Pengaruh Pola Makan terhadap Kejadian Anemia pada Remaja Putri di SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan Tahun 2013





Yang bertandatangan dibawah ini: Nama : Alamat : Setelah mendapatkan penjelasan tentang penelitian ini, maka saya

menyatakan bersedia berpartisipasi menjadi subjek dalam penelitian yang akan

dilakukan oleh saudari leny Valentina, mmengenai “ Pengaruh Pola Makan Terhadap

Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri Di SMA DHARMA PANCASILA Medan “ .

  Saya menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa penelitian ini sangat bermanfaat

untuk kepentingan ilmiah. Identitas responden digunakan hanya untuk keperluan

penelitian dan akan dijaga kerahasiaannya. Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan

sukarela tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak manapun agar dapat digunakan sesuai


  Medan, 2013







TAHUN 2013 Nomor Kuesioner :


  1 Nama

  2 Umur

  3 Alamat

  4 Kadar Hb gr %

  Pertanyaan untuk konsumsi minum teh

1. Apakah anda minum teh?

  a. Ya

  b. Tidak

  2. Kapan anda minum teh?

Sarapan pagi Makan siang Makan malam


  ≥ 1 jam Sebelum makan b. Pada saat makan c.

  ≤ 1 jam Sebelum dan sesudah makan d.

  ≥ 1 jam Sesudah makan a.

  ≥ 1 jam Sebelum makan

b. Pada saat makan


  ≤ 1 jam Sebelum dan

sesudah makan


  ≥ 1 jam Sesudah makan a.

  ≥ 1 jam Sebelum makan b. Pada saat makan c.

  ≤ 1 jam Sebelum dan sesudah makan d.

  ≥ 1 jam Sesudah makan Pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan pola makan remaja putri sehari- hari :

  1. Apakah setiap pagi sebelum berangkat sekolah anda sarapan ? …………………………………………………………………

  2. Apakah anda membatasi makan ? ………………………………………………………………....

  3. Apa tujuan anda membatasi konsumsi makan ? …………………………………………………………………

  4. Apakah anda membatasi konsumsi makan karena ingin menurunkan berat badan ? …………………………………………………………………

  5. Mengapa anda ingin menurunkan berat badan? …………………………………………………………………

  6. Apakah ada makanan yang tidak suka anda makan ? …………………………………………………………………

  7. Dimana dan kapan anda suka minum teh/ kopi ? …………………………………………………………………

  8. Mengapa anda suka minum the/ kopi ? …………………………………………………………………




  24 JAM Hari/ Tanggal : ...............................................

  Waktu Nama Masakan Bahan Makanan Banyaknya Jenis URT Gr Pagi/jam

  Siang/jam Malam/Jam Keterangan:


URT : Ukuran Rumah Tangga, misalnya : piring, sendok, mangkok, gelas dan lain-lain. FORMULIR METODE FREKUENSI MAKANAN NO. RESPONDEN : Nama Bahan Frekuensi Konsumsi Makanan

  > 1x/hari 1x/ hari 4-6x/ minggu 1-3x/ minggu

  1. Makanan Pokok a.


  2. Lauk Hewani

  a. Telur

  b. Daging Sapi c.

3. Lauk Nabati

  a. Tempe

  b. Tahu

  4. Sayur-sayuran a.........................

  5. Buah-buahan a..........................


  6. Makanan Lain a.........................

  Angka Kecukupan Protein, Fe (zat besi), Asam Folat dan Vitamin C pada Wanita Usia 14-18 tahun. Golongan umur AKP (gr) AKB (mg) AKF (µg) AKC (mg) 14 tahun

  57 26 400

  65 15 tahun 57 26 400

  65 16 tahun 55 26 400

  75 17 tahun 55 26 400

  75 18 tahun 55 26 400

  75 Sumber : Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi, 2004

  Umur Katagori

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid























  1.0 1.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid ya




  53.0 kadang-kadang




  77.0 tidak


  23.0 23.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Makanan pokok

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Sering




  83.0 Jarang


  17.0 17.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Lauk Hewani

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Sering




  88.0 Jarang


  12.0 12.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Lauk Nabati

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Sering




  51.0 Jarang


  49.0 49.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Sering




  43.0 Jarang


  57.0 57.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid Sering




  53.0 Jarang


  47.0 47.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Asupan Protein

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid cukup




  56.0 tidak cukup


  44.0 44.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Asupan Zat Besi

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid cukup




  22.0 tidak cukup


  78.0 78.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Asupan Folat

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid cukup




  5.0 tidak cukup


  95.0 95.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Asupan vitamin C

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid cukup




  15.0 tidak cukup


  85.0 85.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Konsumsi The

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid baik




  75.0 tidak baik


  25.0 25.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Konsumsi Kopi

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid baik




  93.0 tidak baik


  7.0 7.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Output Aupan Protein

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid 15.0-24.9




  3.0 25,0-34,9




  15.0 35,0-44,9




  24.0 45,0-54,9




  44.0 55,0-64,9




  65.0 65,0-74,9




  84.0 75,0-84,9


  16.0 16.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Asupan Zat Besi

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid 1,0-5,9




  6.0 6,0-10,9




  45.0 11,0-15,9




  69.0 16,0-20,9




  76.0 21,0-25,9




  78.0 26,0-30,9




  96.0 31,0-35,9




  98.0 46,0-50,9


  2.0 2.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Asumsi Folat

  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid 0,0-99,9




  37.0 100,0-199,9




  80.0 200,0-299,9




  95.0 300,0-399,9




  98.0 400,0-499,9




  99.0 500,0-599,9


  1.0 1.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


  Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

  Valid 5,0-19,9




  19.0 20,0-34,9




  42.0 35,0-49,9




  67.0 50,0-64,9




  85.0 65,0-79,9




  89.0 80,0-94,9




  99.0 >=100,0


  1.0 1.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0

  Crosstabs Asupan Protein * Anemia Crosstab

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)

  100 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.12.


  .802 1 .371 N of Valid Cases

  .474 .254 Linear-by-Linear Association

  .436 1 .509 Likelihood Ratio .805 1 .369 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .368 Continuity Correction


  Pearson Chi-Square .810

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)

  Anemia Total tidak ya


Chi-Square Tests

  77 23 100 % within Asupan Protein 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  44 % within Asupan Protein 72.7% 27.3% 100.0% % within Anemia 41.6% 52.2% 44.0% % of Total 32.0% 12.0% 44.0%



  56 % within Asupan Protein 80.4% 19.6% 100.0% % within Anemia 58.4% 47.8% 56.0% % of Total 45.0% 11.0% 56.0% tidak cukup Count



  Asupan Protein cukup Count

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Asupan vitamin C * Anemia



  23.0 23.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


  77.0 ya




  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid tidak


  100 a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.45.


  1.053 1 .305 N of Valid Cases

  .326 .236 Linear-by-Linear Association

  .488 1 .485 Likelihood Ratio .991 1 .319 Fisher's Exact Test

  1 .302 Continuity Correction

  Anemia Total tidak ya


  Pearson Chi-Square 1.064

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)


Chi-Square Tests

  77 23 100 % within Asupan vitamin C 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  85 % within Asupan vitamin C 78.8% 21.2% 100.0% % within Anemia 87.0% 78.3% 85.0% % of Total 67.0% 18.0% 85.0%



  15 % within Asupan vitamin C 66.7% 33.3% 100.0% % within Anemia 13.0% 21.7% 15.0% % of Total 10.0% 5.0% 15.0% tidak cukup Count



  Asupan vitamin C cukup Count

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Bivariat Protein dengan Anemia Crosstab

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)

  100 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9.66.


  .337 .188 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.257 1 .262 N of Valid Cases

  .785 1 .376 Likelihood Ratio 1.257 1 .262 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .260 Continuity Correction


  Pearson Chi-Square 1.269

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)


Chi-Square Tests

  Anemia Total tidak ya

  77 23 100 % within Asupan Protein 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  42 % within Asupan Protein 71.4% 28.6% 100.0% % within Anemia 39.0% 52.2% 42.0% % of Total 30.0% 12.0% 42.0%



  58 % within Asupan Protein 81.0% 19.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 61.0% 47.8% 58.0% % of Total 47.0% 11.0% 58.0% tidak cukup Count



  Asupan Protein cukup Count

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Asupan Besi * Anemia Crosstab

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)

  100 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.06.


  .021 .014 Linear-by-Linear Association 5.370 1 .020 N of Valid Cases

  4.170 1 .041 Likelihood Ratio 6.918 1 .009 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .020 Continuity Correction


  Pearson Chi-Square 5.424

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)

  Chi-Square Tests

  Anemia Total tidak ya

  77 23 100 % within Asupan Zat Besi 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  78 % within Asupan Zat Besi 71.8% 28.2% 100.0% % within Anemia 72.7% 95.7% 78.0% % of Total 56.0% 22.0% 78.0%



  22 % within Asupan Zat Besi 95.5% 4.5% 100.0% % within Anemia 27.3% 4.3% 22.0% % of Total 21.0% 1.0% 22.0% tidak cukup Count



  Asupan Zat Besi cukup Count

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Asupan Folat * Anemia Crosstab

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)

  100 a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.15.


  .587 .262 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.556 1 .212 N of Valid Cases

  .502 1 .479 Likelihood Ratio 2.691 1 .101 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .210 Continuity Correction


  Pearson Chi-Square 1.572

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)

  Anemia Total tidak ya

  Chi-Square Tests

  77 23 100 % within Asupan Folat 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  95 % within Asupan Folat 75.8% 24.2% 100.0% % within Anemia 93.5% 100.0% 95.0% % of Total 72.0% 23.0% 95.0%



  5 % within Asupan Folat 100.0% .0% 100.0% % within Anemia 6.5% .0% 5.0% % of Total 5.0% .0% 5.0% tidak cukup Count


  Asupan Folat Cukup Count

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Asupan vitamin C * Anemia


  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)

  100 a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.22.


  .732 .407 Linear-by-Linear Association .282 1 .595 N of Valid Cases

  .037 1 .848 Likelihood Ratio .273 1 .601 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .593 Continuity Correction


  Pearson Chi-Square .285

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)

  Chi-Square Tests

  Anemia Total tidak ya

  77 23 100 % within Asupan vitamin C 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  86 % within Asupan vitamin C 77.9% 22.1% 100.0% % within Anemia 87.0% 82.6% 86.0% % of Total 67.0% 19.0% 86.0%



  14 % within Asupan vitamin C 71.4% 28.6% 100.0% % within Anemia 13.0% 17.4% 14.0% % of Total 10.0% 4.0% 14.0% tidak cukup Count



  Asupan vitamin C Cukup Count

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Konsumsi Teh * Anemia Crosstab

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)

  100 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.75.


  .273 .168 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.509 1 .219 N of Valid Cases

  .922 1 .337 Likelihood Ratio 1.451 1 .228 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .217 Continuity Correction


  Pearson Chi-Square 1.525

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)

  Chi-Square Tests

  Anemia Total tidak ya

  77 23 100 % within Konsumsi Teh 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  25 % within Konsumsi Teh 68.0% 32.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 22.1% 34.8% 25.0% % of Total 17.0% 8.0% 25.0%



  75 % within Konsumsi Teh 80.0% 20.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 77.9% 65.2% 75.0% % of Total 60.0% 15.0% 75.0% tidak baik Count



  Konsumsi Teh Baik Count

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Konsumsi Kopi * Anemia Crosstab

  Exact Sig. (2- sided) Exact Sig. (1- sided)

  100 a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.61.


  .347 .150 Linear-by-Linear Association 2.226 1 .136 N of Valid Cases

  1.069 1 .301 Likelihood Ratio 3.814 1 .051 Fisher's Exact Test


  1 .134 Continuity Correction


  Pearson Chi-Square 2.248

  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2- sided)

  Anemia Total tidak ya

  Chi-Square Tests

  77 23 100 % within Konsumsi Kopi 77.0% 23.0% 100.0% % within Anemia 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% % of Total 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%

  Total Count

  7 % within Konsumsi Kopi 100.0% .0% 100.0% % within Anemia 9.1% .0% 7.0% % of Total 7.0% .0% 7.0%


  93 % within Konsumsi Kopi 75.3% 24.7% 100.0% % within Anemia 90.9% 100.0% 93.0% % of Total 70.0% 23.0% 93.0% tidak baik Count



  Konsumsi Kopi Baik Count

  b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

  Logistic Regression Case Processing Summary a

  Unweighted Cases N Percent Selected Cases Included in Analysis 100 100.0

  Missing Cases .0 Total 100 100.0

  Unselected Cases .0

  Total 100 100.0

  a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of cases.

  Dependent Variable Encoding

  Original Value Internal Value tidak ya

  1 Block 0: Beginning Block



Classification Table

  Predicted Anemia

  Observed tidak ya Percentage Correct Step 0 Anemia Tidak 77 100.0

  Ya 23 .0 Overall Percentage

  77.0 a. Constant is included in the model.

  b. The cut value is .500

  Variables in the Equation

  B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Step 0 Constant -1.208 .238 25.857 1 .000 .299

  Variables not in the Equation Score df Sig.

  Step 0 Variables FEkat 5.424 1 .020 Fkat 1.572 1 .210 Teh 1.525 1 .217 Kopi 2.248 1 .134

  Overall Statistics 8.548 4 .073

  Block 1: Method = Backward Stepwise (Wald) Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients Chi-square df Sig.

  Step 1 Step 12.537 4 .014 Block 12.537 4 .014 Model 12.537 4 .014


  Step 2 Step -.953 1 .329 Block 11.584 3 .009 Model 11.584 3 .009


  Step 3 Step -2.526 1 .112 Block 9.058 2 .011 Model 9.058 2 .011


  Step 4 Step -2.140 1 .143 Block 6.918 1 .009 Model 6.918 1 .009

  a. A negative Chi-squares value indicates that the Chi-squares value has decreased from the previous step.

  Model Summary

  Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R Step -2 Log likelihood Square Square


  1 95.319 .118 .179


  2 96.271 .109 .166


  3 98.797 .087 .131


  4 100.937 .067 .101

  a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 20 because maximum iterations has been reached. Final solution cannot be found.

  b. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because parameter estimates changed by less than .001.



Classification Table

  Predicted Anemia

  Observed tidak ya Percentage Correct Step 1 Anemia Tidak 77 100.0

  Ya 23 .0 Overall Percentage

  77.0 Step 2 Anemia Tidak 77 100.0 Ya 23 .0

  Overall Percentage

  77.0 Step 3 Anemia Tidak 77 100.0 Ya 23 .0

  Overall Percentage

  77.0 Step 4 Anemia Tidak 77 100.0 Ya 23 .0

  Overall Percentage


  a. The cut value is .500

  Variables in the Equation

  B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)


  Step 1 FEkat 1.988 1.075 3.418 1 .065 7.301 Fkat 18.823 1.642E4 .000 1 .999 1.495E8 The .681 .548 1.545 1 .214 1.975 Kopi -19.545 1.416E4 .000 1 .999 .000 Constant -21.835 1.642E4 .000 1 .999 .000


  Step 2 FEkat 2.155 1.070 4.057 1 .044 8.628 The .705 .547 1.661 1 .197 2.024 Kopi -19.570 1.439E4 .000 1 .999 .000 Constant -3.204 1.069 8.973 1 .003 .041


  Step 3 FEkat 2.226 1.064 4.373 1 .037 9.263 The .807 .545 2.191 1 .139 2.241 Constant -3.369 1.062 10.074 1 .002 .034


  Step 4 FEkat 2.110 1.054 4.008 1 .045 8.250 Constant -3.045 1.024 8.848 1 .003 .048 a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: FEkat, Fkat, Teh, Kopi.

  Variables not in the Equation Score df Sig.

  Step 2


  Variables Fkat .549 1 .459 Overall Statistics .549 1 .459

  Step 3


  Variables Fkat .542 1 .462 Kopi 1.486 1 .223

  Overall Statistics 2.022 2 .364 Step 4


  Variables Fkat .629 1 .428 Teh 2.254 1 .133 Kopi 1.815 1 .178

  Overall Statistics 4.059 3 .255 a. Variable(s) removed on step 2: Fkat.

  b. Variable(s) removed on step 3: Kopi.

  c. Variable(s) removed on step 4: Teh.