Pengaruh Pemberian Salep Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Dari Tumbuhan Petai (Parkia Speciosa Hassk.) Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Sayat Pada Kelinci


Lampiran 1. Hasil Identifikas/Determinasi Tumbuhan Petai

  Lampiran 2. Morfologi Tumbuhan Gambar Morfologi tumbuhan petai

Lampiran 3. Gambar Buah Petai dan Kulit Buah Petai Segar

  Gambar Buah Petai Segar Gambar Kulit Buah Petai Segar

Lampiran 4. Gambar Simplisia Kulit Buah Petai

  Gambar Simplisia Kulit Buah Petai Gambar Serbuk Simplisia Kulit Buah Petai

Lampiran 5. Hasil pemeriksaan makroskopik kulit buah petai segar dan

  simplisia kulit buah petai Tabel 5.1 Hasil Makroskopik kulit buah petai segar. No Organoleptis Hasil

  1 Bentuk Berbentuk bonggol panjang dan membulat pada bagian tepinya, panjang 35-40cm, lebar 3-5cm.

  2 Bau Bau khas tidak seperti bau petai

  3 Rasa Sepat

  4 Warna Hijau Tabel 5.2 Hasil Makroskopik simplisia kulit buah petai.

  No Organoleptis Hasil


1 Bentuk Kulit keriput, berlekuk pada bagian tepinya,

panjang 2-3cm

  2 Bau Tidak berbau

  3 Rasa Sepat

  4 Warna Kuning kecoklatan

Lampiran 6. Gambar Hasil Pemeriksaan Mikroskopik Kulit Buah petai










Gambar Mikroskopik Penampang Melintang Kulit Buah Petai


  1. Eksokarpium

  4. Kristal Kalsium Oksalat

  3. Sklereid

  6. Sklereid Bernoktah

  2. Trichoma

  5. Parenkim

  1. Serabut Sklerenkim

  3. Endokarpium Gambar Mikroskopik Serbuk Simplisia Kulit Buah Petai Keterangan:

  2. Mesokarpium


  Lampiran 7. Perhitungan Hasil Pemeriksaan Karakterisasi Simplisia

  Kadar air simplisia = Volume Air (ml) Berat Sampel (g) x 100% penjenuhan toluen = 2 ml – 1,8 ml

  = 0,2 ml

  a) Berat Sampel I = 5,004 g Volume air sampel = 2,2 ml Volume air = 2,2 ml – 1,8 ml = 0,4 ml Kadar air =

  0,4 5,004 x 100% = 7,99 % v / b

  b) Berat Sampel II = 5,005 g Volume Air Sampel= 2,6 ml Volume air = 2,6 ml-2,2 ml = 0,4 ml Kadar air =

  0,4 5,005 x100% = 7,99 % v / b

  c) Berat Sampel III = 5,005 g Volume Air Sampel= 2,6 ml Volume air = 2,6 ml-2,2 ml = 0,4 ml Kadar air =

  0,4 5,005 x 100% = 7,99 % v / b

  Kadar air rata-rata =

7,99% + 7,99% + 7,99%




  7,99% 8 % v / b Kadar sari larut air = Berat Sari (g) Berat Sampel (g) x


  20 x 100%

  a) Berat sampel I = 5,000 g Berat sari = 0,117 g Kadar sari larut air =

  0,117 5,000 x


  20 x100% = 11,7 % b / b

  b) Berat sampel II = 5,000 g Berat sari = 0,115 g Kadar sari larut air =

  0,115 5,000 x


  20 x100% = 11,5 % b / b

  c) Berat sampel III = 5,000 g Berat sari = 0,115 g Kadar sari larut air =

  0,115 5,000 x


  20 x100% = 11,5 % b / b

  Kadar sari larut air rata-rata = 11,7% + 11,5% + 11,5%

  3 = 11,57 % b / b Kadar sari larut air = Berat Sari (g) Berat Sampel (g) x


  20 x100% = 18,78 % b / b

  3 =

  Kadar sari larut air rata-rata = 16,3% + 18,78% + 18,78%

  20 x100% = 18,78 % b / b


  0,188 5,005 x

  c) Berat sampel III = 5,005 g Berat sari = 0,188 g Kadar sari larut air =


  20 x 100%

  0,188 5,005 x

  b) Berat sampel II = 5,005 g Berat sari = 0,188 g Kadar sari larut air =

  20 x100% = 16,3 % b / b


  0,163 5,005 x

  a) Berat sampel I = 5,005 g Berat sari = 0,163 g Kadar sari larut air =

  17,95 % b / b Berat Sisa hasil (g) Kadar abu total = x 100%

  Berat sampel (g)

  a) Berat sampel I = 2,001 g Berat abu = 0,063 0.063 b

  Kadar abu total = x 100% = 3,15 % / b


  b) Berat sampel I = 2,001 g Berat abu = 0,057 0,057 b

  Kadar abu total = x 100% = 2,85 % / b 2,001

  c) Berat sampel I = 2,001 g Berat abu = 0,057 0.057 b

  Kadar abu total = x 100% = 2,85 % / b 2,001 3,1485% + 2.8485% + 2,8485% b


Kadar abu total rata-rata = = 2,95 % /


  3 Berat Sisa hasil (g) Kadar abu tidak larut asam = x 100%

  Berat sampel (g)

  a) Berat sampel I = 2,001 g Berat abu = 0,012

0,012 b

  Kadar abu = x 100% = 0,599 % / b


  b) Berat sampel II = 2,001 g Berat abu = 0,004 0,004 b

  Kadar abu = x 100% = 0,199 % / b


  c) Berat sampel III = 2,001 g Berat abu = 0,004 0,004 b /

  Kadar abu = x 100% = 0,199 % b 2,001 0,599% + 0,199% + 0,199% b

  Kadar abu rata-rata = = 0,333 % / b


Lampiran 8. Bagan Pembuatan Ekstrak

  Dirajang dan dikeringkan didalam lemari pengering Ditiriskan dan ditimbang

  Dihaluskan Diperkolasi dengan etanol 70% Diuapkan dengan alat penguap Rotary Evaporator

  Dicuci dari pengotor sampai bersih

  Simplisia Simplisia Serbuk Karakterisasi Skrining Fitokimia Pembuatan Ekstrak Perkolat

  Kulit Buah Petai

  • Pemeriksaan makroskopik simplisia
  • Pemeriksaan steroid/triterpenoid
  • Pemeriksaan mikroskopik bahan segar dan serbuk simplisia
  • Pemeriksaan alkaloida
  • Pemeriksaan glikosida
  • Pemeriksaan flavonoida
  • Penetapan kadar air
  • Pemeriksaan tanin
  • Penetapan kadar sari yang larut air
  • Pemeriksaan saponin Di freeze dryer
  • Penetapan kadar sari yang larut etanol

  Ekstrak Kental Uji Aktivitas Kulit Buah Petai Terhadap Luka

  • Penetapan kadar abu total
  • Penetapan kadar abu yang tidak larut asam

Sediaan Salep

Sayat pada Kelinci

Lampiran 9. Bagan Alur Penelitian

  Analisis data 5 % 2,5 %

  Pengujian sediaan terhadap luka pada kelinci yang telah diberi sayatan Ekstrak etanol kulit buah petai Pembuatan sediaan salep

Lampiran 10. Gambar Sediaan Salep Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Petai (Parkia speciosa Hassk)

  Sediaan dasar salep (Kontrol negatif) Sediaan salep ekstrak kulit buah petai konsentrasi

  2,5% Sediaan salep ekstrak kulit buah petai konsentrasi

  5% Sediaan betadine salep (Kontrol positif)

Lampiran 11. Gambar Perubahan Panjang Luka pada Betadine Salep hari ke-3, 6

  9, 12, dan 14 Hari ke-3

  Hari ke-6 Hari ke-9

  Hari ke-12 Hari ke-14

Lampiran 12. Gambar Perubahan Panjang Luka pada SEEKP 2,5% hari ke-3, 6

  9, 12, 15, dan 17 Hari ke-3

  Hari ke-6 Hari ke-9

  Hari ke-12 Hari ke-15

  Hari ke-17

Lampiran 13. Gambar Perubahan Panjang Luka pada SEEKP 5% hari ke-3, 6, 9

  12, dan 15 Hari ke-3

  Hari ke-6 Hari ke-9

  Hari ke-12 Hari ke-15

Lampiran 14. Gambar Perubahan Panjang Luka pada Dasar Salep hari ke-3,6, 9

  12, 15, 18, dan 20

Hari ke-3 Hari ke-6 Hari ke-9


Hari ke-12 Hari ke-15 Hari ke-18

Hari ke-20

  Lampiran 15. Hasil Data Statistik


  H2 Kontrol Positif

  H6 Kontrol Positif

  3 1,3400 ,01000 ,00577 1,3152 1,3648 1,33 1,35 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,7800 ,01000 ,00577 1,7552 1,8048 1,77 1,79 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,6567 ,02082 ,01202 1,6050 1,7084 1,64 1,68 SEKP 5% 3 1,4367 ,02082 ,01202 1,3850 1,4884 1,42 1,46 Total 12 1,5533 ,18233 ,05263 1,4375 1,6692 1,33 1,79

  H5 Kontrol Positif

  3 1,5567 ,01528 ,00882 1,5187 1,5946 1,54 1,57 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,8500 ,01000 ,00577 1,8252 1,8748 1,84 1,86 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,7267 ,02517 ,01453 1,6642 1,7892 1,70 1,75 SEKP 5% 3 1,6267 ,02082 ,01202 1,5750 1,6784 1,61 1,65 Total 12 1,6900 ,11638 ,03360 1,6161 1,7639 1,54 1,86

  H4 Kontrol Positif

  3 1,6800 ,09165 ,05292 1,4523 1,9077 1,60 1,78 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,8767 ,01528 ,00882 1,8387 1,9146 1,86 1,89 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,7533 ,01528 ,00882 1,7154 1,7913 1,74 1,77 SEKP 5% 3 1,7333 ,01528 ,00882 1,6954 1,7713 1,72 1,75 Total 12 1,7608 ,08554 ,02469 1,7065 1,8152 1,60 1,89

  H3 Kontrol Positif

  3 1,7900 ,04583 ,02646 1,6762 1,9038 1,74 1,83 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,9433 ,01528 ,00882 1,9054 1,9813 1,93 1,96 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,8867 ,02082 ,01202 1,8350 1,9384 1,87 1,91 SEKP 5% 3 1,8400 ,01000 ,00577 1,8152 1,8648 1,83 1,85 Total 12 1,8650 ,06346 ,01832 1,8247 1,9053 1,74 1,96

  3 1,9500 ,02000 ,01155 1,9003 1,9997 1,93 1,97 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,9900 ,01000 ,00577 1,9652 2,0148 1,98 2,00 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,9700 ,01000 ,00577 1,9452 1,9948 1,96 1,98 SEKP 5% 3 1,9500 ,01000 ,00577 1,9252 1,9748 1,94 1,96 Total 12 1,9650 ,02067 ,00597 1,9519 1,9781 1,93 2,00

  N Mean Std.

  H1 Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 2,5% 3 2,0000 ,00000 ,00000 2,0000 2,0000 2,00 2,00 SEKP 5% 3 2,0000 ,00000 ,00000 2,0000 2,0000 2,00 2,00 Total 12 2,0000 ,00000 ,00000 2,0000 2,0000 2,00 2,00

  3 2,0000 ,00000 ,00000 2,0000 2,0000 2,00 2,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 2,0000 ,00000 ,00000 2,0000 2,0000 2,00 2,00

  H0 Kontrol Positif

  Upper Bound

  Maxi mum Lower Bound

  Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minim um

  Deviation Std.

  3 1,2367 ,03055 ,01764 1,1608 1,3126 1,21 1,27 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,7267 ,02082 ,01202 1,6750 1,7784 1,71 1,75 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,5467 ,03786 ,02186 1,4526 1,6407 1,52 1,59 SEKP 5% 3 1,3267 ,02517 ,01453 1,2642 1,3892 1,30 1,35

  Total 12 1,4592 ,20129 ,05811 1,3313 1,5871 1,21 1,75

  3 ,5467 ,06506 ,03756 ,3850 ,7083 ,48 ,61 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,3167 ,05508 ,03180 1,1799 1,4535 1,26 1,37 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,9333 ,04163 ,02404 ,8299 1,0368 ,90 ,98 SEKP 5%

  3 ,5700 ,06557 ,03786 ,4071 ,7329 ,51 ,64 Total 12 ,6533 ,28943 ,08355 ,4694 ,8372 ,21 1,10

  3 ,2767 ,05859 ,03383 ,1311 ,4222 ,21 ,32 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,0333 ,05774 ,03333 ,8899 1,1768 1,00 1,10 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,7333 ,01528 ,00882 ,6954 ,7713 ,72 ,75 SEKP 5%

  3 ,8100 ,16462 ,09504 ,4011 1,2189 ,71 1,00 Total 12 ,8467 ,32208 ,09298 ,6420 1,0513 ,34 1,31

  3 ,4267 ,09018 ,05207 ,2026 ,6507 ,34 ,52 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,2633 ,05686 ,03283 1,1221 1,4046 1,20 1,31 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,8867 ,05132 ,02963 ,7592 1,0141 ,83 ,93 SEKP 5%

  H12 Kontrol Positif

  3 ,9767 ,04619 ,02667 ,8619 1,0914 ,95 1,03 Total 12 ,9433 ,28858 ,08331 ,7600 1,1267 ,48 1,37

  H11 Kontrol Positif

  H7 Kontrol Positif 3 1,0300 ,02646 ,01528 ,9643 1,0957 1,00 1,05

  3 ,6267 ,01528 ,00882 ,5887 ,6646 ,61 ,64 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,3600 ,06557 ,03786 1,1971 1,5229 1,30 1,43 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,9600 ,03606 ,02082 ,8704 1,0496 ,93 1,00 SEKP 5% 3 1,0367 ,02517 ,01453 ,9742 1,0992 1,01 1,06 Total 12 ,9958 ,27444 ,07922 ,8215 1,1702 ,61 1,43

  H10 Kontrol Positif

  3 ,7200 ,07937 ,04583 ,5228 ,9172 ,63 ,78 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,4100 ,06083 ,03512 1,2589 1,5611 1,37 1,48 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,0133 ,04163 ,02404 ,9099 1,1168 ,98 1,06 SEKP 5% 3 1,0833 ,01528 ,00882 1,0454 1,1213 1,07 1,10 Total 12 1,0567 ,26047 ,07519 ,8912 1,2222 ,63 1,48

  H9 Kontrol Positif

  3 ,8600 ,07211 ,04163 ,6809 1,0391 ,80 ,94 Kontrol Negatif 3 1,4633 ,05132 ,02963 1,3359 1,5908 1,42 1,52 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,2267 ,01528 ,00882 1,1887 1,2646 1,21 1,24 SEKP 5% 3 1,1400 ,02000 ,01155 1,0903 1,1897 1,12 1,16 Total 12 1,1725 ,22876 ,06604 1,0272 1,3178 ,80 1,52

  H8 Kontrol Positif

  Kontrol Negatif 3 1,6733 ,02082 ,01202 1,6216 1,7250 1,65 1,69 SEKP 2,5% 3 1,3433 ,04041 ,02333 1,2429 1,4437 1,30 1,38 SEKP 5% 3 1,2533 ,00577 ,00333 1,2390 1,2677 1,25 1,26 Total 12 1,3250 ,24254 ,07002 1,1709 1,4791 1,00 1,69

H13 Kontrol Positif

H14 Kontrol Positif

  3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 ,7967 ,02517 ,01453 ,7342 ,8592 ,77 ,82 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,6100 ,07550 ,04359 ,4225 ,7975 ,53 ,68 SEKP 5% 3 ,3100 ,01000 ,00577 ,2852 ,3348 ,30 ,32 Total

H15 Kontrol Positif

H16 Kontrol Positif

H17 Kontrol Positif

H18 Kontrol Positif

H19 Kontrol Positif

  12 ,0525 ,09507 ,02744 -,0079 ,1129 ,00 ,22

  12 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00

  3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 SEKP 5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Total

  3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 ,2100 ,01000 ,00577 ,1852 ,2348 ,20 ,22 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 SEKP 5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Total

  12 ,4292 ,31785 ,09175 ,2272 ,6311 ,00 ,82

  12 ,0783 ,14186 ,04095 -,0118 ,1685 ,00 ,33

  3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 ,3133 ,01528 ,00882 ,2754 ,3513 ,30 ,33 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 SEKP 5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Total

  12 ,0925 ,16772 ,04842 -,0141 ,1991 ,00 ,40

  3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 ,3700 ,02646 ,01528 ,3043 ,4357 ,35 ,40 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 SEKP 5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Total

  12 ,1575 ,18001 ,05196 ,0431 ,2719 ,00 ,46

  3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 ,4100 ,04359 ,02517 ,3017 ,5183 ,38 ,46 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,2200 ,02000 ,01155 ,1703 ,2697 ,20 ,24 SEKP 5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Total

  12 ,2217 ,24052 ,06943 ,0688 ,3745 ,00 ,58

  3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Kontrol Negatif 3 ,5067 ,08737 ,05044 ,2896 ,7237 ,41 ,58 SEKP 2,5% 3 ,3800 ,06083 ,03512 ,2289 ,5311 ,31 ,42 SEKP 5% 3 ,0000 ,00000 ,00000 ,0000 ,0000 ,00 ,00 Total

H20 Kontrol Positif

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig

  H0 . 3 . . H1 ,571

  3 8 ,649 H2 2,802 3 8 ,108 H3 4,931 3 8 ,032 H4 ,937 3 8 ,467 H5 1,524 3 8 ,281 H6 ,687 3 8 ,585 H7 2,231 3 8 ,162 H8 3,072 3 8 ,091 H9 3,192 3 8 ,084 H10 1,943 3 8 ,201 H11 ,138 3 8 ,934 H12 3,151 3 8 ,086 H13 1,819 3 8 ,222 H14 4,164 3 8 ,047 H15 7,065 3 8 ,012 H16 8,121 3 8 ,008 H17 12,000 3 8 ,002 H18 7,692 3 8 ,010 H19 4,000 3 8 ,052 H20 . 3 . .

ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig

  H0 Between Groups ,000 3 ,000 . .

  Within Groups ,000 8 ,000 Total ,000

  11 H1 Between Groups ,003 3 ,001 6,286 ,017 Within Groups ,001 8 ,000 Total ,005

  11 H2 Between Groups ,039 3 ,013 17,93

  8 ,001 Within Groups ,006 8 ,001 Total ,044

  11 H3 Between Groups ,062 3 ,021 9,127 ,006 Within Groups ,018 8 ,002 Total ,080

  11 H4 Between Groups ,146 3 ,049 139,2

  38 ,000 Within Groups ,003 8 ,000 Total ,149

  11 H10 Between Groups ,816 3 ,272 168,1

  61 ,000 Within Groups ,023 8 ,003 Total ,921

  11 H13 Between Groups ,899 3 ,300 106,0

  1 ,000 Within Groups ,082 8 ,010 Total 1,141

  11 H12 Between Groups 1,059 3 ,353 34,35

  42 ,000 Within Groups ,022 8 ,003 Total ,916

  11 H11 Between Groups ,894 3 ,298 107,0

  56 ,000 Within Groups ,013 8 ,002 Total ,828

  3 ,000 Within Groups ,024 8 ,003 Total ,746

  11 H5 Between Groups ,364 3 ,121 454,4

  11 H9 Between Groups ,722 3 ,241 80,48

  3 ,000 Within Groups ,017 8 ,002 Total ,576

  11 H8 Between Groups ,559 3 ,186 87,98

  76 ,000 Within Groups ,006 8 ,001 Total ,647

  11 H7 Between Groups ,641 3 ,214 305,4

  17 ,000 Within Groups ,007 8 ,001 Total ,446

  11 H6 Between Groups ,439 3 ,146 170,4

  17 ,000 Within Groups ,002 8 ,000 Total ,366

  11 H14 Between Groups 1,098 3 ,366 227,6

  53 ,000 Within Groups ,013 8 ,002 Total 1,111

  11 H15 Between Groups ,614 3 ,205 72,20 ,000 Within Groups ,023 8 ,003 Total ,636

  11 H16 Between Groups ,352 3 ,117 203,9

  57 ,000 Within Groups ,005 8 ,001 Total ,356

  11 H17 Between Groups ,308 3 ,103 586,7

  14 ,000 Within Groups ,001 8 ,000 Total ,309

  11 H18 Between Groups ,221 3 ,074 1262, 286 ,000 Within Groups ,000

  8 ,000 Total ,221

  11 H19 Between Groups ,099 3 ,033 1323, 000 ,000 Within Groups ,000

  8 ,000 Total ,099

  11 H20 Between Groups ,000 3 ,000 . . Within Groups ,000 8 ,000 Total ,000



Multiple Comparisons

  Tukey HSD 95% Confidence

  Mean Interval (J) Std. Dependent Variable (I) Perlakuan Difference Sig.

  Perlakuan Error Lower Upper

  (I-J) Bound Bound

  • H1 Kontrol Positif Kontrol -,04000 ,01080 ,025 -,0746 -,0054

  Negatif SEKP -,02000 ,01080 ,319 -,0546 ,0146 2,5% SEKP 5% ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346

  • Kontrol Negatif Kontrol ,04000 ,01080 ,025 ,0054 ,0746

  Positif SEKP ,02000 ,01080 ,319 -,0146 ,0546 2,5%

  • SEKP 5% ,04000 ,01080 ,025 ,0054 ,0746

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol ,02000 ,01080 ,319 -,0146 ,0546 Positif Kontrol -,02000 ,01080 ,319 -,0546 ,0146 Negatif SEKP 5% ,02000 ,01080 ,319 -,0146 ,0546

  SEKP 5% Kontrol ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346 dimension1 Positif

  • Kontrol -,04000 ,01080 ,025 -,0746 -,0054 Negatif SEKP -,02000 ,01080 ,319 -,0546 ,0146 2,5%
  • H2 Kontrol Positif Kontrol -,15333 ,02186 ,001 -,2233 -,0833


  • SEKP -,09667 ,02186 ,010 -,1667 -,0267 2,5% SEKP 5% -,05000 ,02186 ,180 -,1200 ,0200
  • Kontrol Negatif Kontrol ,15333 ,02186 ,001 ,0833 ,2233

  Positif SEKP ,05667 ,02186 ,118 -,0133 ,1267 2,5%

  • SEKP 5% ,10333 ,02186 ,006 ,0333 ,1733
  • SEKP 2,5% Kontrol ,09667 ,02186 ,010 ,0267 ,1667


  • ,05667 ,02186 ,118 -,1267 ,0133 SEKP 5% ,04667 ,02186 ,221 -,0233 ,1167

  • ,02186 ,006 -,1733 -,0333
    • ,10333
    • ,04667 ,02186 ,221 -,1167 ,0233 H3 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif -,19667

  • ,03894 ,004 -,3214 -,0720
    • ,07333 ,03894 ,306 -,1980 ,0514 SEKP 5% -,05333 ,03894 ,549 -,1780 ,0714

  • ,03894 ,004 ,0720 ,3214
  • ,03894 ,026 ,0186 ,2680
    • ,12333 ,03894 ,053 -,2480 ,0014 SEKP 5% ,02000 ,03894 ,954 -,1047 ,1447

  • ,03894 ,026 -,2680 -,0186
    • ,14333
    • ,02000 ,03894 ,954 -,1447 ,1047 H4 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif -,29333

  • ,01528 ,000 -,3423 -,2444
  • ,01528 ,000 -,2189 -,1211
    • ,17000

  • ,01528 ,008 -,1189 -,0211
  • ,01528 ,000 ,2444 ,3423
  • ,01528 ,000 ,0744 ,1723

  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,07000

  SEKP 2,5%

  SEKP 2,5%

  ,05333 ,03894 ,549 -,0714 ,1780 Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  ,07333 ,03894 ,306 -,0514 ,1980 Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  ,12333 ,03894 ,053 -,0014 ,2480 SEKP 5% ,14333

  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 2,5%

  SEKP 2,5%

  ,05000 ,02186 ,180 -,0200 ,1200 Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  Kontrol Negatif


  • ,01528 ,000 ,1744 ,2723
  • ,01528 ,000 ,1211 ,2189
  • ,01528 ,000 -,1723 -,0744
    • ,12333

  • ,01528 ,001 ,0511 ,1489
  • ,01528 ,008 ,0211 ,1189
  • ,01528 ,000 -,2723 -,1744
    • ,22333

  • ,01528 ,001 -,1489 -,0511

  • ,10000
    • ,01333 ,000 -,4827 -,3973

  • ,44000
    • ,01333 ,000 -,3594 -,2740

  • ,31667
    • ,01333 ,000 -,1394 -,0540
    • ,01333 ,000 ,3973 ,4827
    • ,01333 ,000 ,0806 ,1660
    • ,01333 ,000 ,3006 ,3860
    • ,01333 ,000 ,2740 ,3594
    • ,01333 ,000 -,1660 -,0806

  • ,12333
    • ,01333 ,000 ,1773 ,2627
    • ,01333 ,000 ,0540 ,1394


  SEKP 2,5%


  SEKP 5% ,34333

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif


  SEKP 5% ,22000

  Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif


  Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  H6 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,09667

  SEKP 2,5%

  H5 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,10000

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,22333

  • ,01333 ,000 -,3860 -,3006

  • ,34333
    • ,01333 ,000 -,2627 -,1773

  • ,22000
  • ,49000
    • ,02392 ,000 -,3866 -,2334

  • ,02392 ,000 -,5666 -,4134

  • ,31000
    • ,02392 ,023 -,1666 -,0134

  SEKP 5% -,09000

  • ,02392 ,000 ,4134 ,5666
  • ,02392 ,000 ,1034 ,2566
  • ,02392 ,000 ,3234 ,4766
  • ,02392 ,000 ,2334 ,3866
  • ,02392 ,000 -,2566 -,1034
    • ,18000

  • ,02392 ,000 ,1434 ,2966
  • ,02392 ,023 ,0134 ,1666
  • ,02392 ,000 -,4766 -,3234
    • ,40000

  • ,02392 ,000 -,2966 -,1434
    • ,22000

  • ,02160 ,000 -,7125 -,5742

  SEKP 2,5%

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,09000

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,42000


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,22333

  H7 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  H8 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif


  SEKP 2,5%


  SEKP 5% ,40000

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif


  Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 5% ,22000

  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif


  Kontrol Negatif

  • ,64333
    • ,02160 ,000 -,3825 -,2442

  • ,31333
    • ,02160 ,000 -,2925 -,1542
    • ,02160 ,000 ,5742 ,7125
    • ,02160 ,000 ,2608 ,3992
    • ,02160 ,000 ,3508 ,4892
    • ,02160 ,000 ,2442 ,3825
    • ,02160 ,000 -,3992 -,2608

  • ,33000
    • ,02160 ,013 ,0208 ,1592
    • ,02160 ,000 ,1542 ,2925
    • ,02160 ,000 -,4892 -,3508

  • ,42000
    • ,02160 ,013 -,1592 -,0208

  • ,09000
    • ,03756 ,000 -,7236 -,4830

  • ,60333
  • ,03756 ,000 -,4870 -,2464

  • ,36667
    • ,03756 ,000 -,4003 -,1597

  • ,03756 ,000 ,4830 ,7236
  • ,03756 ,001 ,1164 ,3570
  • ,03756 ,000 ,2030 ,4436
  • ,03756 ,000 ,2464 ,4870
  • ,03756 ,001 -,3570 -,1164
    • ,23667

  • ,03756 ,000 ,1597 ,4003
  • ,03756 ,000 -,4436 -,2030
    • ,32333
    • ,08667 ,03756 ,175 -,2070 ,0336 H9 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif -,69000

  • ,04466 ,000 -,8330 -,5470
  • ,04466 ,001 -,4363 -,1503
    • ,29333

  • ,04466 ,000 -,5063 -,2203
  • ,04466 ,000 ,5470 ,8330
  • ,04466 ,000 ,2537 ,5397
  • ,04466 ,000 ,1837 ,4697
  • ,04466 ,001 ,1503 ,4363
  • ,04466 ,000 -,5397 -,2537
    • ,39667

  • ,04466 ,000 ,2203 ,5063
  • ,04466 ,000 -,4697 -,1837

  Positif ,36333

  SEKP 5% -,07000 ,04466 ,446 -,2130 ,0730 SEKP 5% Kontrol

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,32667


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,36333

  SEKP 2,5%

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif

  Positif ,28000

  SEKP 5% ,08667 ,03756 ,175 -,0336 ,2070 SEKP 5% Kontrol

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,32333


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,28000

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif

  • ,32667
  • ,03283 ,000 -,8385 -,6282

  • ,73333
    • ,03283 ,000 -,4385 -,2282

  • ,33333
    • ,03283 ,000 -,5151 -,3049
    • ,03283 ,000 ,6282 ,8385
    • ,03283 ,000 ,2949 ,5051
    • ,03283 ,000 ,2182 ,4285
    • ,03283 ,000 ,2282 ,4385
    • ,03283 ,000 -,5051 -,2949

  • ,40000
    • ,03283 ,000 ,3049 ,5151
    • ,03283 ,000 -,4285 -,2182

  • ,32333
    • ,04308 ,000 -,9079 -,6321

  • ,77000
    • ,04308 ,000 -,5246 -,2487

  • ,38667
    • ,04308 ,000 -,5679 -,2921
    • ,04308 ,000 ,6321 ,9079
    • ,04308 ,000 ,2454 ,5213
    • ,04308 ,000 ,2021 ,4779
    • ,04308 ,000 ,2487 ,5246
    • ,04308 ,000 -,5213 -,2454

  • ,38333

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,34000


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,43000

  SEKP 2,5%


  ,07667 ,03283 ,169 -,0285 ,1818 H11 Kontrol Positif Kontrol

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif

  Positif ,41000

  SEKP 5% -,07667 ,03283 ,169 -,1818 ,0285 SEKP 5% Kontrol

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,32333


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,41000

  SEKP 2,5%


  ,07000 ,04466 ,446 -,0730 ,2130 H10 Kontrol Positif Kontrol

  SEKP 2,5%

  SEKP 5% -,04333 ,04308 ,751 -,1813 ,0946

  • ,04308 ,000 ,2921 ,5679

  • ,04308 ,000 -,4779 -,2021
    • ,34000

  • ,08276 ,000 -1,1017 -,5716
    • ,83667

  • ,08276 ,002 -,7250 -,1950
    • ,46000

  • ,08276 ,007 -,6484 -,1183
  • ,08276 ,000 ,5716 1,1017
  • ,08276 ,008 ,1116 ,6417
  • ,08276 ,003 ,1883 ,7184
  • ,08276 ,002 ,1950 ,7250
  • ,08276 ,008 -,6417 -,1116
    • ,37667

  • ,08276 ,007 ,1183 ,6484
  • ,08276 ,003 -,7184 -,1883
    • ,45333
    • ,07667 ,08276 ,792 -,3417 ,1884 H13 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif -,75667

  • ,04340 ,000 -,8956 -,6177
  • ,04340 ,000 -,5956 -,3177
    • ,45667

  • ,04340 ,001 -,4323 -,1544
  • ,04340 ,000 ,6177 ,8956
  • ,04340 ,001 ,1610 ,4390
  • ,04340 ,000 ,3244 ,6023
  • ,04340 ,000 ,3177 ,5956

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,46333


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,29333

  SEKP 2,5%

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif

  Positif ,38333

  SEKP 5% ,07667 ,08276 ,792 -,1884 ,3417 SEKP 5% Kontrol

  Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif


  SEKP 5% ,45333


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,38333

  SEKP 2,5%


  ,04333 ,04308 ,751 -,0946 ,1813 H12 Kontrol Positif Kontrol

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif


  • ,04340 ,001 -,4390 -,1610
    • ,30000

  • ,04340 ,023 ,0244 ,3023
  • ,04340 ,001 ,1544 ,4323
  • ,04340 ,000 -,6023 -,3244
    • ,46333

  • ,04340 ,023 -,3023 -,0244
    • ,16333

  • ,03274 ,000 -,9015 -,6918
    • ,79667

  • ,03274 ,000 -,7149 -,5051
    • ,61000

  • ,03274 ,000 -,4149 -,2051
  • ,03274 ,000 ,6918 ,9015
  • ,03274 ,002 ,0818 ,2915

  SEKP 5% ,48667

  SEKP 2,5%

  Positif ,50667

  SEKP 5% ,00000 ,04346 1,000 -,1392 ,1392 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol

  SEKP 2,5%

  H15 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,30000

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% -,31000

  SEKP 2,5%

  H14 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,16333

  Kontrol Negatif

  • ,03274 ,000 ,3818 ,5915
  • ,03274 ,000 ,5051 ,7149
  • ,03274 ,002 -,2915 -,0818
    • ,18667

  • ,03274 ,000 ,1951 ,4049
  • ,03274 ,000 ,2051 ,4149
  • ,03274 ,000 -,5915 -,3818
    • ,48667

  • ,03274 ,000 -,4049 -,1951
    • ,30000

  • ,04346 ,000 -,6458 -,3675
    • ,50667

  • ,04346 ,000 -,5192 -,2408

  • ,38000

  • ,04346 ,000 ,3675 ,6458

  ,12667 ,04346 ,075 -,0125 ,2658

  • ,04346 ,000 ,3675 ,6458
  • ,04346 ,000 ,2408 ,5192
    • ,12667 ,04346 ,075 -,2658 ,0125 SEKP 5% ,38000

  • ,04346 ,000 ,2408 ,5192
  • ,04346 ,000 -,6458 -,3675
    • ,50667

  • ,04346 ,000 -,5192 -,2408
    • ,38000

  • ,01958 ,000 -,4727 -,3473
    • ,41000

  • ,01958 ,000 -,2827 -,1573

  • ,22000
    • ,01958 ,000 ,3473 ,4727
    • ,01958 ,000 ,1273 ,2527
    • ,01958 ,000 -,2527 -,1273

  • ,19000
    • ,01958 ,000 ,1573 ,2827

  SEKP 2,5%

  H17 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  ,00000 ,01958 1,000 -,0627 ,0627 Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,22000

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,41000


  SEKP 2,5%

  Positif ,41000

  SEKP 5% ,00000 ,01958 1,000 -,0627 ,0627 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol

  SEKP 2,5%

  H16 Kontrol Positif Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5%

  ,00000 ,04346 1,000 -,1392 ,1392 Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 5% Kontrol Positif

  Kontrol Negatif


  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,50667

  • ,01958 ,000 ,3473 ,4727
  • ,01958 ,000 ,1573 ,2827

  • ,01958 ,000 -,4727 -,3473
    • ,41000

  • ,01958 ,000 -,2827 -,1573

  • ,22000
    • ,01080 ,000 -,4046 -,3354

  • ,37000

  ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346 SEKP 5% ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346

  • ,01080 ,000 ,3354 ,4046
  • ,01080 ,000 ,3354 ,4046
  • ,01080 ,000 ,3354 ,4046

  • ,01080 ,000 -,4046 -,3354
    • ,37000

  • ,01080 ,000 -,4046 -,3354
    • ,37000

  • ,00624 ,000 -,3333 -,2934
    • ,31333

  • ,00624 ,000 ,2934 ,3333
  • ,00624 ,000 ,2934 ,3333
  • ,00624 ,000 ,2934 ,3333
  • ,00624 ,000 -,3333 -,2934
    • ,31333

  • ,00624 ,000 -,3333 -,2934
    • ,31333

  • ,00408 ,000 -,2231 -,1969
    • ,21000

  ,00000 ,00624 1,000 -,0200 ,0200 H19 Kontrol Positif Kontrol

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif

  Positif ,00000 ,00624 1,000 -,0200 ,0200

  SEKP 5% ,00000 ,00624 1,000 -,0200 ,0200 SEKP 5% Kontrol

  ,00000 ,00624 1,000 -,0200 ,0200 Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,31333


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif

  ,00000 ,00624 1,000 -,0200 ,0200 SEKP 5% ,00000 ,00624 1,000 -,0200 ,0200

  SEKP 2,5%


  ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346 H18 Kontrol Positif Kontrol

  SEKP 2,5%

  Kontrol Negatif

  Positif ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346

  SEKP 5% ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346 SEKP 5% Kontrol

  ,00000 ,01080 1,000 -,0346 ,0346 Kontrol Negatif

  SEKP 2,5% Kontrol Positif

  SEKP 5% ,37000


  SEKP 2,5%


  Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Positif
