An Analysis Of Language Choice Used By 2009 Batch Students Of English Department University Of Sumatera Utara.




BY :







I declare that I am the sole author of this thesis except the references that I use in thesis are got from some related texts and books. This thesis is not published yet or extracted in whole or in a part from another thesis.

No other person’s have been used without due acknoeledgements in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted yet for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Name : Adisti Aulia Maryam Reg. Number : 060705046

Study Program: English Literature / Faculty of Letters Signed :



First of all, I want to thank to the One and Only, my Almighty God, Allah SWT for everything God give me, health, strength and ability to finish this thesis. For every bless and for every answered prayer. My Prophet, Rasulullah SAW, for inspiring me to live my life.

Secondly, I want to say thank you very much to the Dean of Faculty of Letters University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M. A. Then, to the Head of English Department, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum., who is also my academic advisor, and the secretary of English Department, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum., who have given me the opportunity and support to finish this thesis. What you give me in this almost four years is very precious. Thank you for your care and for all your help. I am also very thankful to my great supervisor, Drs. Ridwan Hanafiah, M.A and my co- supervisor, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D who have given their time to teach and guide me so that I can finish this thesis very well. All your advice and motivations given to me are so precious and useful for my improvement.

My father, H.Bambang Trileksono,S.T. I know Pa, how long you spend your time at the office and how tired it is. It is all for us, for me. For every debate, it makes me grow up. My mother, Hj.Elsye Murni Prihatini, she is my wonder woman. For every morning call, I will wait for it till the day we are separate. Pa, Ma, thank you so much for your unconditional love, tears, pray, support either moral or material. I hope your blessing and my desire always walk together. My sister Fanny Dyah Ningrum and my brother Henry Ario Hafitz. Sometimes I still see you as my little sister and brother but no, you are not. Welcome to the jungle of life, guys. You two are the best person to fight with and the best person to share with, thank you so much for being my sibling, I know you love me like I do. Quoted from a song, I will be your fortress tall and strong. God, please bless and protect my family forever.


A very huge thank you for 2009 batch as the population and samples that allow me to record your conversations, interfere you with my recorder, and thank you for being my friends. You guys are awesome! Hey, did I promise to give you a cake? Later, okay?

My 2006 batch, thank you so much for this friendship. My special thanks and appreciation to you all especially my best friends, Ummi Natsiroh Harahap, Rizki Amalianti, Maznil Khairi Purba, Ifadatunnisa, Rika Asmah, Saswita Vianty, Ahmad Zainardo Hasibuan, Mustakim (oh, I want to write all your name here!). Thank you for enlightening my life. Being your friend is one of the greatest moment in my life, I hope it will stand forever. Dewi Syahputri and Anggi Bahry Daulay ; these two mankinds really adjust my life. They are not only a friend for me, they are my another sister and brother. Thank you so much for everything you have given to me, for forgiving my mistake, for understanding my way, for every love. My pep-pills; Fauzy Ozi, Nadia Sabrina, Laurentia Cornelia, Noni Faulinda, Qiqi Hasibuan, Aji Nasution, Haryang Bakti, Icha Lubis and the Garuda Indonesia’s Hajj Flight Attendant 2010. Thank you for the pep-talks. Remember this line, ‘mungkin di kehidupan yang lalu kita ini bersahabat?’. I think it is true. Najmah Soraya Wahdani, for your big help, matur suwun sanget. Andrie Djarot for ‘go skripsi’, maybe you do not remember it (you have a lot of followers, remember?) but it means a lot to me. Friend is a sibling that we can choose by our self. Thank you so much. Last but not least, Mr. Samsul Bahri, thank you for all your help.

Finally, I realize there are still many weaknesses in my thesis. But I hope this thesis can give a contribution to the others. I am waiting for critics that help me to be better in the future.

Medan, August 2010 The Writer

Adisti Aulia Maryam



Skripsi ini berjudul an analysis of language choice used by 2009 batch students of English Department University of Sumatera Utara. Skripsi ini membahas masalah pilihan bahasa pada mahasiswa Sastra Inggris stambuk 2009 Universitas Sumatera Utara. Skripsi ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) bab; bab I pendahuluan (introduction) membahas tentang latar belakang, batasan masalah, permasalahan, tujuan penulisan, dan manfaat penulisan. Bab II membahas tentang tinjauan pustaka dan teori-teori tentang sociolinguistics, speech community, bilingualism, language choice, code, code mixing and code switching. Bab III membahas metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis. bab IV berisikan hasil analisis tentang penggunaan pilihan bahasa pada mahasiswa Sastra Inggris stambuk 2009. Bab V berisikan kesimpulan dan saran. Skripsi ini menggunakan Metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan metode penilitian lapangan (field research) dengan cara observasi langsung (participant observation) dengan moderate participation atau dimana penulis menjadi bagian dari sample namun tidak secara keseluruham. Observasi dilakukan dengan teknik merekam dan mencatat hal-hal yang terjadi ketika observasi berlangsung. Sample yang diteliti adalah mahasiswa Sastra Inggris stambuk 2009, proses Penelitian berlangsung selama 1 (satu) bulan terhitung sejak bulan Februari – Maret 2010. Berdasarkan masalah yang dibahas oleh Penulis dalam skripsi in, penulis ingin menemukan tipe alih kode, bentuk campur kode serta alasan yang digunakan oleh sample dalam melakukan alih kode maupun campur kode. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan penulis, tipe alih kode yang muncul ada 2 jenis, yaitu Intersentensial Switching dan Intra-Sentensial Switching dan yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Intrasentensial Switching (82,8%). Bentuk campur kode yang ditemukan terdiri dari word insertion, hybrid insertion, phrase insertion, dan reduplication insertion dan yang paling dominan adalah penyisipan bentuk kata (word insertion (55,7%)) dan alasan yang paling dominan adalah penggunaan istilah-istilah dari bidang tertentu, seperti social networking. Sementara alasan lain yang ditemukan adalah topic comment/relative clauses, reiteration, quotations and hedging.






I.1 Background of the analysis……….………1

I.2 Scope of the analysis………...6

I.3 Problems of the analysis………...6

I.4 Objectives of the analysis………...6

I.5 Significance of the analysis………7


II.2 Review of the Underlying Theories………..…9

a. Sociolinguistics……….….9

b. Speech Community………..11

c. Bilingualism……….13

d. Language Choice……….15

e. Code………16



III.1 Population and


III.2 Location and Time of Observation………...….27 III.3 Data collecting

Method………...27 III.4 Data analyzing



IV.1 Types of Code Switching………....………...32 a. Intersentensial Switching………...…….33 b. Intra-Sentensial Switching………...…...37 IV.1.1Explanation of Frequency of Occurrence

of Types of Code Switching in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature

Department 2009 Batch………..38 IV.2 Forms of Code Mixing……..………...39

IV.2.1Explanation of Frequency of Occurrence

of the Forms of Code Mixing in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature

Department 2009 Batch………..51 IV.3 Reasons Why 2009 Batch Students Use

Code Switching And Code Mixing………...52


b. Topic-Comment / Relative Clauses………...55

c. Reiteration………..56

d. Quotations………..56

e. Hedging………..57

f. Interjections………....…57


V.2 Suggestion……….…64




Table IV.1 Frequency of Occurrence of Types of Code Switching in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature Department 2009

Batch……….……….………32 Table IV.2 Frequency of Occurrence of Forms of Code Mixing in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature Department 2009

Batch……….……40 Table IV.3 Frequency of Occurrence of Reasons of Code Mixing and Code Switching in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature Department 2009 Batch……….…………53 Table IV.4 The Occurrence of the Reasons of Code Mixing and Code Switching in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature Department 2009 Batch……….……….58



Skripsi ini berjudul an analysis of language choice used by 2009 batch students of English Department University of Sumatera Utara. Skripsi ini membahas masalah pilihan bahasa pada mahasiswa Sastra Inggris stambuk 2009 Universitas Sumatera Utara. Skripsi ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) bab; bab I pendahuluan (introduction) membahas tentang latar belakang, batasan masalah, permasalahan, tujuan penulisan, dan manfaat penulisan. Bab II membahas tentang tinjauan pustaka dan teori-teori tentang sociolinguistics, speech community, bilingualism, language choice, code, code mixing and code switching. Bab III membahas metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis. bab IV berisikan hasil analisis tentang penggunaan pilihan bahasa pada mahasiswa Sastra Inggris stambuk 2009. Bab V berisikan kesimpulan dan saran. Skripsi ini menggunakan Metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan metode penilitian lapangan (field research) dengan cara observasi langsung (participant observation) dengan moderate participation atau dimana penulis menjadi bagian dari sample namun tidak secara keseluruham. Observasi dilakukan dengan teknik merekam dan mencatat hal-hal yang terjadi ketika observasi berlangsung. Sample yang diteliti adalah mahasiswa Sastra Inggris stambuk 2009, proses Penelitian berlangsung selama 1 (satu) bulan terhitung sejak bulan Februari – Maret 2010. Berdasarkan masalah yang dibahas oleh Penulis dalam skripsi in, penulis ingin menemukan tipe alih kode, bentuk campur kode serta alasan yang digunakan oleh sample dalam melakukan alih kode maupun campur kode. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan penulis, tipe alih kode yang muncul ada 2 jenis, yaitu Intersentensial Switching dan Intra-Sentensial Switching dan yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Intrasentensial Switching (82,8%). Bentuk campur kode yang ditemukan terdiri dari word insertion, hybrid insertion, phrase insertion, dan reduplication insertion dan yang paling dominan adalah penyisipan bentuk kata (word insertion (55,7%)) dan alasan yang paling dominan adalah penggunaan istilah-istilah dari bidang tertentu, seperti social networking. Sementara alasan lain yang ditemukan adalah topic comment/relative clauses, reiteration, quotations and hedging.




I.1 Background of the Analysis

Language is the first knowledge that humans know because since the first time they exist, they talk. They talk not like we do now, but they use their own language such as sign language. By the times, language changed. Human speech is different from the signals that are used by animals.

Bloomfield (1933 : 4) says that Plato (427- 347 b.c) in his dialogue Cratylus discusses the origin of words, and particularly the question whether the relation between things and the words which name them is a natural and necessary relation or merely the result of a human convention. Keraf (1983 : 2) notes that Dr.Jacob ever did research and concluded that :

“dengan demikian kami berpendapat bahwa bahasa berkembang perlahan-lahan dari system tertutup ke sistem terbuka antara 2 juta hingga ½ tahun yang lalu, tetapi baru dapat dianggap sebagai proto-lingua antara 100.000 hingga 40.000 tahun yang lalu.” “so, we argue that language growing slowly from the close system to the open system between two till half million ago, but it just considered as proto-lingua between 100.00 till 40.00 years ago”.

From the statements above, it is known that since ancient time people have used language. Language is not only about talking, but also writing is also part of language. So, when people write and talk, they use language.


According to Oxford dictionary, language is way of expressing ideas and feelings using movement, symbol and sounds; particular style of speaking and writing. From this definition we can see that language is divided into two, spoken language and written language. Spoken language is a form of communication in which words derived from a large vocabulary (usually at 10.000) together with a diverse variety of names are uttered through or with the mouth, while written language is the representation of a language by means of a writing system. (

Language has two major functions, they are interactional function and transactional function. Interactional function deals with how humans use language to interact each other socially or emotionally. Transactional function deals with whereby humans use their linguistics abilities to communicate knowledge, skills and information ( Yule, 1985 : 5-6).

Nowadays, there are so many experts who study about language that called linguistics. Linguistics comes from Latin ‘Lingua’ means ‘language’. In general, linguistics is a scientific study about language. Harimurti Kridalaksana in Kamus Linguistik - 3rd

“linguistik mendekati bahasa sebagai bahasa , sebagai satu sistem lambang bunyi yang bersifat arbitrer, unik, produktif, dinamis dan bervariasi”. ”linguistics approach language as language, as a sound symbol system that arbitrer, unique, productive, dynamic and has variation”.

edition notes that this term appears for the first time in scientific magazine that is edited by Johann Severin Vater and Friedrich Justin Bertuch. Then, Chaer ( 2007 : 13 ) says :

Linguistics itself has some branches, that is divided into microlinguistics and macrolinguistics. In microlinguistics, it can be consisted of descriptive linguistics and historical and comparative linguistics. Whereas in macrolinguistics we can divide it into two ; applied linguistics (such as ; lexicography, language pathology, machanolinguistics,


translation and so on) and interdisciplinary (such as ; phonetics, psycholinguistics, etnolinguistics, sociolinguistics etc).

One of linguistics branches that has a lot of cases to be analyzed is sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations. It ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak one to another. Sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language.


From the definition above, we know that language and human being as a social man can not be separated. In the writer’s mind, if human does not have any language, there is no civilization. But time to time, civilization becomes more developed especially in this globalization era. This globalization is also blowing the language world. Nowadays, human being is demanded to be able to speak in international language, such as English. Nowadays, kindergarten students even have started to learn English. This habit, then, will make people become bilingualism or multilingualism. Bilingualism is using two languages or two language codes, in sociolinguistics term bilingualism is using two language by a person in his / her activities by turns (Mackey 1962 : 12, Fishman 1975 : 73 in Chaer and Agustina 2004 : 84). Multilingualisme is a condition when people use more than two languages to interact with other people by turns ( Chaer and Agustina 2004 : 85).

In bilingualism condition, realized or not people usually do a language choice. Language choice is a variation of language that is used by a person when he / she talks to one or more other person influenced by some factors such as speaker ( age, sex, ethnic, class etc


), interaction ( topic, tone, situation etc), code ( source, genre etc ) and realization ( voice, body, mode etc ) ( Preston and Shuy 1980 : 2-13). In language choice there are some term exist. Quoted from Sumarsono and Paina (2002 : 200), language choice divided into three. They are :

1. Variation within the same language. It is applied to a variation in a language, for example; the variation of informal and formal Frenc in Europe and French in Quebec, Canada.

2. Code switching. It usually happen when a person can speak two or more language fluently. For example ; A has Batak language as his B1 and Indonesian as his B2 also A can speak English. In a trip A meets with D then he starts a conversation with Indonesian, but when A knows that D can speak Batak too, A sometimes speak in Batak language. Suddenly, A and D meet with a tourist and he asks them about something in English. Automatically, A and D speak in English. What A does is a code switching and what language A uses is depending on some factors such as participants, topic, setting, etc.

3. Code mixing. Code mixing is similar with intervension from a language to other language. In code mixing, the speaker insert unsures of another language such as word or phrase when he / she speaks in a language.

Talking about code mixing and code switching, there are some types of code mixing and code switching. Tom McArthur in his article proposes four types of code switching, they are : tag-switching, intra-sentential switching, intersentensial switching and intra-word switching. While Suwito (1983) in Umar and Napitupulu (1994 : 14) divided code mixing into two : innercode mixing and outercode mixing. Code mixing also has forms insertion into


78) in Maulidini (2007 : 23)). Besides types, people has reasons why they use code mixing and code switching when they are speaking. Bhatia & Ritchie (2004) in Kim Eunhee’s article state that there are some factors influence someone do a code mixing or code switching such as with whom, about what, and when and where a speech act occurs, bilinguals make their language choice.

In daily conversation, spoken or written language, formal or informal situation, realized or not, people use code switching and code mixing. For example in the dialogue below that taken from a Short Message Service’s dialogue between the writer and her friend.

1. A : yaelah gara-gara itunya, halah halah.. eh btw, thanks ya ceritamu

tadi membuatku tersenyum, I cried just before we are in dialogue

B : kenapa nangis?


The underlined sentences are code switching because A first replies what B tells her, then suddenly the topic is changed though it’s still related and she uses English fully, naturally. Then B replies the message also use code switching because the situation is influenced by A.

your tears is so expensive to throw away.

2. Hah? di remove? kalo aku kalo ada yang kek gitu mending post

dia di



The underlined words are code mixing because in one sentence, speaker uses some English words when she speaks in Indonesian. those words are terms in facebook and the speaker


uses those words because she talks about something that happens in facebook. This code mixing usually is not realized by the speaker.

From those examples, the writer is interested in doing a research about language choice because this is a social indication that happens in daily life but just few people concern with it. If this indication is exist for a long time, it can cause the language shift even the language death.

I.2 Scope of the Analysis

Based on the fore mentioned background of analysis and facts that the writers finds, actually there are some interesting cases that can be analyzed but the writer only focuses on the language choice of the students of English Literature Department 2009 batch that shows the code switching and code mixing, between Indonesian Language and English in their daily social activities but still in college area.

I.3 Problems of the Analysis

Based on the scope of this thesis, there are three questions appeared, they are :

1. What are the types of code switching found in daily social activities of 2009 batch?

2. What are the forms of code mixing found in daily social activities of 2009 batch?


I.4 Objectives of the Analysis

Related to the problems above, this research tries to find out and describe these things:

1. To find out the types of code switching using by 2009 batch.

2. To find out the forms of code mixing using by 2009 batch

3. To find out the reasons why 2009 batch using code mixing and code switching.

I.5 Significance of the Analysis

There are two significances of the analysis of this thesis, they are :

1. Academically, the writer hopes that this thesis can enrich the linguistics and language research field especially in sociolinguistics area.

2. Practically, this thesis can give more data about language choice that is used by a group of community, especially from undergraduate students group which can be used as one of data for language maintenance, language shift or language death.




This chapter presents theories that underlie the analysis of this thesis and also related studies that support the analysis.

II.1 Related Studies

There are some scholars who ever did the research about language choice that relates to the topic. They are :

Greenfield (1972) has done a research about language choice in Puerto Rico Spain neighborhood that speak two language, Spanish and English. Greenfield limits his research in three components; participant, setting and topic. (Sumarsono and Paina 2002 : 205).

Simon Herman (1968) has done a research about language choice from psychology perspective. He sees a bilingual person surely faces three psychological situations when he speaks to other person ; private necessary, immediate situational and background situation. (Sumarsono and Paina 2002 : 210).

Yusriadi Usman (2006) has done an analysis of language choice in his thesis entitled The Use of Vernacular Language Among The Gayo Students At North Sumatera Univeristy. In his thesis, he finds that most Gayonese students use mixing language (Gayo-Indonesia) in formal meeting but different from formal occasion, in non-formal meeting, they use different language for different circumstances.

Najmah Soraya Wahdani (2008) in her thesis entitled Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in the Novel Macarin Anjing by Christian Simamora, has done an analysis about code switching and code mixing using Hoffman’s theory oftypes and reasons of code switching and code mixing. In addition, she also uses Saville-Troike’s theory of reasons of code switching and code mixing.


Ratna Maulidini (2007) in her thesis entitled Campur Kode sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Customer Service (studi kasus Nokia Care Centre Bimasakti Semarang), has done analysis about the using of code mixing in customer service area. She observes the type, forms, factors and function of code mixing that found in customer service conversations with the clients.

II.2 Review of the Underlying Theory a. Sociolinguistics

Before we have detail description of theory that is related to this thesis, we should know what sociolinguistics is. Sociolinguistics consists of two knowledge ; sociology and linguistics. There are some definitions of sociology. David Popenoe in his book Sociology says sociology is the systematic and objective study of society and social behavior (1986 : 4). Soerjono Soekanto ( 2006 : 17-18 ) in his book “Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar” also quotes some scholars about the definition of sociology. The writer uses Pitirim Sorokin and Roucek and Warren. Pitirim Sorokin says :

“Sosiologi adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari : 1) hubungan dan pengaruh timbal balik antara aneka macam gejala-gejala sosial. 2) hubungan dan pengaruh timbal balik antara gejala social dengan gejala non-sosial. 3) ciri-ciri umum semua jenis gejala-gejala sosial”. “sociology is a scientific study about : 1) the connection and reciprocal influence between the various social indications. 2) the connection and reciprocal influence between social indication and nonsocial indication. 3) the general characteristics of all variation of social indications.”

While Roucek and Warren say that sociology is “ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antara manusia dalam kelompok”. “sociology is the scientific study about the relationship between humans in society”.


Thio (1986 : I1) also proposes sociology as the scientific of human behavior. It shows us how people interact with each other, how groups or societies diferr, and how these social units affect human behavior. From his statement, we can conclude that language is one of the way to interact with each other and also affect human behavior.

From those definitions we know the object study of sociology is the relationship between people and the changing of society. The society itself is a highly structured system of human orgabization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its member. (

Like the writer writes above, sociolinguistics consists of two knowledge ; sociology and linguistics. Bussmann et all ( 2000 : 284 ) proposes linguistics as scientific discipline with the goal of describing language and speech in all relevant theoretical and practical aspects and their relation to adjoining disciplines. While Hudson (in Umar and Napitupulu 1994 : 1) say that “linguistik adalah disiplin yang mempelajari struktur bahasa tanpa mengkaji konteks sosial tempat struktur itu dipelajari atau digunakan”. “ linguistics is a scientific discipline about language structure without examine the social context where the structure is learned or used”.

We can say that sociology talks about human in a society, and in a simple definition, we can define linguistics as the study of language. There is a relationship between sociology and linguistics, that formulated as sociolinguistics.

Hudson (1996 : 4) says, sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society’, implying (intentionally) that sociolinguistics is part of the study of language.

M. Amrin Siregar also proposes that sociolinguistics is a branch or sub-discipline of linguistics which studies all aspects of the relationship between language and society ( 2000 : 1 ).


Bussman et all says that sociolinguistics is scientific discipline develop from the co-operation of linguistics and sociology that investigated the social meaning of the language system and of language use, and the common set of conditions of linguistics and social structure ( 2000 : 439 ).

Then, Fishman (in Chaer and Agustina 1995 : 4) says sociolinguistics as the study of characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their function, and the characteristics of their speaker as these three constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech community.

Milroy and Milroy in their article “Language In Society : Sociolinguistics” (in Collinge (ed.) 1990 : 485) say sociolinguistics is the study of language as it is used by real speakers in social and situational contexts of use.

So, we can conclude that sociolinguistics is interdisciplinary study which studies about the relationship between language and social factors in a speech community.

b. Speech Community

Every person comes from a community that has its own characteristic include the way they talk. The members of community might be to speak the same language, same dialect or same varieties. A group of this people is known as speech community. Bloomfield (1933 : 42) offers the simple definition of speech community. He says that a speech community is a group of people who interact by means of speech. In addition, Hudson (1998 : 24) also defines speech community as all people who speak a single language and so share notions of what is same or different in phonology or grammar.

Gumperz (1971) says (in Wardhaugh, 1986 : 116) that speech community is : Any human aggregate characterized by regular and frequent interaction by means of a shared body of verbal signs and set off from similar aggregates by significant differences in language use.


Most groups of any permanence, by they small bands bounded by face-to-face contact, modern nations divisible into smaller subregions, or even occupational associations or neighborhood gangs, may be treated as speech communities, provided they show linguistics peculiarities that warrant special study.

In other words, the member of a speech community not only have to share a set of grammatical rules, but also there must be regular relationship between language use and social structure.

Furthermore, Labov (in Wardhaugh 1986 : 115) defines speech community as follows:

The speech community is not defined by any marked agreement in the use of language elements, so much as by participation in a set of shared norms; these norms may be observed in overt types of evaluative behavior, and by the uniformity of abstract patterns of variation which are invariant in respect to particular levels of usage.

The members of the same speech community should share linguistic norms. That is, they share understanding and values of attitudes toward language varieties present in their community. A speech community is not more than some kinds of social group whose speech characteristics are of interest and can be described in a coherent manner (Wardhaugh, 1986: 113).

In a speech community, for sure there is a speech acts. Chaer and Agustina defines speech act as terjadinya atau berlangsungnya interaksi linguistic dalam suatu bentuk ujaran atau lebih yang meilbatkan dua pihak, yaitu penutur dan lawan tutur, dengan satu pokok tuturan, di dalam waktu, tempat dan situasi tertentu. “ a linguistics interaction in one or more speech form, involving two person, speaker and listener, with a particylar topic, in a particular time, place and situation.” (1995 : 46)


c. Bilingualism

Having been mentioned previously, bilingualism is using two languages or two language codes, in sociolinguistics term bilingualism is using two languages by a person in his / her activities by turns (Mackey 1962 : 12, Fishman 1975 : 73 in Chaer and Agustina 2004 : 84). And Hudson (1998 : 45) defines bilingual as a person who has some functional ability in a second language.

Weinreich (1970:1) in Umar and Napitupulu (1994 : 8) limits bilingualism as “praktik penggunaan dua bahasa secara bergantian”. “bilingualism is using two languages by turns”. This definition proposed by Weinreich is also valid for multilingualism.

Nababan (1993 : 27) differs bilingualism and bilinguality. According to him, bilingualism is a habitual to use two languages to interact with other people. Bilinguality is an ability to use two languages. So, we can conclude that bilingualism is a habitual, bilinguality is an ability and bilingual is the person.

The bilinguals have a repertoire of domain-related rules of language choice (Spolsky, 1998: 47), means that bilinguals are able to choose which language they are going to use in a social condition. A bilingual is able to switch or mix their language at a different location, different role relationship or different topic.

There are some factors why a person can be a bilingual. Such as mobilization, nationalism, education, culture, or religion. Mobilization can make a bilingualism condition when an immigrant have to interact with the native, they will learn the native language. Nationalism movement appears a necessity of a national language to unite a whole nation or a necessity to have a legal language of a country like Indonesia. Education and culture can also make a bilingualism situation if those languages and cultures spread to other places, so persons who want to learn about it have to understand the language first. The religion is usually written in a language, Arabic in Islam or Latin in Christian. It makes we have to


understand about the language if we want to understand about it. (Umar and Napitupulu 1994 : 9-10)

Spolsky (1998 : 48) divides bilingualism into two : coordinate and compound. While Weinreich (1970 in Umar and Napitupulu 1994 : 10-11) divides bilingualism into three : coordinate, compound and subordinate. Spolsky defines coordinate bilingualism as who had learned each language in separate contexts, and so kept them distinct and compound bilingualism as whose two languages were assumed to be closely connected, because one language had been learned after (and so through) the other. Weinreich defines compound and coordinate bilingualism similar with Spolsky did. While subordinate bilingualism according to him describes the tendency of bilinguals to interpret the same words in a dominant language and a weak language based on the meaning in dominant language.

In Indonesia, it is clear that everybody is practically bilingual. In the cities and towns people speak one vernacular or local language and Indonesian. But nowadays, for some populations, especially in urban centers, competence in speaking three languages (local language, Indonesian and foreign language) is common. This happens because official matter, business and government affair are conducted in urban center. People tend to use formal Indonesian or foreign language such as English when they have to face official business matter or government affair, and they usually use their mother tounge when they speak in an informal situation.

d. Language Choice

In a bilingualism or multilingualism society, there are some codes, such as language, dialect, variation and style that used in social interaction. With those codes, a person can or will choose a code according to some factors. This process called language choice. This language choice depends on some factors such as participants, setting, topic and so on (


Sumarsono and Paina 2002 : 199). Evan-Tripp (1972) in Faturrohman (2009) identified four main factors in language choice, they are : setting (time and place) and situation, participants in the interaction, topic of the conversation and interaction functions. The first factor such as the situation of dinner with family or dinner with client will make a difference in a language choice. The second factor is something like age, gender, job and so on. The third factor depends on the topic, like the law case nowadays, family matters. The fourth factor is interaction function like request, habit, giving an information.

Some scholars have done a research about it and find some reasons why people do a language choice. Brown-Ford (1961), Sibayan (1984), and Rubin (1972) do it and we can conclude that in some reasons, they are : intimacy level, social statue, situation (formal or informal), and location.

Geertz (1960) also does a research about language choice in Javanese community. He does a research in intradialect bilinguals and finds that not only the qualitative characteristics of bilingualism such as age, gender, family relations, job, economic level, education, religion or family background, but also the more general factors like ; social background ( Javanese will use the highest kind of Java language in a wedding than in a market) , content of the conversation (Javanese will use the lower kind of Java language when they are talking about economics and use the highest one when they are talking about faith) , the history of social relationship between the speakers (Javanese will use the hughest kind of Java language when they are speaking with someone who ever fought with them) and the attendance of the third person ( Javanese usually use the highest kind of Java language for all the participant when there is a third person). (Umar and Napitupulu 1994 : 24-25)

In a language choice, there are three categories. First, choosing one variation from the same language (intra language variation), for example Ngoko and Kromo in Java Language. Second, do a code switching. Third, do a code mixing.


e. Code

People use a language as a code to communicate to others. The term ‘code’ is useful for common people to understand because it is neutral and general. When people open their mouth to speak, they have to choose a particular code to express their thought or feeling. In this case, the particular code is a particular language, dialect, style, register or variety. Code itself is a system used for communication between two or more parties. (Wardhaugh 1986 : 86, 99)

The term ‘code’, as defined by Stephen Littlejohn in Theories of Human Communication (2002), refers to a set of organizing principles behind the language employed by members of a social group. (

In code world, Basil Bernstein makes a significant contribution to the study of Communication with his sociolinguistic theory of language codes. Sociolinguistics theory developed by him that is based on the premise that different classes within a society are marked by different types of social relations. From such relations different ‘codes’ arise which, through a process of linguistics socialization, have a stabilizing effect upon the social structure. Corresponding to the class divisions of society is the linguistics dichotomy of an ‘elaborated’ (middle-class) code and a ‘restricted’ (lower-class) code (Bussmann et all 2000 : 79). Littlejohn (2002) suggests that Bernstein’s theory shows how the language people use in daily conversation both reflects and shapes the assumptions of a certain social group. Furthermore, relationships established within the social group affect the way that group uses language, and the type of speech that is used. (

Dell Hymes (in Kunjana 2001 : 29-35, in Chaer and Agustina 1995 : 62) in his writing ‘Models of Interaction of language and Social Life’ shows there are some components that influence in code choice in a speech. He calls it Component of Speech. First, this model has


sixteen components that can be applied to many sorts of discourse, but then Hymes makes it

into eight and constructed the

S (settings) refers to time and place of a speech act. In general, it includes the situation of speech acts.

P (participants) refers to the persons who involve in the speech acts. They can be a speaker or listener. In code choice, this component of speech involves two social dimension of human, they are : horizontal dimension (solidarity) it is about the relationship between speaker and listener, and vertical dimension (power) it is about social factors such as age, class social, social statue, and etc.

E (ends) refers to the purpose, goal and outcomes of speech act.

A (act sequences) refers to form and order of the event or to the type and the content of speech act.

K (key) refers to the tone and the manner dealing with how message is delivered.

I (instrumentalities) refers to the channels and form of speech. Channels can be written or oral language or even symbols. Form of speech can be kind of language such as the language varieties.

N (norms) divided into two : interaction norms and interpretations norms. Those are refers to the norm and rules of interacting and interpreting in a speech act. Social rules governing the event and the participants' actions and reaction.

G (genres) refers to the kind of speech act or event. Such as conversation, telling a story, speech and so on. If the genre is different, the code that we use is different too.


f. Code Switching and Code Mixing

In bilingual or multilingual society, most of the speakers have more than a language to speak. Bilinguals can choose what language they are going to use. In this line, Spolsky (1998:46) says “the bilinguals have a repertoire of domain-relate rules of language choice”. In other words, bilinguals can vary their choice of language to suit the existing situation and condition in order to communicate effectively. People then are usually forced to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes (Wardhaugh, 1986: 100). This process usually called code switching and code mixing.

Haugen (1956) says code switching occurs when a bilingual introduces a completely unassimilated word from another language into his speech

Code Switching

Siregar (2000 : 13) states that code switching is a change by a speaker (or writer) from one language or language variety to another one.

Suwito (1983) as quoted by Umar and Napitupulu (1994 : 13) divided code switching into two : intern and extern. Intern occurs interlanguage, interdialect, or interstyle in a language, for example from Ngoko to Kromo in Java language. Extern is that switching occurs between foreign language and native language, for example Indonesian to English. There are another types of code switching that based on the distinction which applies to style shifting. Situational code switching and Metaphorical code switching. Wardhaugh (1986: 103) states that situational code switching occurs when the languages used change according to the situation in which the conversants find themselves: they speak one language in one situation and another in a different one. When a change of topic requires a change in


language used, we have metaphorical code switching. While Tom McArthur in his article (1998) divided code switching into four major types :

a) Tag-switching, in which tags and certain set phrases in one language are inserted into an utterance otherwise in another, as when a Panjabi/English bilingual says: It's a nice day, hana? (hai nā isn't it

b) Intra-sentential switching, in which switches occur within a clause or sentence boundary, as when a Yoruba/English bilingual says:


Won o arrest a single person (won o

c) Intersentential switching, in which a change of language occurs at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or the other, as when a Spanish/English bilingual says:

they did not).

Sometimes I'll start a sentence in English y termino en español

d) Intra-word switching, in which a change occurs within a word boundary, such as in (and finish it in Spanish). This last may also occur as speakers take turns.

shoppã (English shop with the Panjabi plural ending) or kuenjoy (English enjoy with the Swahili prefix ku, meaning ‘to’).

The other phenomenon closely related to code switching is code mixing. Code mixing occurs when a conversation use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance (Wardhaugh, 1986: 103). It means that the conversants just change some of the elements in their utterance. Code mixing can involve various mixing levels of language, such as phonology, morphology or lexical items.


In his book “sociolinguistics”, R.A.Hudson (1996 : 53) states that in code switching the point at which the languages change corresponds to a point where the situation changes, either on its own or precisely because the language changes. There are other cases, however, where a fluent bilingual talking to another fluent bilingual changes language without any change at all in the situation. This kind of alternation is called code mixing.

Siregar (2000 : 13) says in code mixing, there is a main code or a basic code which is used and has function and autonomy, while the other codes involved in a speech event constitute pieces only without any function or autonomy as a code. Some people said that if we talk in two languages in a time, it means actually we can not speak in both languages well. But Wardhaugh (1986 : 104) states :

Conversational code-mixing is not just ahaphazard mixing of two languages brought about by laziness or ignorance or some combination of these. Rather, it quires conversant to have a sophisticated knowledge of both languages and to be acutely aware of community norms. These norms require that both languages be used in this way so that conversants can show their familiarity and solidarity.

Code mixing also has some type. Suwito (1983) in Umar and Napitupulu (1994 : 14) divided code mixing into two : innercode mixing and outercode mixing. Innercode mixing is sourced from the native language with all its variations (formal, standard, informal or non-standard). While outercode mixing is sourced from foreign language. In this thesis, because the scope is clear that the writer only focus on Indonesian and English language, automatically the only type of code mixing here is the outercode mixing.


Code mixing is usually occurs in the middle of a sentence. According to Suwito (1985 : 78) in Maulidini (2007 : 23), based on the unsure of language that involve in it, there are some forms of code mixing, they are1

a) W

ord insertion


The insertion of words here means inserting words from another language into a dominant language that used in a conversation.

Example : “biar pikiran menjadi fresh

b) P

hrase insertion

sebelum kamu masuk kelas”

A phrase is a group of words without a verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence. Phrase insertion here a sequence of words, which used to refer to a sequence of words functioning as a single unit.

Example : “semua karyanya selalu sukses membangkitkan the feel-good vibe

c) I

diom or expression insertion

di dalam diri kita”

Idiom is a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. While expression is a


word or pharse or term from particular field. It means inserting an idiom or a term from particular field from another language into the conversation.

Example : “cewek pengagum Biyan ini memproduksi koleksi ready-to-wear

harga terjangkau”


d) H

ybrid insertion

Literally, hybrid is a thing made by combining two different elements. In this case, hybrid is the combination between native and foreign form. Such as, combine the prefix from one language with a word from another language.

Example : “feature-nya

e) R

eduplication insertion

juga makin banyak”

Reduplication is a repetition of word.

Example : “barang-barang yang tersedia juga merupakan brand-brand terkenal”


Bilinguals often do code mixing and code switching when communicating with another person who also bilingual. It happens for a number of reasons. Bhatia & Ritchie (2004) in Kim Eunhee’s article state that there are some factors influence someone do a code mixing or code switching such as with whom, about what, and when and where a speech act occurs, bilinguals make their language choice. In depth, they state :

a) Participant Roles and Relationship

Participant roles and relationships play a very critical role in bilinguals’ unconscious agreement and disagreement on language choice. That is whether bilinguals code-mix or not, depends on whom they talk to.

b) Situational Factors

Some language are viewed as more suited to particular participant / social groups, settings or topics to other. They also postulate that social variables such as class, religion, gender, and age can influence the pattern of language mixing and switching both qualitatively and quantitatively.

c) Message-Intrinsic Factors

There are some factors which generate code-mixing and code-switching such as :

• Quotations : direct quotations usually make a bilingual mix or switch their language. In Indonesia, most of quotes come from a well-known figures from some English-speaking countries. So, they usually switch their language when they have to say a quotation.


• Reiteration : when a bilingual wants to clarify her speech to someone, she tries to find another word that has a same meaning through switch or mix her language and make the listener understand it.

• Topic-comment / Relative clauses : sometimes, people can start a conversation with a language then comment on it or end it through another language. Nishimura (1989) found that in Japanese – English bilinguals, sometimes a topic is introduced in Japanese and the comment is given in English.

• Hedging: when bilinguals do not want their speech is understood by other, they usually mix or switch their language.

• Interjections : inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors. People cam sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connectors. It may happen unintentionally or intentionally.

• idioms and deep-rooted cultural wisdom : it has same function with direct quotations, but it is about idioms, a very common words or wisdom words.

d) Language Attitudes, Dominance, and Security

Language Attitudes, Dominance, and Security determine the qualitative and quantitative properties of language mixing. Attitudes means the frequency of mix and switch depends on whether a society considers it positively or not. Dominance means how often people mix or switch their language depends on how much they mastering those both languages. Security means when people do not feel secure, they tend to mix language more.




The method of this thesis is qualitative research. As quoted from Sugiyono (2009 : 14), qualitative research is :

“metode penelitian kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat postpositivisme, digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi obyek yang alamiah, (sebagai lawannya adalah eksperimen) dimana peneliti adalah sebagai instrument kunci, pengambilan sampel sumber data dilakukan secara purposive dan snowball, tekhnik pengambilan dengan trianggulasi (gabungan), analisis data bersifat induktif / kualitatif, dan hasil penelitian kualitatif lebih menekankan makna daripada generalisasi”. Qualitative research method is a research method that based on posypositivism philoshopy, used to observ in natural object condition where the researcher is the key instrument, the technique of sampling through purposive and snowball, to collect the data using triangulation, the data analysis is inductively / qualitatively, and meaning is the essential of qualitative research.

Bodgan and Biklen (1982) propose five characteristics of qualitative research as quoted from Sugiyono (2009 : 21), they are :

a. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and researcher is the key instrument.

b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures rather than number.

c. Qualitative research are concerns with process rather than simply with outcomes or products.


d. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.

e. “meaning” is essential to the qualitative approach.

The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the five characteristics of qualitative research as proposed by Bodgan and Bilken, this research will show the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the collecting data and will be collected in words form.

III.1 Population and Sample

To do this research, the writer needs population and sample. The population in this thesis is the students of English Department 2009 batch, but because the writer will do a qualitative research then the writer will choose some samples, by purposive sampling technique. This technique makes the writer can take the sample with a special consideration.

Based on the characteristic that Bodgan and Biklen propose, we can say that qualitative research is naturalistic research. Lincoln and Guba (1985) say that “naturalistic sampling is, then, very different from conventional sampling. It is based on informational, not statistical, considerations. Its purpose is to maximize information, not to facilitate generalization”. Lincoln and Guba also say special characters of purposive sample are :

1) Emergent sampling design, 2) Serial selection of sample units, 3) continuous adjustment, 4) selection to the point of redundancy. So, the sample is decided when the researcher or the writer start the research. The writer chooses some people that are considered will give the data that the writer need. After that, from those samples, the writer will choose more people to be the sample to give more complete data. But, in purposive sampling, samples are chosen


by information consideration. Further, Lincoln and Guba say “if the purpose is to maximize information, then sampling is terminated when no new information is forth-coming from newly samples units; thus redundancy is the primary criterion”. (Sugiyono 2009 : 301-302)

From the technique explained above, the writer has done the first observation to find out who are the best students who can give the complete data. Those students are students who speak English active and quite fluently. Then, they are in one group which is one of reason why people do code mixing and code switching.

The clear amount of the samples is not given yet, because it is still temporary.

III.2 Location and Time of Observation

The observation is located in area of Faculty of Letters University of Sumatera Utara, Jalan Universitas no.1 Medan when the samples have no class and the observation is held on February 2010 - March 2010 between 10 am to 2 pm.

III.1.3 Data Collecting Method

Since this research is a descriptive qualitative research, the main instrument of this research is the writer herself as the key-human-instrument. Quoted from Sugiyono (2009 : 306), Lincoln and Guba (1986) say “ the instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human. We shall see that other forms of instrumentation may be used in later phases of the inquiry, but the human is the initial and continuing mainstay. But if the human instrument has been used extensively in earlier stages of inquiry, so that an instrument can be constructed that is grounded in the data that the human instrument has product”. Therefore, the researcher or the writer as key-human-instrument has functions to decide the focus of research, choosing the samples, collecting the data, analyzing the data, and making a conclusion of the


In qualitative research, there are some ways in collecting the data, they are : interview, observation, and documentary (Sugiyono, 2009 : 309). In doing research, data can be divided into two : primary and secondary data. Primary data is data that directly taken from the observation time. Whereas secondary data is data that taken from the documentary of the sample, for example : the history life of samples. In this thesis, the writer will use one of three ways in collecting data. Observation is done to get the primary data.

Sanafiah Faisal (1990) makes a classification of observation then Spradley in Susan Stainback (1988) divides participant observation into four ( Sugiyono, 2009 : 310 - 313 ), they are :

Based on the chart, the writer will do the participant observation with moderate participation. Moderate participation means that the researcher maintains a balance between being insider and outsider (Sugiyono 2009 : 312), so the writer then will follow some activities of the samples but not all of them. To help the writer collects the data, the writer uses another instrument which is camcorder to record the dialogue of the samples in their daily social activities.


a. Descriptive Observation ; in this step, the researcher or the writer do a general and complete exploration, describe all the writer see, listen and feel. This observation usually called grand tour observation.

b. Focused Observation ; usually called mini tour observation, it means this observation is limited to focus on certain aspects.

c. Selected observation ; in this step, the researcher or the writer has explained the focus that has found, so the data will be more specific.

In qualitative research, collecting data done in natural setting, primary source data, and data collecting technique is more done through participant observation. (Sugiyono 2009 : 309).

III.1.4 Data Analyzing Method

After all the data are collected and then transcribe into a good script, the next step is data analysis, where the collected data are analyzed using the following steps:

a. Coding the data based on the types, forms and the reasons of code switching and code mixing. The analysis uses the the four types of code switching as proposed by Tom McArthur, then uses the forms of code mixing as proposed by Suwito. The writer also uses the reasons for code mixing and code switching as proposed by Kim Eunhee.

b. Discussing and summarizing the findings. In this step, the writer shows how many of the four types of code switching and the forms of code mixing are found in the dialogues of the samples in their daily social activities. Also, the researcher shows how many of the four reasons of language mixing and switching in it.


data, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. Bungin (2001: 187) states “ analysis deskriptif terdiri atas tiga, yaitu: a) Frekuensi Distribusi, b) Tendensi Sentral, c) Standard Deviasi”. Descriptive analysis is divided into three, they are : a) Distributive Frequency. B) Central Tendency, c) Standard Deviation.

For this research, the writer chooses distribusi Frekuensi in calculating the data. Bungin (2001 : 188) states distributive frequency is “perhitungan data dengan destribusi frekuensi ini dapat dilakukan dengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut kemudian frekuensi itu dipersentasekan”. Calculating data with distributive frequency is calculating the frequency of the data then the frequency is percentaged.

From the explanation above, the writer gets the dominant point through the following formula from Bungin (2005 : 171-172) :







total frequency of code mixing or code switching in percent.


N : Total types of all categories.




After do the research in February until March, the writer get some conversations from 28 samples. Actually, the population are all of the students of English Department 2009 batch that number in 55 students. The writer only take 28 students, because these students are they who allows their conversation is recorded and they are fluently enough in speaking English. Then the fact is this 28 samples are they are who do language choice during the observation.

After transcribe the data, the writer only focus on 22 conversations that show the code switching and code mixing. Then the writer analyze it using the theory as shown in chapter II, and now the writer presents the findings of the research and the discussions of the findings in this chapter.

Based on the research objections, the discussion in this chapter include : i) the types of code switching using by 2009 batch, ii) the forms of code mixing using by 2009 batch, iii) and the reasons why 2009 batch using code mixing and code switching.

In every subtitle, the expressions that contain code switching and code mixing that are suitable with the subtitle are printed in boldface.


IV.1 The Types of Code Switching Using by 2009 Batch in Daily Social Activities

As presented in chapter II, there are four types of code mixing proposed by Tom McArthur. Each of the data has been analyzed to find out which of the four types that can be found in the conversations between the samples. Before going to the explanation, the writer presents the table which contains the frequency of the occurrence of the types of code switching.

Table IV.1 Frequency of Occurrence of Types of Code Switching in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature Department 2009 Batch.

No. Types of Code Switching Frequency Percentages

1. Intersentensial Switching 58 82,8 %

2. Intra-Sentensial Switching 12 17,2 %

3. Tag-Switching 0 0 %

4. Intra-Word Switching 0 0 %

TOTAL 70 100 %

The table shows that most samples use intersentential switching in their conversation. This type occurs 58 times (82,8 %). Then, in the second place is intra-sentential switching which occurs 12 times (17,2 %). Next, tag-switching occurs 0 times (0 %). And the last type, intra-word switching occurs 0 times (0 %).


a. Intersentensial Switching

This kind of code switching occurs at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or the other. This last may also occur as speakers take turns. There are 34 sentences that belong to intersentensial switching, they are :

Conversation 1

Sent. 8 : “iya dia jadinya kok ulang tahun stress kali hari ini kan gitu.. Hallo.. ini hari ini tanggal 25 ya? Tanggal 25? Bertepatan dengan ulang tahunnya Savrijal, anak 09, kita lagi rencanain nih.. so we try to make a plan this birthday ya.. pokoknya, give him a surprise, this.. best birthday in her life.


Sent. 9 :Her life?

Sent. 10 : His life his life, jadi kita we try to make aaa…. Little play laa.. jadi kita lagi nyusun. ikutin aja apa yang bakal kita buat savrijal, jadi savrijal happy birthday..

Sent. 12 : Pokoknya kita hari ini mau buat kamu menderita, sedih, sumpah pokoknya mau mati aja. Tapi pokoknya ujungnya ini akan jadi ulang tahun terindah buat kamu, we love you Jal..

Sent. 14 : According to me, at 5 p.m

Conversation 2 :

Sent. 15 : five thirty..

Sent. 16 : Five thirty…


Sent. 19 : At the campus, certainly..

Sent. 20 : In front of sasing...

Sent. 26 : Bukan makan bakso arema... it's not mean that we are eating bakso arema. noo...

Sent. 6 : Facial, facial…

Conversation 4 :

Sent. 58 : You should introduce yourself in Korea.

Sent. 62 : Ehmm... i am forget..

Sent. 37 : Ha.. you're so beautiful.. Conversation 5 :

Sent. 42 : What are you.. oh no, wait wait... ehmm... okey, do you want to make what is that? from... what do you want to do with this picture, i mean that with this video?..

Sent. 55 : Oh iya, i want to tell you that.. what is that? ehm.. hari ini aku lagi mood dan terus... aaa.... uda kakak...

Sent. 4 : all city, fireflash.. all city fireflash! yang betul la.. Conversation 8 :

Sent. 20 : kayaknya ini uang haram kan, aku ga mungkin berkecimpung didunia ini terus. Udah saatnya, hey you have to stop, gitu kan. kira-kira apa yang bisa dijual..


Sent. 3 : where?

Sent. 50 : okay..

Sent. 40 : what's the best place for you?

Conversation 10 :

Sent. 47 :what's the best experience in place?

Sent. 51 : iya.. I ever go to Bali katanya gitu.. 2 kali atau 3 kali hari itu wall kami.. cakep dia loh..

Conversation 14 :

Sent. 62 : where is my water?

Sent. 67 : erase.. erase..

Sent. 70 : You are so foul.

Sent. 72 : erase.. erase..

Sent. 1 : how about Rini?

Conversation 15 :

Sent. 25 : executive

Sent. 80 : follow-follow.

Sent. 109 : no text?

Sent. 113 : my name is Alfred.


Sent. 116 : Rini, don't forget about your money. gitu kan?

Sent. 4 : what time?

Conversation 16 :

Sent. 16 : Ade.. Thank you..

Sent. 18 : tankyu so much [mt]

Sent. 5 : cream..

Conversation 17 :

Sent. 12 : badmood, badmood.

Sent. 13 : badmood have reason

Sent. 44 : if you want to leave me, let me alone.

Sent. 1 : that's my suggestion

Conversation 20 :

Sent. 5 : only for two hundred? three hundred? or..

Sent. 11 : let me see.

Sent. 29 : Siti wins 10 millions

Sent. 30 : billions.

Sent. 31 : from the promotor.

Sent . 32 : billion. in English, billion.


Sent. 35 : have you seen the promotor last night on Trans Tv?

Sent. 39 : mi? how about bi?

Sent. 4 : are you sure?

Conversation 21 :

Sent. 16 : emang sih, tapi aku lebih choose ini gitu kan, i prefer this. cuma kadang kan berpikir, ih.. cuma pas lagi ga ada uang.

Sent. 6 : so what?

Conversation 22 :

Sent. 20 : hey, wait.

Sent. 77 : versus

Those are the intersentensial switching type. From the pattern, we can conclude that the speakers switch their language mostly when they are take turns.

b. Intra-Sentensial Switching

This type of code switching occurs within a clause or sentence boundary. There are 11 sentences belong to this type, they are :

Sent. 28 : Just the TKP... Conversation 2 :

Sent. 17 : ini when you're gone woi.. Conversation 7 :


Conversation 11

Sent. 1 : wei, ayolah ngumpul di kelas. disuruh mam itu bikin the advantages of using Facebook, terus didiskusikan. kok ga kau bilang Jal?


Conversation 12

Sent. 11 : udah..nah, speakernya bule loh.. gini gini.. speakernya native, segala macem. Itu kan bagus.. ohh.. speakernya native nih, gitu.. orang kan pasti tertarik.


Conversation 14

Sent. 69 : ish, kakak ini, you are so dirty. :

Conversation 15

Sent. 31 : kemaren aku log in pake handphone Reza ya kan, terus karena

connection error aku tinggal gitu aja, belum aku log out. mungkin pas connectionnya balik lagi, tah diapa-apain statusnya.


Sent. 39 : iya, aku gini.. The Ais comment on your status. ku baca lah status nya, pilih yang banyak bulu nya. apa sih? aku mikir nya gini, tah apa si bodo ini comment kayak gini. baru ku tengok ke atas, ih.. pilih om Bambang atau om Burhan? kapan aku bikin status gini?

Conversation 20

Sent. 7 : Yamaha present Rolling Stone Live Music on Campus. what campus?

USU? :


Sent. 11 : aku bisa jalan-jalan ke Mall, tapi ga keluarin apa-apa. cuman window shopping, terus cuma makan. udah, that's all.

IV.1.1 Explanation of the Frequency of the Occurrence of the Types of Code Switching in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature Department 2009 Batch.

As we seen in Table IV.1, the frequency of occurance the types of code switching in the conversations between the student of English Literature Department 2009 batch is different one another. From the four types, only two types occurs in these conversations, intersentensial switching and intra-sentensial switching. While tag-switching and intra-word switching is not found. The highest frequency found is intersentensial switching. Intersentensial switching is a change of language occurs at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or the other, it also occur as speakers take turns. Most of the speakers or the samples usually switch their language in a sentence form when they are speak or when they are comment on another speaker sentences (statement or question). Intra-sentensial switching becomes the second highest frequency in the conversations. Intra-sentensial switching occurs within a clause or sentence boundary. All of the speakers or the samples switch their language to give a statement or to clarify their statements.

It may because there are some English words that are familiar to the speakers or the samples so that they can easily use them in their dialogues (within the sentence) or use them between sentences.

IV.2 The Forms of Code Mixing Using by 2009 Batch in Daily Social Activities

In chapter II, the writer writes that Suwito divided the forms of code mixing into 5, they are :


a. W ord insertion : The insertion of words here means inserting words from another

language into a dominant language that used in a conversation.

b. P

hrase insertion : Phrase insertion here a sequence of words, which used to refer to a sequence of words functioning as a single unit.

c. I

diom or expression insertion : it means inserting an idiom.

d. H

ybrid insersation : hybrid is the combination between native and foreign form. Such as, combine the prefix from one language with a word from another language.

e. R

eduplication insertion : Reduplication is a repetition of word.

Table IV.2 Frequency of Occurrence of Forms of Code Mixing in the Conversations Between the Students of English Literature Department 2009 Batch.

No. Forms of Code Mixing Frequency Percentages

1. Word Insertion 98 55.7 %

2. Hybrid Insertion 48 27,3 %

3. Phrase Insertion 27 15,3 %


5. Idiom or Expression Insertion 0 0 %

TOTAL 176 100 %

From the table above, word insertion is the most form that speakers use in their daily conversation. This form occurs 98 times (56,6 %). The second place is hybrid insertion occurs 45 times (26 %). Phrase insertion occurs 27 times (15,6 %), reduplication insertion with 3 times (1,8 %). The last is idiom or expression insertion with 0 times (0 %).

The writer will show the forms of code mixing one by one within the sentence and the insertion are printed in boldface.

6. Iya nanti pas uda sore baru kita happy birthday (a) .. jadi dia kayak dia kayak Conversation 1

10. His life his life. jadi kita we try to make aaa…. Little play laa.. jadi kita lagi nyusun, ikutin aja apa yang bakal kita buat savrijal, jadi savrijal happy birthday (b) ..

(a) phrase insertion. (b)phrase insertion.

5. Supaya badmood, badmood (a).. Conversation 2

6. Supaya badmood (b).. terus?

7. Iya, badmood (c).. pokoknya kita bikin hari ini kita bikin Ijal badmood (d) terus sampe sore ya..

23. In front of (e).. apa ya? bakso arema ya? arema bakso..

26. Bukan makan bakso arema... it's not mean that we are eating bakso arema... no (f)... (a), (b), (c), (d) word insertion

(e) hybrid insertion (i) phrase insertion

1. Eh, kalo ada card reader(a) didalam nya ada file (b), ga bisa ya diprint (c)? Conversation 3


(a) phrase insertion (b)Word insertion (c) Hybrid insertion (d)Hybrid insertion

3. Jerawat aku, eh ini bisul aku.. aaaa... ga mau.. no way! (a)

Conversation 4

5. Diedit (b) aja nanti.. di ini.. difacial (c)... 59. Shinta-san.. shinta-san.. everybody (d)..

(a) phrase insertion (b)Hybrid insertion (c) Hybrid insertion (d)Word insertion

14. Kaki kalian pun ga skill(a) wei.. Conversation 5

16. Kaki kalian ga skill (b).. haha 38. Ahh.. thank you (c)..

43. Mau dimasukin ke YouTube (d)..! 46. Oh my God (e)..

52. My name is (f) Aprina br Tarigan..

55. Oh iya, i want to tell you that.. what is that? ehm.. hari ini aku lagi mood (g) dan terus... aaa.... uda kakak...

(a) Word insertion (b)Word insertion (c) phrase insertion (d)Word insertion (e) phrase insertion (f) Phrase insertion (g) Word insertion

1. Mr . Mario? (a)


4. Ga tau.. Mr. Rudi (b) yang nyuruh..

5. Cemana nya Mr.Rudi (c) yang nyuruh lagi... 17. Tapi Mr.Rudi (d) uda bilang sama dia duluan kan?

(a) (b) (c) (d) word insertion

18. wei,, kalian pasang lagu berapa biji? mana handphone(a) ku? Conversation 7

33. jatuh handphone(b) ku.. jadinya serak..

(a) (b) word insertion

1. eh, kemaren udah diupload (a) yang itu? Conversation 8

36. enggak, aku ini hanya sebagai second option (b).. jadi kalo tiba-tiba kalian lagi dihutan, eh ngubungin siapa ini sms..

(a) hybrid insertion (b) phrase insertion

2. mau ada janji sama Mr.Mario. (a)

Conversation 9

9. Mr. Mario... (b)

24. mr.rudi bilang, aku uda bilang kan sama orang ini, udahlah di sun aja, aku ga ngerti ke Yuki itu. datang Mr.Rudi (c) bilang, jangan ganti tempatnya. kalo dia uda bilang disitu, disitu aja..

25. karena itu undangan Mr.Rudi.. (d)

37. iya..37. di Yuki kan ada mcD.. (e)

39. bawa aja mcD.. (f)

49. do your best ya.. (g)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Word insertion (h)Phrase insertion

26. ga ada cyber sastra(a) disini ya? Conversation 10

37. Mo, orang lihat status (b) ku.. si Omi yang enggak.. Mi, yang kau tanya ke Mr. Mario (c) kemaren..

41. mana the best place (d)? 48. dia bilang place (e)..

51. nah itu.. terus kata nya, dimana kau sekarang? kata nya gitu.. di Indonesia. dimana kau sekarang, itulah yang terbaik.. langsung lah status (f) awak ya kan...

(a) Phrase insertion (b)Word insertion


(c) Word insertion (d)Pharse insertion (e) Word insertion (f) Word insertion

1. wei, ayolah ngumpul di kelas. disuruh mam (a) itu bikin the advantages of using Facebook, terus didiskusikan. kok ga kau bilang Jal?

Conversation 11

(a) Word insertion

3. SMA-SMA yang berbeda kan? pergi ke SMA-SMA nya itu.. ke SMA-SMA ga perlu bawa proposal (a), bawa brosur aja..

Conversation 12

10. aah.. atau 10 orang discount (b) sekian persen, kayak gitu-gitu. Nanti kan orang tertarik tuh, nanti kalian bilang nanti ada ini ini nya.. ada.. ada.. doorprizenya (c), ada

snacknya (d), ada sertifikatnya, trus speakernya (f) bule loh.. atau speakernya.. speakernya (g) udah deal (h) bule?

11. udah..nah, speakernya (i) bule loh.. gini gini.. speakernya native, segala macem. Itu kan bagus.. ohh.. speakernya native nih, gitu.. orang kan pasti tertarik.

(a) Word insertion (b)Word insertion

(c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Hybrid insertion (h)Word insertion

(i) Hybrid insertion

1. orang itu tu.. strikernya (a) pun.. Conversation 13

(a) Hybrid insertion

20. cepat.. habis minum ku nanti. wei.. kek mana main Twitter (a)? hehe. aku punya

Twitter (b), tapi ga pernah aku buka. (miko underscore runa at yahoo dot co dot id)..

Conversation 14


29. follow lah, follow lah (d), kalo gitu.. 30. follow (e) balik ya?

31. iya..

32. kayak mana Twitter (f)?

33. enak main nya.. lebih enak daripada Facebook (g). 41. kalo Facebook (h) udahlah, kayak hantu..

42. Facebook (i) tiap hari, tempat curhat..

43. baik Twitter (j), Titi Dj dibalasnya Twitter (k) aku..

47. aku hari itu yang balas Facebook (l) aku, Martin Alejandro Ricapierone. senang kali otak ku.haha, au!

51. iya.. I ever go to Bali katanya gitu.. 2 kali atau 3 kali hari itu wall (m) kami.. cakep dia loh..

54. bisa aja itu fansnya (n)..

58. ku bikin aja, Martin Alejandro Ricapieroni. rupanya Martin Rica yang keluar, kutengok mirip dia, ya udah ku add (o)..

(a) (b) (c)

(d)(e) (f) Word insertion (g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

(m) Word insertion (n) Hybrid insertion (o) Word insertion

24. tapi tapi, executive (a) kak.. haha Conversation 15

29. pokoknya ada diedit-edit (b) dia status (c) di Facebook (d) ku..

31. kemaren aku log in (e) pake handphone (f) Reza ya kan, terus karena connection error aku tinggal gitu aja, belum aku log out (g). mungkin pas connectionnya (h)

balik lagi, tah diapa-apain statusnya. (i)

37. iya, statusnya (j) masa gini dibikin nya? pilih om Bambang atau om Burhan? masa kek gitu? datang kawan ku comment (k), kawan SD ku, uda.. pilih yang banyak bulu nya, katanya. aku yang Astagfirullahalazdim..

39. iya, aku gini.. The Ais comment on your status. ku baca lah statusnya (l), pilih yang banyak bulu nya. apa sih? aku mikir nya gini, tah apa si bodo ini comment (m) kayak gini. baru ku tengok ke atas, ih.. pilih om Bambang atau om Burhan? kapan aku bikin

status (n) gini?

48. ada baca ya? emosi kali. masalah nya udah sekali dihack (o), udahlah. ini dikerjain lagi. kan emosi..

49. siapa yang ngehack (p) kemaren?

50. ga tau siapa yang ngehack (q), pokoknya fans (r) itu. 52. yang kemaren itu belum tau tah siapa yang menghack (s) itu

53. tapi ga mesti loh, kalo dihack (t) orang ternyata ga mesti gara-gara lupa dilogout (u). 54. iya, kadang dia bisa aja gitu kek mana gitu kan? makanya kadang kalo kita itu di

internet, historynya (v) itu didelete (w) aja.

56. iya, makanya mendingan delete (x) aja gitu. nama nya juga hacker (y)..


59. yaudah, punya Twitter (bb) aja, punya Twitter (cc) dong.. 61. Twitter (dd) nunggu waktu dihack (ee).

63. susah makenya Twitter (ff)..

69. acem? aku punya Twitter (gg), cuma 2 kali lah, 2 kali update status (hh).

71. aku punya Twitter (ii) , 2 kali ku buka, dua kali update status (jj). udah, enough (kk).

76. banyak status (ll) di twitter (mm) ketimbang status (nn) di facebook (oo) ku, rasaku.

77. follow-follow (pp) aja.

81. aku apa ya password (qq) ku?

83. aku aja kalo ga salah, emailnya (rr) pake email (ss) yang pas di Facebook (tt) yang

dihack (uu) itu.

89. kalian kenapa ga bisa karaokean (vv)?

98. si Ijal? kan tadi aku kasih free pass nya, terus katanya kenapa ga karaokean (ww)? orang ini ga bisa semua, kata si Bayu.

99. kau mau kemana rupanya Jal? kenapa ga bisa karaokean (xx)? 106. udah 3D, ga ada teks nya, British (yy) pula..

112. British (zz) pula itu.

(a) (c) (d) (f) (k) (m) (n)

(r) (x) (y) (z) (bb) Word insertion (cc) (dd) (ff) (gg)

(ii) (kk) (ll) (mm) (nn) (oo) (qq) (ss) (tt) (yy) (zz) (b) (h) (i)

(j) (l) (o) (p) (q) (s) (t) (u) Hybrid insertion (v) (w) (aa) (rr) (uu) (vv)

(ww) (xx)

(e) (g) (hh) (jj) Phrase Insertion (aa) (pp) Reduplication insertion

23. Jal, kau download (a) dulu apa Jal.. ehm.. Conversation 16

(a) Word insertion

11. si Ade tah kenapa lah, ditanya any problem (a), no (b) katanya. Conversation 17

41. belum ku tag (c), masih di album ku.. 71. lantam mode on (d).

72. lantam mode on (e) ini.

(a) Phrase insertion (b)Word insertion (c) Word insertion (d)Phrase insertion


19.sini, sini, sini. 20.hey, wait. 21.Rini mana?

22.wangi apa roti itu lah. tiap ada kakak ini.. 23.iya, wangi apa.. coklat.

24.oh, pake vanila itu ya? 25.banyakan makan vanila itu.

26.parfum nya udah habis, pakein itu. mak, minta itu lah.. haha. 27.ih, lucu kali Ade.

28.Hahhahaa 29.ih, selop ku lah.. 30.pasti mahal, katanya.

31.enggak, aku mau selop ku aja.

32.kak Kajol jam berapa pulang dari rumah bang Gulit? 33.kapan? tadi malam?

34.iya, kan ujan itu. 35.kan dia yang ujan itu. 36.nangis.

37. karena marah kan, rain lah., sini lah kau balikkan kunci nya. gini gini pula dia. 39.sini..

40.kalian, udah ga ngantarkan ambil spanduk.. ambil kunci kereta aja, ga bisa kalian. 41.ya ampun..

42.coba kalian bayangkan, kalo kalian itu di posisi kami. 43.kondisi kalian kayak mana rupanya?

44. ga tau apa yang terjadi. dia ngapain aku, sebelumnya. before time. 45.nonton silet tiap hari.



47.di apai kau rupanya?, ga tau dia. 49.oalah..

50. eh, kek mana aku mau belain kau? kau nya yang kayak gitu. tadi kau bilang i know, i know.

51.dipikirnya kek gitu makin imut, makin jijik.

52.emang aku heran kali nengok cowok, eh cewek Rudi ini. 53.siapa?

54.itu si..

55.capek-capek download, rupanya versi live nya. 56.apa? lagu apa?

57.Dinda, kapan? 58.besok.

59.besok. Ade, besok. ku catat. Ijal, mamak mu kapan? 60.THR.

61.lebaran apa itu? 62.lebaran umat Islam.

63.hari raya, hari raya apa? hari raya monyet kah? 64.dia hari raya Natal., selamat ya hari Jumat. bagi ya telur nya, awas kau ga kau kasih. 66.Paskah..


68.Ijal nanti dirumah begini-begini, mengukir-ngukir dia. 69.sambil pake baju kelinci.

70.sambil pake baju kelinci. Hehe 71.pake baju yang tipis itu.


72.iya, jadi kayak yang Playboy itu. atau yang Jepang kan sering gitu kan? 73.ini udah bisa pulang?

74.ya pulang lah, nyemak De.

75.Arsenal-Barcelona, siapa yang berani main sama aku? 76.ayok, Barcelona.


78.Arsenal. 20 ribu. no point ya. 79.betul ya? betul 20 ribu? 80.iya.

81.nanti. 82.ah..

83.nanti lah, bentar. ku panggil dulu si Arif. tah mau dia 30 ribu, jadi pas kan 50. 84.trus aku kasi 30 ribu? maksudnya, kau mau nya 50? Arif pegang Barcelona? 85.iya.

86.oh.. kandang mana nih? kandang Barca ya?

87.enggak. eh, tunggu dulu lah. Fabegras tah main tah enggak.

88.ah, kau. ga aci lah kek gitu, masa nunggu Fabegras main atau enggak. 89.maka ku lihat dulu bentar sini.

90.dah nanti di kandang Barca kita maen kan? sah kan? 91.doain aku sikit.


93.kalo udah misalnya menang Barca 5-0, itu pasti di kandang Barca buat apa main? sama aja bohong kan?

94.ya, kita kan ga maen aggregate. main aggregate? ayok, ga papa. 95.enggak lah.

96.iya lah ya, maksud nya siapa yang masuk ke apa kan? 97.enggak lah, siapa yang menang main ini aja lah.



99.ini liga Champions ya?

100. iya, liga Champions. di RCTI nanti malam ya? 101. yok.

102. yang Inter sama CSKA? 103. Inter kemaren, ga tau aku. 104. aku pegang Inter, hehe.

105. eh, Bayern tadi malam siapa menang? 106. Bayern apa nih?

107. Bayern Muenchen lawan apa.. 108. ama MU itu ya?

109. iya.

110. oh, Muenchen dong.. 111. 2-1.

112. Muenchen menang? ihiyy... 113. haahaahhha.

114. menang 2-1. padahal pertamanya udah kalah 1-0. baru menit kedua. 115. ga jadi maen ya semalam ya?

116. baru menit kedua.

117. Muenchen dong, Jerman.. dilawan sama Inggris.

118. jadi.. ini liga Champions kan? kemaren di kandang siapa maen?

119. apa?

120. yang kemaren? 121. kandang Muenchen.

122. di kandang Meunchen? oke, nanti di kandang MU kita kasih berapa ya? 1-0 lah ya? kan kalo 3-1 kan telak kali.


124. kenapa? aggregate nya jadi sama.. menang itu MU? 125. harus cetak goal away.

126. jadi harus jarak 2 gitu? 3-1? 127. kalo 2-0..

128. kalo 2-0, menang kan? 129. kalo 1-0 MU, menang MU.

130. oh, menang MU gitu.. ah, tapi kalo 0-0 tetap menang Muenchen kan?

131. aggregate itu apa?

132. jarak gol. misalnya gini lah, kau menang di kandang dia 2-0. 133. aku siapa, dia siapa?

134. kita, Jerman lah. kita kan kemaren menang 2-1. skor kita, gol kita berapa? 2 kan? terus, oh mungkin

135. kemaren udah ada nilai-nilai berapa, dia berarti masih gol nya 1. berarti, kita menang berapa kali?

136. sekali.. terus rupanya, pas dikandang dia, dia menang. menang berapa? seri kan? sama-sama 1 kan? nah, dihitung gol nya.. gitu loh. jadi, mungkin sebelum-sebelumnya gol nya udah seimbang mungkin. tapi menurut kemenangan, Muenchen udah menang 2 kali.. MU baru sekali. jadi kalo MU menang, 1-0 aja, kan menang nya sama-sama 2 tapi jumlah gol nya sebelum nya udah sama kan? tambah 1, menang lah MU. gitu.. jadi nyari seri aja gitu loh. jadi mempertahankan nilai dari menang, jangan sampe dinilai lagi gol nya gitu.

137. oh, itu yang nama nya aggregate?

138. ya, seperti itu. jadi kalo menang nya beda, jadi mau apa.. mau sebelumnya 8-0, ga penting juga gitu. tapi karena kemenangan nya sama gitu kan, ya.. jadi dari skor nya gitu lah. makanya 0-0 aja gitu kan?

139. jadi kapan Inter sama CSKA?

140. jadi rasaku, kalo aku jadi pelatihnya itu Muenchen.. 141. kalah langsung, didepak langsung.


143. terus?

144. di apa, di gawang. yang penting kan, seri aja udah menang itu Muenchen. yaudah, ga gol-gol. Hahahha.