Slide PSI 209 Pertemuan IX


Job Satisfaction & Commitment

The attitude an employee has toward her job
 Positive?
 Negative?

Organizational Commitment
 The

extent to which an employee identifies with and is
involved with an organization

Job Satisfaction & Commitment

Satisfied employees  committed to organization
 To

attend work
 To stay with an organization
 To arrive at work on time
 To perform well
 To engage in behaviors helpful to the organization

Job Satisfaction & Commitment

Many factors affecting work behavior
 Complexity

of the job
 Level of job satisfaction

Work-related attitude are multi-faceted

 Satisfied

with one facet, not with another
 e.g. pay, supervision, co-workers, work, promotion
opportunities, equipment, facility, worksite &company

Motivational Facets to
Organizational Commitment

Affective commitment
 Wants

to remain with the organization, cares about the
organization and is willing to exert effort on its behalf

Continuance commitment

 Remain

with the organization due to time, expense &
effort – already invested or in finding another job

Normative commitment
 Must

remain with the organization because of the
feeling of obligation to the organization

Individual Differences

Due to an individual‟s personal tendency across
situations to enjoy what she does
predisposition  twin studies
 Types of personalities

 Genetic

 Emotional

 Self-esteem
 Self-efficacy (perceived ability to master their environment)
 External locus of control (perceived ability to control their

Individual Differences

Life Satisfaction
and other aspects of life  consistent
 An employee‟s needs can be met in a variety of nonwork activities such as hobbies
 Job

 An

organization should work toward fulfilling those needs

 Different


non-complex job – intelligent employees have lower
job satisfaction

 For

Employee‟s Job Expectation

Discrepancy Theory
 Expectancy

is not met, dissatisfaction
 Increased intent to leave the organization

Good „fit‟
 Values,

interest, personality, lifestyle & skills
 Vocation, job, organization, coworkers & supervisor
 Rewards, salary & benefits
 Efforts & performance

Enjoyable Tasks

Enjoyable tasks, more motivated

Enjoyable work with supervisors & coworkers

Or salary & bonus?

Higher productivity, lower intent to leave the organization &
a greater willingness to help

Social information processing theory
Modelling social environment
 No whine no complaint policy?

Rewards & Resources

Fair treatment  equity theory
 Distributive
 Decided

by the organization

 Procedural
 Methods


used to make the decision

 Interactional
 In


interpersonal treatment

It is essential to be open on how decisions are
made, develop fair procedures & provide feedback


Pay more to those who contribute more?
 Perception

vs actual
 Compensation systems should be explained better
 Accessing salaries of others

Growth & Challenge

Self actualization
rotation  new task to avoid boredom
 Job enlargement  more knowledge & tasks
 Job enrichment  more responsibility by completing
the entire task
 Job

 Job

Diagnostic Survey
 Self-Directed Teams or Quality Circles

Measuring Job Satisfaction &

Faces Scale
Job Descriptive Index (JDI)
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)
Job in General Scale
Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ)
Organizational Commitment Scale

Negative Work Attitudes

Rewards for Attending
 Payment
 Financial


 Games
 Paid

Time Off Program / Paid-Leave
 Recognition Programs

Negative Work Attitudes

Rewards for Attending
 Payment
 Financial


 Games
 Paid

Time Off Program / Paid-Leave
 Recognition Programs


Clear Policies
Record Keeping
Reducing Employee Stress
Reducing Illness
Not Hiring “Absence Prone” Employees


Reducing Turnover

Unavoidable Reasons

Better pay / career

Unmet Needs

Find out why?
Salary survey
Understand it as a process

Person/Organization Fit

Unmet Expectations

Counterproductive Behaviors

Stealing from the company

Organizational Citizenship Behaviours (OCB)
 “go

extra mile”