Pengembangan Website Berbasis Responsive Web Design (RWD) sebagai Multimedia Pembelajaran Elektronik Interaktif Fisika untuk Materi Pokok Konsep dan Fenomena Kuantum Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA).

Pengembangan Website Berbasis Responsive Web Design (RWD)
sebagai Multimedia Pembelajaran Elektronik Interaktif Fisika
untuk Materi Pokok Konsep dan Fenomena Kuantum
Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)
Doni Bowo Nugroho
NIM 11302241013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menghasilkan website berbasis
Responsive Web Design (RWD) sebagai multimedia pembelajaran elektronik
interaktif fisika untuk materi pokok konsep dan fenomena kuantum; 2)
mengetahui kelayakan website; dan 3) respon peserta didik terhadap website.
Research and Development (R&D) ini menggunakan 4D model
Thiagarajan. Define merupakan tahap perumusan dan analisis kebutuhan awal.
Design adalah tahapan pembuatan rancangan awal website. Develop merupakan
tahap untuk mengembangkan website. Penilaian diperoleh melalui evaluasi oleh
ahli materi, ahli media, dan guru fisika. Uji coba terbatas dilakukan terhadap 6
peserta didik dan uji coba lebih luas dilakukan pada 30 peserta didik kelas XII IPA
I MAN Godean. Disseminate dilaksanakan dengan menyebarluaskan website ke
mesin pencari. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif.
Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa website berbasis Responsive Web Design

(RWD) yang memuat halaman Beranda, Kompetensi, Materi, Jejaring Siswa,
Tentang dan Bantuan yang berisi materi pokok konsep dan fenomena kuantum
yang terdiri dari konsep foton, efek fotolistrik dan sinar-X. Setiap sub materi
pokok terdapat video, animasi, dan kuis. Kelayakan website sangat baik dengan
skor rerata 3,40 dalam skala 4 berdasarkan validasi oleh para ahli. Pengembangan
website mendapatkan respon positif dari peserta didik dengan skor rerata 2,98
dalam skala 4.
Kata Kunci: fenomena kuantum, multimedia, responsive web design, website

The Development Of Website Based On Responsive Web Design (Rwd) As
Multimedia Of Physics Interactive E-Learning For Concept And Phenomenon
Quantum In Senior High School
Doni Bowo Nugroho
NIM 11302241013
This research aims to 1) produce website based on Responsive Web
Design (RWD) as multimedia of physics interactive electronic learning for the
concept and phenomenon quantum; 2) examine the feasibility of website and 3)
describe responses of students to the website.

This Research and Development (R&D) uses 4-D models Thiagarajan.
Define is the stage to define and analyze the initial needs. Design is the stage to
design and create the prototype of website. Develop is the stage to modify and
develop the website. In this stage, feedback was received through validation by
contents expert, media expert, and teacher of physics. Limited try out was applied
for 6 students and more extensive try out was applied for 30 students of class XII
1 IPA MAN Godean. Disseminate is the stage to publish the website in the search
engines. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive.
Results of this research is a website based on Responsive Web Design
(RWD), which contains the Home page, Competence, Materials, Students
Network, About and Help. The concept and phenomenon quantum divided to three
substantial. They are the concept of the photon, the photoelectric effect and the xray. The substantials contains videos, animations, and quizzes. The feasibility of
website is good with the mean score of 3.40 on scale of 4 based on validation by
experts. The development of the website was got positive responses from students
with the mean score of 2.98 on scale of 4.
Keywords: multimedia, quantum phenomenon, responsive web design, website