Karakteristik Penderita Sirosis Hati yang Dirawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Santa Elisabet Medan Tahun 2012-2014

Sirosis hati merupakan salah satu penyakit yang ditemukan di seluruh
negara. Menurut WHO (2008), di dunia Sirosis hati merupakan penyebab
kematian kedelapan belas di dunia, dengan angka kematian 664.755 kasus. Di
Amerika Serikat (2010), penyakit hati kronik dan Sirosis hati menyebabkan
kematian sebanyak 31.903. Di Indonesia, data prevalensi Sirosis hati belum ada.
CFR Sirosis hati di RS Santa Elisabet Medan tahun 2012-2014 yaitu 10,6%.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik penderita Sirosis
hati rawat inap di RS Santa Elisabet Medan tahun 2012-2014. Penelitian ini
bersifat deskriptif dengan desain Case Series. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah
158 orang, dengan sampel 113 orang.
Penderita Sirosis hati dengan proporsi tertinggi pada kelompok umur 5059 tahun (31,9%), jenis kelamin laki-laki (62,8%), suku Batak (79,6%), agama
Kristen Protestan (69,9%), pekerjaan pegawai negeri/pensiunan PNS (23%),
daerah asal di luar kota Medan (71,7%), keluhan utama sewaktu datang nyeri
perut kanan atas (38,1%), riwayat penyakit terdahulu Hepatitis B (17,7%), status
komplikasi ada (76,1%), jenis komplikasi Asites (57%), sumber biaya sendiri
(93,8%), lama rawatan rata-rata 7,26 hari, dan keadaan sewaktu pulang yaitu
pulang atas permintaan sendiri (73,5%).
Ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara proporsi umur berdasarkan jenis
komplikasi (p = 0,006), tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara proporsi
jenis kelamin berdasarkan riwayat penyakit terdahulu (p = 0,666), tidak ada

perbedaan yang bermakna antara proporsi jenis komplikasi berdasarkan riwayat
penyakit terdahulu (p = 0,339), tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara
proporsi jenis kelamin berdasarkan jenis komplikasi (p = 0,347), tidak ada
perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna antara lama rawatan rata-rata dengan jenis
komplikasi (p=0,075), tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara proporsi jenis
komplikasi berdasarkan keadaan sewaktu pulang (p=0,094).
Diharapkan kepada pihak RS Santa Elisabet Medan agar memberikan
pemahaman kepada keluarga pasien yang menderita Sirosis hati tentang kondisi
pasien yang sebenarnya, faktor resiko terjadinya sirosis hati dan pencegahan
yang bisa dilakukan.
Kata Kunci : Sirosis Hati, Karakteristik Penderita


Liver cirrhosis is one of the diseases that can be found throughout the
countries. According to WHO (2008), Liver cirrhosis in the world was ranked as
eighth leading caused of death with the death rate of 664.755 casses. In USA
(2010), cronic liver disease and Liver cirrhosis had caused the number of death
as many as 31.903. In Indonesian, the prevalence of Liver cirrhosis haven’t been

found yet. The CFR of Liver cirrhosis in Santa Elisabet’s Hospital Medan in
2012-2014 was 10,6%.
The aim of this study is to know the characteristics of patient with Liver
cirrhosis which hospitalized at Santa Elisabet’s hospital Medan in 2012-2014.
This study is adopted descriptive research with Case Series design. The
population were 158 patients, with sample were 113 patients.
Liver cirrhosis Patient with the highest proportions in the age group 50-59
years old (31,9%), male (62,8%), Batak tribe (79,6%), Protestant (69,9%), civil
employee/retired civil employee (23%), living on suburb (71,7%), primary
complaint with painful right top belly while visiting (38,1%), history of previous
illness is Hepatitis B (17,7%), complicated status exiting (76,1%), ascites type of
complication (57%), self cost source (93,8%), the length of average treatment
7,26 days, and coming home condition was by the willing of the patient (73,5%).
There is a significant differences between the age poportion based on the
type of complication (p=0,006), there is no significant differences between sex
proportion based on the history of previous illness (p=0,666), there is no
significant differences between the type of complication proportion based on the
history of previous illness (p=0,339), there is no significant differences between
sex proportion based on type of complication (p=0,347), there is no significant
proportion difference between length of average treatment based on the type of

complication (0,075), there is no significant difference between the type of
complication based on condition while coming home (p=0,094).
Recommended to the staff of the Santa Elisabet’s hospital Medan to give
conseling to the family of the patients about the real condition of the patients, the
risky factors of Liver cirrhosis and the preventions of Liver cirrhosis that can be
Key Words : Liver Cirrhosis, Characteristics of Patient
