A study of Igor`s manic-depressive disorder as depicted in Paulo Coelho`s The Winner Stands Alone - USD Repository





A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Anastasia Diyan Pramitasari Student Number: 061214014







2011 i






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

  By Anastasia Diyan Pramitasari

  Student Number: 061214014








  A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on





  By Anastasia Diyan Pramitasari

  Student Number: 061214014 Approved by



  Drs. L. Bambang Hendarto Y., M.Hum. October 14 , 2011 ii iii



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.


  Yogyakarta, October 13 , 2011 The Writer

  Anastasia Diyan Pramitasari 061214014 iv




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Anastasia Diyan Pramitasari Nomor Mahasiswa : 061214014

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  Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas.

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  v Made a wish, I can dream I can be what I want to be Not afraid to live my life And fulfil my fantasies Reaching out, for the highs You inspired me to try I felt the magic inside And I felt that I could fly I'm looking at the world in an optimistic light You made me appreciate my life 'Cos when you came you were my Sunshine - Gabrielle This thesis is gratefully dedicated to: My Savior, Jesus Christ My beloved parents and my younger sister Mas Paulus and all people whom I love  




  Pramitasari, Anastasia Diyan. 2011. A Study of Igor’s Manic Depressive The Winner Stands Alone.

  Disorder as Depicted in Paulo Coelho’s

  Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

  There are many symptoms performed by a sufferer of abnormal behavior. Paulo Coelho’s The Winner Stands Alone depicts one major character who suffers one type of abnormal behavior. This study discusses abnormal behavior, particularly manic depressive disorder, experienced by Igor as the major character in the novel. The story begins when Igor loses his lovely wife because she leaves him for a Middle Eastern fashion designer. His obsession is winning her love back. The ways he uses to achieve his obsession seem peculiar and not normal.

  His peculiar and abnormal behaviors can also be seen through his thinking, mannerism, direct comment, reactions, conversations with others, speech, personal description, and character as seen by another.

  There are two problems formulated. The first one concerns the description of Igor’s personal description. Then, the second one concerns the symptoms and types he undergoes showing that he suffers manic depressive disorder. This study is conducted by applying library research. There are two sources used to obtain the data. The first one is primary source, which is Paulo Coelho’s The Winner


Stands Alone . The secondary sources are obtained from library books which

  consist of psychological and literary books. The literary books are used to answer the first problem, which deals with the character and characterization of Igor. Abnormal behavior, manic depressive, and motivation theories are employed to answer the second problem related to abnormal behavior experienced by Igor. Some articles from the internet are also used as additional information to support the related issues.

  The results of the analysis show that Igor is revealed as a hard-working, rich, good looking, religious, and obsessive person. Furthermore, he suffers from the mildest types of manic depressive, which are called hypomania and simple depression. The symptoms of those types he shows are his inconsistency, feeling great, having unlimited confidence, thinking fast, a particularly amusing and entertaining person, feeling tireless, having many continual activities, having many worthy enthusiasm, having great plans, getting easily irritated, rationalizing easily his plans and mistakes, spending money recklessly, experiencing a slow down thinking process, requiring more energy, choosing to be alone, and realizing that he needs treatments.

  Finally, this study presents suggestions for future researchers of the same novel to analyze obsessive love suffered by Igor and the motivation of some characters to achieve more fame and luxury. The other suggestion is for the implementation of teaching Paragraph Writing.

  Keywords: the winner, abnormal behavior, manic depressive disorder



  Pramitasari, Anastasia Diyan. 2011. A Study of Igor’s Manic Depressive

Disorder as Depicted in Paulo Coelho’s The Winner Stands Alone.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Banyak tanda-tanda yang dapat ditunjukkan oleh penderita perilaku abnormal. Sebuah novel The Winner Stands Alone karangan Paulo Coelho menceritakan seorang tokoh utama yang mengalami salah satu macam dari perilaku abnormal. Skripsi ini membahas seorang tokoh utama yang bernama Igor dimana dia mengalami salah satu perilaku abnormal yaitu penyakit mania dan depresi. Ceritanya berawal ketika Igor kehilangan istri tercintanya karena istrinya meninggalkan dia untuk bersama seorang perancang busana Timur Tengah. Obsesinya adalah untuk mendapatkan dan memenangkan kembali cinta dari istrinya. Cara-cara yang ia gunakan untuk meraih obsesinya tersebut sangatlah aneh dan tidak wajar. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat melalui pemikirannya, perilakunya, komentar langsung, reaksinya, pembicaraanya dengan orang lain, ucapannya, penggambaran pribadinya, dan sebagaimana ia dipandang oleh orang lain.

  Ada dua masalah yang dirumuskan untuk membuat analisa dari skripsi ini menjadi lebih jelas. Masalah pertama membahas karakteristik pribadi Igor. Kemudian, pertanyaan kedua membahas tanda-tanda dan jenis tingkatan dari penyakit mania dan depresi yang ditunjukkan oleh Igor.

  Metode yang digunakan untuk mengadakan skripsi ini adalah metode studi pustaka. Ada dua sumber yang digunakan untuk melengkapi data-data skripsi ini. Sumber utama adalah novel The Winner Stands Alone itu sendiri karangan Paulo Coelho. Sumber yang kedua diperoleh dari buku-buku psikologi dan kesusastraan. Buku-buku kesusastraan digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama yang berhubungan dengan karakter dan pentokohan dari Igor. Buku-buku psikologi yang berkaitan dengan beberapa teori dari perilaku abnormal, penyakit mania dan depresi, dan motivasi digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua yang berhubugan dengan perilaku abnormal yang dialami oleh Igor. Beberapa artikel dari internet juga digunakan sebagai tambahan informasi untuk mendukung isu-isu yang ada.

  Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa Igor digambarkan sebagai seorang pekerja keras, kaya, berpenampilan menarik, alim, dan sangat berambisi. Selanjutnya, tipe yang ia derita dari penyakit mania dan depresi adalah tipe yang paling ringan, yang disebut hypomania dan simple depression. Tanda-tanda yang ditunjukkan oleh Igor bahwa ia menderita tipe ringan dari penyakit mania dan depresi adalah dia tidak konsisten, merasa hebat, mempunyai kepercayaan diri yang tidak terbatas, mampu berpikir cepat, menjadi orang yang menyenangkan dan menarik, tidak mengenal lelah, mempunyai banyak aktivitas yang berkesinambungan, mempunyai antusiasme yang sangat besar, mempunyai rencana-rencana hebat, dengan mudahnya menentang orang-orang yang melawannya, dengan mudahnya merasionalkan semua rencana dan kesalahannya, secara serampangan menghabiskan uang, proses berpikirnya menjadi lamban, membutuhkan energi lebih banyak untuk melakukan sesuatu, lebih memilih untuk sendirian, dan sadar bahwa ia membutuhkan pengobatan.

  Pada akhirnya, skripsi ini menyajikan beberapa saran untuk para peneliti selanjutnya agar menganalisis obsesi cinta yang dialami oleh Igor dan motivasi- motivasi yang dialami beberapa pemain dalam novel untuk meraih lebih banyak ketenaran dan kemewahan. Saran juga ditujukan untuk pelaksanaan pengajaran Paragraph Writing.

  Kata kunci: the winner, abnormal behavior, manic depressive disorder



  First of all, I would like to thank my savior, Jesus Christ. I thank Him for being my true friend who has always accompanied and helped me to face all of my difficulties in my life, and always gives blessing and guidance so that I could finish my thesis. I really want to show my gratitude to Him who never leaves me alone and always protects and guides me for doing any good things in my life. I also thank Him for giving me those lovely people who always support and love me.

  I am also very much thankful to my sponsor, Drs. L. Bambang Hendarto


Y., M.Hum., who has taught and guided me kindly and patiently. I thank him for

  the time he has given that I could consult my problems during the process in writing this thesis. I really thank him for his advice, assessment, and time for revising my thesis, so that I could comprehend much better in finishing this thesis.

  My deep gratitude also goes to all lecturers and secretariat staff of PBI. I thank them for the lessons, learning, suggestions, guidance, and helping during my study at Sanata Dharma University. Especially, I would like to thank Ms.


Patrice for her time and help for checking my lesson plan and the materials I

  attached in this study. I also thank Drs. Y. B. Gunawan, M.A. and Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed. for their suggestions.

  I also would like to give my deepest and special gratitude to my parents, Fx.


Sutarto and Christina Sukamti, for their love, support, prayers, and also

  patience. I thank them for not stopping giving me much care and motivating me to finish this thesis. I thank only one little sister Angelina Putri for her support and who always asks me to finish this thesis soon. I thank her for her care and love.

  I want to give my profound thanks to my best friends, Agatha Wikan


Adhisti, who always greatly supports and motivates me to finish my study

  quickly, Prisca and Norma (Mak) for being my great friends and beautiful friendship and every moment we have ever passed through together. I also thank


Rista and other friends who have ever filled part of my life and given many great

moments to share.

  I would like to thank my friends in Petung 27, Mbak Tika, Mbak Stef,

Mbak Feb, Mbak Martha, and Atin for helping and for being pleasant members.

  Next, my thanks go to PURIKIDS, especially to Ditha for sharing the same struggle in completing this thesis, Mbak Shary, and others for opportunity and help. My next gratitude goes to 3G members Sarce, Vina, Rani, Oda and other members for the great experiences.

  My special thanks go to my dearest, Mas Paulus Winardi for much love, care, patience, and great support. I thank him for being my faithful companion, for the happiness and sadness we have shared in every moment, for being patient to wait for me to finish this thesis, and for all what he has done for me.

  Last but not least, I would like to thank those I cannot mention one by one who have cared me and given me support in the process of writing this thesis.

  May God bless them all.

  Anastasia Diyan Pramitasari



  TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGES ...................................................................................... ii STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ............................................... iv


PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ........................ ........................ v

  DEDICATION PAGE……………………………………………………… . vi ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii


ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ viii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ x TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ xii LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................

  1 A. Background of the Study .............................................

  1 B. Problem Formulation ..................................................

  5 C. Objectives of the Study ................................................

  5 D. Benefits of the Study ...................................................

  5 E. Definition of Terms .....................................................


  10 A. Review of Related Theories ........................................

  10 1. Critical Approach ....................................................

  10 2. Character .................................................................

  11 3. Characterization ......................................................


  4. Motivation ...............................................................

  17 5. Abnormal Behavior .................................................

  20 6. Depressive Disorder (Unipolar Disorder) ..............

  21 a. Causal factors .....................................................

  22 b. Treatments ..........................................................

  25 7. Manic Depressive Disorder (Bipolar Disorder) .....

  28 a. The Definition ....................................................

  28 b. The Factors .........................................................

  30 c. The Types ...........................................................

  34 d. The Symptoms ...................................................

  39 e. The Treatments and Outcomes ...........................

  41 B. Theoretical Framework ................................................

  42 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ...........................................................

  44 A. Object of the Study ......................................................

  44 B. Approach of the Study .................................................

  45 C. Method of the Study ....................................................

  45 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS ........................................................................

  47 A. The Description of Igor’s Character ............................

  47 1. Hardworking ............................................................


  2. Rich .......................................................................... 50 3. Good Looking..........................................................

  51 4. Religious..................................................................

  52 5. Obsessive.................................................................


  B. Manic Depressive Disorder Experienced by Igor ........

  57 1. The Causes of Manic Depressive Disorder .............

  58 2. The Type of Manic Depressive Disorder ................

  62 a. Manic Type .........................................................

  62 b. Depressive Type ..................................................

  80 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ........................

  87 A. Conclusions .................................................................

  87 B. Suggestions ..................................................................

  90 1. Suggestion for the Future Researchers ...................


  2. Suggestion for the Implementation of the Teaching Learning Process .....................................

  91 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................

  93 APPENDICES ...............................................................................................



  APPENDIX 1 The Summary of The Winner Stands Alone .......................... 96 APPENDIX 2 Biography of Paulo Coelho……………………………….. 99 APPENDIX 3 The Pictures of Paulo Coelho………………………………. 102 APPENDIX 4 Lesson Plan……………………………………………….. 103 APPENDIX 5 Learning Materials for Teaching Paragraph Writing……….. 105

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This first chapter part consists of five important things. Those are

  background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. Background of the study discusses about the topic explored in this study. Problem formulation consists of two questions to analyze this study. Objectives of the study describe the goal of to achieve in this study. Benefits of the study mention and explain what the benefits of this study are. The last one is definition of terms that consists of some definition of terms related to the topic.

A. Background of the Study

  To live in this world is not an easy thing. What makes it difficult is that every human being must struggle hard to survive in the condition changing every time and cannot be predicted. The changing and unpredicted condition can result pressures for human beings. The pressures can make somebody feel stressful or depressed. If this happens, he or she will behave in a manner that people consider him as strange or weird.

  In some cases, there are some people in the beginning who feel depressed and then they show some signs of strange behaviors that can be categorized as abnormal behaviors or disorders. Wilson et al (1996) state that depression symptoms can occur as a primary problem or in connection with other disorders

  2 (p. 192). As there are many kinds of abnormal behavior, it can be assumed that the kind of abnormal behavior a person has can be seen through his or her behavior or characteristics in his or her personal and social life. The depression that a person has can also be classified into abnormal behavior if it changes someone’s ways of behaving to be different from others. Coleman (1976) states that when we think of abnormal behavior, we are likely to think of extreme, spectacular examples because, as in other fields, it is the bizarre and the sensational that command attention (p. 5).

  Coleman also states that since the word abnormal literally means “away from the normal,” it implies deviation from some clearly defined norm (p. 13).

  Therefore, people who show their behavior of such kind “away from the normal” can be categorized as abnormal. The indicators can be seen from the way they behave, such as the way they speak, the way they think, the way they view something, etc. They do something that they think is normal, but others cannot accept it as normal. Others will see that people like that are weird and not normal.

  The definition of abnormal behavior itself has developed broader along with the changing of the time. Over the years, abnormal behavior merely belongs to mental health, but then norms and values have been included in. That is supported by Davison and Neale (1996). They state that over the last century, for example, more and more people have decided that their psychological problems needed professional help. With this increasing flow of patients, therapists and researchers have seen problems that were new to them, and new diagnoses emerging (p. 9).

  3 One of such behaviors which is interesting to be discussed is manic- depressive disorder. This mental disorder belongs to affective or mood disorders.

  Coleman explains that the term is related to emotion or affective disorder, that these disorders can extremely affect emotional responses that can cause the extreme both feeling of elation and depression (p. 339). Hence, manic-depressive disorder is also related to the emotion responses.

  Furthermore, he explains that manic-depressive disorder is characterized by episodes of extreme elation and overactivity or extreme depression and underactivity or an alternation between the two (p. 339). Kraepelin describes the disorder as “a series of attacks of elation and depression, with periods of relative normality in between and a generally favorable prognosis” (as cited in Coleman, 1976, p. 340).

  Coleman also mentions that historically the manic-depressive disorder that belongs to affective disorders was found among the early period of the Egyptians, Greeks, Hebrews, and Chinese writing and also Shakespeare’s, Dostoevsky’s, Poe’s, and Hemmingway’s literary works. Thus, manic-depressive disorder has been existing since many years ago. There are also many famous people experiencing this disorder, let alone many people who experienced this disorder are people who had power in that era. The examples of the famous and powerful people are King George III, Moses, Rousseau, Dostoevsky, Lincoln, Tchaikovsky, and Freud (p. 339). They experienced the disorder because they felt the extreme elation or depression in themselves.

  4 The issues as described above can be portrayed in a work of literature like novel. Little (1981) says a novel creates a completely imagined world through description and dialogue, and may thus explore basic human issues in depth (p. 68). Through Paulo Coelho’s novel, entitled The Winner Stands Alone, the readers can get the portrayal of real life experiences about manic-depressive disorder.

  The Winner Stands Alone is a novel by Paulo Coelho that depicts a

  situation where people obsess with wealth, love, luxury, and fame. The story starts when the major character, named Igor Malev who is forty, rich, handsome, a successful person and also obsesses with over wealth, has been left by his wife, Ewa. She makes him have obsession of love upon her because Ewa leaves him for another man, a successful fashion designer. Then, Igor travels to the Cannes International Film Festival to get and win his lovely wife back. Even more, Igor takes risks by destroying others to prove his seriousness to get Ewa back to him.

  Igor’s obsession to get his lovely wife causes bad effect on his surrounding. The victims of his doings are innocent people that Igor exploits to make his plan realized. The ways of Igor destroy others by killing them in order to get her lovely wife back to him deviate from normality.

  Hence, the story of the novel gives the readers a portrayal of manic- depressive disorder experienced by the main character. According to Igor, his character and life, behaviors, his views of something and his ideas are normal, but others see them as abnormal. People recognize that how he does something to get what he really wants is uncommon. Besides, the story in this novel has other interesting things. In this novel, Paulo Coelho as the author not only tells about

  5 one aspect, but many aspects, such as how the reality of glamorous and luxury life is, crime, love, and obsession, and also there many lessons that can be learnt. Therefore, this novel is very interesting to discuss.

  B. Problem Formulation

  There are two problems that the researcher formulate based on the previous explanation:

  1. How is Igor, as the major character, described in Paulo Coelho’s The Winner

  Stands Alone ?

  2. What kind of manic-depressive disorder is reflected in the major character, Igor, in Paulo Coelho’s The Winner Stands Alone?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The goals of this study are to answer the problem formulation. Therefore, there are two goals of this study. The first one is to know how the characteristics of Igor as the main character in Paulo Coelho’s The Winner Stands Alone. The second one is to know what kind of manic-depressive disorder and that features that Igor shows through his manner and view.

  D. Benefits of the Study

  This study has some benefits for the researcher, the reader, the PBI students and the future researchers. By this study, the researcher can dig out and develop more knowledge and information of Paulo Coelho’s novel (because Paulo

  6 is famous and bestselling author) particularly The Winner Stands Alone novel. The researcher gain learning by answering the questions developed within this study. The researcher also obtains new understanding of abnormal behavior experienced by the major character in the novel studied. In addition, the researcher has experienced in analyzing the novel, so that the researcher gets some new knowledge, information and lesson never known before, besides abnormal behavior, the researcher also learn the power behind entertainment world that also told in the novel.

  For the readers especially for those who like to read Paulo Coelho’s novel, this study can help them find some aspects and information that they need.

  Besides, it can help them to develop their understanding deeply about literary works of literature in psychological aspects. The novel itself also presents some images of some truth about abnormal behavior particularly manic-depressive disorder, which definitely belongs to psychology aspect. Also, the readers can get new knowledge and idea about both manic and depressive disorder.

  For the PBI students, this study is useful to teach English in many aspects, for instance for literature, writing, reading lesson either reading or vocabulary materials. The last is for future researchers who want to use Paulo Coelho’s novel for their study. Some references book in this study can be used as references for their study related to either Paulo Coelho’s work or abnormal behavior.

  7 E. Definition of Terms This section consists of some terms used in this study and it helps the readers better understand the content discussed. Those terms are:

  1. Character Character plays the most important role in a novel. Without the role of character, the story is meaningless. The character also can make the readers better experience the story. Therefore, first of all, the definition of character must be known and understood. Stanton (1965) says that the term character is commonly used in two ways: it designates the individuals who appear in the story and it refers to the mixture of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals (p. 17). From the statement above, it can be assumed that character is the existence of some persons within a story along with their personality.

  2. Behavior Every human being has his or her own manners to do something. The manner itself can be assumed that it is same as behavior. As stated in Longman, the word behavior is referred to the way that someone behaves. Behave itself means to do things in a particular way (“Behavior”). Therefore, behavior can be stated that the way a person does something in his or her way, either good or bad.


  3. Abnormal Behavior It is important to know first what abnormal behavior is, since manic- depressive disorder discussed in this study belongs to the kind of abnormal behavior. There are many theories about abnormal behavior. Before grasping deeply what do means abnormal behavior is, it is important to know and differentiate the definition of normal and abnormal in order to specify criteria for distinguish one from the other. But actually, it is not an easy thing to consider the means of abnormal directly. Carson, Butcher, and Mineka (2000) say that there are confusion and disagreement considerations, and the confusions aggravated by changing values and expectations in society at large (p. 4).

  Commonly, the word abnormal learned as away from the normal. One internet article by Schimelpfening (2004) in Abnormal Behavior says that to understand the means of abnormal, firstly it is essential to know what normal is. Being normal means people behave and act in average, or in a typical way. While, abnormal means that it refers to something that is not typical. In addition, Carson, Butcher, and Mineka also consider that abnormal behavior can be said as undesirable. It can be undesirable if it contrary to the public interest (p. 4).

  4. Manic-Depressive Disorder It is important to know deeply what by means manic-depressive disorder is. It is also called bipolar disorder since depression and mania closely related each other and some people can experience both at the same time. In Manic-


Depressive Disorder , it is stated that commonly the term manic-depressive

  9 disorder described as mental illness characterized by elated mood or depressed mood (“Manic-Depressive Disorder,” n.d).

  In addition, Syrett (2006) in The Secret Life of Manic Depression also describes this bipolar disorder as a disorder that engages the extreme changing of mood from mania to deep depression.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter two consists of a review of literary theories used in this study. It is divided into two parts. The first one is theoretical review that presents theory

  of literature, theory of critical approaches, character, and characterization, the theories of abnormal behavior, manic-depressive or bipolar disorder, and motivation. The second part is the theoretical framework that covers all the theories used for this study.

A. Theoretical Review

  This part consists of some theories that are relevant in this study. The theories included are theory of critical approach, character, characterization, theory of psychology and also motivation.

1. Critical Approach

  Rohrberger and Woods Jr (1971) say that a critical approach to literature necessitates an understanding of its nature, function, and positive values. One must know what literature is, how to read it, and how to judge it (p. 3). Therefore they generate the theory of critical approach into five parts, namely the formalist approach, the biographical approach, the sociocultural-historical approach, the mythopoeic approach, and the psychological approach. One of those theories of


    11 critical approach, which is psychological approach, needed to help the writer to analyze the approach that appropriate for this study.

  They also state that a work of art is good and moving or bad because the parts of it are not integrated and then there is no significant statement emerges; no logical man will accept a generalization except there are facts available to support it, and no logical man will accept anybody’s statement unless he understands and accepts the standards upon which that judgment is based (p. 3).

  Based on that statement, to conduct and do a research about literature, there must be a theory to underlie and strengthen the content and statement of the study. Therefore, a critical approach is needed to underlie and support theory that will be used for the study.

  In addition, to support Rohrberger and Woods’ theory of critical approach, Kennedy and Gioia also state and add ten critical approaches of literature. The additional ten critical approaches stated by Kennedy and Gioia (1999) are formalist criticism, biographical criticism, historical criticism, psychological criticism, mythological criticism, sociological criticism, gender criticism, reader- response criticism, deconstructionist criticism, and cultural studies (pp. 630-658).

2. Character

  In the story, there is one of main elements performed that is people. People in the story called characters have important part to make the story alive. The character plays and becomes importance roles that must be depicted based on the

    12 reality in humans’ life. It can be said that they are as the representative of human life.

  Character also has strong relation with some aspects within literature form. It is explored by Little (1981) who says that a novel is significantly concerned with character. A novel will be expected to present one or few characters. It is also expected that a novel will follow the development of characters as a result of the events that happen and are told within plot, and explore deeply the personal relationship of characters (p. 101).

  Rohrberher and Woods, Jr. (1971) state that characters must be credible, that means the readers see characters as believable people. By also mean that character’s action in the story can be accepted by the readers. They also define two kinds of character that also can be credible, which are flat and round characters. As flat character, it is seen as one-sided, while round character are many-sided (p. 20).

  Furthermore, De Laar and Schoonderwoerd (1963) also explain about flat and round characters (pp. 170-171). They describe that flat characters are characters that are represented only in one aspect. They are quite performed frequently. The author represents them as more simple character. They also never, or barely ever, surprise the readers. Contrary to flat characters, round characters represented in whole and all different aspects. They are represented as real human being completely. They are able to surprise the readers by acting and performing differently from what the readers think or expect.


  13 Holman and Harmon (1986) also explore what character is. They define that character is a complicated term that includes the idea of the moral constitution of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness, and the simpler notion of the presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of one sort or another (p. 81).

  They also explain that a character may be either static or dynamic. They define that a static character is one who changes little. Things can happen to such character and no changes happen within. The character revealed by pattern of action. A dynamic character, on the other hand, is character altered by actions and experiences. This kind of character appears to reveal the consequences of actions happen. They mention that great dramas and novels have dynamic characters as protagonist (p. 83).

  Henkle (1977) mentions the idea of two kinds of the characters (pp. 92- 97). He mentions major and secondary character. Major characters are the characters that appear and inhabit within the story frequently and attract our attention mostly. Their performance in the story also portray the problem emerge in real human life. Another kind is the secondary or minor characters. They are the characters who perform limited functions in the story and they are less complex and less intense. Their role in the story to complete the major character, they can be the one who comes to give the comment for the action of a major character, a friend, and even foe of the major character.



3. Characterization

  Rohrberher and Woods, Jr. (1971) say that characterization is the process of how the author creates a character who can be distinguished from others character (p. 20). The characterization must be supported by the depiction of reality of human life. This statement is supported by Little (1981) who says that even in fantasy and caricature, an essential element is truth of life. However original and fantastic the author’s approach, he will fail if his readers do not feel that his characters are real, believable, based on possible variations of human nature (p. 92).

  Furthermore, Little states that a human personality is a complex of many traits or qualities of character, many motives and desires, some in conflict with one another (p. 91). He also explains that character may be presented mainly through description and discussion, or, in a more dramatic manner, by the author’s simply reporting the character’s speech and action (p. 89). Therefore, there are two methods to depict what character looks like. By description, the author describes directly how the character is. The author can completely mention the detail of character within his work. While, by discussion or dramatic manner, the author describes the character through the way of character’s action, attitude, thought, dialogue, etc. He states that in dramatic manner, there is no general description to help the readers form an idea of the character; he must develop his own ideas from the fragments of evidence given him (p. 90).

  Rohrberher and Woods, Jr. also mention that there are two ways the author can characterize the character. The first is direct way that describe the characters

    15 through their physical appearance, for example their body, hair, shape of face, color of their eyes, etc. Whereas, dramatic way means that the characters described through how they behave, think, feel, or speak (p. 20).

  For the descriptive and dramatic manner, there is the weakness and excess. According to Little, each has its virtues and limitations. The descriptive method is generally the easier to understand, but characters summed up tend to seem a little lifeless. On the other hand, the dramatic method is more vivid and lively, but is relatively difficult for the reader, at least in extreme forms (p. 90).

  Holman and Harmon (1986) delineate some definitions what characterization is. They say that the author presents the characters of actual persons; and in fiction (the drama, the novel, the short story, and the narrative poem), the author reveals the characters of imaginary persons (p. 81). In addition, they state that the presentation of characters through actions is essentially the dramatic method (p. 82).

  In Murphy (1972), characterization seen as how the author creates and conveys the characters and personalities of people that written in the story, and what sort of the people they are in order to the reader get and understand the idea of the characters (p. 161).

  Murphy states that an author has to convey the characters he creates about through some ways in order the readers are able to know how the personalities of them (pp. 161-173).

  a. Personal description


  16 In this way, the characters described directly through their physical or outward appearance, or how they look like, such as their face, hair, skin, height, the color of their eyes, etc.

  b. Character as seen by another The author describes a character through the eyes, comments or opinions expressed by others character. It can give clue for the readers what a character looks like.

  c. Speech Here, the character known by the way he speaks, whenever he gives opinions, or does conversation with another character. It can show how his personalities look like.

  d. Past life By telling the character’s life in the past, the author helps the readers to get the clue of the idea what sort of a character is, since events in the past life can shape a person’s character. This way can be done directly through the author’s comment, the person’s thought, or his conversation.

  e. Conversation of others When the others character does talk about a person with another, their dialogue directly tell the readers about the person’s character they focus on.

  f. Reactions By seeing a character face or respond toward the problem he has, the readers will get insight what kind that character is created.

  g. Direct comment


  17 The author can clearly draw the character’s personalities by directly describe and give comment of it. It is the easiest way in which the reader can get the hints of character’s personalities directly and swiftly.

  h. Thoughts What the character thinks that explored by the author, it leads the readers to identify the person of that character. Here, the author also can tell the readers the different thought of every person is thinking. i. Mannerism

  The author may tell the character’s mannerism, habits, and traits to present the character’s personalities for the readers.

4. Motivation

  For doing an action in order to gain the aim and ambition, a person must have motivation to force him doing that. According to Petri (1981, pp. 3-4), motivation is the concept we use when we describe the forces acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior. Without possessing motivation, it is quite difficult to achieve what we dream and hope since motivation itself pushes us to focus on getting what we desire. Therefore, it is essential to have motivation in life. In addition, he also states that the concept of motivation is often used to indicate the direction of behavior. That means we direct our behavior to get what we want. Since motivation is always related to how we behave and also affect our way to behave, therefore motivation theory is also essential to be discussed in this study.


  18 There are also some approaching theories for understanding the activation and direction of motivation stated by Petri (p. 4). The first is incentive approach.

  In this incentive approach, it is proposed that motivation is the result of physical needs, such as for food, water, sex, avoidance of pain, and so on. Then, the second is cognitive approach that says our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes can motivate us. Next, social approach that states we are socially motivated. It explains that presence of others motivate us to socialize and interact with them. Then, the last is actualization approach that explains how all humans strive to actualize and fulfill their personal fulfillment.