Muhammad Alif Hudanto, 210110110475, 2016. Skripsi berjudul Wacana
Penegakan Hukum pada Kasus Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan dalam Pemberitaan
Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Harian Republika Edisi 15-23 September 2015.
Pembimbing Utama, Dr. Herlina Agustin, S.Sos., MT dan Pembimbing
Pendamping Efi Fadilah, S.Sos., M.Pd. Program Studi Ilmu Jurnalistik, Fakultas
Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konstruksi wacana penegakan
hukum oleh Republika pada berita-berita tentang kebakaran hutan dan lahan
beserta aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi konstruksi tersebut. Penelitian ini
menggunakan analisis wacana kritis model Norman Fairclough untuk mengetahui
wacana penegakan hukum pada kasus kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Republika.
Hasil penelitian pada dimensi teks menunjukkan bahwa Republika
menggunakan pilihan-pilihan kata yang mendukung wacana penegakan hukum.
Selain itu berdasarkan pilihan kata tersebut Republika melegitimasi wacana
penegakan hukum termasuk celah hukum didalamnya. Pada dimensi praktik
wacana, pembentukan wacana sangat dipengaruhi oleh individu wartawan yang
merupakan wartawan hukum dan kendali dari redaksi. Pada dimensi praktik
sosiokultural konstruksi wacana penegakan hukum dipengaruhi oleh situasi
peristiwa kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang menimbulkan kerugian materil dan
korban berjatuhan akibat kabut asap. Pemerintah juga berpengaruh dalam

konstruksi wacana penegakan hukum dalam hal akses informasi sebagai
narasumber dan acuan mapping pemberitaan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Selain
itu, wacana penegakan hukum juga dipengaruhi oleh sejarah kebakaran hutan dan
lahan yang tidak ditangani secara serius sejak kebakaran besar tahun 1997.
Dan saran peneliti adalah Republika harus memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip
pemberitaan untuk isu lingkungan, terutama pada keadilan akses bagi pihak-pihak
terlibat dalam kebakaran hutan dan lahan dan verifikasi atas pernyataanpernyataan yang dimuat dalam pemberitaan kebakaran hutan dan lahan.
Kata Kunci : kebakaran hutan dan lahan; penegakan hukum; Republika.

Muhammad Alif Hudanto, 210110110475, 2015. This research entitled
Discourse of Law Enforcement on F orest F ire Case in News about F orest F ire
by Republika 15-23 September 2015 edition. Main Advisor Dr. Herlina Agustin,
S.Sos., MT and Vice Advisor Efi Fadilah, S.Sos., M.Pd. Department of Journalism
Studies, Faculty of Communication Science, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor.

This study aims to determine the construction of the discourse of law
enforcement by Republika on the news about forest and land fires as well as
aspects that affect the construction. This study used critical discourse analysis to
determine the model of Norman Fairclough discourse of law enforcement in case

of forest fires and land in Republika..
Results of research on the dimensions of the text show that Republika used
word choices that support the discourse of law enforcement. Also based on word
choices, Republika was legitimizing discourse of law enforcement including legal
loopholes inside the legal. On the dimension of the practice of discourse,
discourse formation was strongly influenced by individual factor of journalist who
are legal journalist and by control of the editorial. In the practice of sociocultural dimensions, construction of the discourse of law enforcement is affected
by the situation of forest fire events that cause material losses and victims due to
smog. In addition, law enforcement discourse is also influenced by the history of
land and forest fires are not taken seriously since a major fire in 1997.
Results of research on the dimensions of the text shows that Republika use
word choices that support law enforcement discourse. Also based on the word
choices, Republika was legitimizing discourse of law enforcement including legal
loopholes inside the legal. On the dimension of the practice of discourse,
discourse formation is strongly influenced by individual factor of journalist who
are legal journalist and by control of the editorial. In the practice of sociocultural dimensions, construction of the discourse of law enforcement is affected
by the situation of forest fire events that cause material losses and victims due to
smog. The Government was also influential in the construction of the discourse of
law enforcement in terms of access to information as a source and reference for
mapping land and forest fire reporting. In addition, law enforcement discourse is

also influenced by the history of land and forest fires are not taken seriously since
a major fire in 1997.
And the suggestion is Republika researcher must pay attention to the
principles of reporting for environmental issues, particularly on access to justice
for the parties involved in land and forest fires and verification of the statements
contained in the news land and forest fires.
Keywords : forest fire; law enforcement; Republika