




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of the Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Literature

Devi Arlianis NIM 07211141007








A good thing made by a good heart. There is no expert without being a novice.

Fainna ma’al usri yusron, Inna ma’al usri yusron,

So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there will be relief. Sesungguhnya setelah kesulitan ada kemudahan, setelah




I dedicate this thesis to:




After finishing this research, I would like to express my gratitude for those who helped me in accomplishing this research and gave the aid in my personal life. My greatest gratitude will be for:

1. My Alloh SWT, the Most Merciful and the Most Almighty God around the World. All the praise be on to the creator of the Universe.

Alhamdullillahirobbil A’llamin. His guidance is always on me even though

I have been in astray and always gives me the chances to go far better; 2. My Shalawat and Salam to the Prophet Muhammad SAW who give me the

way to do his Sunnah, to strengthen me when I am weak, give the guidance of the Qur’an to close to the Merciful God Alloh SWT;

3. Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. as my first supervisor and Ms. Nandy Intan Kurnia, M. Hum. as my second supervisor who have taught me everything related to this thesis and lectures in college. They have patiently guided me to work on this research. Their motivation and supports encourage me to finish this incredible study. I thank them more and more;

4. All lecturers in English Language and Literature Study Program who taught me during my study;

5. My beloved parents, Ummi Sri Pujiati, Papa Ipung, Abi Ahmad Zarqoni, Ibu Hajjah Partini, Bapak Hj.Slamet Widodo, Mbak Khaniatusa’diyah and family, Budhe Nunuk and Pakdhe, who have delivered their support until I





Title ... i

Approval sheet ... ii

Ratification sheet ... iii

Pernyataan ... iv

Motto ... v

Dedications ... vi

Acknowledgements ... vii

Table of Contents ... ix

List of Tables and Figures ... xii

Abstract ... xiii


A. Backgroundof the Research ... 1

B. Research Focus... 4

C. Research Questions ... 5

D. Research Objectives ... 5

E. Research Significances... 5


A. Eco-Criticsm ... 6

1. Definition ... 6

2. History and Its Emergence ... 7



4. Concepts in Eco-Criticsm ... 10

B. Literature and Its Elements ... 11

1. Character and Characterization ... 11

2. Points of View ... 12

C. PreviousResearch Findings ... 12

D. Conceptual Framework ... 13


A. The Research Design... 15

B. Data and the Source of the Data ... 16

C. The Research Instruments ... 17

D. The Data Collecting Technique ... 18

E. Methods of Data Analysis ... 19

F. Analitical Construct ... 19

G. The Trustworthiness of the Data ... 20


A. Research Findings ... 22

1. The Natural Problems Faced by Karana ... 22

a. Animal Threat... 23

b. Natural Disaster ... 24

c. Scarcity ... 26

d. Bad Weather ... 28

2. The Interdependences Between Nature and Human ... 30

a. Human Needs Nature ... 30

1) Needing Foods ... 30

2)Needing Shelter and Protection ... 31



b. Nature Needs Human ... 34

1) Needing Human to Recover From Life-Threatening Conditions ... 35

2) Needing Human’s Awareness Toward Natural Existence and Its Preservation ... 37

B. Discussion…... 39









Figure1 :The Scheme of Theoretical Framework ... 14 Table 1 : The Natural Problems That Are Faced by Karana in O’Dell’s Island of

the Blue Dolphins ... 17 Table 2 :The InterdependenceBetween Human and Nature in O’Dell’s Island of

the Blue Dolphins ... 18 Table 3 :Analytical Construct ... 20




By: Devi Arlianis NIM 07211141007


This research aims to show the natural problems faced by Karana and interdependence between human and nature in Scott O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphin. This research applies ecocriticm theories proposed by Cheryll Glotfelty and Greg Garrard.

This thesis is a descriptive qualitative study. The subject of this research is

the novel from Scott O’Dell entitled Island of the Blue Dolphins. The data which is collected are from the sentences and the paragraphs related to the natural problems faced by Karana—a girl and the main character who lives alone in Island of the Blue Dolphins and the issue about interdependences between nature and human beings. The instruments of this research were the researcher herself as the primary instrument and two tables as the secondary one which is beneficial to aid in constructing the analysis. To obtain the validity or trustworthiness, the researcher used triangulation methods.

The findings of the research show that natural problems faced by Karana and the interdependence between nature and human exist. First, the researcher found four kinds of natural problems faced by Karana, namely animal threat, natural disaster, scarcity and bad weather. Second, the researcher found the interdependence between human and nature broken down into two categories: human needs nature and nature needs human. Human needs nature existing in three ways, namely needing food, needing shelter and protection, needing natural materials to make life necessities. Meanwhile, nature needs human depicted in two means, namely needing human to recover from life-threatening conditions

and needing human’s awarenes toward nature existence and its preservation. Keywords: natural problems, human-nature interdependence, ecocriticism



A. Background of the Study

Nature has been an issue over the past few years. It really becomes crucial especially when several disasters happen, for example floods and storms. Unfortunately, most disaster cases are only treated if they have ruined or failed infrastructures. The numbers of curative cases were more than preventive ones. Needless to say, the amount of ruined infrastructure has become destroyed; not only because of natural disasters like earthquake, but also because of the less standardized materials built by people and monitored with careless maintenance by the novice.

Meanwhile, rivers have been the place to throw away the waste; and when the rainy season comes, houses are flooded. Although some of the children like the flood and they can play with the water; leptospirosis, pest, asthma, fever and breathe infections threat them. Some people also do illegal logging, fire the forest and fish using a bomb. They are not aware that their actions will destroy the earth.

The balance of nature in today’s era has become worse; the community has felt the impact of global warming—that is— the imbalance of the seasons and the increasing amount of hot weather in the rainy weather or the sunny season that happens in the rainy season. The usage of Freon or CFC (Chloro Fluoro Carbons) impacts the ice on the Arctic and Antartica poles which


contribute to the flood in the nearby countries. Moreover, it also threatens the sinking of the islands if the global warming stands still. Air conditioners, perfume bottles, and refrigerators are increasing in number; they are contributing to GHG or greenhouse gases. It is just like the UV A and UV B which are trapped in the glass house. It is hazardous for the nature, that is the issue of global warming. The bad gases can enter, but it cannot go out. The depiction is when the frog under the glasses can accept the X- rays but it cannot go out.

Meanwhile, taken from The Emergence of Environmental Criticism, human beings can only nurture, the natural disaster can come along in several seconds to destroy the earth. The earthquake in Aceh in 2004, the Lapindo in Porong, the activity of mining industry in Kalimantan and Papua are the examples. They are some destructions in Indonesia, they will make the nature becomes imbalance and lead to another disaster. All the loss becomes the crucial impact.

The problems of environment that grow worse every year represent the need of serious discussion on it. The discussion runs in various disciplines, including in literature. For some time, literature is seen as one eye to contribute in the global warming and natural disaster’s issue. Meanwhile, through the depiction in literary work such as critics in newspaper it can be one proof that literature also gives the input and the bargaining position towards another discipline that correlated to other scientia, such us geology, geography, biology, history.


inspiration. People can learn something through it. Literature can motivate the readers to do better things in their lives and also sharpen their emotion and increase their knowledge.

Many literary authors concern about the ecological themes. One of the authors that has been successful in delivering ecological themes in his work is

Scott O’Dell. He expresses his love and concern towards the nature through his novel entitled Island of the Blue Dolphins.

In Island of the Blue Dolphins, O’Dell discusses the interdependence between human beings and nature and the wilderness in Ghalas-At tribes, one of native American. This story focuses on the life of Indian tribe. One day, white hunters from Russian arrive and want to get approval from Indian tribe for hunting otters and another biodiversity from the sea that can be changed with goods. Finally, it comes into a battle between the two. Two siblings are left in the island when all the inhabitants leave it. They are Karana and her brother, Ramo. Eventually, Ramo dies because of wild dogs attack. Thus, Karana lives alone. She makes a canoe, a reservation for otters, birds, and taming the wild

dogs. It shows Karana’s love to nurture the nature and inverse, nature also gives

its protection through the cave land, the cave for dwelling.

The novel portrays human’s sensitivity toward their environment, and in the

same time it also shows the interdependence between nature and human being. It is clearly seen from the novel that every single thing that the human do will give effect to the other creatures. Therefore, this novel can be used as a medium to deliver ecological consciousness. It can be an effective way to drag people’s


attention to the environmental issue. By understanding the environmental issue, people will start to learn how to use the nature without destroying it. Therefore, it is necessary to develop people’s consciousness to love their nature through literature.

B. Research Focus

Island of the Blue Dolphins is a teenager novel written by Scott O’Dell. It tells about the Indian tribes which advocate its nature and its biodiversity (such as otter, sea gull, etc) towards the White hunters and Aleut. The problem comes since there is no approval toward the amount of the biodiversity that will be taken. It will be sold by the hunters in their area. Yet, the chief of Ghalas-at refused it.

The problems arise and begin more serious when Karana, the main character in the novel jumped back to the Island of the Blue Dolphins to save his brother, Ramo who left behind. Several days, Ramo was dead and Karana leaves alone with the biodiversity like otter, bird and wild dog. There are some issues emerged in this novel which are interesting to analyze deeper, such as interdependence of human being towards nature, interdependence of nature towards human being and the natural problems that are faced by Karana in the Island of the Blue Dolphins.


C. Research Questions

The study is expected to answer the following questions:

1. What are the natural problems that Karana faces in O’Dell’s Island of Blue Dolphins?

2. How are interdependence between nature and human being shown in Island of the Blue Dolphins?

D. Research Objectives This research is aimed:

1. to show the natural problems that Karana faces in O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins,

2. to show the interdependence between nature and human beings in Islands of the Blue Dolphins.

E. Research Significances

This research is aimed to be beneficial for the students for some reasons. 1. The students of English Literature Study Program can enhance the findings

or data from the Island of the Blue Dolphins,

2. The environmental communities who are caring to be more aware towards their environments.




A. Eco-Criticism 1. Definition

Eco-critism stated by Glotfelty (1996: xviii) is “the study of relationship

between literature and physical environment”. It means that this criticism examines

literature using the environment-centered point of view. In other words, this criticism examines the literature from the angle of discipline field of the study,

ecology or another “greening study” like Biology. Garrard (2004:6) emphasizes Glotfelty’s statement by saying that the ecocriticism can bring the environmental problems into media and humans’ culture. Garrard’s statement means that the ecocriticism can help in defining, exploring and resolving the environmental issues into a wider area with wider perspectives.

Furthermore, the world has been damaged by human actions and behaviors instead of by its own. One of the examples is the flood issue. Flood happens because humans throw away the garbage in the river, they build houses in inappropriate areas, do illegal logging and so on. In other words, humans are the core of environmental problems. Thus, humans should do actions to solve the environmental problems instead of become the problems. That is why the

ecocriticism is needed and essential in humans’ life. As Worster (In Glotfelty, 1996: xxi) said that “Historians, along with literary scholars, anthropologist, and


understanding”. Therefore, even if it cannot repair the environment condition, it

can give understanding and awareness to the society, especially to the reader. Therefore, there will be literary works containing greening issues.

2. The History of Ecocriticism and Its Emergence

The appearance of ecosystem has been laid down in the earth from the Ice Age to the Stone Age. However, the problem of ecosystem seems growing bigger and wider from time to time. The massive killing of the whales and otters done by the hunters for their furs and fleshes were hunted in an exaggerate manner. Perhaps, if the action is done continuously, the next generation will only know those kinds of animals through the fairy tales or told as a lullaby. Moreover, similar issues become the headline news such as global warming, oil spills, nuclear waste dumps, destructions of the tropical forest rain, acid rain and so on (Glotfelty, 1996: xvi). In order to respond to those issues, other disciplines in the field of humanities like law, history and religion began to form “greening” movement in 1970s. By seeing the urgency of solving those issues and the importance of forming greening movement,

literary studies started to broaden its “wing” to give awareness to the people about

what happen in the world outside. In fact, there is no exact emergence knowing about eco-criticism which the main agenda is earth-centered things or nature. However, based on Barry (1995, 2002), eco-criticism as a concept arose for the first time in late 1970s, at meetings of WLA (The Western Literature Association, a body whose field of interest is the literature of the American West).


Meanwhile, Glotfelty (1996: xviii) believed that emergence of eco-criticism was in the early of 1990. In 1990, the environmental literary studies which are mostly accepted, emerged. In foreign countries, many English Department begins to apply Environmental studies as their course. One of the examples is University of Nevada, Reno. Coupe (2011: 413) in Journal of American Studies stated that Burke as the first critic who analyzes culture and literature from the ecological perspective. Those facts were regarded that eco-criticism emerged in U.S.A. Moreover, this was no passing phase for him; his whole career may be understood as a philosophical experiment in the “green” thinking. In addition, Rueckert (in

Glotfelty, 1997:107) stated that first law of ecology is “everything connected to everything else”. The researcher’s goal is along with Rueckert’s opinion since the

ecology, ecosystem or eco-criticism are interdisciplinary and interconnected. It has relation towards other scientia such as biology, geography, history, philosophy, ethnography. In conclusion, eco-criticism is formed as a tool or a criticism which examines the discipline of Ecology and ecosystem; where ecosystem contains the biodiversity of every living creature from bacteria to blue whale or blue dolphin and ecology is the discipline of the study. The good news is that though the

eco-criticism is “a new” eco-criticism, its existence is more recognized now. It is proven by

University of Nevada, Reno, U.S.A which applied the study of literature and environment in its curricula. It means that eco criticism is more acceptable now.


A fine guide to natural history, Face of North America : The Natural History of a Continent (New York : Harper and Row, 1963) describes about the diversity of landscape, from coast to dessert and how they are shaped by land-water, plant-animal processes (Howarth in Glofelty: 82). The ecocriticism is worthy because the coastal or sea and another landscape such as the forests are taken into consideration to be well maintained by human beings. In this case, there is interdependence toward human beings and a nature that cannot be separated. Furthermore, human beings are given the order from the God to maintain and to be aware of the nature.

In conclusion, there is a “chemical” bounding between both of the parties.

Moreover, the ecocriticsm can cover many aspects and disciplines of studies in the world. It can be proven by Glotfelty’s statement. She (1996 : xvi) states that many disciplines like history, philosophy, law, sociology and religion have been used the perspective of ecocriticism. It depicts that ecocriticism is able to cover deeper and broader areas. These different humanities disciplines are united with same mission to give environmental awareness to the human. In addition, it shows that the nature should be considered in many different aspects in human life.

In sum, the ecocriticism is chosen as its name rather than other names because eco- in the word ecocriticism has broader meanings and area. It refers that ecocriticism “implies interdependent communities, integrated system and strong

connections among constituent parts” (Glotfelty, 1996:xx) It means that the study includes the human and its connection with environment rather than only discussing about environment alone.


4. Concepts in Eco-Criticism

There are several concepts which Garrard (2004) proposed but the researcher chooses two of them which are in line with the purposes of this research. Both of the concepts are explained further in the following.

a. Animal

The existence of animals has a strong relation with humans. The animals may

become human’s threat, friend or prey. Baker (in Garrard, 2004: 141) states that

“culture shapes our reading of animals just as much as animals shape our reading of culture”. From this statement, it can be concluded that animals can be shaped

differently depending on human culture. Animals for several countries are the sources of food which people can hunt for their flesh and skin. However, in other countries like India and Sri Lanka, animals like snake, elephant and cow become the holy things which are prohibited to kill.

b. The Wilderness

Garrard (2004: 59) stated that “the Wilderness has an almost sacramental value; it holds outs the promise of a renewed, authentic relation of humanity and the earth, a post-Christian covenant, found in a space of purity, founded in an attitude of reverence a humility”. This quotation refers to the way wilderness portray the direct relation between human and nature. The wilderness can be an avenue to show that nature and human are interdependent one to another. In addition, human holds a strong belief to the power of the nature somelike animism and dynamism. At that time, the human are still in the form of primitive dweller. They tend to praise the


big trees or bush and believe in god and godesses. It means that the wilderness may become an essential aspect in eco-criticism to portray the way humans and natural resources are interacted one to another.

B. Literature and Its Elements 1. Character and Characterizations

Characters are the most prominent things in making the story alive. Like Stewig

(1980:369) states that “the all authors’ concern is character”. It happens as the

characters are the first things which the readers recognize and remember. In other word, without characters, the story is like a dish without recipe. Moreover, Luckens (1999: 86-88) divide characters into two types namely round and flat. Luckens

(1999: 86) states that “flat characters are quickly made known to reader”. These flat

characters are not fully developed and their roles are to help carry the story. Meanwhile, the round characters (Luckens, 1999: 88) mean that they are fully developed. They have multi dimensions which make the characters own positive aspects and flaws at the same time. This character is known as three dimensional one. Luckens (1999:81-82) explained further that the characters can be analyzed by

five aspects namely by actions, by speech, by appearance, by other’s comments and by author’s comments.

2. Points of View

According to Roberts (2003: 81), points of view refer to “a work’s mode of narration, language, audience and perceptions of events and character”. One may


grant, however, that the position from which people and understand things( e.g., established positions of political party, religion, social philosophy, and morality) has a most definite bearing on how they think and therefore on their opinions and beliefs( Roberts,2003: 81). The point of view used in the story can determine the position from which the readers are able to see and understand. It happens as point of view is able to shape reader’s opinion and perception toward the story. Thus, the use of different point of view can shape different opinion and story.

C. Previous Research Findings

The researcher finds there are two previous studies that have several similarities compared to this research which is under the title: “Human Nature Interdependence

in Scott O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins”. The first previous study is Tatiek

Apriati’s “Analysis of Human Nature Relationship in Children’s Book Julie”.

The second one is entitled “Karana’s Struggles for Survival in Scott O’Dell’s

Island of the Blue Dolphins“ by Wiwiek Widiastuti (2012) which uses the feminism theory. She examines the aspects of woman bravery (Karana, the teenage girl from the Indian tribe) and great efforts to live in the wilderness of the nature.

There are two reasons why this research is different from those previous studies. The first one is that this reseach tries to analyze the natural problems which other previous studies do not. Tatik Apriati focuses on how human and nature is interelated meanwhile Wiwiek Widiastuti focuses on how a young girl struggles in living alone in the island. The second one is that this research applies different novel


compared to Apriati’s research and different perspective compared to Widiastuti’s


D. Conceptual Framework

Island of the Blue Dolphins is a teenager novel written by Scott O’Dell. It tells about Karana who lives with her tribes in Island of the Blue Dolphins. One day, the Russian and Alleut ships came to ask for the renewable resources like otter, shellfish, and another fish. There is an approval that the share must be 50 : 50, but the Russian and Alleut betrayed it. Many otter and another shellfish are taken by the White hunter and Alleut. It is clearly seen that the novel depicts the relationship between human and nature, especially between the human and ecosystem of the sea and its biodiversity. This novel gives a portrayal of nature in Ghalas-at tribe or Island of the Blue Dolphins to make a better understanding about keeping and

‘greening’ the earth. The eco-criticism is applied in this research.


Characters and Characterization

Points of View Animals



Literary Elements

Objective 1:

to show the natural problems that Karana

faces in O’Dell’s

Island of the Blue Dolphins,

Objective 2:

to show the

interdependence between nature and human beings in Islands of the Blue Dolphins

Figure 1: The scheme of theoretical framework



As what has been mentioned in the first chapter, this research has two objectives, namely to show the natural problems of nature that Karana faces in

O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins and the interdependence between nature and human beings in the novel. The researcher divided this chapter into several parts, they are, the research design, data and the source of the data, the research instruments, the data collecting technique, methods of data analysis, analytical construct and trustworthiness of the data.

A. The Research Design

According to Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009: 7), qualitative research is a research which produces narrative or textual descriptions of the phenomena under study. It means that the phenomena which can be classified as narrative or text are analyzed using the qualitative research. As this research used words, phrase, sentences and paragraphs in O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins as the data, this research applied the qualitative approach. In other words, this research was a descriptive qualitative study based on the phenomena. In addition, the data or phenomena in this research were explained further in the narrative and descriptive way.


B. Data and the Source of the Data

The main source of the data was Scott O’Dells Island of the Blue Dolphins which is one of teenage novels. This novel was written in 1960 based on the true research of an Indian girl in Ghalas-at tribes, the primitive dwellers along the seashore of the Island of the Blue Dolphins. This island was named Blue Dolphins since its shape was similar to the Blue Dolphins. The story was predicted occurred in 2000 B.C and found by white men in 1602. Meanwhile, all the words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs related to the interdependence between nature and human beings and nature problems, that is faced by the most prominent figure in Island of the Blue Dolphins—a girl named Karana-- who finally could not speak since there was no one to talk to.

Furthermore, the researcher also used other secondary sources such as books and articles from journals to support her research. In order to scrutiny the meaning

related to human being’ interdependence toward nature and in turn, the researcher used eco-criticism study, especially by Glotfelty and Garrard’s theories, such as: ecology, wilderness, biology, geography, ethnography, history and so on. The studies are mingled and cannot stand alone. It is correlated to each other. Thus, the

researcher read several articles or book as she states before, such as Garrard’s Eco-Criticism and The Ecocriticism Reader Landmarks in Literary Ecology edited by Cheryll Glotfelty and Harrold Fromm.


C. The Research Instrument

As stated by Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009: 211), “the researcher’s

interpretation is, therefore, only one of many possible valid interpretations of a

given text”. It means that the best instrument for a qualitative research is the human

or in a precise way is the researcher herself. It was expected to attain the deep analysis of the research. The primary instrument of this research is the researcher herself who used her capacity to interpret and analyze the data. The researcher interpreted and analyzed the data related to the interdependence toward nature and

human being as presented in the story according to the researcher’s knowledge that

was supported by the eco-criticism theory.

The second instruments were the data tables. In this research, the researcher used two tables which are essential to categorize the data. The first table, Table 1, is essential to collect the data related to the natural problems faced by Karana in Island of the Blue Dolphins. Then, the second table, Table 2, was used to collect the data related to the interdependence between nature and human beings which is revealed in the novel. Both of these tables can be seen in the following.

Table 1. The natural problems that are faced by Karana in O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins

No Page Category Quotation

1 72-73 1. Animal Threat I would soon kill the wild dogs, but there were many small red foxes on the island. They were so numerous that I could never


No Page Category Quotation

hope to get rid of them either by traps or with arrows. They were clever thieves and nothing I stored would be safe until I had built a fence.

Table 2. The interdependence between nature and human being shown in O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins

No Page Category Quotation

1 86 1. Needing Food The spring was not far off and I rested there, though I was very thirsty, cutting a lobe from a cactus bush to chew on.

D. The Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher made some steps. First, the researcher read the novel, Island of the Blue Dolphins carefully and thoroughly to attain a better understanding. Then, the researcher collected the data related to the topic of

“interdependences between nature and human being shown in Island of the Blue Dolphins”, and “natural problems that are faced by Karana in Island of the Blue Dolphins by making some notes in the form of sentences, and paragraphs.


E. Methods of Data Analysis

The steps of the data analysis were explained as the following:

1. The researcher made some notes in the form of words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs related to the objectives of the research: natural problems faced by Karana in Island of the Blue Dolphins, interdependence between nature and human being shown in Island of the Blue Dolphins, and the wilderness that occurs in Island of the Blue Dolphins.

2. The researcher read and re-read the whole data and arranged them into two major categories related to the objectives of the research.

3. The researcher categorized the data in those two tables which were related to the objectives of the research.

4. The research sorted the categorized data.

5. The researcher analyzed and interpreted the relevant data based on the novel. 6. The last but not the least, the researcher applied the measure of trustworthiness

of the relevant data by peer debriefing/ triangulation.

F. Analytical Construct

In order to make this research easier to be understood, the researcher made a data sheet or table which was filled by category, indicator, and description. This table was named as Table 3 which can be seen below.


Table 3. Analytical Construct

No. Category Description Indicators

1. Need water Human beings depend on not salty water.

 The Ghalas-at tribe collect the rain water for survive.

 Sometimes they make the water from the liquid of the stems of the plants for drinking.

2. Need food The Ghalas-at need food especially from the sea.

 They fish abalones, shellfish, a school of bass, otter.

3. Use Coral Cove and pool

Coral Cove and Headland function as the place for home in the stormy wind or hurricane

 Sea animal sometimes lay ashore and need human help to be protected from killer whale.

 Pool was used as the preservation for otter when they are hurted by whale.

G. Trustworthiness of the Data

The trustworthiness of the data were conducted using four criteria. Those criteria, according to Moleong (2005: 103), are namely credibility, transferability, dependability and confirm ability. Credibility is the concept of internal validity. The researcher performed the detailed and deep observation of the data in order to make


this research credible enough. In addition, she also put the data on the theoretical

concept of “interdependence towards nature and human beings shown in Island of the Blue Dolphins”, so that the reliability and validity of the data could be attained. In addition, she was helped by her first and second supervisors who are very kind

and helpful in doing the researcher’s research. Furthermore, the researcher conducts

the peer debriefing, a discussion to gain the input for the criticism related to the research. Transferability is the concept of external validity. This aspect focused on how the researcher transfers the data to the readers. Conformability aims to measure how far the finding and the interpretation of the data are truly based on the data. For obtaining the degree of conformability, the researcher provided all data and asked the peer reviewers to give suggestion and opinion about the analysis.




This chapter presents two major parts, namely the research findings and the discussion. The first part is broken down into two big sections which are essential to answer the research questions: what are the natural problems that

Karana faces in O’Dell’s Island of Blue Dolphins and how are interdependence between nature and human being shown in the novel. Meanwhile, the second part, which is the discussion, is very essential to explain the further implication of these

research findings in O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins. The further explanation can be found in the following.

A. Research Findings

1. The Natural Problems Faced by Karana

In in O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins, the researcher finds various data related to natural problems faced by Karana. Natural problems are the symbol of the way nature and human beings are interdependence one to another. Moreover, the natural problems brings major influences on humans and humans take a crucial part in making and worsening natural destructions. These problems found in the novel are broken down into four categories, namely animal threat, disaster, scarcity and bad weather. These findings are explained in the following.


a. Animal Threat

The existence of animals cannot be separated from human life. They may live in the forest, deep sea, ravine and other places. In this novel, these animals are portrayed in wilderness or the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Most of those animals are not tame. Karana, a twelve-year-old girl who lives alone in the island is presented facing natural problems which come from the animals. In fact, there are many animals found in the Island of the Blue Dolphins but there are two kinds of them which make Karana face difficulties. Those animals are wild dogs and red foxes.

The existence of wild dogs can lead Karana into some problems because they try to attack her. One of the problems is presented in this quotation.

I thought that it was a sound made by the wind, but when we came closer I saw dozens of wild dogs scurrying around through the huts. (O’Dell, 1960: 41)

These wild dogs try to steal foods like abalones and fish from humans. Their existences always become a problem for Galas-at people. In addition, when people move to another island, the dogs have limited foods. Thus, they become fierce and be able to attack human or others. It can be proven where the wild dogs

are able to kill Karana’s brother, Ramo. Therefore, the wild dogs become the

menace for Karana who lives alone in the island. That is why she lives on the headland which is far from the bushes in order to stay away from the wild dogs. Thus, these wild dogs will find difficulties since there were cliff and ravine that were difficult to be reached by them as what is stated in the quotation below.


“That night I climbed onto the rock to sleep. It was flat on top and wide enough for me to stretch out. Also it was so high from the ground that I did not need to fear the wild dogs while I was sleeping.”(O’Dell, 1960:50) Moreover, another animal threat comes from red foxes. These red foxes usually get their foods by stealing from the people at Galas-at. They tend to steal foods like abalone and fish. That is why these people try to either avoid or hunt them. However, as people left the island, their population grows bigger and bigger. Since, these red foxes’ number is so large, Karana feels that it will be difficult to kill them using spear and string. In other words, Karana is not capable in facing them and finds that these animals can lead her into many troubles. These situations are reflected in the following quotation:

I would soon kill the wild dogs, but there were many small red foxes on the island. They were so numerous that I could never hope to get rid of them either by traps or with arrows. They were clever thieves and nothing I

stored would be safe until I had built a fence. (O’Dell. 1960: 73)

The above statement means that red foxes have a nature to steal human’s foods.

Karana who lives alone has to be careful in keeping her foods and staying away out of trouble. She has no one who can protect her. Thus, she has to protect herself by living in a safe place and building a fence. Furthermore, she also equips herself with some weapons which she made it by her own. She learns to live in wilderness and face the animal threat with courageousness.

b. Natural Disaster

Disasters commonly occur in the earth. They can be volcanic eruptions,

floods, tsunami, and earthquake. The disaster is also portrayed in O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins. In fact, it becomes another natural problem faced by Karana


in the Island of the Blue Dolphins. This natural disaster called earthquake happens in the island and leads Karana into several problems. The further explanation can be seen below.

Slowly the earth began to move. It moved away from my feet and for a moment I seemed to be standing in the air. Water tipped out of the basket and trickled over my face. Then the basket fell to the ground. Not knowing what I did, thinking foolishly that another wave was upon me, I began to run. But it was a wave, a wave of earth, and it rippled under me along the cliff. (O’Dell, 1960: 169)

The above quotation explains that the earthquake is a kind of natural disaster which is so scary and occurs unpredicted. The quotation also explains that the earthquake is so big, makes the earth move so sudden and triggers terrible feeling. This disaster does not only make Karana scared which is proven that she tries to run away from the cave fastly, but also it makes her has to face several difficulties. It happens as the disaster makes Karana’s shelter destroyed and ruined. It destructs her cave and appliances such as plates, water baskets and weapons. These difficulties can be found in the datum below.

The earthquake did little damage. Even the spring, which failed to flow for `several days, started up again and flowed more than ever. But the great waves had cost me all the food and weapons which were stored in the cave, as well as the canoe I had been working on and those hidden under the south cliffs. (O’Dell, 1960: 171)

In the story, the earthquake as one of natural disasters brings some problems to Karana. As stated above, it leads the water in the spring cannot flow for several days since it has been blocked by an unknown reason. This spring is very essential

in Karana’s life since it provides her with fresh water. Thus, she has limited water to drink as it is not running well. Moreover, the great waves of the earthquake also


canoe, foods and weapons. Thus, she has to rebuild the canoe which needs to be done for about a year. However, in the end, Karana is able to deal with her problems, especially the one which is related to disaster.

c. Scarcity

Another problem which is faced by Karana in living in the island is called scarcity. The scarcity refers to the lack of water, foods and trees which make Karana faces difficulties. The first problem is the lack of water. When Karana who is living alone is sick, she has limited amount of water in her basket. Her condition does not allow her to move and get the water from the nearest spring. There is no one to help her.

For five suns I could not go out because my leg had swollen so badly and I had no herbs with which to treat it. I had enough food to eat, but on the third day the water in the basket ran low. Two days later the basket was empty. It was necessary then for me to go to the spring in the ravine. (O’Dell, 1960: 86)

Water is a very essential aspect in human life especially Karana who needs water to drink and to do some other activities such as hunting foods and taking a bath. However, this novel is also portrayed that this essential thing can be so rare in the Island of the Blue Dolphin.

Lack of water also occurs in another island called Santa Catalina. When people in the Island of the Blue Dolphin plan to move to a new island named Santa Catalina in order to avoid the bad luck and achieve a better life. In the new island, they have to face another problem. There is only amount of fresh water in this island. Thus, people cannot move there as they cannot fulfill their need for


fresh water to drink. Therefore, those people gather and try to find a better solution. In short, people cannot live without water, especially fresh water. This condition is reflected in the following quotation.

For many days after that the village was quiet. People went out only to gather food and came back to eat in silence. Some wished to leave and go in their canoes to the island called Santa Catalina, which lies far off to the east, but others said that there was little water on that island. In the end a council was held and it was decided to stay at Ghalas-at. (O’Dell, 1960: 25 -26)

The second scarcity refers to the lack of trees. The Island of the Blue Dolphins has a limited number of trees. It can happen because humans neither treat the trees well nor get interest to plant the tree in the island, especially the Aleut people. It is also worsen because they do not have any knowledge to cultivate trees and other plants. In contradictory, they tend to need trees or woods to make many things like canoe, bow, basket and many other things. Therefore, they utilize and try to find any tree that grows wildly. The situation of limited trees in the island can be found in the following datum.

The bow and arrows took more time and caused me great difficulty. I had a bowstring, but wood which could be bent and yet had the proper strength was not easy to find. I searched the ravine for several days before I found it, trees being very scarce on Island of the Blue Dolphins. (O’Dell, 1960: 25 -26)

In addition, the quotation proves that the existence of trees or woods is very important for Karana in order to make a bow and some arrows. These bows and arrows are very important to protect her from the wild dogs and red foxes which

threaten Karana’s lives and belongings.

Sometimes, Karana also has to live with a limited amount of foods. The scarcity of foods happens because there are many obstacles which make Karana


cannot hunt neither hunt, dig nor find them. Moreover, she has to feed Rontu, her dog and Mon-a-nee, her otter with bigger amount of foods. These foods can be abalones, shellfish, roots, scarlet apples, and cactus. As she can neither cultivate nor breed them, she only can depend on the nature. In other words, she relies upon the availability of those food in the nature. The food scarcity makes her become so miserable as she needs to limit what she eats.

The only thing that worried me was that all the abalones I had gathered in the summer were gone. I would need to live from day to day on what I could catch, trying to get enough on the days when I could fish to last through the times when I could not.

Through the first part of the winter, before Mon-a-nee swam away, this was sometimes hard to do. Afterwards it was not so hard and Rontu and I always had enough eat. (O’Dell, 1960: 150)

Thus, she has to starve and struggle against her own ego. She sacrifices her own self for the lives of hers, Rontu and Mon-a-nee. She has to work harder and look for enough food for the three of them. Thus, she learns how to solve this problem day by day.

d. Bad Weather

Living in a small island called the Island of the Blue Dolphins means dealing

with bad weather. It occurs because the island’s weather is influenced by the sea. The bad weather can be in the form of stormy wind and heavy rain. This bad weather usually leads Karana into several difficulties. One of these difficulties is that Karana cannot live permanently in one place. It happens as she has to consider the unpredictable and changeable weather in the island. For example, she has to live in the cave during the winter which stormy winds usually come. She


also needs to live on the hill in the nice weather like summer. One of the bad weather conditions can be seen in the following quotation.

There were few storms that winter and rain was light and ended early. This meant that we would need to be careful of water. In the old days the springs sometimes ran low and no one worried, but now everything seemed to cause alarm. Many were afraid that we would die of thirst. (O’Dell, 1960: 30) The existence of storms and less rain in the winter makes the people in Galas-at worry. It happens as the spring as the water resource does not run well. It will threaten their lives as finding the drinking water can be so difficult. The bad weather makes people cannot live comfortably. They need to prepare their ownselves when the winter comes and find a solution to make the spring run well in the cold weather.

Moreover, the bad weather does not only occur on the land but also on the sea. The bad weather leads the sea to have bigger waves which can hamper Karana’s sailing toward the bigger land compared to the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Thus, Karana gives up and turn back to the island. This condition is reflected in the statement below.

A wave passed over my head and I went down and down until I thought I would never behold the day again. The ship was far away when I rose. Only the sails showed through the spray. I was still clutching the basket that held all my things, but it was very heavy and I realized that I could not swim with it in

my arms. Letting it sink, I started off toward the shore. (O’Dell, 1960: 39)

In addition, the bad weather in the form of harsh winds can make Karana lose her opportunity to go away from the island with some stranger men. These stranger men refer to the white people. These people are able to rescue Karana and bring her into a safe place from living alone in the island. However, Karana cannot call them and her communication with the men is interrupted because of


the harsh winds. Furthermore, she might forget her language since she has lived alone and had no one to talk to for many years in the Island of the Blue Dolphins.

I raised my hand and shouted over and over, but the wind carried my voice away. I ran down the beach and waded into the water. The men did not see me. (O’Dell, 1960: 175)

2. The Interdependence between Human and Nature a. Human Needs Nature

1) Needing Foods

Foods are the essential things for humans to keep them alive. Nature provides these things for them. These foods can be in the form of water, fish, abalones, vegetables, fruits and so on. In other words, these foods only can be found in the nature. Thus, humans depend on nature in order to fulfill their basic needs.

It cannot be denied that water is a very prominent thing in human body. It is very crucial for humans. Humans can live until seven days without food, but they will be starving to die if they did not consume water for three days. In this novel, humans needing water is presented as the following quotation.

The spring was not far off and I rested there, though I was very thirsty, cutting a lobe from a cactus bush to chew on. (O’Dell, 1960: 89).

Karana feels so thirsty because the lack of mineral in her body. Thus, she needs

water to fulfill her body’s need. Then, she finds a cactus near her and she sucks the cactus to drink. It means that the water can also be taken from plants like cactus too. This water can be gotten by chewing the cactus. Thus, nature provides not only spring but also plants which can be utilized to fulfill humans’ needs for water. In other words, human depends on the existence of the nature.


In addition, humans which are presented through Karana need foods. These foods can be achieved from many sources in various forms. She may eat vegetables, fruits and roots. She may gather abalones and shellfish from the sea to fulfill her need for foods. This condition is reflected in this statement below.

At last I gave up looking for him and began to gather abalones for winter. The red shell holds the sweetest meat and are the best for drying, though the green ones and the black are also good. Because the red ones are the sweetest,

starfish prey upon them. (O’Dell, 1960: 116)

It is vivid that Karana cannot stand alone for fulfilling the daily needs. She needs foods from the sea such as abalones and from the lands like vegetables, fruits and roots. It also shows that the humans depend on nature.

2) Needing Shelter and Protection

As Karana lives alone in wilderness, she needs shelter and protection from both animal threat and bad weather condition. Fortunately, the nature helps her in order to achieve them. The nature provides safe caves and other things which are beneficial to protect her from unwanted things. It can be proven by the below statement.

While I was living there I decided that I would make the cave into another house, where I could stay should again get hurt or sick. And this I did

as soon as I was strong and could walk. (O’Dell, 1960: 88)

Karana makes the cave like her own house which can protect her while she is sick. This cave is also beneficial to protect her from bad weather and animal treat like red foxes and wild dogs. The cave gives Karana some spaces to live on her own, to store her belongings and to lay down her body from tiredness. It can be stated


that the cave provides her with warmness which is essential to give her comfort in the winter season. She does not need to build the shelter because the cave gives her everything she needs. Moreover, it is available to straightly being a shelter for her. She depends her life on the nature which has provided a great place where she can stay and sleep.

Furthermore, Karana also makes another house which she can use in the nice weather. She builds a house from materials which she can find in her surroundings. These materials are ribs of the whale, wild grasses, kelps, rocks and others. Furthermore, she uses poles as a fence to protect her from the wild dogs. Karana does not need to pay for those materials as nature provides them for free. Humans only need to utilize them and maintain the nature.

On the third day the rain ceased and I went out to look for things which I would need in building the house. I like wise needed poles for a fence. (O’Dell, 1960: 73)

In addition, for her comfortable life in the cave or on the Coral Cove, she makes a bed from dry seaweeds.

After the first night I spent there, which was uncomfortable because of the uneven places in the rock, I carried dry seaweed up from the beach and made a bed for myself. (O’Dell, 1960: 56).

It means that Karana tries hard to face the difficulty bravely. Everything should be the same though now she should fulfill everything alone by utilizing the food, water, canoe, a companion and shelter by herself. Karana can represent how a human cannot separate her/himself from the nature.


3) Needing Natural Materials to Make Life Necessities

By materials which have been provided by nature, Karana is able to make various life necessities that she needs. She needs necessities which are available or proper to store water, cover her body and protect her from animal threats. Those things are a tight basket, clothes, and arrows. One of the things is presented in the following statement

For cooking seeds and roots I wove a tight basket of fine reeds, which was easy because I had learned how to do it from my sister Ulape. After the basket had dried in the sun, I gathered lumps of pitch on the shore, softened them over the fire, and rubbed them on the side of the basket so that it would hold water. By heating small stones and dropping them into a

mixture of water and seeds in the basket I could make gruel. (O’Dell, 1960:


Karana is able to make life necessities which are useful to store her foods and belongings. She tries to utilize the pitch which is very useful as waterproof materials to make things. Karana learns how to utilize those things from her sister, Ulape.

She also needs clothes to protect her from cold and heat. Thus, she makes her own cloth from yucca fibers which come from the otters and sealskin which comes from the seal. She can make the clothes by taking its material from the nature. This condition can be seen below.

During the time that I was taming the birds, I made another skirt. This one I also made a yucca fibers softened in water and braided into twine. I made it just like the others, with folds running lengthwise. It was open on both sides and hung to my knees. The belt I made of sealskin which could be tied in a knot. I also made a pair of sandals from sealskin for walking over the dunes when the sun was hot, or just to be dressed up when I wore my new


Furthermore, she also depends on natural resources to make weapons such as spare, bow, arrows, string and lamps in order to protect herself. This condition is stated in this following datum.

It was now time to make plans for getting rid of the wild dogs which had killed my brother and would kill should they ever come upon me unarmed. I needed another and heavier spear, also a larger bow and sharper arrows. To collect the material for these weapons, I searched the whole island, taking many suns to do it. This left only the nights to work on them. Since I could not see well by the dim fire I used for cooking, I made lamps of the dried bodies of little fish which we call sai- sai. (O’Dell, 1960: 78)

Living alone means that she has to struggle to protect and fulfill her own necessities. As wild dogs threaten her live, she must make the weapons in order to make them scared. That is why, she tries to utilize everything surrounding her to make those weapons. Therefore, she makes some plans and collects some things. In sum, she is able to make those weapons and lamps by utilizing woods and dried bodies of fish. Without nature, she cannot make those things.

In conclusion, the above explanations are useful to explain Karana’s

dependencies on nature especially in order to make some useful life necessities. Karana by depending on the nature is able to make appliances, clothes, weapons and lamps. In addition, these life necessities are essential to Karana’s life to make her warm, comfortable and safe.

b. Nature Needs Human

In this novel, the researcher finds that nature needs human. Nature has many aspects such as lands, plants and animals. However, in this research, animals are discussed more in having a close relationship of human-nature interdependence.


Animals have been closely related with human especially Karana. Thus, animals are used to represent the nature. Meanwhile, humans are presented by Karana. That is why, the researcher is interested to dig more about the relationship between animals and Karana in the novel. The collected data are classified into two categories namely needing human to recover from life-threatening conditions

and needing human’s awareness toward natural existence and its preservation. The

data are explained and discussed further in the following below.

1) Needing Human to Recover from Life-Threatening Conditions

Animals, as the representation of the nature, need human in some certain situations especially life-threatening conditions. Human can act as a helper or life savior for the animals in those conditions. These conditions can be in many forms. The researcher finds some cases which can be great examples how animals need human in order to recover and save them from life-threatening conditions.

The first example refers to the way Karana save some wounded animals. There are some animals which are helped by Karana such as otters, wild dogs and birds. In one situation, Karana helps an otter who is wounded and cannot swim. This otter is hurt because it has been attacked by some killer whales. This otter lays ashore and Karana sees it. She takes a pity on the otter. Thus, she tries to help the otter by making a pool where this otter can live safely. Furthermore, this

otter’s wound can be healed time by time. This situation is reflected through the

following datum.

The otter did not try to swim away as I drew near and reached over the side of the canoe. They have large eyes, especially when they are young, but this


one’s were so large from fear and pain that I could see my reflection in them. I cut the kelp that held it and took it to a tide pool behind the reef, which was sheltered from waves. (O’Dell, 1960: 147)

In another case, the wild dogs which become her enemy since they have killed her only brother, Ramo is also rescued by Karana. At first, Karana tries to kill the wild dogs as the way she wants to take revenge. She makes some weapons and she gets a chance to kill them. However, the condition changes because she has no guts to kill them. She has attacked the wild dogs and she has hit one of them. She sees that the dog is wounded on its neck and fully blooded. This situation is reflected in the following datum.

He did not move when I went up to him, nor could I see him breathing until I was very close. The head of the arrow was in his chest and the broken shaft was covered with blood. The thick fur around his neck was matted

from the rain. (O’Dell, 1960: 96)

Yet, her tender heart makes her try to help it. She brings the wounded wild dog into her cave and tries to cure its wound. Fortunately, the dog is alive and healthy

in Karana’s hands.

Karana also tries to help another animal which is a bird. The young bird is wounded in one of its leg. The situation is reflected below.

This one, which was white with a yellow beak, was not badly hurt, but he had a broken leg. I took him back to the house and bound the bones together with two small sticks and sinew. For a while he did not try to walk. Then, because he was not old enough to fly, he began to hobble around

the yard. (O’Dell, 1960: 153)

As stated in the above datum, the young bird needs Karana’s help in order to cure

its broken legs. Karana who has knowledge about the way to treat the broken bones is able to help this animal to use small sticks.


Furthermore, as those mentioned animals cannot get the food by themselves. These animals need human to help them to get foods or they will starve to death. Thus, Karana also helps them by looking for foods and feeding them. The situation is reflected in the following quotation.

I brought two fish every day and left them in the pool. The otter would not eat while I was watching. Then I brought four fish and these also disappeared and finally six, which seemed to be the right number. I brought them whether the day was calm or stormy. (O’Dell, 1960: 148)

Karana knows that this otter cannot fulfill its need for food because of its condition. Karana with her tender heart helps it to obtain some foods. Thus, she brings some fish for the otter. She also keeps the fish properly because the otter does not like to eat the dead fish. Firstly, Karana takes two fish. Secondly, she brings more fish. Then, she knows that the otter needs six fish a day. Six is the proper amount for the otter. That is why she brings six fish every day until the otter recovers and is able to hunt the fish by its own.

In conclusion, human can be beneficial for animals’ life. Karana, representing human, is able to help nature especially animals using her knowledge and heart. She can help recovering their health, fulfilling their hunger and curing their wound. Thus, these animals are able to be healthy again.

2) Needing Human’s Awareness Toward Natural Existence and Preservation

In O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins, Karana, a twelve-year-old girl is

portrayed as a human with ecocritics’ perspective. She who lives alone in the


the nature. It happens as Karana shows some good attitudes which represent an

“earth-and-animal lover”. She has awareness that nature and human is interdependent one to another. She understands that she need to care with other natural aspects. She can utilize the nature without destructing the environment and minimizes harmful actions. She also helps other creatures and befriends with them. This earth-centered awareness is needed by the nature and its aspects which one of them is animal in order to maintain its sustainability.

By becoming a friend or animal lover, animals are not killed wastefully. Now, Karana considers that animals not her enemy. She also has determined not to kill the animals after making friends and naming them. She only takes what she needs and she does not kill animals like wild dogs, red foxes, otters seal elephant and cormorants no more. She considers that killing them is not beneficial to be done. She only kills fish and abalones as they are very beneficial foods for her in living in the island. This condition can be seen through the below quotation.

After the summer, after being friends with Won-a-nee and her young, I never killed another otter. I had an otter cape for my shoulders, which I used until it wore out, but never again did I make a new one. Nor did I ever kill another cormorant for its beautiful feathers, though they have long, thin neck and make ugly sounds when they talk to each other. Nor did I kill seals for their sinews, using instead kelp to bind the things that needed it. Nor did I kill another wild dog, nor did I try to spear another sea elephant.

(O’Dell, 1960: 156)

By doing that thing, animals are maintained their sustainability. They are recognized as living creatures not as non-living ones. In this novel, animals are depicted and treated similar to human for Karana. Karana makes them as friends.


In addition to the way animals are treated as human, Karana names them. By naming them, it can show human’s affection for the animals. This situation is reflected in the following datum.

For a long time I called it Otter as I had called Rontu, Dog. Then I decided to give the otter a name. The name was Mon-a-nee, which means Little Boy with Large Eyes. (O’Dell, 1960: 149)

The above datum depicts that animals are named. An otter which Karana rescue has Mon-a-nee as its name. Meanwhile, the wild dog is named as Rontu. She also names two birds as Lurai and Tainor. By getting names from human, animals are loved and treated affectionately.

In conclusion, Karana can represent a human who love the nature and animals surrounding her. She is able to nurture the nature and befriend with other creatures or animals. She does not only take everything for granted but also tries to give something for others. She becomes a useful person in order to help animals in need such as otters, wild dogs, birds and cormorants. That is why animals need Karana to help and protect them.

B. Discussion

Biosphere or ecosphere is the only place where human beings can live( between the layer of atmosphere) because it provides the things that needed by the human, such as oxygen. It helps human beings to obtain good air of respiratory, since now many pollutions happened in the air; such as the fogs or ashes in Riau’s

sky, Jambi’s, and Borneo’s sky. Mostly of those disaster happen because of on purpose actions; the clearance of rice field by burning it. Meanwhile, some are


because of natural happening such as the dragging between stone and folliage and dry leaves which falling down from its trees added by the strong wind. Needless to say, it brings into the fire forrest. Furthermore, based on Adam Oswell in < ms_in_australia/ds>, overgrazing and deforestation are becoming the main issue in another countries such as Australia, especially for those area in agricultural field.

In another hand, it proves that the disaster not only occurs in the developing areas or developing countries, but, with no exception, it can be also in the foreign countries with its own spesification. The example is Japan which has patron disasters named Tsunami, Earthquake, Stormy wind or Huricanes. It is also influenced by the position of the nation which is archipelago and near to the ocean which the tide is high but becoming usual for the Japanese. They, for now on, have been familiar and more ready to face the natural disasters like earthquake. They hid under the tables and make special hat to protect their head when the earthquake happens. Meanwhile, Japan also utilizes its water plant power through its waterfall. The water energy is changed into electricity and the most sophisticated is—the nation starting to make the automobile or device which is from the solar or sun energy—which considered to be more thrifthy, safe, and eco-green oriented.

Furthermore, the big countries like United States of America, Iran, Japan, and China which having the most outcomes or Plumbun gases through its industries are contributing to the process of enhancement of Global Warming. For that case,


finally the United Nation or U.N, make some steps to lessen or to repair the outburst of the ‘silent’ earth. Based on, one of the actions is Protocol Kyoto whose agendas are discussing about the limit of the pollution like Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Sulfur Hexaflouride, HFC and PFC and another hazardous substance which fill the atmosphere and worldwide environment. The last meeting was in Doha, Qatar in 2012 which is called Doha Amendment. Meanwhile, It was first adopted in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16th of February 2015. They discuss about the condition of the old earth, the global warming, the limit of using the nuclear power, the sanction and another climate change issue. It declares since the earth becoming worse everyday. And human beings, as the one who is given the mandate from God, have felt the impact of the leakage ozone layer. The earth becomes so hot, acid rain and drought have come to decorate their activity.

In 1960, O’Dell wrote a novel entitled “Island of the Blue Dolphins”. In

this novel, many hunters from Russian and Alleut came to exploit otter for its thick flesh and skin. The main character here is Karana who got the wisdom from her father, Chief Chowig. The Ghalas-at tribe live in a good condition until the arrival of these hunters. The Russian ask for the agreement for sharing the otter. The Russian asks for an unfair offer since they ask for 2:1 shares, two for Russian and one for Ghalas-at, but Chief Chowig does not agree. He asks for the same amount of sharing. The agreement never been gained, until the battle has come. This point is the rising problems of the novel.


The superiority of this novel is showing to the teenage about nature, and its troubles and human beings in the tribes of Ghalas-at. Principally, they would be aware about the natural problems, animal threats, wilderness and the interdependence between human beings and inverse in the reality. By having this paradigm, they will keep the nature wisely. They will not only take the biodiversity from the sea, but also keep it well and do not exploit it exaggeratedly. In this novel, at the first time, the Ghalas-at is a georgic dweller (Garrard: 2004) who succeed in maintaining the fields such as roots, cactus and so on. After the battle between Alleut, Russian and Ghalas-at tribes, the parley or the council decided that Kimki as the new leader of Ghalas-at. His order is that there is no disparity between the role of men and men since the Alleut and the other white men did not look at the gender anymore. Thus, he asks his tribe, especially women, to begin to make spear, strings and other weapons for protecting themselves from Alleut. When the Ghalas-at tribe does it, Kimki asks for permission to go away alone to look for a help to another country named Saint Catalina to rescue the Ghalas-at.

When the day here passed by, Kimki never comes back. Thus, the council decides to change his role as the chief for Ghalas-at. During the quo status, Ghalas-at tribes only wait. Finally, after another parley, Matasaip is elected to be the new leader or the Chief of Ghalas-at. This case can be seen as another superiority of the story of Island of the Blue Dolphins. It starts when the general

election is done in the changing after the Chief Chowig, Karana’s father. Later on,


automatically fall into Karana or Ulape or Ramo, but the tribe plants the democracy to its dwellers.




The researcher finds that O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins contains the portrayal of human-nature interdependence. The human-nature interdependence is broken down into two classifications in line with the research objectives: the natural problems faced by Karana and the interdependence between humans and nature.

The first finding is that Karana faces many problems in the novel which are classified into four categories: animal threat, disaster, scarcity and bad weather. Animal threat mostly comes from wild dogs and red foxes. Disaster is in the form of earthquake. Meanwhile, the scarcity happens by lack of foods, trees and water. In addition, bad weather happens on the land and in the sea. Thus, this kind of novel represents children with numerous natural problems.

The second one is that there are two major classifications to show the interdependence between humans and nature found in the novel. The first classification is that human needs nature. The way human needs nature found in the novel exists in three ways namely needing food, shelter and protection; and natural materials to make life necessities. The second classification is that nature needs human. The way nature needs human found in the novel in two means namely needing human to recover from life-threatening conditions and human’s awareness toward nature existence and its preservation. Thus, human and nature are corellated one to another.


These findings are able to prove that this novel, O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins is capable to provide the amazing story which combine literature and environment. Thus, this novel can place a child which can show the appreciation and acknowledgement toward nature and wilderness. Karana becomes the one who loves nature and befriends with animals. It shows that humans need and depend on nature for every single need and activity. Humans should not forget to nurture the nature. Thus, this novel can be a perfect example for great literature with eco-criticism.



Apriati, Tatik. 2013. An Analysis of Human-Nature Relationship in Children Book Julie by Jean Craighead George (An Ecocritical Study).

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Island of the Blue Dolphins is an island that dwelled by Ghalas-at tribe that the White men found in 2000 B.C. It is called the Blue Dolphins since the shape is similar with the Blue Dolphins. They live happily on the Island where they get food such as roots, fish, abalones, shellfish, school of bass and sometimes otter. Everything is going to be all right until the arrival of Russian hunters and Aleut tribe. The Russian under the authority of Captain Orlov asks for the otter to Chief Chowig, the leader of Ghalas-at tribe, and also Karana’s father. Captain Orlov asks the share 2: 1, where two for Russian and one for Ghalas-at tribe. Yet, Chief Chowig shakes his head as a sign of disagreement. Later on, Captain Orlov offers the things that are interesting for women, such as bracelet, the necklace and earrings with the good materials. Most of the women were so excited, but still Chief Chowig refuses it. He keeps his stance and wants the same sharing.

One by one, day by day, Russian and Alleut have tents along the seashore. They take the otter with no permission. They slaughter the otter in exaggerate manner and massively so that the water is colored by red—the color of blood. One by one the Ghalas-at men spy the action of them. Until then when Ulape—Karana’s sister who looks for roots hear the strange voice. She assumes that it is only a trivial thing but when she looks at it, it is astonishing. The school of bass is ashore for protecting themselves from killer whale.



The rising problem is when the delegation from Russian hunter asks for the otter and bass. Chief Chowig answers that it was only enough for Ghalas-as tribe. The delegation from Russian urging Chief Chowig until then the Chief Chowig say it is their responsibility that they are hunter and the expert about the sea, so they can do the fishing by themselves.

The other raising problem occurs since there is a battle between Aleut, Russian and Ghalas- at tribe. In this battle, Karana’s father—Captain Chowig—is dead. After that there is a status quo in the parley or “little government” system. No longer after that, Kimki—a good and wise old person substitutes Chief Chowig. He asks all the Ghallas-at to train themselves to make spears, string, bow, and arrow. This skill or action also do by the women for protecting themselves from wild dogs, Alleut and Russian attack.

Later on, Kimki states that he would go to the place named Santa Catalina for asking help and for rescuing the Ghalas-at into the safer dwelling. But unfortunately, day per day, week per week, season per season, he does not come back. The Ghalas-at tribe begin to feel anxious and think that he already passed away. Again—for the stability of Ghalas-at, they choose Matasaip as their chief. Everything is going all right, till the rescue ship from the white who is messaged by Kimki to save the Ghalas- at anchored. All women and men are in hurry to load their goods. Everybody of Ghalas- at do it. Until then in her awareness, Karana asks

about Ramo’s existence. She asks Ulape; and she points to the Blue Dolphins

Island. Karana becomes so panic to know it. She begs Chief Matasaip to stop the ship for awhile, but he refuses. He says to Karana that there are huts to stay,


8 148 I brought two fish every day and left them in the pool. The otter would not eat while I was watching. Then I brought four fish and these also disappeared and finally six, which seemed to be the right number. I brought them whether the day was calm or stormy.

9 148 The otter grew and its wound began to heal, but still it stayed in the

pool, and now when I came it would be waiting for me and would take the fish from my hand. The pool was not big and it could easily have gotten out and away into the sea, yet it stayed there and slept or waited for me to come with food.

10 149 For a long time I called it Otter as I had called Rontu, Dog. Then I

decided to give the otter a name. The name was Mon-a-nee, which means Little Boy with Large Eyes.



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hurt, but he had a broken leg. I took him back to the house and bound the bones together with two small sticks and sinew. For a while he did not try to walk. Then, because he was not old enough to fly, he began to hobble around the yard.

1 149 2. Needing Human’s

Awareness Toward Nature Existence and Its Preservation

For a long time I called it Otter as I had called Rontu, Dog. Then I decided to give the otter a name. The name was Mon-a-nee, which means Little Boy with Large Eyes

2 152 I had been right in giving a girl’s name to Lurai, for she laid speckled eggs and, with some help from her mate, hatched two ugly fledgling which soon became beautiful. I made up names for them and clipped their wings and before long they were as tame as their parents.


3 156 After the summer, after being friends with Won-a-nee and her young, I never killed another otter. I had an otter cape for my shoulders, which I used until it wore out, but never again did I make a new one. Nor did I ever kill another cormorant for its beautiful feathers, though they have long, thin neck and make ugly sounds when they talk to each other. Nor did I kill seals for their sinews, using instead kelp to bind the things that needed it. Nor did I kill another wild dog, nor did I try to spear another sea elephant.

4 163 There were nine of them lying there by the spring. In the dim

light it was hard to tell the one I wanted to take home, but finally I found him. He was snoring as if he had just eaten a big meal. I picked him up and hurried along the cliff, being frightened all the



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way that he would wake up before I reached the headland.

5 164 In a short time he made friends with me. He was not so large as

Rontu, but he had his father’s thick coat and the same yellow eyes. Often when I watched him chasing gulls on the sandpit or on the reef barking at the otter, I forgot that he was not Rontu.



Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris: Nama : Sinta Yuliani Alviningrum

NIM : 11211141026

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa saya telah melakukan triangulasi sehubungan dengan analysis data mahasiswa bernama Devi Arlianis dalam penelitian berjudul Human-Nature Interdependence in Scott O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins.

Apabila terbukti bahwa pernyataan ini tidak benar, hal ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab saya.

Yogyakarta, 17 Maret 2016




Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini adalah alumnus Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris:

Nama : Seruni Eka Novita Sari

NIM : 08211144011

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa saya telah melakukan triangulasi sehubungan dengan analysis data mahasiswa bernama Devi Arlianis dalam penelitian berjudul Human-Nature Interdependence in Scott O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins.

Apabila terbukti bahwa pernyataan ini tidak benar, hal ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab saya.

Yogyakarta, 17 Maret 2016