Hubungan Sikap, Norma Subjektif, dan Perceived Behavioral Control dengan Intensi Melanjutkan Program Magister Psikologi Profesi di Fakultas Psikologi USU


  1. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Sikap

  2. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Norma Subjektif

  3. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Perceived Behavioral Control

  4. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Intensi

  1. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Sikap

  Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items ,851 ,852

  5 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if

  Item Deleted

Corrected Item-

Total Correlation

Squared Multiple

  Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted sikap1 13,23 9,715 ,755 ,636 ,794 sikap2 13,45 10,951 ,742 ,619 ,802 sikap5 13,11 11,033 ,670 ,485 ,819 sikap6 13,18 11,548 ,548 ,330 ,850 sikap8 13,02 11,325 ,612 ,427 ,833

  2. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Norma Subjektif

  Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items

,719 ,733

  4 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if

  Item Deleted

Corrected Item-

Total Correlation

Squared Multiple

  Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted norma1 8,11 4,661 ,552 ,305 ,631 norma2 7,57 4,158 ,456 ,369 ,712 norma4 8,55 4,486 ,694 ,520 ,556 norma5 8,16 5,532 ,385 ,362 ,721

  3. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Perceived Behavioral Control

  Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items

,705 ,713


  Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted

  Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Corrected Item-

Total Correlation

  Squared Multiple Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted pbc1 9,89 6,940 ,470 ,298 ,654 pbc5 9,23 6,552 ,590 ,400 ,588 pbc6 9,43 6,437 ,435 ,195 ,679 pbc7 9,23 6,087 ,489 ,287 ,645

  4. Reliabilitas & Uji Daya Beda Aitem Intensi

  Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items

,810 ,818

  4 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if

  Item Deleted

Corrected Item-

Total Correlation

Squared Multiple

  Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted intensi1 8,86 4,446 ,629 ,435 ,779 intensi2 9,43 5,460 ,688 ,482 ,740 intensi3 8,98 5,046 ,734 ,542 ,713 intensi4 9,41 6,061 ,513 ,293 ,812 LAMPIRAN B

  Skor Total Aitem Skala Sikap, Skala Norma Subjektif, Skala Perceived

  Behavioral Control

  , dan Skala Intensi Sikap Norma subjektif PBC Intensi

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  1. Uji Normalitas

  2. Uji Linearitas

  3. Uji Multikolinear

  4. Uji Autokorelasi

  5. Uji Heteroskedastisitas

  6. Uji Hipotesis Penelitian

  1. Uji Normalitas

  2. Uji Linearitas

  ANOVA Table Mean Sum of Squares df F Sig. Square (Combined) 631,559

  16 39,472 7,297 ,000 Between Linearity 569,828 1 569,828 105,335 ,000 Groups

  Deviation from intensi * 61,731 15 4,115 ,761 ,717 Linearity sikap Within Groups 589,655 109 5,410


Total 1221,214 125


  Mean Sum of Squares df F Sig. Square (Combined) 406,214

  13 31,247 4,294 ,000 intensi * Between Linearity 348,932 1 348,932 47,951 ,000 norma Groups

  Deviation from 57,282 12 4,774 ,656 ,790 Linearity Within Groups 815,000 112 7,277

Total 1221,214 125


  Sum of Squares df Mean

  Square F Sig. intensi * pbc

  Between Groups (Combined) 460,748 13 35,442 5,220 ,000 Linearity 380,253

  1 380,253 56,003 ,000 Deviation from Linearity 80,495

  12 6,708 ,988 ,465 Within Groups 760,466 112 6,790

Total 1221,214 125

  3. Uji Multikolinear

  Coefficients a Model Unstandardized

  Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance


  1 (Constant) -,453 1,030 -,440 ,661

sikap ,393 ,063 ,462 6,256 ,000 ,659 1,517

norma ,235 ,079 ,211 2,993 ,003 ,723 1,383

pbc ,279 ,084 ,236 3,306 ,001 ,705 1,418

a. Dependent Variable: intensi

  4. Uji Autokorelasi

  Model Summary b Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson 1 ,749 a ,561 ,550 2,097 2,158

  a. Predictors: (Constant), pcb, norma, sikap

  b. Dependent Variable: intensi

  5. Uji Heteroskedastisitas

6. Uji Hipotesis Penelitian

a. Analisis Regresi Sederhana (Metode Enter)


Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

intensi 11,8810 3,12565 126

sikap 16,2063 3,67982 126

norma 10,7063 2,80875 126

pbc 12,3810 2,64985 126

  Variables Entered/Removed a Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 pbc, norma, sikap b . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: intensi b. All requested variables entered.

  Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 ,749 a ,561 ,550 2,09709

a. Predictors: (Constant), pcb, norma, sikap

  Coefficients a Model Unstandardized

  Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

  Correlations Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta

  Zero- order Partial Part Tolerance


  1 (Constant) -,453 1,030 -,440 ,661

sikap ,393 ,063 ,462 6,256 ,000 ,683 ,493 ,375 ,659 1,517

norma ,235 ,079 ,211 2,993 ,003 ,535 ,262 ,180 ,723 1,383

pbc ,279 ,084 ,236 3,306 ,001 ,558 ,287 ,198 ,705 1,418

  a. Dependent Variable: intensi

  b. Casewise Diagnostics Casewise Diagnostics a Case Number Std. Residual intensi Predicted Value Residual

1 1,020 15,00 12,8606 2,13936


2 -2,346 7,00 11,9205 -4,92053

3 ,753 13,00 11,4204 1,57958

4 -,097 14,00 14,2037 -,20375

5 -,909 9,00 10,9067 -1,90666

6 ,532 13,00 11,8837 1,11635

7 -,341 9,00 9,7145 -,71453

8 ,417 12,00 11,1247 ,87530

9 -,782 13,00 14,6403 -1,64028


10 ,441 13,00 12,0750 ,92502

11 -,296 10,00 10,6211 -,62112

12 -,068 8,00 8,1432 -,14322

13 -1,247 9,00 11,6151 -2,61510

14 ,837 11,00 9,2445 1,75552

15 ,059 12,00 11,8768 ,12317

16 -,634 8,00 9,3285 -1,32852

17 -,481 11,00 12,0079 -1,00793

18 -3,203 8,00 14,7175 -6,71750

19 ,247 15,00 14,4825 ,51752

20 -,503 15,00 16,0538 -1,05379

21 -1,185 9,00 11,4840 -2,48400

22 -,298 12,00 12,6256 -,62561

  23 ,849 15,00 13,2199 1,78006 24 -,963 8,00 10,0200 -2,01996 25 -,806 12,00 13,6900 -1,69000 26 -,078 9,00 9,1639 -,16390 27 -,309 11,00 11,6486 -,64862 28 ,893 16,00 14,1265 1,87348 29 -,371 10,00 10,7789 -,77892 30 ,370 16,00 15,2244 ,77556 31 -,068 8,00 8,1432 -,14322 32 -1,465 8,00 11,0713 -3,07129 33 -1,706 8,00 11,5782 -3,57822 34 ,727 11,00 9,4762 1,52385 35 ,055 12,00 11,8837 ,11635 36 ,443 11,00 10,0705 ,92952 37 ,156 15,00 14,6738 ,32620 38 -,173 11,00 11,3631 -,36308 39 ,042 13,00 12,9112 ,08884 40 -,086 14,00 14,1804 -,18040 41 ,538 14,00 12,8708 1,12919 42 1,790 16,00 12,2463 3,75369 43 ,179 13,00 12,6256 ,37439 44 ,389 11,00 10,1846 ,81541 45 -,298 12,00 12,6256 -,62561 46 -,797 8,00 9,6708 -1,67083 47 ,889 13,00 11,1349 1,86513 48 -,203 15,00 15,4259 -,42594 49 1,875 16,00 12,0682 3,93184 50 2,256 20,00 15,2681 4,73187 51 -,051 10,00 10,1074 -,10736 52 -,068 8,00 8,1432 -,14322 53 -,619 12,00 13,2972 -1,29717 54 -1,115 6,00 8,3379 -2,33790 55 ,284 15,00 14,4053 ,59475 56 -,739 8,00 9,5499 -1,54991 57 ,001 12,00 11,9978 ,00225 58 ,649 15,00 13,6395 1,36052 59 -,354 10,00 10,7420 -,74204 60 ,727 17,00 15,4765 1,52354 61 1,350 11,00 8,1699 2,83008 62 -,375 12,00 12,7868 -,78677 63 -,637 13,00 14,3348 -1,33485

  64 ,433 12,00 11,0912 ,90883 65 ,170 13,00 12,6426 ,35739 66 -,253 16,00 16,5307 -,53067 67 ,572 13,00 11,7996 1,20039 68 ,957 10,00 7,9922 2,00777 69 ,540 14,00 12,8675 1,13254 70 ,301 15,00 14,3684 ,63163 71 ,647 10,00 8,6433 1,35667 72 -,068 12,00 12,1425 -,14249 73 -,443 8,00 8,9289 -,92887 74 ,774 13,00 11,3767 1,62328 75 -1,486 4,00 7,1157 -3,11571 76 ,817 13,00 11,2859 1,71415 77 ,903 12,00 10,1074 1,89264 78 -,586 9,00 10,2283 -1,22829 79 ,063 15,00 14,8685 ,13152 80 ,591 16,00 14,7612 1,23880 81 -,993 12,00 14,0828 -2,08283 82 ,136 10,00 9,7145 ,28547 83 -,700 4,00 5,4672 -1,46717 84 -,894 13,00 14,8753 -1,87531 85 -,154 13,00 13,3239 -,32387 86 -1,368 12,00 14,8685 -2,86848 87 ,707 17,00 15,5167 1,48331 88 ,375 14,00 13,2131 ,78688 89 ,385 14,00 13,1932 ,80676 90 -,267 7,00 7,5591 -,55906 91 -,064 14,00 14,1333 -,13335 92 ,617 14,00 12,7062 1,29381 93 -1,697 9,00 12,5586 -3,55856 94 -,176 14,00 14,3684 -,36837 95 -1,383 8,00 10,8998 -2,89984 96 ,252 13,00 12,4712 ,52884 97 -2,849 8,00 13,9755 -5,97554 98 -1,540 11,00 14,2305 -3,23045 99 3,703 18,00 10,2351 7,76489

  100 -,442 10,00 10,9265 -,92655 101 -1,363 5,00 7,8577 -2,85767 102 1,520 15,00 11,8132 3,18675 103 ,975 12,00 9,9564 2,04362 104 ,841 8,00 6,2358 1,76417

  105 ,478 13,00 11,9978 1,00225 106 ,198 8,00 7,5858 ,41424 107 ,081 11,00 10,8294 ,17056 108 -,496 7,00 8,0393 -1,03929 109 ,256 11,00 10,4633 ,53669 110 -1,141 8,00 10,3929 -2,39291 111 -,748 12,00 13,5691 -1,56907 112 1,107 12,00 9,6777 2,32235 113 -,218 10,00 10,4565 -,45649 114 2,361 14,00 9,0498 4,95020 115 -1,382 10,00 12,8975 -2,89752 116 1,241 17,00 14,3984 2,60157 117 1,663 18,00 14,5125 3,48747 118 -,818 8,00 9,7145 -1,71453 119 ,508 15,00 13,9352 1,06480 120 1,461 17,00 13,9352 3,06480 121 ,039 15,00 14,9190 ,08100 122 -,053 15,00 15,1103 -,11033 123 ,843 17,00 15,2313 1,76874 124 -,710 12,00 13,4885 -1,48849 125 -,247 11,00 11,5175 -,51752 126 ,924 15,00 13,0621 1,93786 LAMPIRAN D

  Contoh Aitem Skala Sikap, Skala Norma Subjektif, dan Skala Perceived

  Behavior Control

  dan Skala Intensi

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