Hubungan antara Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch- 2 dengan Sikap Jurnalis terhadap Teknologi Vaksin.

Sintya Jayanti 210110110084, Program Studi Hubungan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu
Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, 2014. Melakukan penelitian dengan judul
“Hubungan antara Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch- 2 dengan Sikap Jurnalis
terhadap Teknologi Vaksin”. Penelitian ini di bawah bimbingan Dr. Agus Rahmat, M.Pd.,
sebagai Pembimbing Utama, dan Dr. Susie Perbawasari, M.Si., Sebagai Pembimbing Pendamping.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Faktor Sumber dan Faktor
Pesan Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch- 2 dengan sikap jurnalis terhadap teknologi
vaksin. Teori yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu Instrumental of Persuasion Theory (Hovland,
Janis, dan Kelly dalam Tan, 1981).
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode korelasional, dengan teknik pengumpulan data :
angket, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta kegiatan
School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch- 2 yang merupakan jurnalis. Untuk pengambilan sample
menggunakan teknik sampling acak sederhana. Hasil perhitungan dari teknik sampling acak
sederhana menghasilkan sample sejumlah 50 orang. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan
menggunakan Rank Spearman dan Alpha Cronbach.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch2 mempunyai hubungan yang cukup kuat dengan sikap jurnalis terhadap teknologi vaksin. Adanya
hubungan yang cukup kuat antara faktor sumber dan faktor pesan dengan aspek opini, persepsi,
afektif, dan perilaku jurnalis terhadap teknologi vaksin.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang cukup kuat antara faktor
sumber Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch- 2 dengan aspek opini, persepsi, afektif,

dan perilaku peserta terhadap gaya hidup hemat energi, kemudian terdapat hubungan antara faktor
pesan Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch- 2 dengan aspek opini, persepsi, afektif,
dan perilaku peserta terhadap gaya hidup hemat energi. Penelitian ini mempunyai arah nilai yang
positif, dimana apabila faktor sumber dan pesan Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch2 ditingkatkan, maka akan meningkat pula sikap jurnalis terhadap gaya hidup hemat energi.
Adapun saran dari penelitian ini adalah sebaiknya mebuat kegiatan lebih menarik dengan
adanya factory visit di dalam Kegiatan School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch- 2, supaya lebih
efektif, dan berdampak kepada sikap jurnalis terhadap vaksin.

Sintya Jayanti, 210110110084, Public Relations Program, Faculty of Communication
Science, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang, 2014. This study entitled “Relationship between
Activity of School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch-2 and Attitude of Journalists toward Vaccine
Technology”. Under supervision of Dr. Agus Rahmat, M.Pd., and Dr. Susie Perbawasari, M.Si.
Purpose of this study was to identify relationship between Source and Message Factors in
the Activity of School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch-2 and Attitude of Journalists toward vaccine
technology. Theory used here was Instrumental of Persuasion Theory (Hovland, Janis, and Kelly,
in Tan, 1981).
This study used correlational method with data collection techniques: questionnaire,
interview, and literature study. Population in this study was participants of School of Vaccine for
Journalist Batch-2 who were journalists. For sampling, technique used was simple random

sampling, and resulting 50 respondents as the samples. Data was processed by using Rank
Spearman and Alpha Cronbach.
Result of the study indicated that the activity of School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch-2
have quite significant correlation with attitude of journalists toward vaccine technology. The
significant correlation were seen between source factor and message factors with aspects of
opinion, perception, affective, and behaviour of journalists toward vaccine technology.
Conclusion from this study is that there are quite significant correlation between source
factor in the activity of School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch-2 with aspects of opinion,
perception, affective, and behavior of the participants toward energy-saving lifestyle , and there
are correlation between message factor in the activity of School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch2 with aspects of opinion, perception, affective, and behavior of the participants toward energysaving lifestyle. This study indicates positive direction since if source and message factors in the
activity of School of Vaccine for Journalist Batch-2 is improved, attitude of journalists toward
energy-saving lifestyly would also improve.
As for recommendation from this study, to add factory visit in the activity of School of
Vaccine for Journalist Batch-2 to improve attitude of journalist toward vaccine technology.