Language functions used by Hillary Clinton in the Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016.




Submitted as Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

By: Eka Sartika

Reg. Number: A73213091










Sartika, Eka. 2017. Language Function Used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016. English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

The Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag

Keywords: Discourse, Language Function, Presidential Debate, Utterances, Hillary Clinton.

This research investigates about language function used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016. The problem of this study are analyze the kinds of language functions which are used by Hillary Clinton and the meaning behind language functions of Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016. The objective of this study are to explain the kinds of language functions that are used by Hillary Clinton and to describe the meaning behind language functions of Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016.

The method which is applied by the researcher is qualitative because the data collected are in the form of words. The data were collected from Hillary Clinton’s utterances and those were analyzed by using Roman Jakobson (1960) theory of language function. The result of this study is shows six language functions used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016, such as 147 referential functions, 18 conative functions, 17 emotive function, 11 phatic function, 1 poetic function and there is no metalinguistic function. The language function that is mostly used by Hillary Clinton is referential function. Besides, there are several meanings behind language function of Hillary Clinton’s utterances. First, the meanings behind referential function of Hillary Clinton’s utterances are to inform or describe about object, situation and problem in America. Hillary Clinton also wants to share her opinions, ideas argumentations, etc. Second, the meaning behind conative function of Hillary Clinton’s utterances is to persuade the listeners to do something, join, believe and vote her in America presidential election. Third, the meaning behind emotive function is to express her feeling or emotion to the listeners. Fourth, the meaning behind phatic function of Hillary Clinton’s utterances to accost Donald Trump and the listeners in this debate. Fifth, the meaning behind poetic function of Hillary Clinton’s utterances is to give positive message to the listeners. Sixth, there is no meaning behind metalinguistic function of Hillary Clinton’s utterances because the researcher did not found the metalinguistic function of language that used by Hillary Clinton.



Sartika, Eka. 2017. Language Function Used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag

Kata kunci: Discourse, Fungsi Bahasa, Debat Presiden, Ucapan, Hillary Clinton. Penelitian ini meneliti tentang fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton dalam The Presidential Debates of United States of America pada tahun 2016. Masalah penelitian ini adalah menganalisis jenis fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton dan makna di balik fungsi bahasa ucapan Hillary Clinton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan jenis fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton dan untuk menggambarkan makna di balik fungsi bahasa Hillary Clinton dalam The Presidential Debates of United States of America 2016.

Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti bersifat kualitatif karena data yang terkumpul berupa kata-kata. Data dikumpulkan dari ucapan Hillary Clinton dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori fungsi bahasa Roman Jakobson (1960). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan enam fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton dalam The Presidential Debates of United States of America pada tahun 2016, seperti 147 fungsi referensial, 18 fungsi konatif, 17 fungsi emotif, 11 fungsi phatik, 1 fungsi puitik, dan tidak ada fungsi metalinguistik. Fungsi bahasa yang banyak digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton adalah fungsi referensial. Selain itu, ada beberapa makna di balik fungsi bahasa ucapan Hillary Clinton. Pertama, makna di balik fungsi referensial ucapan Hillary Clinton adalah

menginformasikan atau menggambarkan tentang objek, situasi dan masalah di Amerika. Hillary Clinton juga ingin membagikan pendapatnya, argumentasi, ide, dll. Kedua, makna di balik fungsi konatif ucapan Hillary Clinton adalah

meyakinkan pendengar untuk melakukan sesuatu, bergabung, percaya dan memilihnya dalam pemilihan presiden Amerika. Ketiga, makna di balik fungsi emotif adalah mengekspresikan perasaan atau emosinya kepada pendengarnya. Keempat, makna di balik fungsi fatik ucapan Hillary Clinton untuk mendekati Donald Trump dan pendengar dalam perdebatan ini. Kelima, makna dibalik fungsi puitis ucapan Hillary Clinton adalah memberikan pesan positif kepada

pendengarnya. Keenam, tidak ada arti dibalik fungsi metalinguistik ucapan Hillary Clinton karena peneliti tidak menemukan fungsi bahasa metalinguistik yang digunakan oleh Hillary Clinton.





MOTTO ... iii







ABSTRACT ... xiv

ABSTRAK ... xv


1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study ... 8

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 8

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 9

1.5 Scope of the Study ... 9



2.1 Discourse ... 12

2.1.1 Definition of Discourse ... 12

2.1.2 Types of Discourse ... 12

2.2 Discourse Analysis ... 12

2.3 Language Functions ... 13

2.3.1 Components of communication ... 14

2.3.2 Types of language function ... 16 Emotive function ... 16 Conative function ... 16 Referential function ... 16 Metalinguistic function ... 16 Phatic function ... 17 Poetic function ... 17

2.4 Utterance ... 17

2.5 Presidential Debate... 18

2.6 Previous Studies ... 19


3.1 Research Design ... 21

3.2 Research Instruments ... 22

3.3 Data and Data Source ... 22


3.5 Data Analysis ... 24

CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ... 26 4.1 Findings ... 26 4.1.1 The Findings on the Kinds and the Meaning behind Language Function in Hillary Clinton’s utterances in The Presidential Debates of United State of

America in 2016 ... 26 Language Function as Emotive Function and the Meaning behind

Language Function ... 27 Language Function as Conative Function and the Meaning behind

Language Function ... 35 Language Function as Conative Function and the Meaning behind

Language Function ... 35 Language Function as Phatic Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 40 Language Function as Poetic Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 43 Language Function as Referential Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 44 Language Function as Metalinguistic Function and the Meaning behind Language Function ... 60 4.2 Discussion ... 60


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ... 62 5.1 Conclusion ... 62 5.2 Suggestion ... 63 REFERENCES




The first chapter explains about the basic of the research that includes the reason why the researcher chooses the topic in background of the study, statement of the problems which are investigated, objectives of the study, expectation of some target readers in significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and the definition of the key terms.

1.1Background of study

Language is important tool to communicate with other people in society. According to Wibowo (2001, p.3), language is a system of symbols that are meaningful and articulate sound (generated by vocal organ) that are arbitrary and conventional, which is used as a tool to communicate by a group of people to give birth to feelings and thoughts. Communication is an important process that has always been done by humans as social creatures. Littlejohn and Foss (2008, p.2) said that communication is one of those everyday activities that is intertwined with all of human like so completely that we sometimes overlook its pervasiveness, importance, and complexity. Indeed, communication happens because of language. Language is used not only to communicate but also use to deliver thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings, etc. Based on McQuown (1982) language is the principal tool through which one man passes on his personal and social integration, his cultivated ways of behaving to his offspring, and through which he induces his peers to share his culture and with him, to form a larger



social group. From this statement, we can know that language is also part of culture and environment. Every person uses language to inform what someone feels to other people, to share information, and others. The purpose of language for communication is to get the message across to the others clear, so they can understand each other.

When language is performed, there must be a Discourse. Discourse is the study of language used for communication. Discourse is also a term becoming increasingly common in a wide range of academic and non-academic contexts. Based on Chojimah (2012, p.3) discourse is defined as Linguistic unit larger than sentence, or a stretch of language having the quality of unity and language or code. Cook (1989, p.156) explains discourse as a stretch of language perceived to be meaningful unified and purposive. Besides, discourse is the part of discourse analysis.

Discourse analysis examines language in use. In order to create a well-arranged system. According to McCarthy (1991, p.15), discourse analysis study language in use: written text of all kinds and spoken data, from conversation to highly institutionalized forms of talk. Renkema (1993) also said that discourse analysis is the discipline devoted to the investigation of the relationship between language and the context that is used for all kinds of written texts and spoken data. It means that discourse is used not only in spoken data but also in written texts. The example of spoken data is speech, debate, dialogue, and conversation. Meanwhile, articles, short stories, novels, others are written texts.



Language function is important in communication because it leads the

listeners to achieve the purpose of the speaker’s utterances. Language function is

part of discourse analysis theory. Halliday (1973, p.35) explains that the function of language is to describe how language is used. According to Cook (1989), language function deals with the use of language and the meaning of the messages between the addresser and the addressee that contain function of language. Brown and Yule (1983) divided Language into two basic functions, those are; transactional, which language serves in expression of content and interactional function, which is involved in expressing social relations and personal attitudes. Language function can be found in various genres, such as speech, novel, movie, seminars, talk show, lyric of song, and debate. Jones (2012, p.15) states, when people speak, they also produce different kinds of genres (such as casual conversation, debate, lecture, and speech) and use different kinds of registers or social languages. Therefore, debate is the one of genres that can use language function as the theory.

Debate is a formal condition that should be done by two or more than two people who want to give the argument, opinions and ideas and discuss about issues or others. According to Freeley and Steinberg (2008), they said that debate is the process of inquiry and advocacy; the shaking of a reasoned judgment on a preposition. Freeley and Steinberg (2008) also classified debate into three kinds, they are; special debate, judicial debate and parliamentary debate on informal debate. Presidential Debate is one of special debates because special debates have special rules drafted for special occasion. The purpose of debate is to show their



ideas, argumentations, opinions, and solutions about some topics or problems in their country. There are some countries that used Democratic system such as America, Indonesia, and any other countries.

America is one of the countries that applies debate as a tool to apply Democratic system to their citizens. Based on Freeley and Steinberg (2008), presidential debates are a new tradition in American history. America only has two parties, they are: Republican Party and Democratic Party. The first general election presidential debate of United States was held on September 26, 1960 between John F. Kennedy from Democratic Party and Richard Nixon from Republican Party in Chicago. Since 1964 until 1976 there is no Presidential debate. In fact, America held Presidential Debate since 1976 until now for once in four years. In 2016, America also made Presidential Debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There are two candidates of Presidential Debates, they are Donald Trump from Republican Party and Hillary Clinton from Democratic Party. This debate was also held to find out a new President to changed Barrack Obama as a President in America. America divided Presidential Debates into some parts such as the first, the second and the third Presidential Debate in 2016.

The researcher chose several debates videos between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in Presidential Debates 2016 and only focuses on Hillary

Clinton’s utterances, sentences, terms or topics. The researcher chose Hillary

Clinton because she is the only woman candidate to be a President of the United State of America because mostly the candidates of President are men. Hillary



Clinton is a candidate of President from Democratic Party. This research used

Roman Jakobson’s theory (1960) of language function. In Jakobson's theory, there

are six components of communication, they are; addresser (speaker), addressee (receiver), channel, message, context and code. There are also six types of language function, such as referential, emotive, conative, phatic, metalinguistic and poetic function.

Since Jakobson (1960) introduced the theory about language functions, many researchers are interested in using Language function as the theory. Some researchers have analyzed language function in several subjects, such as in movie (Tobing, 2016), in novel (Permatasari, 2015), in campaign speech (Diansari, 2015), and in social media (Chofiyya, 2016; Khoir, 2016).

There is one researcher who analyzed language function in movie. Tobing (2016), he analyzed language function in Men, Women and Children Movie. He found out 116 utterances which consist of 32 emotive functions, 13 conative functions, 25 phatic functions, 29 referential functions, and 17 metalinguistic functions, but there is no poetic function in this movie.

On the other hand, there is one researcher who analyzed language function in novel. Permatasari (2015), she analyzed Language Function Used by Six Characters in Translated Novel of The Land of Five Towers Novel by A. Fuadi.

She used Jakobson’s theory. She reveals that there are six functions used by the



function and referential function. The language function that is mostly used is referential function.

Meanwhile, there is one researcher who analyzed language function in campaign speech. Diansari (2015), she analyzed Language Function Used by Michelle Obama in “Let Girls Learn” Campaign Speech. She used Jakobson’s theory. She found 81 sentences; 12 emotive functions, 6 conative functions, 5 phatic functions, 3 poetic functions, 55 referential functions. Michelle Obama mostly used referential function to give some information about “Let Girls Learn” and her experiences.

Then, there are two researchers who analyzed language function in social media. The first is Chofiyya (2016), she analyzed language function that is used by Ani Yudhoyono in her instagram captions. Chofiyya used Roman Jakobson’s theory to analyze and find out the kinds of language functions. The result of

Chofiyya’s research showed that there are six language functions used by Ani

Yudhoyono on her instagram captions, they are; emotive function, conative function, referential function, phatic function, poetic function and metalinguistic function. The other researcher is Khoir (2016), he analyzed language function used by Donald Trump in his Twitter tweets. He applied Roman Jakobson’s theory. In his research he found out five language functions used, they are; referential function, conative function, emotive function, phatic function, and metalinguistic function.



Based on the previous study above, mostly researchers analyzed language function in movie, novel, television commercial, speech and social media. There is no researcher who analyzes language function in the Presidential Debates exactly in United State of America. Because of that, the researcher wants to fill in the gap because Presidential Debate is something new, hence, in this present research, the researcher conducts a research on language function. In Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016, there are two debates; The Democratic Presidential Debate between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton to choose candidate from Democratic Party and the last is Presidential Debate in United State of America between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Because of that, the researcher chose The Presidential Debates in United State of America between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to be analyzed.

On the other hand, the researcher also wants to know language functions that are used by Hillary Clinton when she gave the argument in a debate situation. The researcher believes that all of languages that are delivered by someone have some functions exactly in Presidential Debates. When candidates want to deliver their argumentations, opinions and ideas they surely have some functions. The researcher believes many people around the world focus on this debate because many people want to know about some candidates of president of United State of America. And, this debate also became the trending topic not only in United State of America but also in the world.



1.2Problems of the Study

This present research deals with the observation about language functions used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016. Related to the background of the study, the researcher formulates the research problems to be analyzed in the present research as follows:

1. What kinds of language functions are used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016?

2. What are the meanings behind language functions of Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016?

1.3Objectives of the Study

Based on the statement of the problems above, the researcher formulates the research objectives of the study as follows:

1. To explain the kinds of language functions that are used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016. 2. To describe the meaning behind language functions of Hillary Clinton

in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016.

1.4Significance of the study

Theoretically, this research is intended to give the readers a better understanding of language functions as well as can be beneficial for the readers who are interested in discourse analysis especially in language



functions by using Jakobson's (1960) theory. Then, this research could be a reference to other researchers who are interested in language function as their theory.

Practically, through the result of this research, the researcher wants to help the readers in understanding language functions that are used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016. So that, the readers feel easier to understand the ideas, opinions, argumentations that she delivered in this debate because she is the only woman candidate of President United State of America 2016.

1.5Scope and Limitation

This research focuses on the discourse analysis which concerns on the language functions that are used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016. The researcher concerns on Hillary Clinton’s utterances when she delivers her argumentations, ideas, opinions in this debate. To avoid misunderstanding, this research is limited on the Roman Jakobson’s theory that only focuses on six kinds of language function; they are expressive function, conative function, referential function, phatic function, metalinguistic function and poetic function. The researcher limits the discussion by taking the data from three debates, they are; the first Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016. The second Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016. The third Presidential Debate at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas on October 19, 2016.



1.6Definition of the key terms

Related to the title of this research, the researcher wants to give some definitions of the key terms to avoid misunderstanding among the readers. Therefore, the reader can easily understand this research.

Discourse is a stretch of language in use, taking on meaning in context for its users, and perceived by them as purposeful, meaningful, and connected (Cook 1994, p.25)

Discourse analysis is fundamentally concerned with the ‘general principles of interpretation by which people normally make sense of what they hear and read’ (Brown and Yule 1983).

Language function is how the language is uses in the right way to reach its communication purposes (Holmes, 2005). Language function also is language that has some functions or purposes such as greeting, asking question, expressing feeling and others.

Presidential Debate is a debate of two or more than two people who want to be candidates of President in a country. The candidates discuss about the issues or problems in that country. They share the solutions, arguments, opinions in this debate.

Hillary Clinton is an American politician. She is one of candidates for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election. She was the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. From 2001 to 2009, Clinton served as a United States Senator from New York.




In this chapter, the researcher presents some terms of theories related with the topic of the research, which is language functions. In this chapter also, the researcher divides the discussions of the theories into four sub chapters. The first sub chapter discusses about Discourse. The second sub chapter explains about Discourse analysis. The third sub chapter tells about the kinds of language functions proposed by Jakobson (1960). The fourth sub chapter is about the utterance. The fifth sub chapter is about Presidential Debate. And the sixth sub chapter is about previous study.

2.1 Discourse

In this subchapter, they are some explanations about the definition and types of discourse.

2.1.1 Definition of Discourse

According to Cook (1989: 3), discourse is a language usage for communication. It means that, when we used a language to communication with other people we also used a discourse. Cook (1989) adds that discourse is a stretch in use, taking on meaning in context for its users, and perceived by them as purposeful, meaningful, and connected. Brown and Yule (1983: 1) also state that discourse is how humans use language to communication and in particular how addressers construct linguistic messages for addressees and how addressees work



on linguistic messages in order to interpret them. It means that, discourse is the study of language use in written and spoken texts in a social context.

2.1.2 Types of Discourse

Based on how discourse is produced, there are two types of discourse, they are; spoken discourse and written discourse. Spoken discourse is a discourse which is delivered orally such as speeches, conversations, interviews, debates, and so on. Written discourse is a discourse which is delivered in print or paper such as novels, books, newspapers and so on.

2.2 Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis is the study about analyzing the use of language. According to Jones (2012, p.2), discourse analysis is the study of the ways sentences and utterances are put together to make texts and interactions and how those texts and interactions fit into our social life. It means that discourse analysis about how addresser delivers the messages or meanings to addressee and how addressee can understand the messages or meanings well.

On the other hand, Brown and Yule (1983, p.1) state that discourse analysis is committed to an investigation of what and how that language is used for. It means that discourse analysis is language used for communication and how the addressee interpret the message. Chojimah (2012) explain that discourse analysis is one of academic disciplines in macro linguistics. It deals with the system of language used for daily communication, such as language for advertisements, political speech, daily conversation student-teacher consultation, etc. McCarthy (1991, p.5) says that



discourse analysis is concerned with the study of the relationship between language and the context which it is used. It means that, discourse analysis not only discuss about language but also the context. Moreover, Abrams and Harpham (2005) explains Discourse Analysis concerns itself with the use of language in a running discourse, continued over a number of sentences, and involving the interaction of speaker (writer) and the auditor (reader)in a specific situational context, and within a framework of social and cultural conventions.

In conclusion, discourse analysis is study of language use in the form of written discourse or spoken discourse. Discourse analysis also is learns and analyzes of forms of language which contain sentences and involving interaction people in spoken with utterances and interaction in written within the context, social and cultural framework. Because that, the function of language under the discussion of discourse analysis.

2.3 Language functions

Language functions are the ways to know and understand meaning from the speaker to the readers. Cook (1989, pg.24) explains language functions as the functions which is the sender of a message intends to achieve with it. According to Savignon (1983) states a language function as ‘the use to which language is put, the purpose of an utterance rather that the particular grammatical form an utterance



2.3.1 Components of communication

Before explain about the types of language function. We must know the six components of communication based on Jakobson (1980), those are explained as follows:

1. Addresser

Addresser is the person who send the messages to the reader, e.g. Motivator, Presenter, News Anchor, Moderator, etc.

2. Addressee

Addressee is the person who receive the messages from the speaker, e.g. Audiences, News Viewers, Listeners, etc.

3. Channel

Channel is the medium through which the message travels between the addressee and the addresser, e.g. Internet, Radio, Television, etc. 4. Context

Context is the social or physical context. It can be explains as the situation, when and where the communication takes place.

5. Message form

Message form is the particular grammatical and lexical choices of the message.

6. Code

Code is the language or dialect that is used to deliver the message, e.g. English, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia, etc.



CONTEXT (referential function)


(emotive function) (phatic function) (conative function)

MESSAGE (poetic function)


(metalinguistic function)

Figure 2.3 Jakobson’s schema of Language Function

(source Fasold (2006, p. 193)

From the schema above, can be seen that each component of communication represents the language function.



2.3.2 Types of Language Function

Based on Jakobson’s theory, there are six types of language function: 1. Emotive Function

The emotive function focuses on the addresser. Its purposes for communicating the inner states and emotions of the addresser (direct expression of the speaker attitudes toward what he/she is speaking of). For example: “Oh, My God!”, “Amazing”.

2. Conative Function

The orientation of conative function is the addressee. The aim of this function is seeking to affect others, whether the behavior, emotion, or even the feeling of the addressee.

For example: “Please, open the door!”, “Shut up!” 3. Referential Function

The referential function means carrying information which is focused on the context. This function usually can be used to inform something such as report, description, statement, or confirm and explaining something. For example: “This room is hot”

4. Metalinguistic Function

The metalinguistic function used to establish mutual agreement on the code, such as definition of something. It is sequence which is used to build an equivalence relation and it contains information about the lexical code. For example: “This bone is known as femur”.



5. Phatic Function

The phatic function which is focuses on the contact, means opening the channel or checking that something is working either for practical reasons or social ones to establish and maintain the channel of communication. For example: “Anybody hear me?”

6. Poetic Function

The poetic function is a particular form chosen to deliver a message. Its orientation is the message for its own sake and the sound must be seen as an echo the sense. It also be used to express something in different way using poetic words which plays with forms of the text like rhyme, repetition, alliteration (repeat consonant), assonance (repeated vowels, and so on. For example: “no pain no gain”

2.4 Utterance

According to Hurford and Heasly (1984), an utterance is any stretch of talk by one person, before and after which there is a silence on the part of that person. Hurford and Heasly (1984) also stated that the utterance is used by particular speaker, on a particular occasion, of a piece of language, such as a sequence of sentences, or a single phrase, or even a single word. From this statement, the utterances are collected from one person. Because of that, the researcher analyzed the utterances of Hillary Clinton based on Language Function.



2.5 Presidential Debate

Debate is a process in which people try to give their argument for opposing a conflict. Debate is a method of formal situation to give an argument with a disciplined manner. A debate consists of contestant arguing opposite sides of a specific proposition or resolution in order to win the adherence of listeners (Lee and Lee, 1898, p.25). Debate are divided into two kinds, there are formal debate and informal debate. Formal debate between candidates for elected office, such as the leader debates that are sometimes held in democracies or candidate of president. Informal or forum debate is relatively shown by TV show such as America talk show and other talk show. Presidential debate is the kind of formal debate because consist of candidate of President in a country. Presidential debate is the same with political debate. Presidential debate contain attributes consistent with all three definitions. In essence, these definitions provide three requisites for debate: (1) participants are on opposing a conflict; (2) participant to a formalized set of rules to present their ideas and opinions; (3) a third party is the target of candidate messages.

According to Freeley and Steinberg (2008, p.368) proposed that presidential debates are a new tradition in America history. Debate between presidential candidates are now well established in election.

The issue of presidential debate to make the better president, senator, governor, others are not formally stated. All of questions asked for candidates during the debate must cooperative to answer the question. The characteristics of presidential debate is must be viewed within the context of the total campaign not



the others. Questions, responses, and positions taken do not begin or end with the political debate. The presidential debates have specific purposes to each people. The purpose of candidates it is an opportunity to discuss their agendas and to demonstrate their leadership potential if they win this campaign. The purpose of the panelist it is an opportunity to raise issues and positions they consider important or they perceive as being important to voters. The purpose of the public, the debates are as the one opportunity in the campaign to view the candidates for an extended period of time in a live situation without a formal script. The public can make judgments about their ability to articulate the direction they would take if elected.

2.6 Previous Studies

Previous study is given to show the similarities and differences between this research and another research. There are three review the previous that related in this research. The first previous studied is Saphira (2015), she analyzed Language Function Found in Novel by Ika Natassa Entitled “Antologi Rasa”. She used Roman Jakobson theory and used qualitative approach by used document analysis to analyze the data. She found 142 utterances which consist of 32 emotive functions, 29 conative functions, 28 phatic functions, 53 referential functions, and there is no poetic function and metalinguistic function used by the main characters in the novel.

The second previous studied has done by Supriyono (2015), he analyzed Language Function Found in Mizone Fres in Television Commercial. He used

Hymes and Gumperz’s theory (1964) and used qualitative approach. He found out



and referential function. Referential function is the most frequently used function that contained some information. He also found double function that exist in one utterance.

The last previous studied done by Alfina (2015), she analyzed Language Functions Used by the Main Character in “The Pacifier” Movie. She used Holmes’s theory to analyze language function and also used Hymes’s theory to explain the

context of the language function in “The Pacifier” Movie. She found out seven types

from eight types of language functions categorized by Holmes, they are; expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, phatic, heuristic and commissive functions of language. She also found out the context of the use of language functions, they are; setting, participants, ends, act sequences, key, instrumentalities, norms and genre.

In conclusion, the similarities of the previous studies and this present research are the kind of language functions and the language function mostly used. Meanwhile the differences between the previous studies and this present research are subject, theory and the research problem because the second research problem is the meaning behind language functions used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America 2016 and used Jakobson’s theory (1960).




This chapter discusses about the methodology of the research. This chapter consists of research design, the role of the researcher, research instrument, subject of the research, data and data source, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This present research is focused on the language function used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016. In addition, the purpose of this research is to identify the kinds of language function and the meaning behind language function that used by Hillary presidential debates.

The researcher used Roman Jakobson’s (1960) theory about language function to identified the utterances, word, sentences that been used by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016. This research used the qualitative research to analyze the data since the data are in the form of words not numbers. According to Strauss (1990, p.17) qualitative research is a kind of research that produces finding not arrived by means of statistical procedures or other means of quantification and maybe quantified with census data but the analysis itself is a qualitative one. The researcher used qualitative research to descriptive data it the form of written text or oral text. Qualitative research also is one of methods that appropriate for analyzing data and



interpreting its meaning. Qualitative research is method that usually applied to verbal data such as interview transcripts, books, newspapers, articles, and others.

3.2. Research Instrument

There are three instruments that used in this research. The first instrument is a human because the researcher became the one who collected the data and analyzed the data. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982, p.27), qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and the researcher is the key instrument. Lincoln and Guba (1981, p.236), the instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human, we shall see that other forms of instrumentation may be used in later phases of the inquiry, but the human is the initial and continuing mainstay. From this statement, we can know that the researcher is the key instrument because the researcher collected, identified and analyzed the data and we called as human instrument. The second instrument is notebook as a tool to download the transcript and video about The Presidential Debates in 2016 between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The third instrument is book to collect some references.

3.3. Data and data sources

The data sources of this research are take several The Presidential Debates of United State of America. The researcher took three debates, they are; the first Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016. The second Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016. The third Presidential Debate at the University of



Nevada in Las Vegas on October 19, 2016. The researcher got the transcripts as the data on The first transcript is 25 pages. The second transcript is 22 pages. The third transcript is 24 pages. Thus, the total of the transcripts is 71 pages.

3.4 Technique of Data collection

The data were collected from The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016 by Hillary Clinton. All of the data are the utterances, words, and sentences that contain language functions based on Jakobson’s theory as found in this three debates. The researcher collects the data by several steps below:

1. The researcher search on youtube and downloaded the videos The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016.

2. After found the video, the researcher downloaded the transcript of The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016.

3. The researcher watched the video while read the script and take some notes to construct the analysis based on the data obtained.

4. Then, the researcher selected the data, identified, and underlined the data into the kinds of language function in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016 by Hillary Clinton based on the Jakobson’s theory in order to get the answers of the research problems.



3.5Data Analysis

The researcher used some step to analyze the data, as these following steps: 1. Identifying

The researcher identified the data, which are collected from conversations by Hillary Clinton in The Presidential Debates of United State of America in 2016. The researcher identified the utterances that containing the kinds of language function used Jakobson’s theory. The process to identify the data, the researcher make easier analyzed by giving underline every utterance and gives code to make easier analyzed the data.

The kinds of Language Function:

EF = Emotive Function PoF = Poetic Function CF = Conative Function RF = Referential Function PhF = Phatic Function MF = Metalinguistic Function

2. Classifying

The researcher classified and categorized the utterances produced used by Hillary Clinton as the data into table form based on Jakobson’s theory, to make the data easy to understand by the reader.

Sample Table of Language Function used by Hillary Clinton



3. Determining and calculating

After identified and classified, the researcher make a table to determine the total and calculated the percentage for kinds of language function which produced by Hillary Clinton in debate. Then, the researcher counted the frequency kinds of language function by Hillary Clinton.

No. Language Function Frequency 1. Emotive

2. Conative 3. Phatic 4. Poetic 5. Referential 6. Metalinguistic

4. Interpret the data

After determined and calculated the data, the researcher interpreted the data, especially the kinds of language function based on Jakobson’s theory.

5. Drawing conclusion

The last step of this research, the researcher drawn a conclusion from the result by interpreted the data to answer the research problem about the finding of kinds of language function used by Hillary Clinton based on Jakobson’s theory.




In this chapter, the researcher presents the result of the study through some steps as mentioned in data analysis that involves the language functions of Hillary Clinton’s utterances and the meaning behind language function of Hillary

Clinton’s utterances in The Presidential Debates of United State of America. The

researcher divided this chapter into two parts; findings and discussion. 4.1 FINDINGS

The researcher found and analyzed kinds of language function which are

found in Hillary Clinton’s utterances and the meaning behind language function of

Hillary Clinton’s utterances in The Presidential Debates of United State of


4.1.1 The Findings on the Kinds and the Meaning behind Language Function in Hillary Clinton’s utterances in The Presidential Debates of United State of America.

The researcher found six language functions, such as emotive function, conative function, phatic function, poetic function, referential function, and metalinguistic function. Language function that is mostly used is referential function. It could be known from the researcher’s findings; seventeen emotive functions, eighteen conative functions, twelve phatic function, one poetic function, one hundred forty seven referential functions, and there is no metalinguistic function. To make a clear cut understanding of the findings, the writer puts them into a chart:



Figure 4.1. The Frequency of Language Functions

To be more specific, each of language function found in Hillary Clinton’s

utterances is elaborated in the following sub headings. Language Function as Emotive Function and the Meaning behind Language Function

Emotive function focus on the addresser or sender in relation to other components entails such types of function as identification of the source, expression of attitude toward one or another component or toward the event as a whole excogitation (thinking aloud), etc. There are seventeen emotive functions that the researcher found in Hillary Clinton’s utterances and the meaning behind

language function of Hillary Clinton’s utterances in The Presidential Debates of

United State of America.

. The researcher found that language has function as emotive function, such as:

17 18




0 0

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Emotive Conative Phatic Poetic Referential Metalinguistic



Datum (1)

CLINTON: Well, thank you, Lester, and thanks to Hofstra for hosting us.

Table 4.1 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterance on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton talking to Lester and audiences.

Message Well, thank you, Lester, and thanks to Hofstra for hosting us.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Lester Holt and audiences.

In Hillary’s utterances above, the researcher analyzed that “Well, thank

you, Lester, and thanks to Hofstra for hosting us.” is included as emotive function

because Hillary Clinton said “Thank you” to Lester and also said “Thank you to

Hofstra”. It means that Hillary want to express her feeling with the word “Thank

you” to Lester because gives chance for Hillary to give arguments or ideas in this

debate and Hillary also said “Thank you” to Hofstra because Hofstra to be



Datum (2)

CLINTON: We need to have more second chance programs. I'm glad that we're

ending private prisons in the federal system; I want to see them ended in the state system. You shouldn't have a profit motivation to fill prison cells with young Americans. So there are some positive ways we can work on this.

Table 4.2 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton express her feeling to the audiences.

Message I'm glad that we're ending private

prisons in the federal system; I want to

see them ended in the state system.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Lester Holt, Donald Trump and the audiences.

From Hillary’s utterances above, Hillary expresses her feeling to the all of audiences with the sentence “I'm glad that we're ending private prisons in the



“I'm glad” is included as emotive function. It means that, Hillary Clinton want to give the audiences information about her feeling to the audiences because private prisons in federal system was ended.

Datum (3)

CLINTON: Well, everything you've heard just now from Donald is not true. I'm sorry I have to keep saying this, but he lives in an alternative reality. And it is sort of amusing to hear somebody who hasn't paid federal income taxes in maybe 20 years talking about what he's going to do.

Table 4.3 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton say sorry to the audiences.

Message I'm sorry I have to keep saying this, but he lives in an alternative reality.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump and the audiences.



Based on Hillary’s utterances above, Hillary expresses her feeling to the

audiences and used sentence “I'm sorry I have to keep saying this, but he lives in an alternative reality.” So, the sentence “I'm sorry” is included as emotive function. It means that, Hillary Clinton want to say sorry to the all of audiences because she have to keep saying about Donald Trump. And finally Hillary tell the audiences about Donald Trump’s lives.

Datum (4)

CLINTON: Well, 67 percent of the people voted to re-elect me when I ran for my second term, and I was very proud and very humbled by that.

Table 4.4 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton express her feeling to the audiences.

Message I was very proud and very humbled by that.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump and the audiences.



According to Hillary’s utterances above, Hillary expresses her feeling to

the audiences and said “I was very proud and very humbled by that.” So, the

sentence “I was very proud”is included as emotive function. It means that, Hillary Clinton share her feeling to the audiences because Hillary feel proud because 67 percent of people vote her and re-elect her in second term.

Datum (5)

CLINTON: And on the day when I was in the Situation Room, monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting the "Celebrity Apprentice." So I'm happy to compare my 30 years of experience, what I've done for this country, trying to help in every way I could, especially kids and families get ahead and stay ahead, with your 30 years, and I'll let the American people make that decision.

Table 4.5 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas on October 19, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton share her feeling to the audiences.

Message So I'm happy to compare my 30 years

of experience, what I've done for this country, trying to help in every way I could, especially kids and families get



ahead and stay ahead, with your 30 years, and I'll let the American people make that decision.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Chris Wallace, Donald Trump and the audiences.

The researcher analyzed Hillary’s utterances above. Hillary said “So I'm

happy to compare my 30 years of experience, what I've done for this country, trying to help in every way I could, especially kids and families get ahead and stay ahead, with your 30 years, and I'll let the American people make that decision.”

So, the sentence “So I'm happy” is included as emotive function. Hillary Clinton express her feeling to the audience because she feel happy. Hillary feel happy because she tells the audiences about her experiences about help kids and families during 30 years.

Datum (6)

CLINTON: Well, very quickly, we at the Clinton Foundation spend 90 percent— 90 percent of all the money that is donated on behalf of programs of people around the world and in our own country. I'm very proud of that. We have the highest rating from the watchdogs that follow foundations. And I'd be happy to compare what we do with the Trump Foundation, which took money from other



people and bought a six-foot portrait of Donald. I mean, who does that? It just was astonishing.

Table 4.6 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas on October 19, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton express her feeling to the audiences.

Message I'm very proud of that. We have the highest rating from the watchdogs that follow foundations. And I'd be happy to compare what we do with the Trump Foundation, which took money from other people and bought a six-foot portrait of Donald. I mean, who does that? It just was astonishing.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Chris Wallace, Donald Trump and the audiences.



In Hillary’s utterances above. Hillary said “I'm very proud of that. We

have the highest rating from the watchdogs that follow foundations. And I'd be happy to compare what we do with the Trump Foundation, which took money from other people and bought a six-foot portrait of Donald. I mean, who does that? It just was astonishing.” So, the sentences “I'm very proud” and “I'd be

happy” is included as emotive function. Hillary Clinton tell the audiences about her feeling or emotion to the audience because she feel proud and happy. Hilary feel happy because Clinton Foundation spent 90 percent of money and give donation to people around the world and people in America. Hillary also proud because Clinton foundation have the highest rating. Language Function as Conative Function and the Meaning behind Language Function

The orientation of conative function is the addressee. The aim of conative function is to direct addressee to do something on purpose. There are eighteen conative functions found in Hillary Clinton’s utterances in The Presidential Debates of United State of America and the meaning behind it. The researcher found that language has function as conative function, such as:

Datum (1)

CLINTON: I want us to invest in you. I want us to invest in your future. That means jobs in infrastructure, in advanced manufacturing, innovation and technology, clean, renewable energy, and small business, because most of the new jobs will come from small business. We also have to make the economy fairer.



That starts with raising the national minimum wage and also guarantee, finally, equal pay for women's work.

Table 4.7 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton want the audiences to investment.

Message I want us to invest in you. I want us to invest in your future.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Lester Holt, Donald Trump and the audiences.

From Hillary’s utterances above. Hillary said “I want us to invest in you. I

want us to invest in your future.” The sentence “I want us” is included as conative function. Hillary Clinton want the audiences to do something. Hillary Clinton wants the audiences to invest in her country to their future. Hillary wants the audiences to make small business to increase their income and also have to make the economy fairer with make jobs in infrastructure, in advanced manufacturing, innovation and technology, clean, renewable energy.



Datum (2)

CLINTON: Well, let's stop for a second and remember where we were eight years ago. We had the worst financial crisis, the Great Recession, the worst since the 1930s. That was in large part because of tax policies that slashed taxes on the wealthy, failed to invest in the middle class, took their eyes off of Wall Street, and created a perfect storm.

Table 4.8 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton want the audiences to remember eight years ago.

Message Let's stop for a second and remember where we were eight years ago.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Lester Holt, Donald Trump and the audiences.

Based on Hillary’s utterances above. Hillary said “Let's stop for a second

and remember where we were eight years ago.” The sentence “Let's stop for a second and remember” is included as conative function. Hillary Clinton ask the



audiences to stop for a second and remember eight years ago. Because since 1930s America had the worst financial crisis and the Great Recession. And Hillary want the audiences still remember about that incident.

Datum (3)

CLINTON: So, please go to and you can see it.

Table 4.9 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton want the audiences to check her website.

Message So, please go to and you can see it.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump and the audiences.

In Hillary’s utterances above. Hillary said “So, please go to and you can see it.” The sentence “So, please go to and you can see it.” is included as conative function. Hillary Clinton want the audiences to go to or check her website. Because there are some



information about Hillary and her organization and the audiences can see the all of Hillary’s activities in her website.

Datum (4)

CLINTON: We have to save as many lives as we possibly can.

Table 4.10 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton invite the audiences to save other people’s lives.

Message We have to save as many lives as we possibly can.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump and the audiences.

According to Hillary’s utterances above. Hillary said “We have to save as

many lives as we possibly can.” The sentence “We have to save as many lives as we possibly can.” is included as conative function. Hillary Clinton asks the

audiences to save other people’s lives as they can possibly can. Hillary also wants


40 Language Function as Phatic Function and the Meaning behind Language Function

The phatic function is to open the conversation or check that it is working and also for maintaining social relationship. Phatic function consists of greetings, complements, gossip, etc. For greeting friend, a speaker can “Hello” or “Hi”. As for greeting a stranger, the speaker can also use “Hello”, but the more formal greetings between strangers are “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” or “Good evening”.

Datum (1)

CLINTON: How are you, Donald? [applause]

Table 4.11 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton talk to Donald Trump

Message How are you, Donald?

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Lester Holt, Donald Trump and the audiences



From the utterance above, Hillary said “How are you, Donald?”. The

sentence “How are you, Donald?” is included as phatic function. The meaning

from Hillary’s utterance is Hillary greet Donald Trump and ask to Donald Trump

about his condition. Hillary also want to accost Donald Trump and started discussion with Donald Trump.

Datum (2)

CLINTON: OK, Donald. I know you're into big diversion tonight, anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it's exploding and the way Republicans are leaving you. But let's at least focus on some of the issues that people care about tonight. Let's get to their questions.

Table 4.12 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton talk with Donald Trump

Message OK, Donald

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump and the audiences.



In Hillary’s utterance above, the researcher analyzed “OK, Donald” as

Phatic function. Hillary used this sentence because Hillary want to greet Donald Trump and open discussion with Donald Trump. Hillary also give argumentation, opinions and so on to Donald Trump.

Datum (3)

CLINTON: Well, Chris, let me respond to that, because that's horrifying. You know, every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him.

Table 4.13 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas on October 19, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton talk with Chris

Message Well, Chris, let me respond to that, because that's horrifying.

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Chris Wallace, Donald Trump and the audiences.

Based on utterance above, the researcher analyzed “Well, Chris, let me



sentence because Hillary want to open discussion with Chris Wallace. After that, Hillary give argumentation, opinions and so on about Donald Trump to Chris Wallace. Language Function as Poetic Function and the Meaning behind Language Function

The poetic function focuses on the real meaning of the message, as does

“The sound must seem an echo to the sense” using poetic features to express

something, such as rhyming words, alliteration (poetry), repetition, assonance and so on. This function, by promoting the palpability of signs, deepens the fundamental dichotomy of signs and objects.

Datum (1)

CLINTON: When I hear something like that, I am reminded of what my friend, Michelle Obama, advised us all: When they go low, you go high. [applause] Table 4.14 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton give positive meaning or message to the audiences

Message When they go low, you go high.

Contact Spoken



Addressee Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump and the audiences

According to utterance above, the researcher analyzed “When they go low,

you go high.” as poetic function. Hillary used this sentence because Hillary want to give and share positive message to the audiences and this sentences included poetic function because this sentence used repetition. Repetition is the one of poetic features. Language Function as Referential Function and the Meaning behind Language Function

Referential function focused on the context and carrying information. It can be used to inform something, such as report, description, statement, confirm, and explaining something. Referential function used to describing situation, object or mental state. It also is an information carrier. Referential function also shows the condition of the speakers who wants to share their knowledge or news toward the hearer.

Datum (1)

CLINTON: Nine million people—nine million people lost their jobs. Five million people lost their homes. And $13 trillion in family wealth was wiped out.

Now, we have come back from that abyss. And it has not been easy. So we're now on the precipice of having a potentially much better economy, but the last thing we need to do is to go back to the policies that failed us in the first place.



Independent experts have looked at what I've proposed and looked at what Donald's proposed, and basically they've said this, that if his tax plan, which would blow up the debt by over $5 trillion and would in some instances disadvantage middleclass families compared to the wealthy, were to go into effect, we would lose 3.5 million jobs and maybe have another recession.

They've looked at my plans and they've said, OK, if we can do this, and I intend to get it done, we will have 10 million more new jobs, because we will be making investments where we can grow the economy. Take clean energy. Some country is going to be the clean energy-superpower of the 21st century. Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. I think it's real.

Table 4.15 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton describe about

America’s people and America’s condition

Message All sentences

Contact Spoken



Addressee Lester Holt, Donald Trump and the audiences

In utterance above, Hillary uses this sentences “Nine million people—nine million people lost their jobs. Five million people lost their homes. And $13

trillion in family wealth was wiped out.” to give information to the audiences about nine million people lost their jobs, five million people lost their homes and so on. Hillary also gives information about economy condition in America and share her opinions to solve America’s problem.

Datum (2)

CLINTON: Incomes went up for everybody. Manufacturing jobs went up also in the 1990s, if we're actually going to look at the facts.

When I was in the Senate, I had a number of trade deals that came before me, and I held them all to the same test. Will they create jobs in America? Will they raise incomes in America? And are they good for our national security? Some of them I voted for. The biggest one, a multinational one known as CAFTA, I voted against. And because I hold the same standards as I look at all of these trade deals.

When I was secretary of state, we actually increased American exports globally 30 percent. We increased them to China 50 percent. So I know how to really work to get new jobs and to get exports that helped to create more new jobs.



Table 4.16 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton talk about trade in America

Message All sentences

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Lester Holt, Donald Trump and the audiences

From the utterances above, the researcher analyzed this sentences as referential function. Because in this sentences, Hillary give information about trade and income in America. Hillary also gave information when she was in Senate and Hillary has solution to get new jobs, get export and to create some new jobs that can increase America’s income.

Datum (3)

CLINTON: Well, I think there are a number of issues that we should be addressing. I have put forth a plan to defeat ISIS. It does involve going after them online. I think we need to do much more with our tech companies to prevent ISIS



and their operatives from being able to use the Internet to radicalize, even direct people in our country and Europe and elsewhere.

But increasingly, we are seeing cyber-attacks coming from states, organs of states. The most recent and troubling of these has been Russia. There's no doubt now that Russia has used cyber-attacks against all kinds of organizations in our country, and I am deeply concerned about this. I know Donald's very praiseworthy of Vladimir Putin, but Putin is playing a really tough, long game here. And one of the things he's done is to let loose cyber attackers to hack into government files, to hack into personal files, hack into the Democratic National Committee. And we recently have learned that, you know, that this is one of their preferred methods of trying to wreak havoc and collect information. We need to make it very clear—whether it's Russia, China, Iran or anybody else—the United States has much greater capacity. And we are not going to sit idly by and permit state actors to go after our information, our private-sector information or our public-sector information.

And we're going to have to make it clear that we don't want to use the kinds of tools that we have. We don't want to engage in a different kind of warfare. But we will defend the citizens of this country.

And the Russians need to understand that. I think they've been treating it as almost a probing, how far would we go, how much would we do. And that's why I



was so—I was so shocked when Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans.

That is just unacceptable. It's one of the reasons why 50 national security officials who served in Republican information- in administrations have said that Donald is unfit to be the commander-in-chief. It's comments like that that really worry people who understand the threats that we face.

Table 4.17 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York on September 26, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton talking about defeat ISIS

Message All sentences

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Lester Holt, Donald Trump and the audiences

Based on the utterance above, the researcher analyzed this sentences as referential function. Because Hillary describe plan about defeat ISIS. Hillary give information about some plans, such as use internet to radicalize, cyber-attacks and



so on. Hillary also shares her solution, argumentation and opinions about defeat ISIS.

Datum (4)

CLINTON: Eight million kids every year have health insurance, because when I was first lady I worked with Democrats and Republicans to create the Children's Health Insurance Program. Hundreds of thousands of kids now have a chance to be adopted because I worked to change our adoption and foster care system. After 9/11, I went to work with Republican mayor, governor and president to rebuild New York and to get health care for our first responders who were suffering because they had run toward danger and gotten sickened by it. Hundreds of thousands of National Guard and Reserve members have health care because of work that I did, and children have safer medicines because I was able to pass a law that required the dosing to be more carefully done.

When I was secretary of state, I went around the world advocating for our country, but also advocating for women's rights, to make sure that women had a decent chance to have a better life and negotiated a treaty with Russia to lower nuclear weapons. Four hundred pieces of legislation have my name on it as a sponsor or cosponsor when I was a senator for eight years.

I worked very hard and was very proud to be reelected in New York by an even bigger margin than I had been elected the first time. And as president, I will take



that work, that bipartisan work, that finding common ground, because you have to be able to get along with people to get things done in Washington.

Table 4.18 Elements of communication in Hillary Clinton’s utterances on Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016.

Elements Explanation

Addresser Hillary Clinton

Context Hillary Clinton talk about health insurance to children

Message All sentences

Contact Spoken

Code English

Addressee Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump and the audiences

According to Hillary’s utterances above, the researcher analyzed this

sentences as referential function. Hillary describes about health insurance to children. Hillary gave information when she was first lady in America. She

created Children’s Health Insurance Program with Democrats and Republicans.

Hillary also described her experience when she was as secretary of state. She around the world advocating for her country, and advocating for women's rights, and so on.



Datum (5)

CLINTON: But I also believe that there can be and must be reasonable regulation. Because I support the Second Amendment doesn't mean that I want people who shouldn't have guns to be able to threaten you, kill you or members of your family.

And so when I think about what we need to do, we have 33,000 people a year who die from guns. I think we need comprehensive background checks, need to close the online loophole, close the gun show loophole. There's other matters that I think are sensible that are the kind of reforms that would make a difference that are not in any way conflicting with the Second Amendment.

You mentioned the Heller decision. And what I was saying that you referenced, Chris, was that I disagreed with the way the court applied the Second Amendment in that case, because what the District of Columbia was trying to do was to protect toddlers from guns and so they wanted people with guns to safely store them. And the court didn't accept that reasonable regulation, but they've accepted many others. So I see no conflict between saving people's lives and defending the Second Amendment.



fourth position is achieved by phatic function with 11 utterances. Hillary Clinton used phatic function to accost Donald Trump and the audiences in this debate. The fifth position is achieved by poetic function with 1 utterance. Hillary Clinton used poetic function like in poetry. The last position is metalinguistic function, the researcher did not find the metalinguistic function of language that used by Hillary Clinton.

On the other hand, there are several meanings behind language function of

Hillary Clinton’s utterances. First, the meaning behind referential function in Hillary

Clinton’s utterances are to give information about object, situation problem, etc.

Second, the meaning behind conative function in Hillary Clinton’s utterances is to persuade the listeners to do positive activities. Third, the meaning behind emotive function in Hillary Clinton’s utterances are express her emotions or feelings, such as

“thank you”, “I am sorry” and “I am proud”. Fourth, the meaning behind phatic

function in Hillary Clinton’s utterances is to greeting Donald Trump directly. Fifth, the meaning behind poetic function is deliver the positive message, such as “When they go low, you go high”. Sixth, there is no meaning behind in metalinguistic function.

5.2 Suggestion

The researcher realized that this research is far from perfect because this research still has many things that must be corrected. The researcher suggest to the next researchers to choose unique data as the subject and not monotonous, such as daily conversation, lyrics of song, and so on. The researcher also suggests



in language function to apply other theories from different experts who have different perspective of language functions and use other methods to analyze the data. The researcher also expected that this research could be as reference to conduct other research especially language function.



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