
Iran Chamber Of Commerce, Industries and Mines
Your Ref

Our Ref


Me10randut of Understanding


Iran Chaaber of Coaerce 1 Industries and Hines
.and the
Indonesia Chaaber of Couerce and Industcy
Upon the aiping of Kia lxcell&nCJ' profeaor Satrio Budihardjo
Joedcmo, ainiter of trade of the Republic of Indonesia , and His
Bxoellenc1' Eng. aenltd Jloh•a•ad Gbu'•i, liniter of Po•t 1 Tele1raah
and Telephone ot the Isl..ic Republlo of Iran, Bxprea•illl the
Sincere deaire to Bffeotivel1 contribute to the i1111roveaent of the

current econoaic and co...roial relati021a between Iran and
Indonesia , the two-parties have atreed to sign a aemorand1111 or
underatandin1 in reapect of the followint •
- Parties consider each other partnera in trade.
- parties agree to provide 118Xiaua aupport to efforts aiaing at
sore effective and aeaningful cooperation• in bilateral
trade, en1ineerin1 and technical aervicea , and to thla end,
to eatablieh a teu to explore the posalblllti•• in thla regard.

partiea expre1e their OOBBitllent to adhere to the baeia
underatandinl• reached durina the 2nd Iran - Indoneaian Joint
lconoaio Ooluaittee aeetillll to increase the prell8Dt Ylouae of
bilateral trade between the two countries.

-- In this content , parties also regard counter trade aa



No. 2S4, T1lc9hani Ave. T•hr1n IS814


P.O. llox l'87S 4671, Tel1884603H l'ax1882Slll






Iran Chamber Of Commerce, Industries and Mines
Your Ref

Out Ref

the practical •ll7• to diveraif7 the present coapoaition of
tradable loodet and take the initiatives on individual COllJIOD7
baaio to encoaraced the aau conaiderin1 the e:d•tlDI potential
of doiDI buainu with eaoh other , parties re&ard an annual
trade vol11JK1 of ua 200,0 a to be the targeted ticure which
would be aateriallaed b7 the end of 1995,
- To facilitate the actions in tbia relard partiea axpreaa the
intention that the7 will provide infol'llation about taoilitlea
offered b7 the Ialuic de'velopaent Bank and or anf other
facilit1 cnrrentl1 offered in the third countriea.
• In line with the wol'ltiDll principle• adopted at the third Jont
Econoaic eo..ittee JleetiDI , parties Expreaa their willincneaa
to handle all eo. .rcial Tranaactiona through Coaaercial banka
of the two conntriea.
Partiea appreciate
the i11POrtanca
of eatabliahing

Joint enterpriae operatiq 1u either countries, ·· or lf the
conditions perait , in one of the 010 C01D1triea and tbe1 agree to
facilitate the aaaa.
- coilalderiDI the i11POrtanoe of sea transportation , parties agree
that their respective aarltlae Or&anlaatlon should be assisted
.ad coDVinoed to facilitate poaaibilitlea of havlna direet
linea between the two countries •
- To worlr. out concerete •uurea ensuiDI froa the Agreeaent and to
inform each other of their fulfllaent 1 repreaentativn of the
parties will aeet - aa a rule • everr other rear in Ira or ln
Indonesia , ·

- 2 -

No. 254, T1!e1hani Ave. Tehran 15814 ·!RAN P. 0, :801' 15875 • 4671, Tel!884603J.9 Fax1882Slll

Iran Chamber Of Commerct, Industries and Mines
Your Ref

Our Ref

Thi• underatandina will cou into effect on the daf of its
•11111111 and will be valid until either of the partle• infora the
other of it• intention to terminate this underatandins and with at
leqt a J'e&r 's notice.
Done at




f}pr1/ /f'f)

Iran Chuber of Coaerce
Industries and Mines



Dr, Ali Shalm Ardekani

:i: mゥョ・セ@



f-.b. -

Vice Ohairu.n

- 3 -

No, 254, Talegbanl Ave. Tobran 1'814 • IAAN P. 0, Box UB75 ·4671, Teh8846031·9 Fax18825111