PREPARATION OF KENCUR (Kaempferia galanga L.) CANDY BY USING STEVIA AS NON CALORIC SWEETENER Preparasi Permen Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) Menggunakan Stevia Sebagai Pemanis Non Kalori


PREPARATION OF KENCUR ( Kaempferia galanga L.) CANDY


Preparasi Permen Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.)

Menggunakan Stevia Sebagai Pemanis Non Kalori


Kun Harismah*, Nurul Rahmawati Fauziyah*, Mutiara Sarisdiyanti*, Shofi ‘Azizah*, Arie Setiati**

  • *Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,

    Surakarta, Indonesia

    **Community Health Centre of Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Indonesia




Kandungan gula dalam makanan dan minuman sebagai pemanis telah menjadi masalah serius dalam hal keseha-

tan. Oleh karena itu pengganti gula telah diciptakan dalam upaya untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Teknologi pembua-

tan permen didasarkan pada ilmu pengetahuan dan seni memanipulasi gula dan makanan ini dapat ditingkatkan

dengan mengganti gula dengan gula. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni adalah salah satu pemanis alami kalori paling non

dikenal masyarakat. Daun kering dari stevia mengandung glikosida diterpen, tidak beracun, pemanis potensi tinggi

dan dapat menggantikan sukrosa serta pemanis sintetis lainnya, yang 300 kali lebih manis dari sukrosa. Kaemp-

feria galanga L. atau kencur adalah salah satu tanaman obat yang termasuk familia Zingiberaceae yang mempu-

nyai berbagai manfaat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui penggunaan stevia dalam ramuan permen yang

berkaitan dengan evaluasi organoleptik dan kalori. Sukrosa 100% digunakan sebagai kontrol dengan perband-

ingan 4 variabel tambahan. Variabel terdiri dari sukrosa dan stevia 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3, dan 0: 1. Lima sampel diukur

dan pengaruhnya terhadap penerimaan sensorik dan kalori dari produk diselidiki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan

panelis memberi respon tinggi terhadap permen kencur yang mengandung sukrosa dan stevia. Hasil penelitian juga

menunjukkan jumlah kalori masing-masing variabel 19,59; 13,74; 9,20; 6,77 dan 3,81 kalori/25g hal tersebut juga

meperlihatkan stevia memiliki potensi yang baik untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pemanis alternatif untuk permen


  Kata kunci: stevia, kencur, permen, sukrosa, kalori


The sugar content in foods and beverages as sweeteners has become a serious problem in regards to health.


Therefore sugar substitutes have been created in an effort to alleviate this problem. The technology of candy mak-

ing is based on the science and art of manipulating sugar and this food could be improved by replacing sugar with

a sugar. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is one of the most non caloric natural sweeteners known to mankind. The dried

leaves of stevia contain diterpene glycosides, non-toxic, high-potency sweeteners and may substitute sucrose

as well as other synthetic sweeteners, being 300 times sweeter than sucrose. Kaempferia galanga L., commonly

known as kencur is one of those precious medicinal herbs of Zingiberaceae that are still included in unutilized

herbs in spite of the variety of useful pharmacological properties it possesses. In this paper we describe the use

of stevia in herb candy with regard to evaluating organoleptic and caloric. A control of 100% sucrose was made

for a comparison along with four additional variables. The variables consisted of sucrose and stevia 1:1, 1:2, 1:3,

and 0:1. The five samples were measured and their effects on sensory acceptability and caloric of product were

investigated. This work has shown that the average panelists generally responded with a high level of acceptance

for kencur candy containing sucrose and stevia in candy. Results also revealed that the amount of calories accord-

ing to the variables were 19.59, 13.74, 9.20, 6.77, and 3.81 calorie/25g respectively, indicating that stevia has a

good potential to be exploited as an alternative sweetener for kencur candy. stevia, kencur, candy, sucrose, calorie


  INTRODUCTION Kaempferia galanga L., commonly

  different forms, and are used in the treatment of throat infections and also as antimicrobial activity (Techaprasan et al., 2010). Kaempferia

  PREPARATION OF KENCUR (Kaempferia galanga L.) CANDY BY USING STEVIA AS NON CALORIC SWEETENER Preparasi Permen Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) Menggunakan Stevia Sebagai Pemanis Non Kalori

  The work was conducted in the labora- tory of the Department of Chemical Engineer- ing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, In- donesia. The fresh, kencur and stevia collected from the local market were used in the study. Preparation of candy was described in the fol- lowing flow chart.

  The sugar content in foods and beverag- es as sweeteners has become a serious prob- lem in regards to health. High sugar content can lead to type two diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Therefore sugar substitutes have been created in an effort to alleviate this problem. The aim of the present work is to investigate the possibility of fully or partially replacing su- crose content in kencur candy with stevia for achieving maximum consumer acceptance and quality.

  Similarly, stevia is also found in various forms like fresh leaf, dry leaf, stevia powder, stevia syrup, and numerous formulations can be prepared by using these non caloric sweet- ener. Furthermore, stevia is non-calorific, able to maintain good dental health and suitable for diabetic patients (Geuns, 2003).

  raw kencur root, powdered kencur, kencur ex- tract, and also kencur instant.

  galanga is available in numerous forms like

  Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and Kaempfe- ria galanga L. both these plants are available in

  known as kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, is a monocotyledonous herb from Zingiber- aceae, and one of four plants called galangal. The plant is native to tropical Asia including Cambodia, India, Indochina, Indonesia, south- ern China, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand. It is widely cultivated throughout Southeast Asia (Mitra et al., 2007; Koh et al., 2009; Techapras- an et al

  Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) sweetener is heat stable up to 200 ºC, acid- stable and not fermentable, making it suitable for use in a wide range of products includ- ing baked/cooked foods (Puri et al. 2012) as well as acidified beverages. Stevioside (6-18% fresh weight in the leaves) is te sweetest glyco- side and was tested and found to be 300 times sweeter than sucrose in a report (Samuelsson, 1992). Stevia can partially replace sucrose in certain types of food products including tradi- tional cakes (Mareta, 2011) and rosella syrup (Harismah and Sarisdiyanti, 2014), without significantly affecting the sensory qualities.

  ., 2004), and also used for treatment of diarrhea, migraine and it increases energy to overcome exhaustion (Sulaiman et al. 2008).

  ., 2010). The plant is extensively used in preparation of yurvedic drugs, in perfumery, cosmetics and as spice ingredients (Rahman

  et al

  ., 2010). A considerable work has already been done to identify and isolate the chemical con- stituents from different polar and non polar extracts of Kaempferia galangal L. Ethyl-cin- namate and ethyl–para-methoxycinnamate are found to be the most vital constituents in the hexane (Yu et al., 2000), dichloromethane (Othman et al., 2006), and methanol extracts (Huang et al., 2008). About 98.98% of essen- tial oil constituents have been isolated and identified with only 1.11% constituents that are still unknown. The most abundant essen- tial oil constituents include 2-propanoic acid (35.54%), pentadecane (26.08%), ethyl-pa- ra-methoxycinnamate (25.96%) (Sutthanont


  Kun Harismah*, Nurul Rahmawati Fauziyah*, Mutiara Sarisdiyanti*, Shofi ‘Azizah*, Arie Setiati** Figure 1. Flow Chart of Kencur Candy Preparation



Figure 2. The Calorie of Kencur Candy PREPARATION OF KENCUR (Kaempferia galanga L.) CANDY BY USING STEVIA AS NON CALORIC SWEETENER Preparasi Permen Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) Menggunakan Stevia Sebagai Pemanis Non Kalori

  Results revealed that the amount of calorie was reduced by 29.81- 80.55%, indicating that stevia has a good potential to be exploited as an alternative sweetener for kencur candy. According to Saniah and Samsiah (2012) the addition of 0.43% stevia significantly reduced the level of carbohydrates and calories by 42.9% in the carbonated drink.


Figure 3. The Color of Kencur Candy

  Comparing all the sample of candy, it was clear that highest acceptability score (6.3) was for sucrose. From this it can be claimed that higher sugar concentration gives higher acceptability for candy as the taste is some- what influenced by sweetness (Bhuiyan et al., 2012). This also supported by Saniah and Sam- siah (2012).


Figure 5. The taste of Kencur Candy

Figure 4. The Aroma of Kencur Candy

  According Harismah and Sarisdiyanti (2014) panelists more like the aroma of rosella and stevia syrup on comparison between sucrose and stevia 1:2 due to the taste and aroma of rosella flower. So it can be claimed that the high concentration of sugar gives better quality candy. This work supported by Siddiqui et al. (2012).

  According to Figure 5 combination of sucrose and stevia 1:2 is the taste that panelists like after added of sucrose 100%. Although stevia can replace sugar for sweetness, it is necessary to mask the bitter after-taste associated with using stevia (Tan, 2009). In addition a previous work, the addition of 3% fructose successfully balanced the sweetness level and masked

  Kun Harismah*, Nurul Rahmawati Fauziyah*, Mutiara Sarisdiyanti*, Shofi ‘Azizah*, Arie Setiati**

  PREPARATION OF KENCUR (Kaempferia galanga L.) CANDY BY USING STEVIA AS NON CALORIC SWEETENER Preparasi Permen Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) Menggunakan Stevia Sebagai Pemanis Non Kalori

  the bitter after-taste in mango drink (Saniah Mareta, V. 2012. Pemanfaatan Daun Stevia and Samsiah, 2012). From Figures 3- 5, the (Stevia rebaudiana) sebagai Pemanis score for color, aroma, taste, and overall Alami terhadap Kualitas Organoleptik dan Kadar Gula Total Bolu Kukus, Uni- acceptability were affected by the amount of sucrose and stevia added. versitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,


  CONCLUSION Meilgaard, M., Civille, G.V. and Carr, B.T. rd

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