Hubungan Antara Job Characteristic Dengan Work Family Conflict Pada Karyawan Sektor Perbankan

Hubungan antara Job Characteristics dengan Work Family Conflict Pada
Pegawai Sektor Perbankan
Putri Carolina dan Zulkarnain

Perbankan memerlukan pegawai yang mampu mengerjakan tugas berdasarkan job
characteristic yang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya. Bagi pegawai yang sudah
menikah, tuntutan tugas tidak hanya ada dalam pekerjaan saja tetapi tugas dalam
kehidupan keluarga juga harus dikerjakan. Karena ketika pegawai lebih condong
pada satu tugas saja akan mengakibatkan work family conflict. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara job characteristic dengan work family
conflict. Ada sebanyak 251 orang pegawai bank yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini.
Metode pengambilan data menggunakan skala work family conflict dan skala job
characteristic. Data di analisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan korelasi
Pearson Product Moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan job characteristic
berhubungan positif dengan work family conflict. Hasil penelitian ini juga
memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat dua dimensi job characteristic yang berhubungan
positif dengan work family conflict yaitu dimensi task significance dan autonomy.
Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan pemahaman bagi pembuat
kebijakan dan pegawai untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan job
characteritic agar pegawai dapat mengetahui isi dan kondisi dari pekerjaannya

sehingga dapat menyesuaikan pekerjaan dengan keluarga agar terhindar dari work
family conflict.

Kata kunci : work family conflict, job characteristic, pegawai bank

Universitas Sumatera Utara

The Relationship Between Job Characteristic And Work Family Conflict
Among Banking Employees
Putri Carolina and Zulkarnain

Banking requires an employee who is able to do the work based on job
characteristic appropriate to the job. For employees who are married, the demands
of the task not only in the course of work tasks in family life but also to be done.
When employees are more inclined on one task alone would lead to work family
conflict. The purpose of this studyi is to examine the relationship between job
characteristic and work family conflict. There were 251 bank employees involved
in this study. The data collection used work family conflict scale and job
characteristic scale. The data were analyzed statistically using correlation Pearson

Product Moment. The results showed a positive correlation between


characteristic and work family conflict. The results also showed that there were
two dimensions of job characteristic were positively related to work family
conflict, such as task significance and autonomy. The implication of this study is
to contribute to the understanding of policy makers and employees to do the job
according to the job characteristic so employees can know the contents and
conditions of work so that it can adjust the work with family to avoid work family
Keyword : work family conflict, job characteristic, banking employee

Universitas Sumatera Utara