Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirement for the Degree of


“Sarjana Pendidikan”

Annisa Rahmawati









  The thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person accept where due reference is made in the text. Copyright@ 2017. Annisa Rahmawati and Rindang Widiningrum S. S., M. Hum All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, Satya Wacana University, Salatiga. Annisa Rahmawati


  Cover Page .............................................................................................. i Pernyataan Tidak Plagiat......................................................................... ii Pernyataan Persetujuan Akses............................................................... . iii Approval .................................................................................................. iv Publication Agreement Declaration ........................................................ v Copyright Statement ............................................................................... vi Table of Contents .................................................................................... vii INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................

  1 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................

  3 Cooperative Learning ..............................................................................

  3 Defining Cooperative Learning ..............................................................

  3 Techniques of CL ....................................................................................

  4 Teachers’ Roles in Implementing CL ......................................................

  6 Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing CL .............................................

  8 Advantages and Disadvantages of CL ....................................................

  8 Teachers’ Perceptions .............................................................................

  10 What is perceptions? ...............................................................................

  10 Teachers’ Perceptions Toward CL .........................................................

  10 THE STUDY ...........................................................................................

  11 Context of the Study ...............................................................................


  Participants ..............................................................................................

  12 Instrument ...............................................................................................

  12 Data Collection Procedure ......................................................................

  13 Data Analysis Procedure .........................................................................

  13 FINDING AND ANALYSIS ..................................................................

  14 Cooperative Learning and the Techniques ..............................................


  17 Teachers’ Roles in Implementing CL .....................................................

  19 Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing CL............................................. Advantaged and Disadvantages of CL ....................................................

  22 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................

  24 Acknowledgement...................................................................................

  27 References ...............................................................................................



Teachers’ Perceptions Toward the Use of Cooperative Language

Learning for Teaching English of Junior High School Level

  Abstract: One of the learning strategies to enhance creativity in teaching is implementing Cooperative Learning. As stated by Tsay and Brady (2010) Cooperative Learning has increasingly become a popular form of educational systems employed in academic institutions. The study aims to find out the teachers’ perceptions toward CLL for teaching English of Junior High School Level. The data was taken from SMP N 1 Bayubiru involving English teachers in every level that available in that school. The instrument is using semi-structured interview which consists of seven main questions.

  The data is classified into four themes, those are Cooperative Learning and the techniques, teachers’ roles in implementing Cooperative Learning, teachers’ challenges in implementing Cooperative Learning, advantages and disadvantages of Cooperative Learning. The writer hopes that the result of the study can be a recommendation for English teachers to determine whether CLL can be used to teach the foreign language as an interest learning method for students. Keywords: Cooperative Learning, teachers’ perceptions, English as foreign language


  Many Asian countries including Indonesia have a serious response to the growing need to foster communicative abilities in English where English is taught as a foreign language (Wati, 2011). Besides, English has become the International Language that must be learned to communicate with other countries. However, most of the people think that English is one of the difficult languages to learn as the foreign language. It’s because Indonesian doesn’t have the different verbs form in the structure of sentences. The teachers should try to find the way to help students in learning the foreign language well. It is supported by Tsay and Brady (2010) who stated that the main challenge for teachers is “determining the most effective teaching strateg ies for their students”.

  Most of the teachers will look for the students’ difficulties, for example, if they feel hard or confuse to learn by themselves, it can be easier for the students if they work with others (work in a group). On the other word, group work is more understandable than individual work for students so that the teachers need a method to achieve the purpose of teaching and learning process (Burke, 2011). This method called Cooperative Language Learning (CLL). Through this learning method, it can be beneficial for teachers to get the students better understanding of group work, if each member has the same responsibility in completing the tasks. Previous study has been done b y Xuan (2015) investigating teachers’ and students’ perceptions toward Cooperative Learning. The study was conducted in English department, and the participants included 7 teachers who were interviewed using record software and 166 students. In this research, teachers’ perceptions are divided into some themes: CL implementations, problems and advantages of using CL. One of the problems is about class size, and one of the advantages found in the study is that CL can improve students social skill. On the other hand, more than half of the students thought that CL is a good approach.

  In this study, the writer is interested to find out “What are the teachers’ perceptions toward

  Cooperative Language Learning for teaching English?” Therefore, the writer focuses on teachers’ perceptions when applying Cooperative Language Learning during the teaching process. Hopefully, this study can be a recommendation for English teachers to determine whether Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) can be used to teach the foreign language as an interest learning method for students.

  LITERATURE REVIEW Cooperative Learning Defining Cooperative Learning

  In teaching and learning process, work in a group is the common way that often used by the teachers at the most of the schools. Cooperative Learning has increasingly become a popular form of educational systems employed in academic institutions (Tsay and Brady, 2010). According to Gillies and Boyle (2010) Cooperative learning (CL) is a well-documented pedagogical practice that promotes academic achievement and socialization, yet many teachers struggle with implementing it in their classes.

  Added by Slavin (1995) as stated in Xuan (2015), Cooperative learning is defined as a variety of teaching methods which students work in groups. Each student is accountable for his or her own learning to help one another and exchange of information between students to learn academic content. Students work in a group to complete the assignment with other members and find the solution together. Felder and Brent (2007) said that “Cooperative learning is an approach to group work that minimizes the occurrence of those unpleasant situations and maximizes the learning and satisfaction that result from working on a high- performance team”. Moreover, Cooperative Learning may be interpreted as a learning to enable students in a group work by combining ideas of each member to get the maximum result.

  Teachniques of Cooperative Learning

  There are variety techniques or models of cooperative learning that commonly used by the teachers in the classroom. Those are Teams Games Tournament (TGT) and Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) (Slavin, 1994, as stated in Mayer and Alexander, 2011), Jigsaw (Aronson, 1978, as cited in Mayer and Alexander, 2011), Group Investigation (Sharan & Sharan, 1992, as cited in Mayer and Alexander, 2011), Roundtable (Kagan, 1994, as stated in Yaseen, 2014), Think Pair Share (Lyman, 1981, as stated in Yaseen, 2014).

  In the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) model, students work together in heterogeneously grouped teams to compete against other teams. After the teacher presents the instruction, groups discuss and work on the material. Finally, they compete with other teams to answer questions prepared by the teacher. The tournaments may last for several weeks. Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) is a simpler version of TGT. Students are grouped and work as in TGT.

  However, in STAD tournaments are replaced by quizzes. After cooperative group work, students are given quizzes to be answered individually. Both individual and group quiz scores are used for evaluating student learning (Slavin, 1994 as cited in Mayer and Alexander, 2011).

  2. Group Investigation Students form groups and study subtopics of a unit studied by the whole class.

  The group members determine the subtopics, plan their investigations, carry out individual tasks, plan and make presentations. Eventually, the teacher and the students evaluate their projects together (Sharan & Sharan, 1992, as cited in Mayer and Alexander, 2011).

  3. Jigsaw Jigsaw was originally designed by Elliot Aronson and his colleagues (1978) as cited in Mayer and Alexander (2011)

  . In Aronson’s Jigsaw method, students are assigned to six-member teams to work on academic material that has been broken down into sections. For example, a biography might be divided into early life, first accomplishments, major setbacks, later life, and impact on history. Each team member reads his or her section. Next, members of different teams who have studied the same sections meet in expert groups to discuss their sections. Then the students return to their teams and take turns teaching their teammates about their sections. Since the only way students can learn sections other than their own is to listen carefully to their teammates, they are motivated to support and show interest in one anothe r’s work.

  4. Round Table Round Table can be used for brainstorming, reviewing, or practicing. In this method, each group member has a designated turn to participate and make a written contribution to the group’s project. The group has a writing prompt, task, or question (Kagan, 1994, as stated in Yaseen, 2014). Sequential form as following: a.

  The teacher asks a question which has multiple answers, each student writes a response or a portion of a response.


  After writing their response, they pass the paper to the next person.


  Round Table can be down with one piece of paper per group or with one piece of paper per group member.


  One group member may be asked to share with the whole class what their group has written.

  There are two members per group. This technique includes the following components: teacher asks a question or poses a problem, students think by themselves, and students pair together and discuss their ideas. In this particular cooperative learning technique, each student will be given an opportunity to think and exchange ideas with their peers (Lyman, 1981, as stated in Yaseen, 2014).

  Teacher s’ Roles in Implementing Cooperative Learning

  To enhance the learning, teachers have the roles that can advocate the students’ language learning. However, the roles that needed are the teachers who able to create a good class condition to make the students comfort in learning the language. If a teacher does not lead a warm atmosphere in class, it will find low spirits of students to learn, so the teachers’ role is very critical in language teaching

  (Xu and Huang, 2010). A good language teacher is someone who realizes the significant roles of language teacher to help students understand to the aim of the study. There is some teachers’ role in implementing Cooperative Language Learning in the classroom (Gillieas, Ashman, and Terwel, 2008):

  1. Elaborates the potential that group discussion holds for promoting thinking and learning among students.

  2. Emphasizes the key role that teachers play in promoting discourse during cooperative learning and to promote student engagement and learning during small group learning.

  3. Provides specific examples of how cooperative learning can be established in classrooms to promote discussion, problem-solving and learning among students with diverse learning and social needs.

  4. The role of the teacher is to configure and manage the ordering activity and carry out dynamic grouping (Zurita, Nussbaum, and Salinas, 2005).

In addition, The Teachers’ roles in Implementing Cooperative Learning in the

  Classroom provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the challenges and issues with clear guidelines on how teachers can embed cooperative learning into their classroom curricula to obtain the benefits widely attributed to this pedagogical practice (Gillies, Ashman, and Terwel, 2008). Actually, the roles of the teachers are the most important thing in applying Cooperative Learning in the classroom. Because of their roles, the learning process becomes more controlled and organized.

  Teacher s’ Challenges in Implementing Cooperative Learning

  Definitely, teachers have challenges in implementing and managing Cooperative Learning (CL) in the classroom. However, to implement and manage the classroom, teachers may face some difficulties on it. As stated by Wang (2007) the difficulties of the teacher in Cooperative Language Learning: 1.

  The teachers observed some of the groups did not work cooperatively very well, especially some distracted students did their individual work and made class noisy, the classroom management was sometimes not easy to deal with.

  2. The teachers had to monitor the big class and pay attention to seven heterogeneous groups. It is difficult to control students’ chaos and maintain classroom management. Additionally, teachers also had a heavy workload to prepare for teaching materials and to design activities.

  3. It is not easy for the teachers to train the students to adapt to cooperative learning situations and to encourage students to take part in their group activities.

  4. It is difficult to have effective methods to measure students’ performances. From the difficulties above, teachers will be challenged how to handle those problems and how can teachers instruct the students to learn more toward Cooperative Learning.

  The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning

  Understanding and assessing student involvement in learning can help teachers design the most effective curriculum and determine how students’ best learn (Tsay and Brady, 2010). It means that Cooperative Learning has many benefits and advantages for the students and also the teachers. These advantages are supported by Burke (2011: 88):

  1. Group work has more information than an individual work.

  2. Group work stimulates creativity.

  3. Students remember group discussions better.

  4. Decisions that students help make yield greater satisfaction or maximum result.

  5. Students get a better understanding of themselves.

  “By working cooperatively, students develop an understanding of the unanimity of purpose of the group and the need to help and support each other's learning which, in turn, motivates them to provide information, prompts, reminders, and encouragement to others' requests for help or perceived need for help” (Gillies (2003a), Gillies & Ashman (1998) as cited in Gillies and Boyle (2010). Therefore, from the advantages of Cooperative Learning, the students can build their motivation to learn because others help can shorten the time, facilitate the work, and also increase the knowledge.

  However, the teachers may not just looking for the benefits of cooperative learning, because this learning method usually not as well as the teachers imagine when they applied it in classroom. Several problems often occur in the implementation of typical group work, as said by Bayat (2004) some group members may not contribute equally to the success of the group, so members who complete most of the work may feel abused. High-achievement students may benefit from the work more than the low-achievement students. In addition, responsibility within the group cannot be divided equally (Acikgoz, 2002 as stated in Bayat, 2004). If there are some students that do not work well in a group, it can make their group to be a passive so that they need supervision of teachers.

Teachers’ Perceptions

  What is perception?

  According to Lindsay & Norman (1977) as stated in Pickens (2005) perception is the process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. People have different perceptions of many things, they can interpret the things into something meaningful based on their experience. For example, the perception of students and teachers in the educational system, as stated by Taylor (2012) in his study,

  “perceptions refer to how students and teachers think and b elieve and the way that they view and understand things”. In addition, according to Hailu and Jabessa (2010), teachers’ perceptions in educational system all have potential to contribute to enhance learning. In other word, perceptions may define as teacher comments or assumptions to respond a topic that is considered interesting to discuss to achieve the goal.

  Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Cooperative Learning

  Besides, having the roles to organize the implementing of cooperative learning, teachers also be relevance in some responsibility to create the quality of the clas sroom so that students’ score is the important thing to be promoted. As cited by Hailu and Jabessa (2010), teachers’ perceptions of the classroom quality are analyzed into three topics: promoting professional ethics, improving collaboration, and develop problem-solving skills. According to the study written by Gillies and Boyle (2010), “the benefits the teachers perceived that they derived from using cooperative learning included that it helped them to better manage and structure their lessons and make them more challenging”.

  In addition, teachers belief to make the students interest in cooperative learning, they have to promote and motivate students in implementing this learning method. A study which is designed by Xu and Huang (2010),

  “motivation provides the primary impetus to initiate learning the foreign language and later the driving force to sustain the long and often tedious learning process

  ”. Thus, motivation of the teachers can be an encouragement for students to improve the language learning to learn in the classroom.

  THE STUDY Context of the study

This study was conducted at SMP N 1 Banyubiru. The school was chosen because it was the writer’s teaching practicum site and the English teachers in that

  school applied Cooperative Learning as their teaching method. The curriculum used in this school was K13 for grade 7 and KTSP for grade 8 and 9. Every class had 29- 32 students and all of them deserved to follow the English course.


  English teachers in every level that available at the school were chosen to be the participants of the study. All of them were interviewed to get the complete information about Cooperative Language Learning for teaching English. There were

  3 English teachers at SMP N 1 Banyubiru, they were 1 male and 2 female. All of them were chosen because based on the writer observation when teaching practicum in that school, she interested with the ways of the three English teachers taught using Cooperative Learning in the classroom.


  This study used interview method to get the data with audio recording to save the data. The interview questions were in Indonesian so that the participants would be easier to understand and answer the questions. The interview was using semi- structured interview model to get the detail information. These were the main interview questions:

  1. What do you know about Cooperative Learning?

  2. Have you ever taught by using Cooperative Learning? What techniques do you use?

  3. How do you select the students to work together in groups? Explain!

  4. Is the role of teachers helpful in implementing Cooperative Learning classroom? How does this work?

  5. Tell me about the challenges of implementing Cooperative Learning in your classroom!

  6. What is the advantages toward the use of Cooperative Learning for teaching English?

  7. What is the disadvantages toward the use of Cooperative Learning for teaching English? The interview based on teachers

  ’ experience using Cooperative Learning in the classroom. The writer thought a semi-structured interview was more flexible because it depended on the teachers’ answer. The interview questions were about teachers’ perceptions toward the use of Cooperative Learning.

  Data Collection Procedure

  The data collection procedure for the study was started from making interview questions and then piloting the questions to check whether the questions were understandable or not. The last procedure was interviewing the English teachers for 30 minutes for each teacher. The interview process was in Bahasa Indonesia, but the report would be written in English.

  Data Analysis Procedure

  The data was classified or analyzed based on the result of the interview. The writer started to write down the transcribe by listening to the recordings. After that, grouping the data based on the themes. After that analyzed the teachers’ answer based on chapter 2 (literature review) and relate to the theory. The answers of participants were the information about the teachers’ perceptions toward CLL in English subject.

  In this chapter, the writer would analyze the teachers’ perceptions toward Cooperative Learning by interviewing some teachers in SMP N 1 Banyubiru, in order to answer the research question that was “What are the teachers’ perceptions toward Cooperative Language Learning for teaching English?” The writer supported the analysis by provided the quotation of each teacher’s answer to know the comparison of their perceptions. The discussion was divided into some themes: Cooperative L earning and the Techniques, Teachers’ Roles in Implementing Cooperative Learning, Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing Cooperative Learning, Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning.

  Cooperative Learning and the Techniques

  Before the teachers implemented Cooperative Learning in the class, they should know what and how this learning strategy applied for the students. Based on the study, the writer found some opinion expressed by the English teachers at SMP N

  1 Banyubiru about Cooperative Learning. Cooperative Learning was the students learning with peers, and how the students developed their ideas in a group. Here, all of English teachers had the same opinion or perception about Cooperative learning. Teacher 1 argued that:

  “Cooperative Learning was like peer teaching where the students learned through their peers.” While, teacher 2 added:

  “Cooperative Learning was a learning where the students found their knowledge with peers or others”. A little bit different with teacher 3, she said:

  “Cooperative Learning was a learning which enable students in everything, I meant in terms of students’ thinking, developed their creativity, and then cooperate with friends or peers, so there was a case which could be solved together”.

  They had same perceptions in defining Cooperative Learning that was the students learning with peers, develop their ideas, and hoped they could help each other in a group. Supported by Slavin (1995) in Xuan (2015), Cooperative Learning was defined as a variety of teaching methods which students work in groups in which each student was accountable for his or her own learning to help one another and exchange of information between students to learn academic content.

  After the teachers knew and understood what Cooperative Learning was, they also shared how this learning strategy applied in the class. The writer found some techniques used by the English teachers those are, jigsaw, Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD), and think-pair-share. When the writer asked about teachers teaching experience, the interesting thing was all of the English teacher used think-pair-share when they implemented Cooperative Learning in pair work, and there was the same technique used between teacher 1 and teacher 3 such as Jigsaw.

  Explained by teacher 1 in his teaching experience:

  “Usually, I used jigsaw and think-pair-share techniques in my cooperative class. First, I explained to the students that would be a group work and I needed several minutes to create the group. After that, I gave every group a task in a form of text randomly and in a short time the students should arrange the text correctly and the result would be presented in front of the class”. Jigsaw was also used by teacher 3, she told that:

  “The techniques of Cooperative Learning that I often used was jigsaw and for the pair work, I used think-pair-share. Based on my experience, I would mention a student in each group to be a source or expert of the group. The expert students would learn and understand the material to deliver to their group so that they should focus to inform the accurate information. After that, students in the group would get the information from the expert to discuss and solve the problem together”. Both of the teachers used jigsaw as the Cooperative Learning teaching method but they applied it with different activity. According to Elliot Aronson and his colleagues (1978) as cited in Mayer and Alexander (2011) about jigsaw, students are assigned to six member teams to work on academic material that has been broken down into sections. Members of different teams who have studied the same sections meet in expert groups to discuss their sections, then the students return to their teams and inform to teammates about their sections. Actually, Aronson’s jigsaw method was same as teacher 3 explained.

  In addition, teacher 2 statement was different from other teachers, she experienced Cooperative Learning with Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD). As she explained in her teaching experience:

  “For the small group, I used Student Teams Acievement Divisions and for the pair work, I often used think-pair-share. Based on my experienced in STAD, I gave the students report text with writing skill. I delivered the material first and then I asked the students to make a report text based on the picture in the group. Every group would get some pictures about mango, so I gave them the pictures like mango leaves, mango flowers, the mango tree, and students should make it into report text. After the students done in the group work, they had an individual work with the same activity but different theme. For pair work, I asked the students to observe the material and task gave by the teacher, and then they would discuss based on the observation with their partner. After the task done, the students would present the result in front of the class”.

  Added by Slavin (1995) in Mayer and Alexander (2011) However, in STAD tournaments are replaced by quizzes. After cooperative group work, students are given quizzes to be answered individually. Both individual and group quiz scores are used for evaluating student learning. It was similar with teacher 2 teaching experience, there were individual and group work in STAD method.

  In conclusion, all of English teachers had their experience in teaching using Cooperative Learning. However, they taught with different techniques in small group and the same technique in the peer work. Actually, other than the three techniques that mentioned by the teachers above, there were various types of Cooperative Learning which were also interesting to apply. Those were teams games tournament (TGT), group investigation, roundtable, and much more. Although, each English teacher only mentioned three techniques in their teaching experience, the writer believed that they used other techniques in the different time and materials.

Teachers’ Roles in Implementing Cooperative Learning

  The most important thing when implemented Cooperative Learning in the classroom was the role of teachers because they as the classroom manager who determined the teaching success and built the class atmosphere. There were seven premises of teachers’ roles based on three English teachers at SMP N 1 Banyubiru those were, controlling, monitoring, grouping, facilitator, supporter, evaluator, giving feedback, and problem-solving. The interesting point, there was the same perception between teacher 1 and teacher 2. As stated by teacher 1:

  “Even though the students work in the group, I as a teacher did not just keep silent and watched them. I would go around to each group and asked their understanding and the difficulties about the material, so I did the monitoring and controlling in a cooperative class”.

  In addition, teacher 2 said that: “The role of the teacher was very important, for example in grouping and then monitor the group work, because there were some students who didn’t work if I did not monitor them”.

  They revealed that when implemented Cooperative Learning as a teacher better to monitor the students’ work. However, it was not easy to manage a whole class during group work. According to Wang (2007) the teacher had to monitor the big class and pay attention to several heterogeneous groups and it was difficult to control students’ chaos and maintain classroom management. In other word, teachers’ role was very important in CL so that the goal of teaching can be achieved. Different with teacher 3, she answered:

  “I thought the teachers’ role were as facilitator, supporter, evaluator, giving feedback, and problem- solving”.

She described in five different kind s of teachers’ roles and even though this learning

  was in the group, it does not mean that the teacher just supervised the students. The teacher should train the students to adapt to Cooperative Learning situation and encourage students to take part in their group activities (Wang, 2007). Teacher 3 continued:

  “The teachers’ duty was not as the center of learning but a facilitator how the teacher manage the cooperative class to achieve the purpose such as solve the problems in a group”.

  As mentioned by Gilleas, Ashman, and Terwel (2008), their study provided specific examples of how Cooperative Learning could be established in classrooms to promote discussion, problem-solving and learning among students with diverse learning and social needs.

  Teachers’ role in Cooperative Learning class was not only one but many. As similar to Gillieas, Ashman, and Terwel (2008) about the role of teachers in implementing Cooperative Learning was more than one. Therefore, all of the English teachers agree that the role of teachers was helpful in implementing Cooperative Learning in the classroom. Without their roles, the teaching and learning process became uncontrolled and unorganized.

Teachers’ Challenges in Implementing Cooperative Learning

  Besides, having the role to manage the cooperative class, teachers also had some challenges in implementing Cooperative Learning. In the research, the writer found some difficulties or challenges faced by the teacher in Cooperative Learning class. The problems were: manage the time and preparation, organize the passive groups, and class condition.

  Fortunately, the three English teachers had same difficulties about time and preparation. Because one meeting in junior high school was 2x40 minutes, so that it was the short time to implement Cooperative Learning. Stated by teacher 1 in his experience:

  “I had difficulties in managing the time when grouping and prepared the students to discuss the task”. That case also experienced by teacher 3, she explained:

  “Then, about time and preparation, it was very clear that those problems were so challenging for the teachers, because every group had different ability to complete the task”.

  Additionally, teacher 2 also had the same difficulties with other teachers.

  “The challenges were about time and preparation, I should manage the time to create the groups and also the discussion so that the students could finish the task on time”.

  Those statements were also expressed by Gillies, Ashman, and Terwel (2008), the teacher’s challenge is determining how group work can be made more effective in classrooms. Basically, the teachers must know the ways or the technique to form the groups within a short time.

  Besides about the time and preparation , the writer also marked some teachers’ challenges, it was difficult for teacher 1 and teacher 2 to organize the passive groups.

  As mentioned by teacher 1: “The passive group also be the teacher’s challenge to make the students motivated to do the task as the teacher hoped”.

  Then, teacher 2 added: “Sometimes, in a group work some of students were not take a part in the discussion, they just talked out of topic and it could make a group became passive”.

  It was very similar to Wang (2007), “It was not easy for the teachers to train the students to adapt to cooperative learning situations and to encourage students to take part in their group activities ”. Teachers had to prepare for the situation that might be happen and thought about the sucessful learning.

  For the teacher 3, she had a problem with the class condition and it could disturb other classes.

  “The class condition was very noisy and sometimes there would be a conflict with other class”. The teachers observed some of the groups did not work cooperatively very well, especially some distracted students did their individual work and made the class noisy, and the classroom management was sometimes not easy to deal with (Wang, 2007). However, it was no problem if the class condition was crowded because the students had to talk and discuss in cooperative class. Continued by teacher 3:

  “Some teachers often complained when I used Cooperative Learning because of the students very noisy, but I would give them understanding that my class was implementing group work so that the students just talked and discussed about the materia l”. Although the teachers faced some difficulties in Cooperative Learning class, they always had the way to handle it. As teacher 3 said before, she gave the understanding to other teachers when the class condition was noisy.

  For managing time problem, the teacher give the simple and easy task for students to save the time. Hopefully by doing this the students will be able to finish the task on time, as said by teacher 1:

  “As a teacher, I had to be smart to solve or handle the problem. Usually, I gave the students with the simple material and easy to work so that they could finish the task well and on the time”. Actually, the three English teachers at SMP N 1 Banyubiru had several challenges in implementing Cooperative Learning in the classroom, like Wang (2007) mentioned not only one challenge but many challenges. However, the teachers also have the solutions such as, gave the understanding to other teachers, and gave the students simple assignments to work.

  Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning

  In fact, every learning strategy there must have advantages and disadvantages on it. Especially in Cooperative Learning, there were some advantages and disadvantages which revealed by the teachers. For the advantages, the students would explain each other, they would master the material faster, increase the social skill, students would think critically. In this part, teacher 2 had the same perception with teacher 3 about the advantages of Cooperative Learning. Both teachers mentioned the students would be happy and increase their social skill. As teacher 2 said that:

  “Through this learning, the students became happier and it could increase their social skill by exchanged the ideas or share the information”. In addition, teacher 3 argued that:

  “The advantages of this learning, it could train the students to think critically, cooperate with others, increase their social skill, and the students felt happy so that they had a motivation to learn”.

  Those advantages were support by Gillies and Boyle (2010), the benefits the teachers perceived that they derived from using cooperative learning included that the classroom tends to be a far happier and more enjoyable for the students to be.

  Teacher 3 had his own perception about the advantages of Cooperative Learning, he revealed that: “Through this learning, the students would explain each other and they would master the material faster from their friends’ explanation. It caused sometimes there were some students afraid or ashamed to ask the material to the teach er”. By working cooperatively, students develop an understanding of the unanimity of purpose of the group and the need to help and support each other's learning which, in turn, motivates them to provide information, prompts, reminders, and encouragement t o others' requests for help or perceived need for help” (Gillies (2003a), Gillies &

  Ashman (1998) as cited in Gillies and Boyle (2010). On the other word, through the group work, it can help and support each member of the group to get a better understanding in discussion and solve the problem.

  Whereas, the disadvantage of Cooperative learning was took a lot of time. It was a little bit similar to the teachers’ challenges. In the teachers’ challenges, they had difficult to manage the time, and in the disadvantages this learning strategy was took a lot of time. It was expressed by all of the English teachers who had the teaching experience in Cooperative Learning. Teacher 1 said that:

  “The important thing was this learning took a lot of time in the grouping, if the task was not finished yet I asked the students to continue it at home and discussed together at the next meeting”. Teacher 2 added in her experience:

  “I thought this learning quite took a lot of time and sometimes if the students work in a group, they would underestimate the tasks because there were someone else who could complete the tasks”. From the two statements, it could be said that cooperative learning took a lot of time caused by some students who did not take a part or contribute to the discussion so that it was needed extra time for the active students to finished the tasks. According to Bayat (2004), some group members may not contribute equally to the success of the group, so members who complete most of the work may feel abused. In the next, teacher 3 explained that:

  “Might be the time was not enough, because every group had different ability to finish the tasks”. Because of one meeting just 2x40 minutes, teachers were needed much time to implement cooperative learning. Most of them, sometimes asked the students to continue the tasks at home and discussed it again in the next meeting.

  In conclusion, the English teachers had some opinions of the advantages and accordance with Burke (2011) that explained many advantages such as, group work had more information, stimulates creativity, get a better understanding, and so on. However, for the disadvantages the teachers only mentioned one disadvantage that was take a lot of time, whereas there were many disadvantages that mentioned by Bayat (2004) and Acikgoz (2002) in Bayat (2004).


  The study aims to find out the teachers’ perceptions toward CLL for teaching English of Junior High School Level and answer a research question that is “What are the teachers’ perceptions toward the use of Cooperative Language Learning for teaching English?”. It has answered by the three English teachers of SMP N 1 Banyubiru.

  Starting from the notion of Cooperative Learning, the teachers define it as students learning with peers. All of English teachers have ever taught using Cooperative Learning, the techniques that they use are jigsaw, STAD, and think-pair- share. In implementing Cooperative Learning, teachers have many roles that are, controlling, monitoring, grouping, facilitator, supporter, evaluator, giving feedback, and problem-solving. However, implementing Cooperative Learning is not so simple, teachers may face the difficulties or challenges. As the teachers mentioned, it is not easy to manage the time, organize the passive groups, and class condition.

  Cooperative Learning also have some advantages like students can explain each other, master the material faster, increase the social skill, and they will think critically. If Cooperative Learning has advantages, it is possible for this learning strategy to have a disadvantage for teachers such as take a lot of time.

  The study shows that three English teachers in SMP N 1 Banyubiru answered with the positive response about CL, it means that they agree with the application of

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