
Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |





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Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |




Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa 0805379

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Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

An Analysis of Contextual Meaning on

The Idiomatic Expression in

The Parent


Film Script


Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa

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© Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2013

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Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


Idiomatic expressions are often used by the people when they are communicating. Idiom is an expression which can be a term or a group of words whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definitions. The Meaning of idiomatic expression can be defined by contextual meaning, whereas contextual meaning is the meaning of a word according to the situations in which they are used. In clarifying the meaning of idiom, it is not only finding the word from the dictionary, but also understanding with the speaker’s condition when uttering the message. So, contextual theory is used in analyzing the idiomatic meaning. This study analyzed the contextual meaning on the idiomatic expressions found in The Parent Trap’s film script as an object of the study. The researcher attempted to answer the two research questions, they are: 1) What types of idioms are found in

The Parent Trap Film script? and 2) What contextual meanings of the idioms are

found in The Parent Trap film script? In conducting the research, the researcher applied descriptive qualitative method to analyze all the selected samples in order to classify and interpret them. The researcher found 97 out of six types of idioms.

There were 44 out 97 idioms where the meaning was based on the context, and there

were 53 idioms which had the same meaning with the meaning in the dictionary of idioms. It is indicated that the contextual meaning of idioms could have in common with the meaning of words contained in the dictionary or the real meaning of its idioms. It is also proved that a meaning is having a close relationship with its context because in this case, in understanding the meaning of idioms, in addition to see the original meaning, it also need to see the context when the idioms is uttered/spoken. The researcher hopes that there will be more students of English Department who are interested in analyzing idiomatic expressions in the film to increase their knowledge such as literature, linguistics, and translation study.

Keywords: idiomatic expressions, contextual meaning, film


Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |










CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems... 3

1.3 Objectives of the Study... 3

1.4 Limitation of the Study... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study... 4

1.6 Research Method... 5

1.7. Clarification of Key Terms... 5

1.8 Organization of the Paper... 6

1.9 Concluding Remarks... 7


2.2 Types of Idioms... 12

2.2.1 Anaphoric Substitute... 13

2.2.2 Proper Names... 14

2.2.3 Abbreviation... 15

2.2.4 English Phrasal Compound... 15

2.2.5 Figure of Speech... 16 vi


Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

2.2.6 Slang... 17

2.4 Contextual Meaning... 17

2.5 Film... 22

2.6 Previous Studies... 24

2.7 Concluding Remarks... 26

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design... 27

3.2 Source... 28

3.2.1 Synopsis of “The Parent Trap” Film... 29 Synopsis... 29 Cast... 32

3.3 Research Instrument... 32

3.4 Data Collection... 32

3.5 Data Analysis... 33

3.6 Concluding Remarks... 33


4.1.1 Idiomatic Expressions Found in the Film Script... 35 Anaphoric Substitute ... 36 Proper Names... 36 Abbreviation ... 38 English Phrasal Compound... 38 Figure of Speech... 39 Slang... 40

4.2 The Analysis of Contextual Meaning of the Idioms ... 41

4.2.1 Anaphoric Substitute... 41

4.2.2 Proper Names... 43

4.2.3 Abbreviation... 48 vii


Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

4.2.4 English Phrasal Compound...49

4.2.5 Figure of Speech...53

4.2.6 Slang... 58

4.3 Discussion... 61


5.2 Suggestions... 65




Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



Table 4.1 Types of Idiom Found in The Parent Trap Film Script... 35

Table 4.2 Sample 1... 42

Table 4.3 Sample 2... 43

Table 4.4 Sample 3... 44

Table 4.5 Sample 4... 45

Table 4.6 Sample 5... 46

Table 4.7 Sample 6... 47

Table 4.8 Sample 7... 48

Table 4.9 Sample 8... 49

Table 4.10 Sample 9... 50

Table 4.11 Sample 10... 51

Table 4.12 Sample 11... 52

Table 4.13 Sample 12... 53

Table 4.14 Sample 13... 54

Table 4.15 Sample 14... 55

Table 4.16 Sample 15... 55

Table 4.17 Sample 16... 56

Table 4.18 Sample 17... 57

Table 4.19 Sample 18... 58

Table 4.20 Sample 19... 59

Table 4.21 Sample 20... 60


Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



Appendix 1 Synopsis of The Parent Trap... 69

Appendix 2Idioms in Conversation based on Types of Idiom ... 72

Appendix 3 Transcript of The Parent Trap... 75

Appendix 4 Meaning of the Idioms... 111



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This study is concerned with contexual meaning on the idiomatic expression. This chapter contains background of the study, statement of problems, objectives of study, limitation of the study, significance of the study, research method, clarification of key terms, and organization of the paper.

1.1Background of the Study

Language is a communication system which is very important for humans. As a dynamic element, language is analyzed and assessed by using various approaches to study it. The approach that can be used to assess a language is

meaning approach.

Chaer (1994) states that meaning can be distinguished based on several criteria and point of view. Based on the type of semantic, it can be distinguished into lexical meaning and grammatical meaning, whether based on the other criteria or other point of view it can be mentioned that there are associative meaning, reflective meaning, and idiomatic meaning.

Idiomatic meaning is a unit of speech in which the meaning is unpredictable from the meaning of its elements, both lexically and grammatically. Cooper (1998) states that the Meaning of idiomatic expression can be defined by two ways: lexically and contextually. From its lexical viewpoint, the meaning of idiomatic expression is the meaning that is conventionally assigned to the



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

common use in dictionary. On the other hand, the meaning of idiomatic expression can be understood contextually. The reason why it can be understood contextually because some idioms have various meanings depending on the context. According to Lyons, in his book he stated, “contextual meaning is the meaning of a word according to the situations in which they are used; different situation might give a sentence in a different meaning.” (Lyons, 1984:143). In short, contextual meaning is the meaning according to the context.

In this research, film becomes an object of the study. In our life, we are often watching film. Film is one of the literary works where the function is to entertain and to gain information. As with books or other printed works, photographs, sound recordings, paintings or other artwork, film is a conductor of information to the society. The information presented in a film providing new knowledge to society. Whatever the genre or the theme, film always leaves a moral message to people that can be absorbed easily. Also, understanding a film can be easier than reading a written text like a book. So, film is strategically used for communication tools for many people. Film is also a conductor of information to the society.

In his book, Biran (2006: 29) says that language in the film has very important role and function. Without language, film will lose its „strength‟ because language is an effective element in conveying the information.

Moreover, Film often applies an idiom in it; of course, each idiom that appears on the conversations have a certain meaning.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Based on the explanation above, the researcher chose The Parent Trap’s film to analyze which is focused on contextual meaning of the idiom found on the script. The researcher chose this film because there are many idioms can be found in the film script, both American and British Idioms. Many culturals knowledge give an impact to the statement of conversations in the film, so they need contextual explanation to interpret the meaning contained in it. Due to the reason above, this study is very significant and interesting to be conducted. Therefore, the researcher intended to conduct study entitled "An Analysis of Contextual

Meaning on the Idiomatic Expression in The Parent Trap film script".

1.2Statement of Problems

Based on the background of the study, problems of the study are formulated below:

1. What types of idioms are found in The Parent Trap‟s film script?

2. What contextual meaning of the idioms are found in The Parent Trap‟s film script?

1.3Objectives of Study

This discussion is aimed to answer the questions posed in problems of the study above. To be more specific the researcher would like to:

1. To identify types of idioms which are found in The Parent Trap film script. 2. To interpret contextual meaning of the idioms found in The Parent Trap film script.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.4 Limitation of the Study

In this study the researcher focuses her study on meaning or message based on the context that existed on the idioms found in The Parent Trap film. The researcher takes the idioms from the whole script of the film.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is about how to understand meaning of idioms. Understanding

meaning is very important to be analyzed because if we don‟t know the real meaning, the hearer couldn‟t understand the meaning which is delivered by the

speaker. This kind of problem could bring uncondusive and unefficeint communication. Just like in many cases, there are a lot of mistakes made by the

hearers who can‟t understand what the speakers say when the speaker using the

idioms. So that, the researcher hopes this study is able to making light of understanding the idioms meaning in communication.

Furthermore, the results of this study are expected to give useful inputs for researchers who are going to do research in the same field, especially in study of idiomatic expression. Moreover, those who are interested in learning vocabulary, the findings of this research give valuable information about all kinds of idiomatic expressions. Finally, this study gives relevant information to anyone who does their study on literary works such as film.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1.6 Research Method

This study used descriptive qualitative method. The aim of descriptive was to explain, classify, and analyze the data from some instruments. Moreover, the qualitative was used to investigate the social phenomenon. This study applied qualitative method that used natural setting to describe the factual phenomenon. The subject of this research was taken from „The Parent Trap‟ film which was directed by Nancy Meyers. The data obtained the whole text of the film script. The script was chosen as the data source because the script applied various kinds of idiomatic expression. This film released on February, 1997. The researcher watched the film and then read its trascription.

There were some steps in conducting this research. The first step was reading and understanding whole „The Parent Trap‟ film script. The second step was identifying the idioms used in the film script. The third step was classifying stage. The data collected were classified into some types of idioms based on theory from Hockett (1958). The fourth step was analyzing data. After classifying the data, the researcher tried to find the meaning or message based on the context in the film.

1.7 Clarification of Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding on the terms used in this study, the researcher gives the definition of the following key terms:



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

1. Contextual meaning: is the meaning of words according to the situations

in which they are used (Lyons, 1984:143).

2. Idiomatic expression: is a type of informal English where its meaning is

different from the meaning of the words in the expression, or according to

Fromkin (1987), “idiomatic expression is a kind of words such as fixed phrase, consisting of more than one word, with one meaning cannot be inferred by knowing the meanings of the individual words.”

3. Film: is a media to transfer a message. Functions of film are to entertain

and – the most important thing – to gain or to deliver the information to the society. Moreover, Imanjaya (2006: 29) states in his book that film as social archives catches a spirit of the era of the society in that time.

1.8 Organization of the Paper

This paper is presented into five chapters. Chapter I consists of introduction that covers background of the study, statement of problems, objectives of the study, limitation of the study, significance of the study, research method, clarification of key terms, and organization of the paper. Chapter II presents the theoretical foundation related to, idiomatic expression, types of idiom, contextual meaning, film, and previous studies. Chapter III deals with research method in order to accomplish the study. It comprises research design, source, research instrument, data collection, and data analysis. Chapter IV provides findings and discussion. This chapter report the result of the analysis. Chapter V contains some conclusions and suggestions/recommendations for



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

further research in accordance with the result of the research. The paper ends with references.

1.9 Concluding Remarks

This chapter has discussed the background of study which outlines of why this paper is proposed, displayed the limitation of study which limited this study, specified the problem of the study which is formulated in research questions, presented the aims of study which explains for what this study is conducted, described its significance for whom this study is investigated, presents an overview of the method used, showed the clarification of the key terms which clarify some terms that are related in this study and finally presents the organizations of the paper.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter discusses the method employed by the writer to find the answers of the research questions which have been already mentioned in the first

chapter. The first question is „what types of idioms are found in The Parent Trap

film script?‟, while the second question is „what contextual meanings of the

idioms are found in The Parent Trap film script?‟

This chapter includes research design, source, research instrument, data collection and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study conducted qualitative approach. Fraenkel and Wallen (1993:

380) says about qualitative approach that “the quality of relationships, activities, situations or materials”. While, Merriam (1998: 5) defines qualitative research as “an umbrella concept covering several forms of inquiry that helps us understand and explain the meaning of social phenomena with as little disruption of the

natural setting as possible.”

In this research, the writer was the instrument of the study (human instrument). Because just like Fraenkel and Wallen (1993: 380-381) said that in qualitative research, the appropriate instrument was human or the researcher because it concerns with the processes which can simply be obeserved by human.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Moreover, the study did not give any control or treatment, which may influence the variable. On the other, descriptive research allowed the use of statistics, called descriptive statistics. The main function of descriptive statistics was to describe information or data through the use of numbers.

There are five characteristis of qualitative research according to Alwasilah (2002: 107-109) as follows: “ (1) Understanding the meaning, (2) Understanding the particular contexts, (3) identification the phenomena and the effect that unexpected, (4) Existing grounded theory, (5) Understanding the process”

The research here used descriptive qualitative method because the data were in the form of words or written language rather than number. The writer believed that descriptive qualitative method was appropriate for this research

because as Sugiyono (2007: 15) says that, “descriptive problems formulation

guided the writer in exploring and capturing the social situation to be studied throughly, widely, and intensively.

3.2. Source

The source of this study was “The Parent Trap”, a Drama-Comedy film which was directed by Nancy Meyers. In the film script, there were found 97

idioms. Those were potential to be analyzed by Hockett‟s Types of idiom and Firth‟s contextual theory.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

3.2.1 Synopsis of “The Parent Trap” Film

“The Parent Trap” is a 1998 remake of the 1961 family film of the same name. It was directed and written by Nancy Meyers, and produced and co-written by Charles Shyer. It stars Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson as a couple who divorce soon after marrying, and Lindsay Lohan in a dual role as their twin daughters, Hallie Parker and Annie James who are accidentally reunited after being separated at birth. Both films are based on Erich Kästner's novel Lottie and

Lisa (Das doppelte Lottchen). The novel and the 1936 Deanna Durbin film Three Smart Girls are the basis of the screenplay written by David Swift for the 1961

and 1998 film, only the novel is credited however. Meyers and Shyer are credited as co-writers of the 1998 version along with Swift.

This film is full with idiomatic expressions both of American and British. The statement in the conversations in the film is full with cultural influence and need contextual explanation to interpret the meaning contained in it. Synopsis

Nick Parker (Dennis Quaid) and Elizabeth James (Natasha Richardson) met and married each other during an ocean cruise on the QE2 (Queen Elizabeth 2). Nick and Elizabeth gave birth to their twin daughters, Hallie Parker and Annie James (both played by Lindsay Lohan), but they divorced and lost contact with each other, each parent raising one of the twins without telling her about her sister. Nick raised Hallie in the Napa Valley and he became a wealthy wine



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

grower, while Elizabeth raised Annie in London and she became a famous wedding gown designer.

After the ocean cruise and onboard wedding ceremony, the story jumps ahead to a summer in which Nick and Elizabeth coincidentally enroll their daughters in the same summer camp in Maine. Hallie and Annie, who are now eleven years old, first meet at the end of a fencing match, when they remove their masks and see that they look alike. A comical hostility between the two girls leads to a prank war that ends when the camp counselors fall into one of Hallie's traps and isolate the twins from the other girls.

Living together, Hallie and Annie discover that they were born on the same day and they each have half of a torn wedding photograph of their parents. Realizing with delight that they are twins, the girls hatch a plan to meet their previously unknown parents: Each girl will train her twin to impersonate her, and they will switch places at the end of the summer camp.

When camp is over, the plan succeeds: Hallie goes to London (pretending to be Annie), where she meets her mother, her grandfather, and the James family's butler Martin (Simon Kunz). Annie goes to California (pretending to be Hallie), where she meets her father, the Parker family's housekeeper Chessy (Lisa Ann Walter), their dog Sammy, and Nick's young, opportunistic fiancée Meredith Blake (Elaine Hendrix), who is only interested in Nick's money. Distressed by Meredith's deviousness, Annie telephones Hallie and persuades her to bring Elizabeth to California to break up the engagement. Soon the girls' identities are



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

discovered by everyone except for Nick and Meredith, who remain unaware of the switch their newfound family members tearfully welcome them.

In order to bring Nick and Elizabeth together, Hallie, Annie, Chessy, Martin and Charles conspire to have them meet at a hotel in San Francisco by arranging for Nick to meet Meredith's parents and by not telling Elizabeth about Meredith. Nervous about meeting Nick, Elizabeth asks Martin to accompany her and Hallie. After a few comical mix ups in the hotel, Nick and Elizabeth see each other, Nick finally learns about the switch and the girls host a candlelit dinner for Nick and Elizabeth, served by Chessy and Martin, on a yacht decorated to recreate their first meeting. At dinner, Elizabeth mentions that Nick did not follow her after she left him, and Nick responds that he was not sure if Elizabeth would want him to. They make plans for the girls to spend holidays together, but decide against resuming their relationship.

Hallie and Annie dislike this idea, so they force their parents to take them camping by refusing to reveal which twin is which. After Elizabeth persuades Nick and the girls to take Meredith instead of herself, the girls play tricks on Meredith, who becomes enraged and insists that Nick choose between her and his daughters. Nick chooses the girls and Meredith breaks off the engagement.

After Meredith leaves, Nick shows Elizabeth his wine collection, which includes the wine they drank at their wedding. Elizabeth is touched by this gesture at first, but has a change of heart and returns to London with Annie. However, when Annie and Elizabeth get home, they find Hallie and Nick waiting for them, having flown there on the Concorde. Elizabeth is fearful of remarrying, but she



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

yields to Nick's confidence, and Hallie and Annie look on happily as Nick and Elizabeth embrace. The end credits feature photographs of Nick and Elizabeth's second wedding, also aboard the QE2, with the girls as bridesmaids, and Martin presenting Chessy with an engagement ring.


The casts/characters of the Parent Trap film are Lindsay Lohan as Hallie Parker and Annie James, Dennis Quaid as Nick Parker, Natasha Richardson as Elizabeth "Lizzie" James, Elaine Hendrix as Meredith Blake, Lisa Ann Walter as Chessy, Simon Kunz as Martin, Polly Holliday as Marva Kulp, Maggie Wheeler as Marva Kulp Jr, Ronnie Stevens as Charles James, Joanna Barnes as Vicki Blake, J. Patrick McCormack as Les Blake, Erin Mackey as Hallie/Annie double.

3.3 Research Instrument

This study was qualitative research with actual settings as the direct source of data (Bogdan & Biklen, 1998: 4); thus, the key instrument of gathering the data in this research was the researcher herself, because there was no other research instrument which was suitable to collect the data.

3.4 Data Collection

According to Alwasilah (2002: 67), data were commonly viewed as information used to decide and discuss object(s) of investigation. In qualitative



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

research, there were three kinds of data collection: interview, observation, and documents. So, for this study documents is a kind of data collection.

In this research the researcher utilized some techniques of collecting the data, which were elaborated as follows:

1. Choosing film.

2. Watching the original DVD of “The Parent Trap” several times to comprehend the whole of stories.

3. Reading and understanding all of The Parent Trap film script which is transcripted by Ryan.

3.5 Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher employed four steps. The first step was identifying the idioms used in the film script, the second step was classifying the

idioms found based on Hockett‟s types of idiom, the third step was finding meaning based on the context by using Firth‟s contextual theory, and the fourth

step was drawing conclusions according to result.

3.6 Concluding Remarks

This chapter has presented how the study was designed and implemented. It has outlined the aspects of methodology used which consists of research design, source, data collection, and data analysis. The forthcoming chapter will develop the analysis of the results while the later chapter will conclude the results of the analysis.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter presents conclusions of the result that has been discussed in chapter IV and suggestions hope to be useful for the readers. The conclusions are drawn based on the formulated research questions, while suggestions give information for the readers who are interested in this study. On the analysis, the researcher focuses on the contextual meaning on the types of idiom found in the film entitled “The Parent Trap.”

5.1 Conclusions

First, It can be concluded that, based on the previous analysis on whole transcript of the data presentations, it is found that The Parent Trap’s film script

contains various idiomatic expressions. However, by using Hockett’s theory, the

researcher finds that there are five types of idiom found in the film. Those types are anaphoric substitute, proper names, english phrasal compound, figure of

speech, and slang. The number of idiomatic expressions use in the film script is 97 with anaphoric substitute which is appeared eight times, then proper names that is

appeared 12 times, english phrasal compound which is the most commonly used in

the conversation of the film amounting to 31 out 97 idioms, then figure of speech is appeared 24 times, and last but not least slang is appeared 22 times in the film. Second, referring to the second problem of the study, most of the idiomatic



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

commonly assigned in the dictionary of idiom. There are 44 out of 97 idioms in which the meaning based on the context, while the meaning based on the dictionary

of idioms are 53 out of 97 in totally. It is indicated that the contextual meaning of

idioms could have in common with the meaning of words contained in the dictionary or the real meaning of its idioms.

Furthermore, it can be said that in understanding the meaning of idioms, in

addition to see the original meaning, it also need to see the context when the idioms is uttered/spoken. So, it is proved that a meaning is having a close relationship with its context.

5.2 Suggestions

The researcher has some suggestions for the readers and the students of English Department. For the readers of this study who are interested in the same field, such as semantics and pragmatics, they are expected to more understand about the contextual meaning on the idiomatic expressions. They are suggested to see the meaning of idiomatic expressions not only based on the dictionary, but also have to consider based on the context where the idiomatic expressions are used. So, they can get a good comprehension in understanding the idiomatic expressions which is stated, especially in the literary works such as film.

Then, for the students of English Department, it is expected that the study becomes a meaningful source for those who wants to know further about literary work especially film. The researcher suggest them to learn the idiomatic expressions through film. By watching film, the students of English Department



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

will get understand about contextual meaning and about life that is implied on the idiomatic expressions from the conversations in the film.

Finally, the researcher hopes that there will be more students of English Department who are interested in analyzing idiomatic expressions in the film to increase their knowledge such as literature, linguistics, and translation study.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


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Halliday, M.A.K. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold, 1994. Print.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Hornby, AS. 1987. Oxford Leaner’s Dictionary of Current English. London. Oxford University Press. (taken on March 14, 2012)

Imanjaya, Ekky. 2005. A-Z About Indonesian Film. Bandung: Mixsn Media


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Education; Revised and Expanded from Case Study Research in Education. San-Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Nida, Eugene A. 1969. Context in Translating. Library Materials. Niergarth, E. 2007. The Idiom book 1010 idioms. (without source).

Nurmawati, Kholifah. 2012. Studi Relasi dan Perbandingan Antara Makna

Idiomatik dan Makna Leksikal, Linguistika Akademika. A Thesis.

Parera, Josh Daniel. 2004. Teori Semantik (Edisi Kedua), Jakarta: Erlangga. Print. Sarwiji, Suwandi. 2008. Semantik Pengantar Kajian Makna. Yogyakarta: Media


Seidl Jeniffer, W. McMordie. 1997. English Idioms. London: Oxford University Press, Print.

Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Tsauri, Sofyan. 2007. Semantic Analysis on the Lyrics of Muse’s Songs. Malang: The State Islamic University of Malang. A thesis.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

research, there were three kinds of data collection: interview, observation, and documents. So, for this study documents is a kind of data collection.

In this research the researcher utilized some techniques of collecting the data, which were elaborated as follows:

1. Choosing film.

2. Watching the original DVD of “The Parent Trap” several times to comprehend the whole of stories.

3. Reading and understanding all of The Parent Trap film script which is transcripted by Ryan.

3.5 Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher employed four steps. The first step was identifying the idioms used in the film script, the second step was classifying the

idioms found based on Hockett‟s types of idiom, the third step was finding meaning based on the context by using Firth‟s contextual theory, and the fourth

step was drawing conclusions according to result.

3.6 Concluding Remarks

This chapter has presented how the study was designed and implemented. It has outlined the aspects of methodology used which consists of research design, source, data collection, and data analysis. The forthcoming chapter will develop the analysis of the results while the later chapter will conclude the results of the analysis.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter presents conclusions of the result that has been discussed in chapter IV and suggestions hope to be useful for the readers. The conclusions are drawn based on the formulated research questions, while suggestions give information for the readers who are interested in this study. On the analysis, the researcher focuses on the contextual meaning on the types of idiom found in the film entitled “The Parent Trap.”

5.1 Conclusions

First, It can be concluded that, based on the previous analysis on whole transcript of the data presentations, it is found that The Parent Trap’s film script contains various idiomatic expressions. However, by using Hockett’s theory, the

researcher finds that there are five types of idiom found in the film. Those types are anaphoric substitute, proper names, english phrasal compound, figure of

speech, and slang. The number of idiomatic expressions use in the film script is 97 with anaphoric substitute which is appeared eight times, then proper names that is appeared 12 times, english phrasal compound which is the most commonly used in

the conversation of the film amounting to 31 out 97 idioms, then figure of speech is appeared 24 times, and last but not least slang is appeared 22 times in the film. Second, referring to the second problem of the study, most of the idiomatic expressions found in The Parent Trap’s film script are the meaning which are



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

commonly assigned in the dictionary of idiom. There are 44 out of 97 idioms in which the meaning based on the context, while the meaning based on the dictionary of idioms are 53 out of 97 in totally. It is indicated that the contextual meaning of idioms could have in common with the meaning of words contained in the dictionary or the real meaning of its idioms.

Furthermore, it can be said that in understanding the meaning of idioms, in addition to see the original meaning, it also need to see the context when the idioms is uttered/spoken. So, it is proved that a meaning is having a close relationship with its context.

5.2 Suggestions

The researcher has some suggestions for the readers and the students of English Department. For the readers of this study who are interested in the same field, such as semantics and pragmatics, they are expected to more understand about the contextual meaning on the idiomatic expressions. They are suggested to see the meaning of idiomatic expressions not only based on the dictionary, but also have to consider based on the context where the idiomatic expressions are used. So, they can get a good comprehension in understanding the idiomatic expressions which is stated, especially in the literary works such as film.

Then, for the students of English Department, it is expected that the study becomes a meaningful source for those who wants to know further about literary work especially film. The researcher suggest them to learn the idiomatic expressions through film. By watching film, the students of English Department



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

will get understand about contextual meaning and about life that is implied on the idiomatic expressions from the conversations in the film.

Finally, the researcher hopes that there will be more students of English Department who are interested in analyzing idiomatic expressions in the film to increase their knowledge such as literature, linguistics, and translation study.



Putri Destyanti Choerunnisa, 2013

An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |


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An Analysis Of Contextual Meaning On The Idiomatic Expression In The Parent Trap Film Script Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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