Character Portrayal In L.A. Meyer’s Novel Bloody Jack




1.1 Background of the Study

  Literature is considered as the reflection of human imagination. It is commonly known as a written of art. Literature is writing which expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings, and attitudes to life. Literature may consist of texts based on factual information (journalists or non -fiction), as well as an original imagination. In literature, there are three branches of literature such as drama, poetry, and prose. Prose is a type of literature that is written expression without rhyme scheme or lyrical structure. Meanwhile, prose can also divided into novel, short story, romance, etc.

  In this thesis, the object to be discussed is a novel. Richard (1981-46) says, “novel is a normally a prose work with a quiet length complexity which attempts to reflect an express something of the quality of value of human experience.” In other words, novels are long prose works with a great amount of detail on every page. The effect of this detail is that the readers can recognize the complex reality of a character or event in the story. Novels, however, are long works with great amount of detail on every page. They present all the complicating facts that need to be taken into account before we can reach any sort of judgment. The effect of this detail is that we come to recognize the complex reality of character or event in the story.

  Novel is a long prose contains a series of stories of one’s life with the people around him by accentuating the character and nature of each actor. Novel tells of an amazing event of the characters, the events which made something different that change the fate of the characters. Novel tends to expand and emphasizes complexity.

  Expand and complexity means is dispositive in this case, the problems experienced by the character, and the expansion of the background story. So, novel is a fiction depicting the life story of characters through a complex series of events and changes the fate of the character.

  Novel presents characters and actions as representation of real life condition and situation of the human. The characters or the people in the real have ambition, desire, joy, sadness, egoism, feeling, thought, and many things that deal with fact of human life. In other words, the novel is the combination of the real life experiences and the imagination of the author. Therefore, literature may offer life lessons that the novel teaches. Novel contains many aspects that reflected based on the human real life. This aspects commonly concern with emotion, feeling, problems, etc. The elements that build up novel are character, setting, plot, and theme. Character is people in a story are referred to as characters and also representative of real life. Setting is the place and time in a work of narrative. Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern.

  Theme is one of the big components of literature along with things like the plot and characters. The theme can be the meaning or lesson that a story is trying to convey.

  Point of view is the position or stance of the narrator.

  Character is one of the important parts of novel. The people in a novel are referred to as characters. Characters are representative of real life, such as human life, hope, sadness, happy, and others which deal with real life.

  From the description above, I sympathize with the main character in the novel that I discuss, the character Mary Faber. Because of the character of Mary in the novel is very interesting to be discussed, as well as other characters. In the novel, the character of Mary is described as a very nice girl, smart, and strong in the face of problems in her life.

  Character is very important in real-made creation of literary works such as novel, drama or even some of poems. The nature of character presentation gives a positive impact for readers to find out what is going on and what is it for. Character, disposition, and character, referring to the attitude and the nature of the figures as interpreted by the reader, it refers to the personal qualities of a leader. Personalities and characterization often equated meaning with character and disposition refers to the placement of certain figures with a certain character in a story.

  In this thesis, I will analyze the main characters in L.A. Meyer’s novel


“Bloody Jack”. There are many characters in the novel, but here I just want to

  analyze Mary ‘Jacky’ Faber and James ‘Jaimy’ Emerson Fletcher as main characters and also there are some of minor characters. The reason why the middle name of Mary is Jacky because she followed the UK ship as a lackey and on that ship there is no girl can follow or work, so Mary changes her name to Jacky and then she can follow the ship to survive her life. And also the reason of middle name of James is Jamie because he didn’t want if everybody called him as James, because it just made him remembered with his father who made James work on that ship. The reason to choose this topic I based on the recognition of the main characters as human being who have their own personality which is concerned with moral and mental qualities.

  Some facts of the moral life are such that everyone has to make decision continuously in a world where there are right and wrong ways of doing this. Our actions and decisions affect others as well as ourselves. Moral practices and standards depend on the stage of social development. Morality grows out of life itself and is an attempt to discover and live the good life. But in this thesis I examine the character through their behavior, like main character behavior.

  In the discussion to find a character in a novel we need to use an intrinsic theory. Because the character is one of the building elements literature included in intrinsic. And also to find a character in a novel we need to use qualitative research method. Because the type of analysis is words that will take a sentences to prove how the character is described.

  Having read the novel, the characters portrayed are important to analysis. Finally, I want to explain about the main characters portrayed and a little about the moral of minor character in L.A. Meyer’s novel “Bloody Jack”.

  1.2 Problem of the Study

  The problems of the study in this thesis are:

  • How are the main characters personal behavior portrayed?
  • How are mental of the main characters portrayed in the novel?

  1.3 The Objectives of the Study

  • To identify the main characters behavior through their behavior
  • To explain the mental of the main characters behavior through their behavior

  1.4 The Scope of the Study In this thesis, I would like to focus the main characters portrayed in L.A.

  Meyer’s novel Bloody Jack; they are Mary ‘Jacky’ Faber, James ‘Jaimy’ Emerson Fletcher. I was interested by the courage and effort in maintaining Marry Jacky life by following the UK Ship as lackey. Her personality grows and changes from day to day, but the other characters remain the same from figures the beginning. There are many characters portrayed in the novel Bloody Jack. Such as character portrayed of Mary ‘Jacky’ who very brave girl in her life, James which is very close himself from the others, Liam Delaney who always help Mary if she get trouble with someone and there are also some characters that are wicked, greedy and others. But in this thesis I focus to the main character.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

  Theoretically, this analysis to add the literary understanding of literature works and also characters through the novel. This analysis is supposed to enrich the material study of literature academically.

  Practically, this thesis can be applied to know about character portrayed through the novel “Bloody Jack”. It also can be used for everyone who wants to understand the novel as one of literary genres besides poetry or drama.