Gambaran Tipe Konflik pada Remaja Lesbian


Gambaran Tipe Konflik pada Remaja Lesbian

Rapidah Marpaung dan Indri Kemala Nasution

Lesbian adalah sebutan bagi wanita yang secara seksual tertarik pada
sesama jenisnya (Carrol, 2005). Memiliki identitas seksual yang berbeda dan
bertentangan dengan agama, kebijakan pemerintah serta sosial budaya
memunculkan konflik. Konflik menurut Lewin (1985) memiliki empat tipe yaitu,
approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, approach-avoidance
conflict, multiple approach-avoidance conflict. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk
mengetahui tipe konflik yang dialami oleh remaja yang memiliki identitas seksual
lesbian. Lesbian yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mereka yang
masih berada di tahap identity tolerance. Pada penelitian ini konflik ditinjau dari
empat tipe konflik yaitu approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance
conflict, approach-avoidance conflict, multiple approach-avoidance conflict.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi
kasus. Subjek yang berperan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak dua orang.
Pengambilan data digunakan dengan metode wawancara dan observasi di kota

Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek pertama dan subjek kedua
mengalami tipe konflik yang sama yaitu , avoidance-avoidance conflict,
approach-avoidance conflict, multiple approach-avoidance conflict.

Kata kunci: Lesbian, Konflik, Tipe konflik

Universitas Sumatera Utara


The Description Of Type Of Conflicts on Lesbian Adolescents

Rapidah Marpaung and Indri Kemala Nasution

Lesbian is a term for a woman who is sexually attracted to their same sex
(Carroll, 2005). The difference sexual identity which contradicts with religions,
government policies and social culture can lead to conflicts. According to Lewin
(1985), conflict has four types, there are, approach-approach conflict, avoidanceavoidance conflict, approach-avoidance conflict and multiple approach-avoidance

conflict. This study was conducted to determine the conflict among adolescents
who have a different sexual identity of adolescents in general, that is lesbian. The
lesbian who participated in this study are those who are still in the stage of
identity tolerance. In this study, the conflict was viewed from the four types of
conflicts, there are approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict,
approach-avoidance conflict and multiple approach-avoidance conflict. This study
used a qualitative approach with a case study research type. There are two
subjects who participating in this study. The data was taken by interviewand
observation methods at Medan. The results showed that the first subject and the
second subject experiencing the same type of conflicts, there are, avoidanceavoidance conflict, approach-avoidance conflict and multiple approach-avoidance

Key words : Lesbian, Conflict, Type of conflicts

Universitas Sumatera Utara