





Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2102121017






Zahiri, Arsi. 2102121017. The Effect of Paired Storytelling Technique on Students’ Achievement in Speaking at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.

The objective of the study is to find out the effect of applying Paired Storytelling Technique on Students’ speaking Achievement at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 (MAN 1) Medan. The study was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this study was 9 classes of the tenth grade students of MAN 1 Medan. The samples were taken by using random technique through lottery and two out of 9 classes were taken into samples, one class as experimental group and another class as control group, each class has 28 students. In the treatment, the experimental group was taught by using Paired Storytelling Technique, the control group was taught by using lecturing method. The instrument of collecting the data conducted by pretest and posttest. Inter-rater reliability formula applied to obtain the reliability of the test. Based on the calculation, it showed that the reliability of the test was 0,63 categorized as high reliability. Therefore, after analyzing the data, it was found that the value of to was 4,8 with the degree of freedom (df) = 54 at the level of significance p (0,05) = 1, 676. It means that to was considerably higher than tt (4,8 > 1,676). The result of this study showed Paired Storytelling Technique had a significant effect on students’ speaking achievement.




First of all, the writer would like to thank to the Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, the most gracious, the most merciful for the blessing so she had finally completed her thesis on the title “ The Effect of Paired Story Telling Technique on Students’ Achievement in Speaking at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan” as the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In writing the thesis, she realizes that she has got many supports. Thus, she would like to express her sincere gratitude to those who have guided and supported during the completion of this thesis to :

Prof Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as The Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English and Literature Department, and her Thesis Reviewer.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as the Head of Education Program of English Department.

Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum., her Thesis Supervisor.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., as her Academic Consultant, and Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., as her Thesis Reviewer.

The headmaster of MAN 1 Medan, H. Ali Masran Daulay, S.Pd, MA., and the English Teacher Nur Khadrah, S.Pd., for their help and support in the time of teaching and collecting the data.

Truly deeply sincerely thank to her parents, Arifin, S.Pd., and Nurul Huda, for their love, prayer, sacrifice, support, guidance, and advices during the completion of her study. Hopefully this could make them smile and happy.

Special thanks to Azhar Aziz Lubis, S.Pd., for his great motivation, for his pure love, attention, patience and help during her academic years.

Her eldest sister, Armidasari, Amkeb., and her youngest brother, Alfi Mashuril, for their love, help, motivation and support, hopefully they would be successful.



Her best of the best friends Triliza Pratiwi, Sosa Irza Yuliana, Nurfitriani Padang, Karmila Sari Ritonga, Muhammad Yusuf, Sriwahyuningsih, and all class members of Regular A, B, C for their motivations, supports, smile and help during her academic years.

Finally, the writer must admit that the content of this thesis is still far from perfection. She warmly welcomes any constructive ideas and critics to be the betterment and improvement. Hopefully, it would be much more useful for those who read it especially majoring in English.

Medan, Juli 2014 The Writer

ARSI ZAHIRI 2102121017










A. The Background of The Study ... 1

B. The Problem of The Study ... 4

C. The Objective of The Study ... 4

D. The Scope of The Study ... 4

E. The Significances of The Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Students ‘Achievement ... 6

a. Standard Competence & Basic Competence ... 7

2. Speaking ... 7

3. Cooperative Learning (CL) ... 10

4. Paired Storytelling ... 11

5. Lecturing Method ... 13

6. The Advantages of Paired Storytelling ... 13

a. The Advantages of Paired Storytelling ... 13

b. The Disadvantages of Paired Storytelling ... 14

7. The Procedure of Paired Storytelling ... 14

B. Conceptual Framework ... 15

C. Hypothesis ... 16


A. Research Design ... 17

B. Population and Sample ... 18

1. Population ... 18

2. Sample ... 18

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 19

D. Assessment and Scoring Speaking Test ... 19

E. The procedure of the Research ... 21

1. Pretest ... 21

2. Treatment ... 21

3. Posttest ... 23

F. Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 23



2. Reliability of the Test ... 24

G. Technique of Analyzing the Data ... 25


A. Data ... 26

B. Data Analysis ... 29

1. Testing Reliability of the Test ... 29

2. Analyzing the Data by Using T-Test ... 29

a. The Calculation of The T-Table... 29

b. The Calculation of the T-Observed ... 30

3. Testing Hypothesis ... 31

C. Research Findings ... 31


A. Conclusion ... 33

B. Suggestion ... 33



Table 2.1 Standard Competence & Basic Competence………...7

Table 3.1 Research Design…...18

Table 3.2 Scoring the Speaking Test………..20

Table 3.3 Experimental Group Activity..………...22

Table 3.4 Control Group Activity………...……….. 23

Table 4.1 The Score of Experimental Class……….………..26

Table 4.2 The Score of Control Class ………...27






APPENDIX A The Result of Pretest and Posttest of Exp Group..………36

APPENDIX B The Result of Pretest and Posttest of Control Group..………..….37

APPENDIX C The Calculation of T-Test in Exp Group………...………38

APPENDIX D The Calculation of T-Test in Control Group………...……..……39

APPENDIX E The Calculation of T-Table………...………...……..……40

APPENDIX F The Calculation of T-Observed..…………...………...……..……41

APPENDIX G The Statistical Analysis for Reliability of the Test..……….42

APPENDIX H The Calculation of The Reliability of The Test…...………..43

APPENDIX I Values of Correlation Coefficient ………...44

APPENDIX J Lesson Plan of Experimental Group meeting 1.…...………..45

APPENDIX K Lesson Plan of Experimental Group meeting 2.…...…………....47

APPENDIX L Lesson Plan of Experimental Group meeting 3.…...……….49

APPENDIX M Lesson Plan of Control Group meeting 1…….…...……….51

APPENDIX N Lesson Plan of Control Group meeting 2.…...………53

APPENDIX O Lesson Plan of Control Group meeting 3.………....……….55




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A. The Background of The Study

The role of English as a foreign language in Indonesia is very important. Precisely, English is not only a communication tool but also an internationally media to develop modern science. Moreover, students are also required to be able to communicate in English. Rogers (1995:74) stated in developing countries such as Indonesia, English is defined as a communication tool internationally, means to accept the technology expansion, science, development and progress from the West.

Based on the regulation of culture and education’s minister, number 70 year 2013 about the basic design and curriculum’s structure of secondary school, English is one of obligatory lessons to be taught at secondary schools in Indonesia. Furthermore, the Curriculum of Educational Stratified Level (KTSP) had implemented English based on its culture to be taught in every province in this country. It means that the knowledge that is taught to students should be relevant to the students’ needs.

In learning English language there are four skills to be taught; speaking, listening, reading and writing. These four-skills have its interests. In fact, students’ disabilities of those four-skills are still weak especially in speaking. Speaking is one of the most important skills that will be assessed in the last of their examination. Moreover, the Curriculum of Educational Unit Level (KTSP) requires students to be able to express and respond several expressions in English.



In fact, speaking is the most difficult skill to master especially for those students in senior high school because it insists students to actualize their mind orally.

Oradee (2012:533) states EFL learners often stammer when speaking English. This results from learners’ lack of exposure to authentic english language environment that allow them to use English for communication and expression. In the other hand, Oradee (2012:533) also emphasizes that in foreign language teaching and learning, ability to speak is the most essential skill since it is the basic for communication. It can be concluded that speaking is an important and essential skill to be mastered. But, the students rarely use english for communication, this affects to the students’ speaking ability which is considerably weak. In addition, based on preliminary observation conducted to students of tenth grade at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 (MAN 1) Medan, most students feel confused in speaking. It was found that their performance in speaking needs to be improved.

Moreover, from the interview with English teacher, there are some specific problems that faced when teaching-learning process conducted. Firstly, students hesitated to actualize their words even if they had it in their mind. Secondly, the teacher does not involve them in speaking activity when teaching learning process. Teacher tends to speak Indonesian than English when explaining the lesson. The last, the teacher applies a lecturing method which the source of the study comes only from the teacher himself/herself.

From the problems above, it can be concluded that students’ achievement in speaking was considerably weak and it impacted to the students’ achievement.



The implication of the problem was gone to their first semester result which passed only below the Minimum Criteria Mastery (KKM).

In order to improve students’ achievement in speaking, the writer will overcome those problems by giving a treatment, it is Paired Storytelling Technique. According to Rossiter cited in Eck (2006:10) storytelling is a form of communication that predates written human history as a means of teaching lessons and passing history down from one generation to another. In addition, narrative storytelling provides the basic structure of how we create meaning out of our existence and everyday lives. It means that the storytelling technique provides an easier way to learn English especially in speaking.

Furthermore, Lie (1994:1) states that the paired storytelling technique was encouraged students to be actively engaged in the reading process, through the activities the students use their prior knowledge and developed their imagination. In addition, The youngest forms of storytelling were oral, combined with gesture and expression; words were spoken from one person to another in an effort to communicate a message or a feeling.


Based on the explanation above, paired storytelling technique is compatible to improve speaking ability since the activities in paired storytelling its self use oral language. Surprisingly, there is a new way to accelerate learning becomes joyful and enjoyable, it is called learning revolution. In other words, it is also called as Student Centered Learning (SCL).



From these explanations about the superiority of Paired Storytelling, the writer believes that students’ achievement in speaking will be improved. Hopefully Paired Storytelling is one of the alternatives to improve students’ achievement in speaking.

B. The Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study is formulated as follows:

“Is there any significant effect of applying Paired Story Telling Technique on the students’ achievement in speaking?”

C. The Objective of The Study

The objective of the study is to investigate significant effects of the application of Paired Story Telling Technique to students’ speaking achievement.

D. The Scope of The Study

Based on the English syllabus for students at Senior High School, there are many materials of speaking that should be learned they are dialogue, such as asking and expressing opinion and monologue such as expressing meaning in monologue text, narrative text etc. This study is limited on students’ speaking achievement in monologue text especially narrative text.



E. The Significance of The Study

Practically the result of the study is expected to be useful for:

1. English teachers, as a selective way to motivate students to speak. 2. English learners, to motivate students in speaking well.

3. Stakeholders, to provide significant information for English teachers especially in usage of the technique.




A. Conclusion

Because the tobserved was higher than ttable (4.8 > 1.676), null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It was proven that there was a significant effect of applying Paired Storytelling Technique on the students’ achievement in speaking because students’ score result was higher after the treatment.

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, the writer pointed out some suggestions as follow:

1. To English teachers to apply Paired Storytelling Technique in improving students speaking achievement because it has much more benefits than others to engage students in teaching learning process. 2. To English learners to be considerably more active and creative in

improving and exploring their ability in speaking through the application of Paired Storytelling Technique by the help of the teacher. 3. To the researchers to use the findings of the research as the basic




A. The Background of The Study

The role of English as a foreign language in Indonesia is very important. Precisely, English is not only a communication tool but also an internationally media to develop modern science. Moreover, students are also required to be able to communicate in English. Rogers (1995:74) stated in developing countries such as Indonesia, English is defined as a communication tool internationally, means to accept the technology expansion, science, development and progress from the West.

Based on the regulation of culture and education’s minister, number 70

year 2013 about the basic design and curriculum’s structure of secondary school,

English is one of obligatory lessons to be taught at secondary schools in Indonesia. Furthermore, the Curriculum of Educational Stratified Level (KTSP) had implemented English based on its culture to be taught in every province in this country. It means that the knowledge that is taught to students should be relevant to the students’ needs.

In learning English language there are four skills to be taught; speaking, listening, reading and writing. These four-skills have its interests. In fact,

students’ disabilities of those four-skills are still weak especially in speaking. Speaking is one of the most important skills that will be assessed in the last of their examination. Moreover, the Curriculum of Educational Unit Level (KTSP) requires students to be able to express and respond several expressions in English.


In fact, speaking is the most difficult skill to master especially for those students in senior high school because it insists students to actualize their mind orally.

Oradee (2012:533) states EFL learners often stammer when speaking

English. This results from learners’ lack of exposure to authentic english language

environment that allow them to use English for communication and expression. In the other hand, Oradee (2012:533) also emphasizes that in foreign language teaching and learning, ability to speak is the most essential skill since it is the basic for communication. It can be concluded that speaking is an important and essential skill to be mastered. But, the students rarely use english for

communication, this affects to the students’ speaking ability which is considerably

weak. In addition, based on preliminary observation conducted to students of tenth grade at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 (MAN 1) Medan, most students feel confused in speaking. It was found that their performance in speaking needs to be improved.

Moreover, from the interview with English teacher, there are some specific problems that faced when teaching-learning process conducted. Firstly, students hesitated to actualize their words even if they had it in their mind. Secondly, the teacher does not involve them in speaking activity when teaching learning process. Teacher tends to speak Indonesian than English when explaining the lesson. The last, the teacher applies a lecturing method which the source of the study comes only from the teacher himself/herself.

From the problems above, it can be concluded that students’ achievement in speaking was considerably weak and it impacted to the students’ achievement.


The implication of the problem was gone to their first semester result which passed only below the Minimum Criteria Mastery (KKM).

In order to improve students’ achievement in speaking, the writer will

overcome those problems by giving a treatment, it is Paired Storytelling Technique. According to Rossiter cited in Eck (2006:10) storytelling is a form of communication that predates written human history as a means of teaching lessons and passing history down from one generation to another. In addition, narrative storytelling provides the basic structure of how we create meaning out of our existence and everyday lives. It means that the storytelling technique provides an easier way to learn English especially in speaking.

Furthermore, Lie (1994:1) states that the paired storytelling technique was encouraged students to be actively engaged in the reading process, through the activities the students use their prior knowledge and developed their imagination. In addition, The youngest forms of storytelling were oral, combined with gesture and expression; words were spoken from one person to another in an effort to communicate a message or a feeling.


Based on the explanation above, paired storytelling technique is compatible to improve speaking ability since the activities in paired storytelling its self use oral language. Surprisingly, there is a new way to accelerate learning becomes joyful and enjoyable, it is called learning revolution. In other words, it is also called as Student Centered Learning (SCL).


From these explanations about the superiority of Paired Storytelling, the

writer believes that students’ achievement in speaking will be improved.

Hopefully Paired Storytelling is one of the alternatives to improve students’

achievement in speaking.

B. The Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of this study is formulated as follows:

“Is there any significant effect of applying Paired Story Telling Technique on the students’ achievement in speaking?”

C. The Objective of The Study

The objective of the study is to investigate significant effects of the application of Paired Story Telling Technique to students’ speaking achievement.

D. The Scope of The Study

Based on the English syllabus for students at Senior High School, there are many materials of speaking that should be learned they are dialogue, such as asking and expressing opinion and monologue such as expressing meaning in monologue text, narrative text etc. This study is limited on students’ speaking achievement in monologue text especially narrative text.


E. The Significance of The Study

Practically the result of the study is expected to be useful for:

1. English teachers, as a selective way to motivate students to speak. 2. English learners, to motivate students in speaking well.

3. Stakeholders, to provide significant information for English teachers especially in usage of the technique.


Because the tobserved was higher than ttable (4.8 > 1.676), null hypothesis was

rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It was proven that there was a

significant effect of applying Paired Storytelling Technique on the students’ achievement in speaking because students’ score result was higher after the


B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, the writer pointed out some suggestions as follow:

1. To English teachers to apply Paired Storytelling Technique in improving students speaking achievement because it has much more benefits than others to engage students in teaching learning process. 2. To English learners to be considerably more active and creative in

improving and exploring their ability in speaking through the application of Paired Storytelling Technique by the help of the teacher. 3. To the researchers to use the findings of the research as the basic