Kadar hs-CRP pada pasien DM tipe 2 Dengan dan Tanpa Hipertensi

Kadar hs-CRP Pada Pasien DM tipe-2
Dengan dan Tanpa Hipertensi.
Efi Ramadhani1, Ozar Sanuddin1,Dharma Lindarto2
1.Departemen Patologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sumatera
Utara/RSUP H.Adam Malik, Medan, 2. Divisi Endokrinologi Departemen
Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sumatera Utara/RSUP.
H.Adam Malik, Medan.

Pendahuluan: Lebih 50% penderita DM tipe-2 mengalami hipertensi.
Hipertensiberkontribusi terhadap berkembangnya penyakit kardiovascular. hs-crp
sebagai marker inflamasi berkaitan dengan resiko kardiovaskular. Penelitian
bertujuan mengukur hs-CRP pada subjek DM tipe-2 dengan dan tanpa hipertensi
dan melihat perbedaan kadar hs-CRP berdasarkan kelompok resiko
Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat analitik observasional dengan pendekatan potong
lintang. Dilakukan di Departemen Patologi Klinik RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan,
terhadap 56 sampel DM-tipe 2, dengan dan tanpa hipertensi masing-masing 28
orang. Dilakukan pemeriksaandarah lengkap, KGD, HbA1C, SGOT, SGPT, Lipid
Profile, hs-CRP.
Hasil: Didapati perbedaan signifikan rata-rata kadar hs-CRP penderita DM tipe-2

dengan Hipertensi (4,03±2,49) dan tanpa hipertensi (1,98±1,93), p=0.001. Uji
korelasi Pearson menunjukkan hubungan signifikan hs-CRP dengan totalkolesterol dan HDL pada kedua kelompok. Dijumpai perbedaan signifikan kadar
hs-CRP berdasarkan kelompok resiko kardiovaskular p=0,001.
Pembahasan: Kadar hsCRP lebih tinggi pada DM tipe-2 dengan hipertensi dan
berkaitan dengan resiko penyakit kardiovaskular.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar hs-CRP antara DM tipe-2
dengan dan tanpa hipertensi.
Kata kunci : DM tipe-2, Hipertensi, hs-CRP


Levels of hs-CRP in patients type-2 diabetes with and without hypertension.
Efi Ramadhani1, Ozar Sanuddin1, Dharma Lindarto2
1.Clinical Phatology Department, Medical School, Sumatera Utara University/H.
Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, 2. Endocrinology Division, Internal Medicine
Department, Medical School of Sumatera Utara University/
H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan.
Introduction: More than 50% of patients with type-2 diabetes have hypertension.
Hypertension contributes the development of cardiovascular disease. hs-CRP is an

inflammation marker which is associated with cardiovascular risk. The aim of this
study is to measure hs-CRP in type-2 diabetes with and without hypertension and
to assess hs-CRP levels based on cardiovascular risk group.
Methods: This study is an analytical observational cross-sectional study.
Performed at the Department of Clinical Pathology Adam Malik Hospital, the
total of type-2 DM subjects with and without hypertension is 56, with 28 in each
group. Laboratory tests: complete blood count, blood sugar levels, HbA1C,
SGOT, SGPT, Lipid Profile, hs-CRP.
Results: There was significant differences in the average levels of hs-CRP in
type-2 diabetic patients with hypertension (4.03±2.49) and without hypertension
(1.98 ± 1.93), p = 0.001. Pearson correlation test showed a significant association
of hs-CRP towards total cholesterol and HDL in both groups and a significant
difference in cardiovascular risk group, p= 0.001.
Discussion: hs-CRP levels were higher in type-2 diabetes with hypertension and
associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Conclusion: There are significant differences between the levels of hs-CRP type2 diabetes with and without hypertension.
Keywords: type-2 diabetes, hypertension, hs-CRP
