

N O N E L E C T R O L Y T E S O L U T I O N BA S E D ON C U R R I C U L U M 2 0 1 3


Dewi N Marpaung Reg. Number: 4103332014

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill The requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



MEDAN 2014




The greatest praise and thanksfulness to the Almighty God for His Grace and Blessing who always give health, spirit, strength, and everything to the writer in finishing this thesis well and accordance to the planning time.

The title of this thesis is “ The Development of Innovative Learning Module on Teaching of Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte Solution Based on Curriculum 2013” has been arranged to obtaine the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA), State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In this oppurnity, I would like to express the great appreciation to Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc.,Ph.D., as my Thesis Supervisor and Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si., Dr. Zainuddin Muhtar,M.Si., Dr.Marham Sitorus, M.Si., as the contributor for their valuable time spent in giving guidances, advices, motivations, comments, and suggestions during the process in finishing this thesis.

I also says thanks to Prof.Drs. motlan, M.Sc.,Ph.D., as the dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan, then Dr.rer.nat.Binari Manurung, M.Si., and Dr.Iis Siti Jahro,M.Si., as the head and Secretary of Bilingual Program. Great thanks to Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., and Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si., as the expert lecturer to Standarize the module in this research. And also thanks to Syamsuddin, S.E., as bilingual staff for helping in administrative assitance and kindness.

I am gratitute also to all lectures who have rendered their knowledge and experience during academic program in university, the principle and teacher of SMAN 5 Medan, the principle and teacher of SMA Swasta Santo Thomas 1 Medan, and the principle and teacher of SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan who have given their helping, motivation and support to finish the research.



The deepest and special gratitude, appreciation and love to my beloved parents, T. Marpaung and M.Silaenfor for their countless love, supports, prays, motivation and careness and also to my beloved brother, Edi Pranata that always understand me and give me support every time to do my best , and also for my big brother Rikardo Marpaung S.Pd and my little brother Irfan Marpaung and two younger sisters, Sisca Marpaung and Efratiwi Marpaung who have given great motivation during finish this thesis.

And special thanks also for my best friend, Bernike Firmayanti Aruan where we always together during starting research untill finish, and Sinitta Ella Siregar, and also for all of Bilingual Chemistry 2010. And unforgetable for my Boy Syukri Tambunan that help me ang give support

and also for his mother that always give me support during finis this thesis. Finally, I hopes this thesis would be useful for everyone who like

to explore more about the learning media and method that suitable to learn Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte Solution and chemistry generally. May God bless us forever.

Medan, July 2014





SOLUTION ASED ON CURRICULUM 2013 Dewi N Marpaung (Reg.Number : 4103332014)


The aim of this research is the development of Innovative Learning Module on Teaching of Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte Solution Based on Curriculum 2013. The population of this research all all students grade X SMA Negeri 5 Medan, SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan, SMA Swasta Santo Thomas 1 medan, chemistry lecturer, chemistry teacher and chemistry book. The sample that were choose from two classes those are homogenize and distributed normally. Research instrument, those are questionnaire for standardization of module and 20 multiple choice.Questionnaire was done in standardized chemistry learning module by chemistry lecturer and chemistry teacher called as expert judgment. Trial for module have done by giving questionnaire for standardization that assess by lecturer (3.72), by teacher is (3.67), by students (3.52) all is categorized a good module . with total average is (3.67) can conclude that module is very good to use as learning media . for pretest,with total average students achievement in High Group (HG) for experimental class is 38.33±3.92, while in control class is 36.83±4.07. and for Low Group (LG) total average of students achievement is experimental class is 25.67±6.16, while in control class is 24.83±5.29. And the average students achievement (posttest-I) in High Group (HG) using module (experiment class) 86.17±4.78 is higher than using book (control class) 82.33±2.99, while in Low Goup (LG) using module 79.33±4.46 less than using book 72.17±3.42 have teaching and learning activities by using module as media (in experiment class), and by using chemistry textbook as media (in control class), it could conclude that chemistry learning module is able to increase students achievement in high group. The affectivity of learning in experiment is 99.37% higher than in control class 97.18%




Legalization Letter i

Biography ii

Acknowledgment iii

Abstract iv

List of Content vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Appendix xii


1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 4

1.3 Research Scope 4

1.4 Problem Formulation 5

1.5 Research Objective 5

1.6 Research Benefit 6


2.1 Background Research 7

2.2 Chemistry Subject in Curriculum 2013 9

2.2.1 Curriculum 2013 9

2.2.2 Characteristic of Curriculum 2013 10

2.2.3 The Advantage of Curriculum 2013 14

2.2.4 The Different between KTSP and Curriculum 2013 15

2.3 Chemistry Module as a Teaching Media 15

2.3.1 Element of Learning Module 16

2.3.2 Learning Process and Learning Method in Chemistry 18

2.4 The Development of Learning Material 19



2.5 Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte solutions 20

2.5.1 Development Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte solutions 20

2.5.2 Arrhenius Theory 22

2.5.3 The Type of Solution Based on Electrical Conductivity 22 Strong Electrolyte solution 22 Weak Electrolyte Solution 23

2.5.4 Chemical Bonding in Electrolyte Solution 24 Ionic Compound 24 Covalent compound 24

2.5.5 Non Electrolyte Solution 25

2.5.6 Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte solutions in Daily life 25

2.6 Conceptual Framework 25

2.7 Research Hypothesis 26


3.1 Research Overview 27

3.2 Location and Time of Research 29

3.3 Population and Sample 29

3.4 Research variable and research instrument 29

3.5 Research Design 30

3.6 Research Procedure 31

3.7 Data Analysis Technique 36

3.7.1 Descriptive Analysis 36

3.7.2 Inferential Analysis 37 The Normality Test 37 Homogeneity Test 37 The Hypothesis Test 37 The Percentage of Effectivity 38




4.1.1 Survey of Chemistry High School Text Book 39

4.1.2 Descriptive analysis Of Senior High School Chemistry Text Book 41

4.1.3 Development Innovated Chemistry Learning Module 44

4.1.4 Standardization of Innovative chemistry Learning Module 48

4.2 Student’s Achievement Before Teaching Treatment 50

4.3 Student’s Achievement After Teaching Treatment 51

4.4 Inferential Analysis 52

4.4.1Normality Evaluation Test 52

4.4.2 Homogeneity test 53

4.5 Hypothesis Testing 53

4.5.1 The First Hypothesis Test 54

4.5.2 The Second Hypothesis Test 54

4.5.3 The Third Hypothesis Test 55

4.5.4 The Fourth Hypothesis Test 56

4.5.5The Fifth Hypothesys Test 56

4.6 The Effectivity Percentage of Chemistry Learning Module 57

4.8 Discussion 58


5.1 Conclusion 59

5.2 Suggestion 60




Page Table 2.1. Table of main competency and basic competency in Chemistry for

Grade X in Curriculum 2013 12

Table 2.2. The different between KTSP and Curriculum 2013 15 Table 2.3. The different between Strong Electrolyte and Weak Electrolyte Solution 24 Table 3.1. The research design of the development of innovative learning module 31 Table 3.2. Questionairre for standarizing innovative learning module 35 Table 4.1. Description of Bilingual Chemistry text book that are include in the

Survey 40

Table 4.2. The Percentage Average of Suitability of Description Material for

Analyzed of the Textbooks 43

Table 4.3. Type of Innovative in Chemistry Learning Module on the Topic of

Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte Solution 47

Table 4.4. The performance of textbook on the material electrolyte and non electrolyte solution which was judged by chemistry lecturer, chemistry

teacher and students 49

Table 4.5. Average and Standard Deviation of Student’s Achievement in pretest 50 Table 4.6. Average and Standard Deviation of the Student’s Achievement in

Posttest-1 51

Table 4.7. Average and Standard Deviation of the Student’s Achievement in

Posttest 2 52

Table 4.8. Normality test of three school that were done in trial chemistry learning module

Table 4.9. Homogeneity test of three school that were done in trial chemistry

learning module 53

Table 4.10.Data t-test based on student’s achievement in posttest 2 for high



Table 4.11.The t-test data based on student’s achievement in posttest 2 for low

group in experiment and control class 54

Table 4.12.Data t-test based on student’s achievement in posttest 1 for high

group in experiment and control class 55

Table 4.13.Data t-test based on student’s achievement in posttest 1 for low

group in experiment and control class 55

Table 4.14.The Effectivity percentage of chemistry learning module in




Figure 3.1 Flow chart of research procedure to standardized of learning Module on the Teaching of Electrolyte and nonelectrolyte




Appendix 1. Chemistry Learning Module 64

Appendix 2. Syllabus 65

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan 68

Appendix 4. Specification Table of Student’s Achievement Test 82

Appendix 5. Instrument Test 91

Appendix 6. Key Answer 96

Appendix 7. The Different Between KTSP And Curriculum 2013 97

Appendix 8. Result of Questionnaire for Chamistry Topic 100

Appendix 9. Analysis Of Senior High School Textbook 101

Appendix 10. Table Of Grouping Based On High Group And Low Group In

School 105

Appendix 11. Standarization Of Chemistry Learning Module By Lecturer 111

Appendix 12. Standarization Of Chemistry Learning Module By Teacher 112

Appendix 13. Standarization Of Chemistry Learning Module By Students 113

Appendix 14. Calculation Of Normality Test Of Pretest 114

Appendix 15. Calculation Of Normality Test Of Posttest 116

Appendix 16. Calculation Of Homogeneity Test 117

Appendix 17. Calculation Of Hypothesys Test 119

Appendix 18. Calculation of Percentage Effectivity of Chemistry Learning

Module 122




One of the problem education is often expressed in news in the tendency of the low quality of education at several levels and units of education, especially in secondary education. Various attempt to improve the quality of educations is continue to be done, ranging from training to improve teacher quality, curriculum improvement, improvement of educational facilities, to improve the quality of school management. However, the indicator towards the quality of education has not show significant increase (Muslich, 2007). Learning innovation to improve students achievement in chemistry subject is necessary because it deals with improving the quality of graduates to fill jobs in the field of chemistry

The success of the learning process is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors are everything comes from inside of the student, for example: intelligence, interests, motivation, self-concept, the ability to start and so on. External factors are everything comes from outside of the student, such as: curriculum, teaching methods, learning model, approach to learning, social, economic and so forth. Lack of motivation to study causes them facing difficulties in learning Chemistry. So, their Chemistry learning achievement is not good. Teachers are expected to provide learning experiences in the learning process so it can raise interest and motivation. The teachers have to try to eliminate that Chemistry is boring. They may have bad experience in learning Chemistry but not the science itself.

Some factors causing the lack of mastery of chemical material for students include (1) systematic and sequence of subject matter that have not been able to motivate students to learn by direct teaching the course material is relatively difficult without providing the necessary basic understanding, (2) students often learn by wrote without establish the understanding of chemical



material being studied,(3) floating material so that student can’t find the key to understand the lesson being learned,and (4) certain reacher less successfully provide Concept for student’s to mastery the subject matter because the lack of master learning model(hahn and polik, 2004;lynch and waters). To improve the basic concept for students to learn could be conducted through providing a good teaching materials such as text books and modules related to the student development ( Saragih and Situmorang, 2012).

There are some reason why teacher need to develope learning material those are the availability of materials as demanded by curriculum, characteristic of the target and problem solving in addition the development of learning material must be appropriated by curriculum, where now days the curriculum that used is curriculum 2013

One effort to improve the quality of education is by facilitation of qualified textbooks. Textbook should be able to present the material in accordance with the curriculum, following the development of science and technology, and includes the competencies that have been established (Situmorang, 2013).

To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning process in school, it takes a breakthrough to improve the quality of teaching and learning process itself. Some consider that it needs changes in te learning curriculum, teaching technique, strategies and method of teaching and there is also considered that the changes he various instructional media that is very sophisticated, but there is instructional media that will never be left out of the book (William, 2002)

To implement the effective teaching needed some additional that is (1) learning is active, both mentally and physically, (2) motivation, (3) planning before teaching, (4) the influences suggestive teacher, should be given to the students, (5) the teacher must able to create a democratic condition in school,



(6) the presentation of the materials to students, teacher need to provide the stimulation issue to think (Slameto, 2003).

The development of innovative learning module on the teaching of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution is very important to know that innovative learning need to fulfill learning material that should be have good quality that using by student in SMA/MA according to curriculum demand that used now that is curriculum 2013. Learning material that has good quality can help student to achieved student competence based on topic of subject. Learning material that was develop can be able to motivate students to learn effectively that may improve student achievement in chemistry. By developing of innovative learning module student will be interest to learn chemistry

Curriculum 2013 need to be implemented. The purpose of the implementation of curriculum 2013 is to improve the quality of education especially the quality learning process with lesson plan in school to get the new learning method, learning model, standard assessment, and textbooks or modules. Curriculum 2013 emphasize that student must be more creative, active, innovative, communicative, has good attitude and religion where their knowledge with their attitude will make them become the good personality (Kemendikbud, 2013)

From the detail explanation above,the writer interested to do the research to develope of innovative learning module chemistry topic in curriculum 2013 and interesting learning material to make students interest to learn and easy to

understand and increase students achievements with entitled: ”THE




1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the above research background, it can be identified the problem as follows:

1. Learning materials are important to improve student’s achievement and motivation in learning chemistry subject.

2. Learning materials on the teaching of chemistry subject have to develop to make students easy to understand, interest to learn chemistry to improve student’s achievement

3. Teachers have to skill to teach the materials of chemistry by the appropriate methods and models to makes students motivate and active in teaching and learning activity.

4. The effectiveness of learning materials appropriate to the curriculum 2013 are needed to support implementation curriculum 2013.

5. The development of learning materials on the teaching of Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte Solution in curriculum 2013 is needed make student interest to learning chemistry and to improve student’s achievement

1.3 Research Scope

The scope of this research ” The Development of Innovative

Learning Module on The Teaching of Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte Solution Based on Curriculum 2013 “ is to arrange and develop innovative learning module to teach chemistry on topic electrolyte and non electrolyte solution for SHS students. The variety of learning material will be developed by researcher that adapted on topic of Electrolyte and Non Electrolyte Solution based on curriculum 2013 establish and develope a learning module on the subject of chemistry that refers to the on electrolyte and non electrolyte solution ,fesibilty of the content, presentation, and language and doing



evaluation and standardization of learning materials by chemistry lecturer, teachers and students. The research planned will be conducted to students in grade X in three senior high school in North Sumatera at even semester on academic year 2013/2014

1.4 Problem Formulation

Problem formulation is needed to limit the research that will facilitate discussion of the problems raised. The problem formulation of this research are consist of:

1. How to develope chemistry innovative learning module to meet students competences based on chemistry curriculum 2013?

2. How to design of innovative learning module integration of laboratory activity, outside activity, and learning media in to chemistry material of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution ?

3. How to standardize chemistry innovative learning module to obtain standardized and innovative module on the teaching electrolyte and non electrolyte solution ?

4. How effective is the developed innovative learning module to improve students achievement on the teaching of chemistry electrolyte and non electrolyte solution?

5. Are the students interested on using standard innovative learning module to meet the requirement on students competence in curriculum 2013?

1.5 Research Objective

In accordance with problem formulation of the research, then the research objectives are:

1. To develope chemistry innovative learning module to meet students competences based on chemistry curriculum 2013?



2. To design of innovative learning module integration of laboratory activity, outside activity, and learning media in to chemistry material of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution ?

3. Standardize chemistry innovative learning module to obtain standardized and innovative module on the teaching electrolyte and non electrolyte solution ?

4. To develope innovative learning module to improve students achievement on the teaching of chemistry electrolyte and non electrolyte solution? 5. To make the students interested on using standard innovative learning

module to meet the requirement on students competence in curriculum 2013?

1.6 Research Benefit

The research benefits that expected from the result of this research can generally be described as follows:

1. Create developed learning material based on curriculum 2013 that can

improve student’s learning outcomes on the teaching of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution

2. Developed learning material based on curriculum 2013 can be used as

reference for creating another learning material based on curriculum 2013 in another subject matter in chemistry in senior high school

3. Increase the researcher’s knowledge toward developed learning material

based on curriculum 2013 that can be used in the teaching and learning process to improve the quality of education in Indonesia

4. As important input for teacher that developed learning module based on

curriculum 2013 can be as alternative choice to improve student’s achievement



5. To enrich the students’research in additional do the usual research

especially to student in chemistry department in State University of Medan.





Based on the research of development of innovated chemistry learning module on the topic of electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte solution based on curriculum c013 that conducted in three school, it can concluded that :

1. The standardization that was conducted by chemistry lecturer as expert in the chemistry topic in state university of medan and also chemistry teacher in each school who active in teaching using bilingual in teaching process. Both of lecturer give value is good in criteria of the module that is 3.7c and for the teacher 3.67. means that the aequence of chemistry materials in the module in order the topic of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution is easy to be learn and it meet the curriculum education unit can be arrange.


The analysis of chemistry textbook for SMA/MA grade X for bilingual class especially on the topic of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution not fully meet the corecompetency, basic competency feasibility of content, design presentation, and feasibility of language analysis for chemistry textbook code B1 is 75%, code Bc is 55%, code B3 is 50% and code B4 is 35%. It caused by the book doesn’t complete all the materials in the textbook and also for design is not suitable with background and also for language ts not good enough.


Learning module is effective to improve studen’s achievement in high group. It can be seen from average value of posttest-1 by using innovated chemistry learning module than textbook. HG in experiment 86.17±4.78 is higher than in control class 8c.33±c.99. and for LG in experimental class 79.33±4.46 is higher than in cotrol class that is 7c.17±3.4c


The effectivity of innovated chemistry learning module based on curriculum c013 can see after doing posttest-c and it show that average percentage in



high groupog experiment class is 98.49% higher than in control class 95.84%, while in Low group the average of effectivity of student’s achievement in experimental class is 100.c6%

higher than in control class 98.5c%.therefore it could be conclude that innovated learning module give positive influence and more effective to improve student’s achievement.


The innovated chemistry learning module will applyed the teaching process from teacher center learning into student’s centre learning. And teacher also must be used innovated chemistry textbook to increase student’s achievement.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the result of research that has been done , author suggest: 1. Before using chemistry textbook or chemistry learning module, teacher should check overall chemistry textbook. Especially for materials content, language, presentation layout, teacher must do that before consumed by students.

c. Chemistry learning modul recomended in teaching and learning process, because it has been standarized.

3. Chemistry teacher should master all content chemistry module and the wau how to use the module before consumed by students.

4. For the next researcer its better using observation sheet for students as authentic data while teaching and learning process and also can improve the material based on their check.




Arifin,Z., (2009) ,Evaluasi Pembelajaran ,PT Remaja Rosdakarya,Bandung AAAS., (1993),Benchkmarks For Science Literacy,Oxford University Press,

New York.

Chambliss M,J, (2001) Analyzing Science Textbook Material To Determining How “Persuasive” They are, Theory into Practice40(4):225-264 Djamarah, S. Y., (1995),Strategi Belajar Mengajar, Rhineka Cipta, Jakarta . Iskandarwassid (2008), Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa. Bandung: SPS UPI

and PT Risda Karya.

Jippes, E.,Van Engelen,J.M.L.,Brand,P.L.P.,and Oudkerk, M.,(2010), Competency- based (CanMEDS) residency training programme in Radiology: systematic design Procedure, curriculum and succes factors, Eur Radiol.20(4): 967-977

Johari, J.M.C., and M, Rachmawati, (2009),Chemistry for Senior High School Grade X, English Edition.JAkarta: Esis

Kemendikbud (2013), Peraturan mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan ReSublik Indonesia nomor 70 tahun 2013 tentang kerangka dasar dan Struktu Kurikilum Sekolah Menengah atas /Madrasah Aliah, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.

Lynch,P.P., and Waters. M.,(1980),ExSectation of new Chemistry Students Concering Chemistry Cources,Chemistryin Australia,47(4):238-242. Muslich, M., (2007), KTSP Pembelajaran Berbasis KomSetensi & Kontekstual,

PT Bumi Aksara,: Jakarta.

Nasution, S., (2005),Berbagai Pendekatan dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar, PT Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.



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5. To enrich the students’research in additional do the usual research especially to student in chemistry department in State University of Medan.




Based on the research of development of innovated chemistry learning module on the topic of electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte solution based on curriculum c013 that conducted in three school, it can concluded that :

1. The standardization that was conducted by chemistry lecturer as expert in the chemistry topic in state university of medan and also chemistry teacher in each school who active in teaching using bilingual in teaching process. Both of lecturer give value is good in criteria of the module that is 3.7c and for the teacher 3.67. means that the aequence of chemistry materials in the module in order the topic of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution is easy to be learn and it meet the curriculum education unit can be arrange.


The analysis of chemistry textbook for SMA/MA grade X for bilingual class especially on the topic of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution not fully meet the corecompetency, basic competency feasibility of content, design presentation, and feasibility of language analysis for chemistry textbook code B1 is 75%, code Bc is 55%, code B3 is 50% and code B4 is 35%. It caused by the book doesn’t complete all the materials in the textbook and also for design is not suitable with background and also for language ts not good enough.


Learning module is effective to improve studen’s achievement in high group. It can be seen from average value of posttest-1 by using innovated chemistry learning module than textbook. HG in experiment 86.17±4.78 is higher than in control class 8c.33±c.99. and for LG in experimental class 79.33±4.46 is higher than in cotrol class that is 7c.17±3.4c


The effectivity of innovated chemistry learning module based on curriculum c013 can see after doing posttest-c and it show that average percentage in


high groupog experiment class is 98.49% higher than in control class 95.84%, while in Low group the average of effectivity of student’s achievement in experimental class is 100.c6%

higher than in control class 98.5c%.therefore it could be conclude that innovated learning module give positive influence and more effective to improve student’s achievement.


The innovated chemistry learning module will applyed the teaching process from teacher center learning into student’s centre learning. And teacher also must be used innovated chemistry textbook to increase student’s achievement.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the result of research that has been done , author suggest: 1. Before using chemistry textbook or chemistry learning module, teacher should check overall chemistry textbook. Especially for materials content, language, presentation layout, teacher must do that before consumed by students.

c. Chemistry learning modul recomended in teaching and learning process, because it has been standarized.

3. Chemistry teacher should master all content chemistry module and the wau how to use the module before consumed by students.

4. For the next researcer its better using observation sheet for students as authentic data while teaching and learning process and also can improve the material based on their check.



Arifin,Z., (2009) ,Evaluasi Pembelajaran ,PT Remaja Rosdakarya,Bandung AAAS., (1993),Benchkmarks For Science Literacy,Oxford University Press,

New York.

Chambliss M,J, (2001) Analyzing Science Textbook Material To Determining How “Persuasive” They are, Theory into Practice40(4):225-264 Djamarah, S. Y., (1995),Strategi Belajar Mengajar, Rhineka Cipta, Jakarta . Iskandarwassid (2008), Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa. Bandung: SPS UPI

and PT Risda Karya.

Jippes, E.,Van Engelen,J.M.L.,Brand,P.L.P.,and Oudkerk, M.,(2010), Competency- based (CanMEDS) residency training programme in Radiology: systematic design Procedure, curriculum and succes factors, Eur Radiol.20(4): 967-977

Johari, J.M.C., and M, Rachmawati, (2009),Chemistry for Senior High School Grade X, English Edition.JAkarta: Esis

Kemendikbud (2013), Peraturan mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan ReSublik Indonesia nomor 70 tahun 2013 tentang kerangka dasar dan Struktu Kurikilum Sekolah Menengah atas /Madrasah Aliah, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta.

Lynch,P.P., and Waters. M.,(1980),ExSectation of new Chemistry Students Concering Chemistry Cources,Chemistryin Australia,47(4):238-242. Muslich, M., (2007), KTSP Pembelajaran Berbasis KomSetensi & Kontekstual,

PT Bumi Aksara,: Jakarta.

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