Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Senior High School Students’ Perspectives on Teacher’s Feedback in English Writing Assignments

Senior High School Students’ Perspectives on Teacher’s Feedback in English Writing Assignments


Thesis Proposal

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan


Eliza Novitasari Purwaningrum






Senior High School Students’ Perspectives on Teacher’s Feedback in English Writing Assignments


Thesis Proposal

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan


Eliza Novitasari Purwaningrum







The thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted

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  Copyright@ 2017. Eliza Novitasari Purwaningrum and Gita Hastuti, M.A

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of

at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga.

  Eliza Novitasari Purwaningrum



COVER PAGE …………………………………………………………………………………………i


INSIDE COVER PAGE ....................................................................................................................... ii

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PUBLICATION AGREEMENT DECLARATION............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................................................... vi

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT................................................................................................................vii

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................................viii

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... 1


INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1

LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 3

Writing .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Writing Feedback and Its Significance ............................................................................................ 3 Types of Writing Feedback ............................................................................................................... 5 Precious Studies of Writing Feedback ............................................................................................. 7


THE STUDY ........................................................................................................................................ 9

The Context of the study ................................................................................................................... 9 Participans/Materials......................................................................................................................... 9

  Data Collection Instrument ............................................................................................................. 10 Data Collection Procedure .............................................................................................................. 10 Data Analysis Procedure ................................................................................................................. 11

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 11

Table 1. Frequency of students’ response about teacher writing feedback in writing assignment…………………………………………………………………………………..............11 Table 2. The Implementation of Feedback in that School

  ………………… ……………………...12

  Table 3. Types of Feedback Used by the Teacher………………………………………………….13 Table 4.Students Prefe rences of the Types of Feedback …………………………………………..14 Table 5.

  Students’ perceptions about The Importance of Feedback………………………………..16 CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………………………..17 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

  ………………………………………………………………………….....19 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………..20 APPENDIX



Senior High School Students’ Perspectives on Teacher’s Feedback

in English Writing Assignments

Eliza Novitasari Purwaningrum


  Teacher’s feedback is one of the important things that students need when they learn about writing skill. The feedback helps them to improve and develop their skill in writing. This study aims to find the students’ perspectives on the teacher’s feedback in writing assignments. This study used a closed-ended questionnaire to get the data. The questionnaire consists of 20 items and was distributed to 85 participants, who were first grade students of a private senior high school. The research questions for this study are:(1)How do students view teacher’s feedback on their writing assignments? (2)How do they use the feedback to improve their skill in English writing? The study found that the students view teacher’s feedback positively. They considered that teacher’s feedback is important and helpful for them to improve their writing. When they got feedback from their teacher, they would study it and learn from their mistakes and the suggested corrections to improve their writing.

  Keyword: Feedback, Writing, Students’ Perspectives



  Writing is one important skill in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) besides reading, listening and speaking. Writing is not easy for many students, not to mention the senior high school students. Students must learn about many elements to be able to write in English, such as grammar and vocabulary. For them, learning those elements may not be easy. They may make many mistakes especially when they apply them in writing. Therefore, teacher’s feedback plays an important role in this situation.

  Teachers usually give their students feedback in their assignments, especially in writing assignments. The purposes of the teacher’s feedback are helping the students to know their errors in their writing assignments and helping them to improve their writing skill. Ur

  (19 96) defined feedback as “information that is given to the learner about his or her performance of the learning task, usually with the objective of improving their performance” (p.242).Then, Mack (2009) defined teacher-writing feedback as any comments, questions or error corrections in the students

  ’ writing assignments. It can be said that teacher’s feedback is important for the students because it can help students develop their English skills especially the writing skill. The teacher will give comments, error correction and others to make students know about their errors in the wrong assignments. Therefore, they can understand their mistakes in their assignments.

  When I was a student teacher at a private senior high school in Salatiga, Indonesia, I observed that the practice of providing teacher feedback on students’ writing there was interesting. Teachers always gave feedback to the students in their writing assignments, but it seemed that students were not required to revise and resubmit their drafts afterwards.

  Therefore, students just received their assignments and their feedback without having to do the revision. This phenomenon made me curious about the students’ responses to the feedback: whether the teacher’s feedback is very important for the students, and whether the students do anything with the given feedback in their assignments. This study was conducted to answer the following research questions:(1)How do students view teacher’s feedback on their writing assignments? (2)How do they use the feedback to improve their skill in English writing?

  This study explored how the students view the teacher’s feedback although the teacher does not ask them to make and submit the revision. It was expected that from this study we would find out whether the teacher’s feedback is important and useful or not for the students.

  This part discusses the theoretical foundation of the research, comprising writing, writing feedback and its significance, types of writing feedback, and the previous studies on writing feedback.


  Writing is one important skill in English that students learn besides reading, speaking and listening. According to Weigle (2002, p.1) writing is seen not just as a standardized system of communication but also as an essential tool for learning. It means that students can learn about the language and about life from writing. Therefore, writing is an important skill for education and becomes the essential tool for students to learn.

  Meanwhile, Hayes (1996,p.5) in Weigle (2002, p.19) said that writing is social because it is a social artifact and is carried out in social writing (how we write, what we write, who we write). In other words, writing process is social because it involves several people, not only the writer. According to Hayes and Flower (1980) as cited in Weigle (2003, p.23) , to produce a writing assignment a writer needs to use his/her

  “long-term memory, including knowledge of topic, knowledge of audience, and stored writing plans, and a number of cognitive processes, including planning, translating thought into text and revising”. It means that writing need to be processed and it is not easy for students to do that, so teachers need to help students to do the writing process.

  Writing Feedback and Its Significance

  According to Ur (1996, p.242), feedback is comments given to learners about their performance, which are intended to improve their performance. In addition, Mack (2009,p.

  242) said that teacher-writing feedback can be in the form of “comments, questions or error corrections ”. That is why, teacher’s feedback is important for the students because it can help students develop their English skills especially the writing skill. The teacher will give comments, error correction and others to make students know about their errors in the writing assignments.

  “Feedback is central to the development of students learning” (Hattie &Timperly, 2007; Hounsell, 2003). From this statement, we can know that feedback is important to students for helping them to learn a language in writing skill. The students need to pay attention more to the teachers’ feedback. The teachers will help them to know about their mistakes in their writing. It is so helpful for students to know their mistakes and develop their skill in the teaching and learning in the classroom.

  As cited by Wen (2013), Keh (1990) proposed that feedback is a basic element of the process approach for writing. It means that writer needs to have input from readers. Next, as said earlier, Mack (2009) stated that input from readers may be in such forms as a comment, a question, and a suggestion, providing information to revise the writing.

  According to Hyland and Hyland (2006, p.2), feedback is important to help improve students’ professional literacy skills and help the maces and negotiate new knowledge and practices. As proposed by Freedman (1985,p.xi) in Hyland and Hyland (2006, p.2),feedback came to be viewed as having a powerful potential, with the possibility for “a revision of cognitive itself that stems from response”. With the revision, teacher can know how students respond to the feedback that the teacher gives before. Revision is very important to know the students’ skill in writing process.

  Feedback and revision can encourage students to learn from their mistakes in their writing skill. It means that they have process in the writing. In the process of the writing, feedback is generally seen in education as crucial for both encouraging and consolidating learning (Andrson, 1982; Brophy, 1981; Vygotsky, 1978) cited in Hyland and Hyland (2006, p.1).

  Feedback plays an important part for students to help them improve their English skill especially in the writing skill. Based on Duijnhouwer (2010), as cited in Voerman (2014), feedback is “information provided by an external agent regarding some aspects of the learner’s task performance, intended to modify the learner’s cognition, motivation and/or behavior for the purpose of improving performance”. It means that feedback can help students improve their performance by modifying the students’ thoughts, motivation, and behavior towards the task.

  Moreover, in the students learning, feedback has potential to help the students understand about their errors and mistakes in their assignments. Hattie and Timperley (2007) as cited in Spiller (2009) said that feedback has the potential to have the significant effect in the student learning achievement. The potential of feedback can improve the students when they learn about the writing skill.

  Furthermore, Based on Lunsford (1997) cited in Spiller’s book (2009) suggest that feedback can be helpful to students when it is framed in terms of the impact of the writing on the reader. This can enhance self-regulation skill for the students to write very well. Thus, from those statements, feedback is important for students because feedback have potential of significant effect in students learning and can help students to improve their writing skill.

  Types of Writing Feedback

  According to Hattie and Timperley (2007) feedback is conceived as information provided by an agent (teacher, peer, book, parent, self, experience) regarding aspects of one’s performance or understanding. Feedback has some types with the different ways to give for students. Teacher usually uses some types of feedback to help them in giving their feedback in students learning language.

  The first type is direct and indirect feedback. When students have some mistakes in their assignments, teacher always uses these types to help students know their mistakes in learning language, especially in writing assignments. Based on McKay (n.d . ), indirect feedback is when teacher provides students with some indication or code to indicate an error in the writing. This could involve teacher underlining, circling, or putting a correct error word in the students’ assignments, so the students can know their mistakes in their writing. For example, if a student wrote ,

  “Yesterday I go to the store”, the teacher will cross out “go” and write VT (Verb Tense) above it. The teacher gives a code in the error words to make students know their error. Then, direct feedback is when teacher will give students some codes (crossing or underlining, etc.), then correct the error words. For example,

  “yesterday I go to the store ”, teacher will cross out “go” and write “went” over it. Therefore, students can directly know the correct word that must be used in their writing.

  The next type of feedback is oral and written feedback. The oral feedback or writing conferences is the Vygotskian concept of scaffolding that is when feedback is delivered by the dialogue between teacher and students to develop both a text and writing abilities (Williams, 2002 in Hyland & Hyland, 2006, p.5). Writing conferences can give students a clearer idea of their strengths and weakness, and help them to organize a revision plan (Hyland, F., 2000 in Hyland & Hyland, 2006, p.5). Then, written feedback is a process that teachers use to interact and communicate with students in motivating them to revise their writing (Ferris, 1995, Hyland and Hyland, 2001) cited in Leng article. Teachers used comments to interact and communicate with students, when they give written feedback in students’ writing assignments. Straub (2000) suggested that teachers must create the feel of conversation with students by writing comments in complete sentences, technical language and comments back to the specific words and paragraphs from students.

  Based on Park (2006), as cited in Razali and Jupri (2014), there are three types of teacher written feedback that are commonly used in EFL writing classroom, they are: 1) form-focused feedback, 2) content-based feedback, and 3) integrated feedback. First, form- focused feedback is feedback that focused in students’ grammar. Ferris (ibid) argued that form-focused feedback needs more studies to know whether this feedback is helpful or not for students, because research in this particular area is scarce. Secondly, content or meaning- based feedback is the quality of the content and organizational features in students’ composition. Teacher will comment on the parts of the composition without pointing out specific grammatical errors (Park, 2006). The last type is integrative feedback or written feedback. This type is combination of grammar correction with content-related feedback (Park, 2006).

  Previous Studies on Writing Feedback

  A study on writing feedback was done by Sutresnoin 2013in Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga . The title of her study is “Academic Writing Students’ Perceptions toward Written Teacher Feedback on Their First Draft”. The research question is what are the academic Writing students’ perceptions toward written teacher feedback on their first draft? She used semi-structured interview to collect the data. Each interview took around 20-30 minutes for 14 students in Academic Writing class.

  The result from this data is that students find difficulties in their revising in the first draft when they get feedback. The difficulties were related about content, organization, and the format aspects. The second finding was that students in Academic Writing class expect that the teacher feedback be about content and organization aspect. Next, the third theme is about teacher’s comments in the students’ first draft. The students give many positive responses in the teacher’s comments for their first draft. Almost all of the students find the teacher’s feedback in content and organization aspect is helpful for them to revise their draft.

Then, the last theme is about students’ perception toward a good teacher feedback. In this theme, feedback is not just showing the error but also showing the correct answer to help

  students revise the draft.

  From this data, the Academic Writing students have positive perception toward the teacher written feedback. The students find many things that can help them to improve their writing skill in the Academic Writing class. There are in the content and organization aspects. The students need to get the feedback related to the content and organization aspects in their first draft. More detailed and clearer teacher’s comments are important for students to help them understand about their mistakes. The content and organization aspects are useful for students to improve their skill in writing English.

  The second study on writing feedback was done by Faradita 2013 at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salat iga. The title of her study is “The Effectiveness of Teacher’s

Written Feedback for Guided Writing Students”. The research question is “are teachers’ feedbacks effective for students’ writing in Guided Writing class?” She used the only

  grammar rubric to get her data. She asked her participants to write essay about narrative or descriptive text in class after they got explanation how to make a good writing. She chose five students randomly taken from every six classes as the representative of the class. Each class consist 20 students and only five students were taken because of the limitation time. A total of her participants were 30 students, which consists of 7 males and 23 females. They were divided into 3 groups each consisting of 10 students. Each participant was asked to submit two essays. Then the total essays in this study were 60 pieces of essays. The essays were about descriptive and narrative texts. They made essays and submit them to their teacher. After that teacher collected their essays and give comments with different methods.

  Her participants were students at the English Language Education Program of the Faculty of Language and Arts of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. The students were taking the Guided Writing class when the research was conducted and had passed IC class including basic writing. She noted that she focused on narrative and descriptive writing in her research to find about the effectiveness of te acher’s feedback in students writing. The findings from this study indicated that feedback is effective for improving students’ writing and that teacher needs to provide feedback on both grammar and content to make students confident in their writing. The feedback makes students improve their writing skill.



The Context of the Study

  The subject of my study was senior high school students. Based on my observation during my teaching practicum period, teachers always gave feedback to the students on their writing assignments. However, they did not ask the students to revise the errors although the students made many mistakes on their writing. I thought it is important to revise the mistakes to know whether the students understand their mistakes or not. Therefore, this study was conducted to learn about student’s perception of teacher’s feedback whether the feedback influences their writing or not.


  The participants in this study are students from a popular private senior high school in Salatiga. I decided to choose three classes in grade X: Language class (29 students), Social class (28 students) and Science class(30 students)to represent the various classes offered in that school. However, when the data were collected, two students were absent. Hence, the total number of the participants was 85 students.

  Data Collection Instrument

  To collect the data, this study used close-ended questionnaire. Bulmer (2004)stated that “The questionnaire is a well-established tool within social science research for acquiring information on participant social characteristics, present and past behavior, standards of behavior or attitudes and their beliefs and reasons for action with respect to the topic under investigation”. Therefore, this study used a questionnaire to acquire the required information.

  The close-ended questionnaire collected data from students of three classes. I made this questionnaire by myself and I provided twenty statements and two choices (Yes or No).

  Before it was used in this study, the questionnaire was piloted to check whether the statements were understandable and whether they could potentially help answer the research questions. In the pilot study, 10 students from Grade XI Science filled out the questionnaire. After I did the pilot study, I revised the questionnaire a little bit including the order of the statement and the method of how to fill out the questionnaire.

  Data Collection Procedure

  When the questionnaire was ready, it was distributed to the participants from the Science class, then Social class and the last was Language class. The questionnaire was distributed in two days. Before that, I asked the English teacher from the school to get permission from the headmaster. Then, the headmaster gave me permission to take data in the school. I entered in class one by one and asked permission from students to be my participants. Then they did it well.

  Data Analysis Procedure

  After I got the data from each class in Language, Science and Social, I counted the data and found how many students responded positively or not to the teacher’s feedback. I used Ms.Excel to count the data in frequency and percent number to see any emerging patterns. Then, I grouped some numbers together to be discussed under certain themes.

  The aim of this study is to show the response of students with teacher writing feedback in the writing assignments. This study was conducted to answer the following research questions:(1)How do students view teacher’s feedback on their writing assignments? (2)How do they use the feedback to improve their skill in English writing? This section explains the results of the questionnaire while trying to answer the study’s research questions. Actually, the statements in the questionnaire using Indonesian, but has translated into English.

  Table 1 Frequency of students’ response about teacher writing feedback in writing assignment.

  Whole Science Social Language Participants No. Statements Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1.






  1 I like receiving feedback from my teacher 2.





  27 Feedback from the teacher is important for me.


  2 Feedback from the teacher focuses on grammar and words 3.








  16 choice.

  I like it when the teacher gives feedback about grammar 4.








  7 and word choice.

The tea cher’s feedback focuses on content and









  23 organization ideas.

  I like it when the teacher gives feedback about content 6.








  13 and organization of ideas.

The teacher’s feedback just provides guidelines to correct 7








  31 my writing.

  8. I like it when the teacher just provides guidelines to correct my writing.








  25 9.

The teacher’s feedback provides grammar/word choice that should be used in my writing




  1 19. Feedback from the teacher makes me confused.






  18. Feedback from the teacher helps me realize my mistakes in writing.








  17. I learn from the feedback that is given by the teacher for revising my writing assignment.










  20 16. I do not care about feedback that is given by the teacher.

  Table 2 The Implementation of Feedback in that School









  15. After giving feedback, the teacher asks me to revise my writing assignment and submit it again.

  No. Statement Science Social Language Whole Participants Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

  the data from the students’ responses in teacher writing feedback in writing to the questionnaire. However, the results are illustrated in four themes at four tables to make the categories in every student ’s response.


  4 The table above displays







  Feedback from the teacher helps me increase my writing skill.

  71 20.






  3 11. Feedback from the teacher is given in a written form.


















  10. I like it when the teacher provides grammar /word choice that should be used in my writing.















  15. After giving feedback, the teacher asks me to revise my writing assignment and submit it again.









  26 14. I like it when the teacher gives feedback orally.








  32 13. Feedback from the teacher is given orally.


  7 The table above illustrates the responses of students about the implementation of feedback in that school. It shows that 65 participants (76,4%) responded positively to the implementation of feedback and20 participants (23,5%) responded negatively to the implementation of feedback. It can be interpreted that their teachers mostly asked them to revise their writing assignments and submit the revision.

  Table 3 Types of Feedback Used by the Teacher

  Whole Science Social Language Participants No. Statements Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

  Feedback from the teacher focuses on grammar and word 3.








  16 choice.

The teacher’s feedback focuses on content and 5








  23 organization of ideas.


The t eacher’s feedback just provides guidelines to correct








  31 my writing.









  7 that should be used in my writing.

The teac her’s feedback provides grammar/word choice








  39 11. Feedback from the teacher is given in a written form.








  26 13. Feedback from the teacher is given orally.

  The table above shows the types of feedback used by the teacher. In the third point, the teacher used form-focused feedback type to give the participants feedback. It showed that 69 participants (81,1%) responded that feedback from teacher focused on grammar and word choice. After that, in the fifth point, the teacher used content-based feedback type to give the participants feedback. 62 participants (72,9%) responded that feedback focused on content and organization of ideas. From this data, it can be seen that teachers gave both types of feedback almost equally, with more emphasis on grammar and word choice.

  After that, the next types are direct and indirect feedback. In the seventh point, It showed that 54 participants (63,5%) responded that teacher provided feedback with providing ninth guidance to improve the participants’ writing (indirect feedback). Moreover, in the point,78 participants (91,7%) responded that teacher provided feedback with the grammar or word choice that should be used in participants’ writing (direct feedback).This data shows that teachers mostly provided the direct feedback rather than the indirect feedback.

  Next, the table above told the next types of written and oral feedback in writing. In the eleventh point, 46 participants (54,1%) responded that teacher gave the participants feedback in a written form. Then, in the thirteenth point, 59 participants (69,4%) responded that teacher used oral feedback to give the participants feedback in wr iting. From the participants’ responses, teachers mostly used oral feedback to help the participants improve their writing.

  In conclusion, teachers in this school mostly provided form-focused feedback, direct feedback , and oral feedback to their students.

  Table 4 Students Preferences of the Types of Feedback

  Whole Science Social Language Participants No. Statements Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1.






  1 I like receiving feedback from my teacher

  I like it when the teacher gives feedback about grammar 4.








  7 and word choice.

  I like it when the teacher gives feedback about content and 6.








  13 organization of ideas.

  I like it when the teacher just provides guidelines to correct 8.








  25 my writing.

  10. I like it when the teacher provides grammar /word choice







  3 that should be used in my writing.








  32 when the teacher gives feedback in a written form.








  26 14. I like it when the teacher gives feedback orally. The table above viewed about the preferences of the types of feedback. There were 84 participants (98,8%) who responded that they liked to receive feedback from their teacher.

  Only 1 participant (1,1%) responded that he/she did not like to receive feedback from the teacher. This may be interpreted that almost all participants liked to receive teachers’ feedback in their writing.

  After that, the next section on the table above showed the participant's preferences of the types of feedback. In this section, the types are form-focused feedback and content- based feedback. In the fourth point, 78 participants (91,7%) responded that they preferred the form-focused feedback. Then, in the sixth point, 72 participants (84,7%) responded that they preferred if the teacher used content-based feedback. This data showed that more participants preferred receiving form-focused feedback to receiving content-based feedback.

  The next section showed the other types of feedback. The types are direct and indirect feedback. In the eighth point, 60 participants (70,5%) responded that they liked it when teacher provided feedback with the guidance to revise their writing (indirect feedback). In the tenth point,82 participants (96,4%) responded that they liked it when teacher gave feedback by providing the grammar or the word choice that should be used (direct feedback).

  From this data, it can be inferred that the participants liked that teacher gave them direct feedback better than indirect feedback.

The following section described the student’s perspectives on the teacher’s written and oral feedback. In twelfth point, 53 participants (62,3%) responded that they liked that

  teacher used the written feedback. Then, in the fourteenth point, 59 participants (69,4%) responded that they liked that teacher gave oral feedback. Thus, oral feedback was preferred slightly better to written feedback. The oral feedback or writing conference is the Vygotskian concept of scaffolding through a dialogue between teacher and students to develop both a text and writing abilities (Williams, 2002 in Hyland & Hyland , (2006, p.5).

  From the four sections, the results from this data showed that the participants liked that teacher gave them feedback on their writing assignments. They liked that teacher gave them form-focused feedback, direct feedback, and oral feedback.

  Table 5 Students’ perceptions about The Importance of Feedback

  Whole Science Social Language Participants No. Statements Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 2.







  2 Feedback from the teacher is important for me

  I do not care about feedback that is given by the 16.








  72 teacher.

  17. I learn from the feedback that is given by the teacher







  4 for revising my writing assignment.

  18. Feedback from the teacher helps me realize my






  1 mistakes in writing.








  71 19 Feedback from the teacher makes me confused.

  20. Feedback from the teacher helps me increase my







  4 writing skill.

The table above showed about students’ perceptions about the importance of feedback. In the second point, it showed that feedback from the teacher was important for the

  participants. There were 83 participants (97,6%) who responded that feedback from the teacher was important for them. Then in the sixteenth point, 13 participants (15,2%) responded that they did not care about feedback from the teacher, but 72 participants (84,7%) responded that they cared about feedback from the teacher. The result shows that most participants agreed that feedback from the teacher was important and they cared about the teacher feedback.

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