIII-3. After deciding population, the researcher used SPSS to show normality and homogeneity from the fourth classes above. Then to show the sample representative or not the researcher does the next step:

a. Collected the students’examination score data from the English teacher.