




Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Wiwin Puji Lestari

Reg. Number: A83211200









Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Wiwin Puji Lestari

Reg. Number: A83211200











The Study of Deixis in Song Lyrics of Bruno

Letters and Humanities. State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag

Key words: Dexis, Lyrics, Bruno Mars, Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album

The aim of this research is to analyze five types of deixis and describe the reference meaning of deixis are found in song lyrics of Bruno Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album In analysis, the writer uses theory of Levinson about deixis in 1983. This research presented two statements of problems; include what

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album and what are the reference meanings of those song lyrics. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method.

The result of this research is personal deixis mostly used in every song lyrics included the three kinds of personal deixis. The use of personal deixis indicates the role of participant in the song, such us the use of word

you, she Moreover, the use of temporal deixis indicates relative time of speech event, such us the use of words

The following types is spatial deixis indicates the location of participant in the speech event, such us the use of word

While for discourse deixis indicates the expression which the referent in the text, such us the use of word The last is social deixis indicates social status of participant in the speech event, such us the use of word

In this research, the writer found the different result. There is a switch of referent which have similar type but they still refer to one type of deixis such as the word and she or in Just the Way you are song. The following result is shift of reference means one word include into two types of deixis as in the word can be include discourse and spatial deixis based on the context.

This research can be useful for the reader and rich understanding about deixis. For the next researcher who are interested in studying pragmatics to make other pragmatics field such as in implicature, speech acts, entailments or presupposition. The writer also suggests who are interested to observe deixis to explore more about deixis using different data sources not only in song lyric but also can use in radio, advertisement, fairy tale, etc.



Lestari, Wiwin Puji. 2015. Skripsi Sebuah Studi tentang Deixis dalam Lirik Lagu karya Bruno Mars dalam Album Doo Wops and Hooligan tahun 2010

Program Studi Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag

Kata Kunci: Dexis, Lirik, Bruno Mars, Album Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis lima tipe dari deixis dan menggambarkan arti rujukan dari deixis yang di temukan dalam lirik lagu Bruno Mars dalam album Doo Wops and Hooligan tahun 2010. Dalam menganalisis, penulis menggunakan teori dari Levinson tentang deixis pada tahun 1983. Penelitian ini menyajikan dua permasalahan termasuk apa saja tipe deixis yang muncul dalam tujuh lirik lagu Bruno Mars dalam album Doo Wops and Hooligans pada tahun 2010 dan apa arti yang rujukan dari tipe deixis yang muncul dalam lirik lagu tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa deixis persona lebih banyak digunakan di setiap lirik lagu termasuk tiga tipe dari deixis persona tersebut. Penggunaan persona deixis menunjuk pada peran partisipan dalam lagu, seperti kata

Selain itu, penggunaan deixis waktu menunjuk pada waktu terjadinya ucapan,

seperti dalam kata Tipe

selanjutnya yaitu deixis tempat yang menunjuk pada tempat terjadinya ucapan, seperti dalam kata Sementara untuk deixis teks menunjuk pada ucapan yang rujukannya ada dalam teks itu sendiri, seperti dalam kata Tipe terakhir adalah deixis sosial yang menunjuk pada kondisi sosial dari partisipan dalan ucapan, seperti dalam kata

Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menemukan hasil yang berbeda. Adanya pergantian rujukan yang mana mempunyai tipe yang sama tapi juga mengacu pada satu tipe deixis yang lain seperti dalam kata dan dalam lagu Just the Way you are. Ada juga perubahan rujukan yang mana satu kata dapat masuk dalam dua tipe deixis seperti kata yang bisa masuk dalam deixis teks atau deixis tempat.

Penelitian ini dapat memberi manfaat untuk pembaca dan menambah pengetahuan tentang deixis. Untuk peneliti selanjutnya yang tertarik dalam bidang pragmatik untuk memilih bidang pragmatik yang lain seperti implicature, speech acts, entailment atau presupposition. Penulis juga menyarankan bagi peneliti yang tertarik untuk meneliti tentang deixis supaya lebih mendalami tentang deixis menggunakan sumber data yang berbeda tidak hanya dalam lirik lagu tapi dapat juga menggunakan radio, iklan, dongeng dan sebagainya.



Inside Cover Page ... i

Inside Title Page ... ii

Declaration Page... iii

Motto ... iv

Dedication Page ... v

... vi

Page... vii

Acknowledgements ... viii

Table of Content ... x

List of Table ... xii

Abstract ... xiii

Intisari ... xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 4

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.5 Definition of Key Terms ... 6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE RIVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 7

2.1.1. Theory of Pragmatics ... 7


2.1.4. Definition of Reference ... 15

2.1.5. Context ... 16

2.2. Related Studies ... 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1. Research Design ... 22

3.2. Data and Data Sources ... 22

3.3 Research Instrument ... 23

3.4. Technique of Data Collection ... 23

3.5. Technique of Data Analysis ... 24


4.2. Reference Meaning... 36

4.3. Discussions ... 54


5.2 Suggestion ... 63





1. Table 3.1 classifying of personal deixis ... 25

2. Table 3.2 classifying of spatial deixis ... 25

3. Table 4.1 table of Personal deixis ... 27

4. Table 4.2 table of Spatial deixis ... 30

5. Table 4.3 table of Temporal deixis ... 32

6. Table 4.4 table of Discourse deixis ... 33



This chapter covers background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of key terms. All these sections will be discussed as follows:

1.1. Background of Study

Every human expresses their personality and fulfill their social interaction with other people by using language. Language refers to the process of conveying meaning and referring idea. According to Kreidler (1998:19), language is used to communicate and interact with each other in our daily life, whether in society, environment, educational institutions, recreational places, family, etc. Moreover, communication can be success if both of listener and speaker can give clear meaning and use language easily. The meaning will be clear if the listener or reader know about who, where, and when the utterance is uttered. Sometimes

listener. It is related to understanding of utterance meaning with the reference or the context itself. In order to understand the reference of utterance, reader or listener should be able to identify the contexts of utterance. This phenomenon called by deixis.

Deixis is a study to describe the relation between language and contexts in language structure itself. According to Levinson (1983:54), deixis comes from



Greek word means It means that the function of deixis is to point or indicate something. In other word, the utterance or sentence can be called as deixis if the referent is nomadic and change depend on the context.

Deixis is including in pragmatic fields. It is a study of meaning related to the context. According to Levinson (1983:5), pragmatics is the study of language usage and how people interpret the meaning of the conversation based on the context. While, Yule (1996: 3) stated that pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker or a writer and interpreted by a listener or a reader. Talking about deixis, it cannot be separated with context. Mey (1993:41) stated that context is more than just a reference. Context is the whole of situation which is complete the meaning of sentences. Context in can help the reade There are several researchers who have conducted the research on deixis such as in poem, novel, movie, interview, etc. Besides that, the phenomenon of deixis also can be found in song lyrics.

Lyrics are not only the string of words into sentences but also representations

family, friends etc. One of the singers which show the meaningful lyric is Bruno Mars. Bruno Mars is an American singer song writer, record producer, voice actor, and choreographer. Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii by a family of musicians, Mars begin his career in music at a young age and perform in various musical venues in his hometown throughout his childhood. His debut album is



the Billboard 200 anchored by the worldwide number by the singles

Way you are and . ( In Doo Wops and Hooligan2010 album, the writer uses seven selected songs. First song is Grenade. Grenade is one of the popular songs of Bruno Mars released on 2010 that tells the story about heartbreak caused by a failed relationship. Grenade represents the other side of love where you are in love with a woman and you know that she does not love you the way you love her. The second is Talking to the Moon that invites us to know and explore into the dreams and hopes of the special person. His song Just the Way You are declared as a single pledge in Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album. This song tells about the sincerity love of a boy to a girl. Next song is The Lazy Song that tells about someone who lazy to do something and just want to stay at home. Count on Me

tells us about the actual and best friend. When a friend was having trouble, they will be there for the other. The following song is Marry You. This song lyric explain about spontaneous marriage idea. The last is Liquor Store Blues which is tells about

There are a lot of researchers that conduct research on deixis using different topic and object. The first research conducted by Magdalena,

poems such as Three Years She Grew in Suin and Shower, Nutting and We are Seven. In her research, she uses the theory of Levinson and find seven kinds of deixis include person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis, discourse deixis, gestural deixis and symbolic deixis. The next research conducted by Dwi



Setyawati (2013), ent

Deixis in the novel are taken from conversations conducted by characters in the novel and analyze by using descriptive qualitative way. the following research has done by Sherly Marliana (201

Deixis in the Transcription of the Interview between Oprah Winfrey, President The current research will focus on deixis in song lyrics of Bruno Mars Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album because the writer noticed that every people like listen to the music and Bruno Mars is one of the popular singer in the world. The writer chooses song lyrics as the research object because during the writer reads references about deixis, the research object which most often use is in the novel, poem, movie, short story and interview. The writer only finds one research which conducted in song lyric but it is only focused on one type of deixis not all the types of deixis. While in this thesis, the writer analyzes all the types of deixis which is contained in the song lyrics of Bruno Mars Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album

also helps the reader to know the meaning or the message in the song.

1.2. Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of the study above, there are two statements of the problem addressed in this study, they are:

a. Doo Wops



b. What are the reference meanings of deixis found in song lyrics of Bruno

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album?

1.3. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem of the study above, the objectives of this study are formulated as follows:

a. Doo

-Wops and Hooligans 2010 album.

b. To analyze the reference meaning of deixis found in song lyrics of Bruno

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album

1.4. Significance of the Study

This study is significant to conduct some considerations include theoretical and practical. There are a lot of researchers which discusses about deixis with a variety of different topics and research object such as novels, movie, short story and poem.

1.4.1. Theoretically, this study can give significances such as to show the use of deixis in English songs and give information about the reference meaning of deixis in the English songs.

1.4.2. Practically, the writer hopes for the next researchers who are interested in studying pragmatics to make other pragmatics field such as in implicature, speech acts, entailments or presupposition. For the next researcher who are interested to observe deixis to explore more about deixis in another object.



1.5. Scope and Limitation

In order to make the discussion in this study more focus on the problem, the writer decides to make the scope and limitation. The scope of this study is to identify and analyze the five types of deixis include personal deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis based on theory of Levinson. While the limitation of this study is the use of seven selected song lyrics of Bruno

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album, include Grenade, Count on Me, Just the Way You Are, the Lazy Song, Talking to The Moon, Liquor Store Blues and Marry You.

1.6.Definition of Key Terms

There are several key terms which are significant for this study. Therefore, in order to help the reader in understanding this study, it is important for the writer to explain the definition of those key terms.

1.6.1. Deixis comes from the Greek word means nting or indicating and has function to point or indicate something. Deixis also has definition as the referring expression in which the interpretation of utterance depends on the context of utterance. It divided into five types include personal, spatial, temporal, discourse and social deixis, (Levinson, 1983).

1.6.2. Bruno Mars is an American singer songwriter, record producer, voice actor, and choreographer. While, Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album is the first and debut album which is peaked number three on the Billboard by worldwide number.



This chapter consists of many important aspects concerning the theoretical framework include the theory of pragmatic, definition of deixis, five types of deixis, definition of reference, definition of context and the related studies to support the analysis.

2.1. Theoretical Framework 2.1.1. Theories of Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics which is focuses how utterances communicate meaning in context. According to Levinson (1983:5), pragmatics is the study of language usage. It can be said that pragmatics is how people interpret the meaning of the conversation based on the context. Stalnaker (1999:34) stated that pragmatics is the study of linguistic acts and the contexts in which they are performed.

Yule (1996:3) stated that pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning. Therefore, Pragmatic is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker or a writer and interpreted by a listener or a reader. The communication clearly not only depends on recognizing the meaning of words in utterance, but also recognizing what speakers mean or the writers mean by their utterance. Yule (1996:3) divided pragmatic field into four definitions. All of the definitions concerns with the study of meaning as communication by the speaker or writer



and interpreted by the listener or reader. The first definition said that pragmatics is study how to analyze what people mean in that utterance and what the words or phrase in those utterance that is referred to speaker. Second, pragmatic is a study of contextual meaning. It means that pragmatics needed a consideration of how speaker organize what they want to say in accordance with who they are talking to, where, when the utterance is uttered. Third, pragmatic is the study of how to get communication purpose that is said by the speaker. This definition explains how listeners can make a conclusion about what is said in order to be successful of an interpretation. Fourth, pragmatic is the study of the expression of relative distance. It means how close the distance of the listener and the speakers determined how much need to be said.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that pragmatic is a general study of how the context influences the speaker in interpreting the meaning of a sentence or study in the connection with situations of speech in system of communication.

2.1.2. Deixis

Deixis has wide definition. Each expert has different explanation about deixis. Yule (1996:9) stated that deixis derived from the ancient Greek word that means, While, according to Levinson (1983:54), deixis comes from Greek word means The means of pointing or indicating has close relation with how words put into the context. A word can be deixis if the referent is nomadic and change depends on the speaker, time and



place pronounced that words. Yule (1996:9) distinguished deictic expression into two parts, include proximal and distal terms. Proximal terms are known near from

are Whereas, distal term is known away from the speaker, it is include

Therefore, the deixis is the signifier in which it refers to a particular case whether object, place, or time. For example:

today I swear (Lyric of the Lazy Song)

The use of word refers to the person who uttering the sentence. The word is included time deixis but do not have clear referent and difficult to understand because we do not know refers to what time the situation in the song happened.

Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that deixis is referring expression in which the interpretation of utterance depends on the context of utterance. The function of deixis is to point or indicate something and by knowing deixis can help the reader to know who, where and when the utterance is uttered.

2.1.3. Types of Deixis

There are several opinions about types of deixis based on linguist. In this research, the discussion is focused only on five types of deixis by Stephen Levinson 1983, include:



a. Personal Deixis

Personal deixis concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event, in which the utterance in the question delivered, Levinson, (1983:62). Personal deixis is related directly in the grammatical categories of person. In simple word, personal deixis has a function to indicate person. Levinson (1983:69) said there are three categories of person deixis, such as first person, second person and third person. Category of first person is refers to the speaker, second person is refer to addressee and third person is refer to other participant in the speech situation. It is same with Yule (1996: 9-10), described that person deixis involves the speaker and the addressee and operates in a basic three part division, they are:

- First person (I). The first person deixis is a reference that refers to the speaker or both speaker and referent grouped with the speaker which is expressed in singular pronouns, like (I, me, myself, mine) and plural pronouns (we, us, ourselves, our, ours).


I am eating fried rice in the dining room

The use of word is the first person and as a person who uttering the sentence. It can be said that the word is to point the writer herself in the sentence.

- Second person (you). The second person deixis is a deictic reference to a person or persons identified as addressee, such as you, yourself,



yourselves, your, yours. In other word, second person deixis is a person who takes direct contact with the first person and being a listener.


You can come to my house on Sunday.

The use of word is the second person and person who take direct contact with first person or someone who invited to talk with first person.

- Third person (He, She, It, They). Third person deixis is a deictic reference as the speaker or addressee and usually imply to the gender that the utterance refers to. It includes pronoun he, she, and they, him, himself, her, herself, it, their. Third person deixis also can be said as a person who is being talked between first person and second person. Example:

He is handsome boy who ever I meet.

The use of word is the third person and as a person who being talked by first person and second person.

b. Spatial Deixis or Place Deixis

Spatial deixis or place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial location relative to the location of participant in the speech event, Levinson (1985: 62). Furthermore, according to Yule (1996:12), spatial deixis is where the relative location of people and things is being indicated. There are some pure deictic place words, , there, this and that and this means that



the location that the speaker uttered is near from the speaker and and

that is indicates the location that away from the speaker when the speaker uttered. It is sometimes called as proximal (near to the speaker) and distal (far to the speaker).

According to Thomas (1995:9), place deixis such as here, there, this, that, are only when you know where the speaker is standing or what the speaker is indicating that they become truly meaningful. The function of spatial deixis is to indicate place.


I know you someone out there (Lyric of Talking to the Moon)

The application of above is the location of person who is performing by you and do not have clear referent and difficult to understand because we do not know refers to where the location mean.

c. Temporal Deixis or Time Deixis

Temporal deixis or time deixis concerns the encoding of temporal points and spans relative to the time at which an utterance was spoken (or written message inscribed), Levinson (1985:62). It means that time deixis is references that used to state the time when the utterance is uttered. Furthermore, Thomas (1995:9) said that time deixis, such as yesterday, tomorrow, now, only become fully meaningful if you know when the words were uttered. The function of temporal deixis is to indicate time. For example:



- Last, next Monday, week, month, year - Now, then, ago, later, soon, before - Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Time deixis divided into some categories. According to Cruse (2006:179-180), there are three kinds of time deixis. First is before the moment of utterance, second is at the time of utterance and the last is after the time of utterance. In English, these three kinds of time deixis called by tense, they are present tense, past tense and future tense.


I will meet you tomorrow.

The use of word is included time deixis but does not have clear referent and difficult to understand because we do not know

refers to when the time happen. It can be on Sunday, Monday etc because the reference is not clear.

d. Discourse deixis

Discourse deixis also known as text deixis. Discourse deixis is an expression in which the reference is within in the discourse or text. Discourse deixis also an expression used to refer to certain discourse that contain the utterance or as a signal and its relations to surrounding text, (Levinson, 1983:85). Discourse deixis is deictic reference to a portion of a discourse




and this, that, there, next, last (usually used in utterances). The deictic word used here are the demonstratives this and that. This can be used to refer to a portion of the discourse and that can be used to a previous portion.


I meet this girl the other day

The occurring of word here simply refer to girl or a certain young female who needs no further introduction.

e. Social deixis

Social deixis concerns with the aspects of sentences which are reflect, establish, or determined by certain realities of participants or the social situation in which the speech event occurs, (Levinson, 1983:89). While, Cruse (2006:166) stated that social deictic is an expression whose function is to indicate the position of the referent on the scales of social status and intimacy relative to the speaker. Social deixis is connected with the social distinction with participant who has role. Social deixis is divided into two basic kinds that are relational and absolute. The relational social deixis is manifested through this certain relationship, (Levinson, 1983: 90-91):

1. Speaker and referent (addressee honorifics by referring him)

2. Speaker and addressee (addressee honorifics without referring him) 3. Speaker and bystander (bystander or audience honorifics)

4. Speaker and setting (formality levels or social activity).



1. Authorized speaker (forms reserved for certain speaker) 2. Authorized hearer (restriction of most title, e.g. Your Honor). Example:

But sorry pops you just have to wait. (Lyric of the Lazy Song)

The use of word is including relational social deixis because it indicates there is a relation between the writer and addressee. It refers to the

2.1.4. Definition of Reference

In discussing deixis, we assumed that the use of words to refer a people, place and times was a simple matter. We have to define references as an act by which a speaker or writer uses language to enable a listener or reader to identify something, Yule (1985:115). Reference is thought as an act in which a speaker or writer uses linguistic forms to enable a listener or reader to identify something.

Strawson (in Brown and Yule, 1983:28) claimed that in discourse analysis, reference is treated as an action on the part of the speaker or writer. References could be divided into two, namely Exophoric reference (situational reference) and Endophoric reference (textual reference). Exophoric reference is when the reference points outwards from the text, linking the text to the environment (Halliday, 1976:33). One must look to the environment in which the text occurs to interpret the meaning of the reference. Examples of Exophoric can be seen in words like I, mine, you, and we, which point to things (the speakers or the



Endophoric reference is when the reference points inwards to the text, interpreting the meaning of a reference requires looking elsewhere within the text. Endophoric reference can either be anaphoric (the preceding text) and cataphoric (the following text). Anaphoric is pointing backwards to a referent that has already been introduced. Mey, (1993:58) stated that typical of anaphora references are pronoun. For example, "the man was walking softly, he carried a big bag". The word "the man" as a known referent and the word refers to the phrase "the man" which has been introduced before. Whereas the definition of Cataphoric is pointing forwards to a referent that has not to introduced yet. For example, "He was very cold. David needs a jacket and shawl". The identity of the "he" is refers to David but the referent has not be introduced yet.

From explanation above, the writer concludes that reference is the central point of utterance or sentence. It has function to identifying someone or something and helps the reader or listener to understand about what the speaker mean in utterance.

2.1.5. Contexts

Talking about pragmatic and deixis, it cannot be separated with context. Context is the important aspect to complete the meaning of sentences. The importance of context in figuring out ambiguities in spoken or written language, context also considered as the situation in the conversation. Mey (1993:41) stated that context is more than just a reference. Context shows how person, time and



place take place to create a referent or the speech event always refers to someone or something.

The role of context is important in the study of pragmatics. There are two prima

Linguistic context is the discourse that precedes the phrase or sentence to be interpreted, whereas the situational context includes knowledge of world including the speaker, the hearer, third parties and their beliefs. Situational context refers to every non linguistic factor that affects the meaning of a phrase. An example of situational context can be seen in this sentence,

This sentence can either be a simple statement of fact that the class is so hot or a request to turn on the fan. It depends on the intention and expectation from the speaker to the hearer.

Context is all about the whole situation that related with the utterance or sentence. From all explanation above, the writer concludes that context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity like person, place, or object.

2.2. Related Studies

Some researchers have investigated about deixis. The previous study was done by:



In her research, she uses three kinds of poems from William Wordsworth as research data to be analyzed. These poems are Three Years She Grew in Suin and Shower, Nutting and We are Seven. In her research, she uses the theory of Levinson and find seven kinds of deixis include person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis, discourse deixis, gestural deixis and symbolic deixis. In her research, she finds fourteen kinds of pronoun as person deixis marker. They are I, me, my, my self, mine, she, her, you, your, we, they, their, them and he. For time deixis, she finds two kind, then and now. Then, she finds three markers of place deixis, they are there, here and this. In social deixis there are seven kinds, consist of lady, girl, king, maiden, sir, and maid and God. For discourse deixis only two kinds, they are that and this. Meanwhile for gestural deixis and symbolical deixis she cannot find in that poem.

In her research, she takes the object on poem and she uses seven types of deixis include personal, spatial, temporal, discourse, social, gestural and symbolic deixis. While in this current research the writer takes the different object that is in song lyrics and analyzes five types of deixis without gestural and symbolic deixis

qualitative method same with this current research. In the result of previous research can be seen that gestural and symbolical deixis did not show in those three poems. While, in this current research all the type of deixis showed in the object. This current research does not use gestural and symbolic deixis because both of that additional deixis only can be find if we were touched or watched the



body movement.

2.2.2. Dwi Setyawati (2013) entitles The Analysis of Deixis of the Novel

Deixis in the novel are taken from conversations conducted by characters in the novel and analyze by using descriptive qualitative way. The result of her research is there are four types of deixis found in the

Austen, such as 195 person deixis (63, 2%), 32 spatial person deixis (10, 4%), 42 temporal deixis (13, 6%), and 40 discourse deixis (12, 9%).

In her research, she takes the object on Novel using descriptive qualitative way and analyz

research, she only found four types of deixis and did not found social deixis in the novel. While in this current research the writer takes different object in song lyrics. For the result, in previous research can be seen that all the five types of deixis were occurs. If in the previous research she counts the frequency of types of deixis which is often occur, in this current research the writer does not count it because the writer has been uses the table and from the table can be seen which one often occur.




Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama in Chicago May 2nd,

This research uses two methods include qualitative and quantitative. The result of this study is she found personal deixis establishing anaphoric or cataphoric relations such as I, He, She, We, They, and You. For the time deixis, the transcription used such as two and a half years ago, today and now. For the place deixis, the transcription mostly used locative adverbs of place such as here and

there. The transcription also has discourse deixis elements such as it, this/these, that/those. For the social deixis, this interview used some terms for encoding the social relationship status, such as: Mr. President and First Lady.

In this previous research the data are from interview between Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and Michele Obama. In her research she uses two methods include qualitative and quantitative because she counts the frequency of the types often occur. For the result, in her research is complete and all the types are occur. While in this current research the writer takes the object not in interview but in song lyric. For the result it is same with previous research that all the types of deixis are used in the object. In this current research, the writer also shows the different result which does not find in this previous research.

2.2.4. Yul A Person Deixis analysis of song Lyric in Album

This research is analyzes personal deixis in



The result of this research shows that there are three kinds of person deixis which is used in Maher Zein Album namely, first personal deixis, second personal deixis and third personal deixis. The person deixis that most dominant used are first personal deixis I and We. Then second personal deixis is You while the third personal deixis are He and They.

In the previous research only focused on personal deixis in Maher Zein album. While in this current research focused on five types of deixis based on

current research are used descriptive qualitative method to conduct the research. For the result, in previous research all types of personal deixis are occurring include first, second and third person deixis. Furthermore, in this current research all types of deixis also complete include personal, spatial, temporal, discourse and social deixis.

Although there are many researchers who have conducted the researches on the same field, yet they have different subjects and different or similar theories. Some of them conducted the research on novel, poem and transcript of Interview. However, in this research the writer takes the different source. She

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album and also use the theory of Levinson which is consists of five types of deixis.




This chapter discussed about the method that the writer used in this research include research approach, research instruments, data and data source, technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

In conducting this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method because the writer described the data and rich understanding about deixis in every song lyrics. In this study, the writer collected, identified and analyzed the data through systematic steps using qualitative way. Qualitative research is where the data are collected in the form of word or picture rather than number. According to Yin (2011:8), qualitative research was conducted by a desire to explain the events, through existing or emerging concepts. So, the writer regarded that descriptive method in this research because the writer attempted to describe, interpret and classifying a problem or phenomenon about deixis found in the song lyrics of Bruno Mars Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album.

3.2. Data and Data Sources



Song, Talking to The Moon, Liquor Store Blues and Marry You. While the data of this research was taken from words or lyrics which are the writer found in the

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album.

3.3. Research Instruments

In this research, the writer was the main instrument. In descriptive studies, the human investigator is the primary instrument for gathering and analyzing data. The writer herself as the instrument because the writer herself who does the research such as identifying, classifying and analyzing the data. The writer

deixis, and then the writer started to analyze the data provided.

3.4. Technique of Data Collection

The data of this study were collected by doing the following steps: 1. Search

Doo Wops and

Hooligans 2010 album in the internet. The function is to make sure that the lyrics are correct.

2. Read

lyrics in Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album which is included seven songs such as, Grenade, Count on Me, Just the Way You Are, the Lazy Song, Talking to The Moon, Liquor Store Blues and Marry You.



3. Coding

Coding here means the writer signed using underline in the words or lyrics that included personal deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, social

Doo-Wops and Hooligans 2010 album. The function of this coding is intended to make easy in classifying the data into the five types of deixis.

3.5. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer does some steps to analyze the data. The analysis of data is the process of arrange the data, organizing the data into pattern, category and a unit of basic analysis. The procedure of analyzing the data was divided through the following steps:

1. Identification

This part began identified the five types of deixis that occur in the Bruno



2. Classification

Classification means the writer classified which one of deixis is included in personal deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, social deixis and discourse

Doo Wops and

Hooligans 2010 album. In this classify, the writer used five tables based on the five types of deixis to make the reader easy to understand.

Table 3.1: Classifying of personal deixis

No Song Personal Deixis

First person Second person Third person 1 Grenade I, me, my You, your It, they 2


Table 3.2: Classifying of spatial deixis

No Song Spatial or Place Deixis

1 Grenade -

2 ...


3. Description

In this section, the writer described the reference meaning of deixis which is include in personal deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, social


Wops and Hooligans 2010 album. 4. Conclusion

The last process of analyzing the data is conclusion. The writer concluded the whole of data analyzed to obtain the answer of research question.




This chapter presents research findi

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album. This album consists of seven songs, such as Grenade, Count on Me, Just the Way you are, the Lazy Song, Talking to the Moon, Liquor Store Blues, Marry you and the discussion. The main purpose of this chapter is to answer the questions presented in Chapter I. The writer analyzes the type of deixis using theory of Stephen Levinson which is consist of five types of deixis include personal deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. The writer uses the theory of Levinson which is said that deixis is the single obvious way in which the relationship between language and context is reflected in the structure of languages themselves. Levinson stated that deixis derived from the ancient Greek word that means, or

4.1. Doo Wops and Hooligan

2010 Album

In this part, the writer presents the analysis of every song lyric. In analyzing the song lyric, the writer uses tables to make the analysis process become simpler and clearer.



4.1.1. Personal Deixis

Personal deixis is concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event in which the utterance in the question delivered, Levinson (1983:65).

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album which is include seven songs such as Grenade, Count on Me, Just the Way You Are, the Lazy Song, Talking to The Moon, Liquor Store Blues and Marry You, personal deixis is occur followed by the three types of personal deixis. It can be seen in this table:

Table 4.1: Personal deixis in seven songs

No Song Personal Deixis

First person Second person Third person

1 Grenade I, me, my You, your It, they

2 Count on Me I, me, my, we, our You, yourself It 3 Just the Way you are I, me You She, her, it,

they, them

4 Lazy Song I, me, my You She, it, they

5 Talking to the Moon I, my, myself You They 6 Liquor Store Blues I, me, my You They

7 Marry You I, we You, your -

From the table above, it can be seen that in seven songs from Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album, personal deixis and the three types of personal deixis is occur. First song is In the song which is consisting of six stanzas, the writer finds the use of personal deixis in every stanza. Personal deixis that occurs in this song are complete and followed by three types of personal deixis. The writer finds seven words that include personal deixis and followed by three words as first person deixis, two words as second person deixis



and two words as third person deixis. The use of first person deixis in this song represented by use of word and Next the word indicates second person deixis shows by use of word and The last is third person deixis represented by use of word and

Second song is This song consists of four stanzas and in every stanza, personal deixis always occurs. Personal deixis that occurs in this song is complete and followed by the three types of personal deixis. The writer finds eight words that include personal deixis, five words as first person deixis, two words as second person deixis and one word as third person deixis. First person deixis in this song shows by using word and Next are words that indicate second person deixis shows by use of word and

The last is third person deixis which is shows by use of word

Third song is This song consists of seven stanzas. The use of personal deixis in this song is to indicate the use of personal pronoun in the song lyric. Personal deixis that occurs in this song is complete and followed by the three types of personal deixis. The writer finds eight words that include personal deixis such as two words as first person deixis, one word as second person deixis and five words as third person deixis. First person deixis in this song shows by use of word and Next are words that indicate second person deixis shows by use of word The last is third person deixis which is shows



Fourth song is This song consists of six stanzas and in every stanza personal deixis and the three types are occurring. Personal deixis that occurs in this song is complete and followed by the three types of personal deixis. The writer finds seven words that include personal deixis which is include three words as first person deixis, one word as second person deixis and two words as third person deixis. First person deixis in this song shows by use of word

and Next are words that indicate second person deixis shows by use of word The last is third person deixis which is shows by use of word

Fifth song is This song consists of three stanzas. This song uses personal deixis to indicate the use of personal pronoun. The writer finds five words that include personal deixis consist of three words as first person deixis, one word as second person deixis and one word as third person deixis. First person deixis in this song shows by use of word and Next are words that indicate second person deixis shows by use of word The last is third person deixis which is shows by use of word

Next song is This song consists of five stanzas and in every stanza, personal deixis always uses. The writer finds five words that include personal deixis, three words as first person deixis, one word as second person deixis and one word as third person deixis. First person deixis in this song shows by use of word and Next are words that indicate second person deixis shows by use of word The last is third person deixis which is shows



The last song is This song consists of six stanzas. The writer finds the use of personal deixis in every stanza of this song includes first and second person deixis. The writer finds five words that include personal deixis such as two words as first person deixis, two words as second person deixis and one word as third person deixis. The use of first person deixis in this song represented by use of word and Next the word indicates second person deixis shows by use of word and

From all explanation above, the writer concludes that from seven songs in

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album, the use of personal deixis and followed by the three types of deixis are occur. The function of personal deixis is to indicate the use of personal pronoun in the song lyrics.

4.1.2. Spatial Deixis or Place Deixis

Spatial deixis or place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial location relative to the location of participant in the speech event, Levinson (1985: 62).

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album, the writer finds and classifies the 7 data or 7 songs which are show the spatial or place deixis.

Table 4.2: Spatial deixis in seven songs

No Song Spatial or Place Deixis

1 Grenade -

2 Count on Me -

3 Just the Way you are -

4 The Lazy Song Anywhere



6 Liquor Store Blues Here, nowhere, this

7 Marry you -

From the table above, it can be seen that from seven songs in Bruno

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album, spatial or place deixis is used in three song lyrics. Three of them are

The occurring of spatial deixis or place deixis in the is represented by use of word While, in the

the writer finds two words that indicate spatial or place deixis, include the use of word and The last is in the

The writer finds two words as spatial deixis that is the use of word and

From explanation above, the writer can concludes that not all the song in

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album uses spatial or place deixis in the song lyric. It means that the writer of the song does not mention the location of the event in the song lyric happen.

4.1.3. Temporal or Time Deixis

Temporal or time deixis concerns the encoding of temporal points and spans relative to the time at which an utterance was spoken (or written message inscribed), Levinson (1985:62). It means that time deixis is references that it is used to state the time when the utterance is uttered. From seven songs in Bruno



data or 7 songs which are show temporal or time deixis. The writer uses the tables to make it easier and clearer.

Table 4.3: Temporal deixis in seven songs

No Song Temporal or Time Deixis

1 Grenade -

2 Count on Me Everyday

3 Just the Way you are Everyday, every time, then, all day 4 The Lazy Song Tomorrow, today

5 Talking to the Moon At night

6 Liquor Store Blues Today, tomorrow, tonight

7 Marry you Now

From the table above, it can be seen that from seven songs in Bruno

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album, is the only song does not use temporal or time deixis in the song lyrics. The use of temporal or time deixis can be seen in the song This song uses word to indicate temporal deixis. This word occurs only in the third stanza of this song. Next is song In this song the writer finds four temporal

deixis including word and The word

in this song occurs two times in the first and fifth stanza. Moreover, temporal deixis also occurs in the song In this song, the writer finds two words that include temporal deixis, they are and

Next song which is use temporal deixis is In this song the writer only find one temporal deixis represented by use of word This word can be seen in the second stanza or in the chorus of the song. The use of temporal deixis in this album also occurs in the song In this



song the writer finds three words that include temporal deixis. Those words are and The last is song which is use temporal deixis in the song lyric. In this song the writer finds only one word as temporal deixis that is word which can be seen in the eight stanzas.

From explanation above, the writer concludes that temporal or time deixis mostly use in the song of this album. The use of temporal deixis indicates the time when the event in the song happens.

4.1.4. Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis also known as text deixis. Discourse deixis refers to the use of expression within some utterance to refer to some portion of the discourse that contains the utterance, (Levinson, 1983:85). Discourse deixis also an expression used to refer to certain discourse that contain the utterance or as a signal and its relations to surrounding text. This table gives information about seven songs which is use discourse deixis in the song lyric.

Table 4.4: Discourse deixis in seven songs

No Song Discourse Deixis

1 Grenade This, that

2 Count on Me That

3 Just the Way you are That

4 The Lazy Song This

5 Talking to the Moon - 6 Liquor Store Blues That



From the table above, it can be seen that from seven songs in Bruno

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album, only which does not use discourse deixis in the song lyrics. The use of discourse deixis can be seen in the song In this song the writer finds two words that indicate discourse deixis. Those words are and Both of those words can be seen in the fourth and fifth stanza in Grenade song. The other song which is use discourse deixis is In this song, discourse deixis occurs only in one word that is word which can be found in the second stanza. Then in the song , the writer also finds one word indicate discourse deixis that is word Next discourse deixis occurs in the song

In this song discourse deixis shows by use of word in the fifth stanza. Moreover, discourse deixis also can find in the

Discourse deixis in this song represented by the use of one word Then the last is discourse deixis in the song In this song the writer finds two words as discourse deixis, such as in the use of word and

From the explanation above, the writer concludes that discourse deixis in song lyric of Br Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album is mostly used. Discourse deixis in this song means that the word has relations to other text before.

4.1.5. Social Deixis

Social deixis is connected with the social distinction with participant who has role, (Levinson, 1983:89). There are two basic kinds of social deixis



information that seems to be encoded in language around the world, include relational social deixis and absolute social deixis. The writer uses table to gives information about seven songs which is use social deixis in the song lyric.

Table 4.5: Social deixis in seven songs

No Song Social Deixis

Relational Social Deixis Absolute Social Deixis

1 Grenade - Mad woman

2 Count on Me - -

3 Just the Way you are - Girl

4 The Lazy Song Pops Girl

5 Talking to the Moon - -

6 Liquor Store Blues - -

7 Marry you - Girl, baby

From the table above, it can be seen that from seven songs in Bruno

Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album, only four songs which use social deixis in their song lyric is. There are two kinds of social deixis, include relational social deixis and absolute social deixis. Relational social deixis is deictic reference to a social relationship between the speaker and addressee. While absolute social deixis is a deictic reference usually express in certain forms of address.

First song is This song use one word as the social deixis which is represents by use of word in the fifth stanza. Then in song the writer finds also there is one word as the social deixis shows by use of word Next is which is use two words indicates social deixis that is use of word and The last song is



The writer finds there are two words as the social deixis shows by use of word and

4.2. Doo Wops and Hooligan 2010 album

In this part, the writer shows the reference meaning of every song which is

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010 album. The main purpose of this part is to answer the second questions presented in Chapter I.

4.2.1. Reference Meaning o

The occurring of word in this song indicates first person deixis and can be interpreted as a person who has role as the main subject of the song. The use of word refers to the writer his self because in this song tells about the experience of the writer. The writer tells when he broken heart with his girlfriend,

Then for first person deixis can be categorized as the objective case for one person, especially for the writer. The objective case is usually placed after verb or preposition. Next first person deixis occurs in this song is Using word can be categorized as the possessive pronoun for singular or one person. The pronoun can be interpreted as belonging to me. In the third stanza, my the word refers to the possessive pronoun of me that is

stanza, my face then rip the brakes out my The using word in the first refers to the , and then in the second refers to the



Then for second person deixis in this song shows by use of word

This word can be interpreted as a replacement for someone who has a role as addressee or someone which has direct contact with the first person. In this song, the occurring word can be seen in every stanza. This word refers to

Oh, take, take, take it all but

you shows how disappointed the writer to the girl because the girl has taken and accepted all the writer gives but she does not give anything to him. The

respond appropriately that make a boy feel worse. While for second person deixis can be classified as a possessive pronoun for the addressee. In the second

stanza, your the using word is

Next is third person deixis in this song which is represented by using of word The occurring of word in this song can be used for all other inanimate object and for animal where the sex is unknown. In the second stanza,

ou tossed it the use of word refers to

sacrifice etc. The meaning of this line actually is a boy who feels disappointed with a girl because a boy has given a girl many things but the girl ignore about that.

given for her. Then for third person deixis can be interpreted as plural third person or as a group of people who are being addressed. In the first stanza,



they the using word refers to

Had your eyes wide open

In this song, the writer does not find the using of temporal deixis and spatial deixis. Next is discourse deixis represented by use of the word and

The use of word

the girl does not reply his loves and his sacrifices. It shows in the fourth stanza

would go through all this From this line can be seen how the writer faces his problem and he wants to pass all his pain after he has heartbreak because of the girl. Then for discourse deixis which are shows by use of word The use of word in the first line include discourse deixis which is refer to a portion of the discourse in the word This sentence means that everything in this world can come and go unpredictable. It seems with the writer means in this song that a girl whom he loves come to take all the thing that

The last is social deixis in the song In this song the writer finds one word indicate the use of social deixis that is word This word includes absolute social deixis because there is no social relationship between the writer (a boy) and addressee (a girl). This word occurs in the Mad woman, bad woman, that's just what you are, yeah The writer writes the word indicate that a girl who firstly becomes someone special and he love, because of ignorance by the girl so the boy feel hate. also means that a woman or a girl is like a harlot, because she has been accepted all the



is used to make the word more polite. In the first line of this stanza occur sentence that is the name of color which has sad symbol which has means the writer feels sad because his love is not replayed.


The occurring of word in this song indicates first person deixis and can be interpreted as a person who has a role as the main subject of the song. Word refers to the writer his self because in this song tells about the experience of the writer. The writer explains about his friend, what must to do when the friends in need and how to be the best friend. Then for first person deixis can be categorized as the objective case for one person, especially for the writer as the main subject in this song. Next first person deixis occurs in this song is Using word can be categorized as the possessive pronoun for singular or one person. The pronoun can be interpreted as belonging to me.

In the fourth stanza, my the using

word refers to the possessive of writer that

sentence means we can help our friend when they needed such as give attention or just amuse them to be strong. Then for first person deixis can be categorized as the combination of pronoun I and you. In this case, the pronoun deixis means that between the writer and his friends, they have a friendship and always are a friend. So the word here means that between the writer and his friend



will not refuse their friendship and always together. Next first person deixis indicate possessive pronoun of we based on the context.

The use of second person deixis in this song include word and The using word can be interpreted as a replacement for someone who has a role as addressee or someone which has direct contact with the first person. The use of word in this song refers to the reader. The writer conveys the meaning of this song to the reader. The writer said and remembered the reader what must they do when their friend having trouble. While, for use of word in this song has a function as reflective pronoun that refers to the subject you. Then for the third person deixis, the writer only uses one word that indicates third person deixis that is use of word This word can be find in

second line it

always be there to support and help us to face the problems.

A next type of deixis which is use in this song is temporal deixis. The writer finds the use of temporal deixis in this song from the word

This word refers to the time that they spare together. They will be there for the other every day, it is proof in this line

really mean to me, everyday From this line we can know that friend is really mean to other friend. And if one of them forgets, the other will remind because they believe that friends are like their family and be the part of their live.



The last types of deixis occurs in this song is discourse deixis. In this song the writer finds the use of word indicate discourse deixis is word This word can be seen in the second stanza ause that

The using word refers to the previous portion of discourse that is

can count on you like four, three, two, you'll be there. This line means that as a true friend, we must close with our friend in happiness or sadness like the number four three two which is very near and nothing space.


The use of word in this song indicate first person deixis and can be interpreted as a person who has a role as the main subject of the song. Word refers to the writer his self. He tells about his experience in loving someone deeply and shows how he expresses his love to someone with beautiful words.

first person deixis can be seen in the first stanza, I tell

In that line can be seen that a girl is perfect girl who has beautiful physic and make the writer amazes with her. Next first person deixis is the use of word This word can be categorized as the objective case for one person, especially for the writer as the main subject in this song.

Next type of personal deixis use in this song is second person deixis. In this song the writer finds one word which is including second person deixis that is word This word always occurs in every stanza of this song. Word



someone which has direct contact with the first person. It refers to the girl as the addressee by the writer. The writer imagines that the girl is in front of him and talks to him. So, he uses word you to indicate the near place between he and the girl.

The last type of personal deixis is third person deixis. The writer uses five words indicate third person deixis, include the use of word and

First is using word can be categorized as singular third person deixis and can be interpreted as the gender of addressee especially for female. The using word occurs in the first and fifth stanza can be seen in the first stanza,

she Using word here refers to the

girl as the addressee in this song. The writer described that the girl is beautiful, and then he uses a nice choosing word in a song and using parable to describe how beautiful she is. Next second person deixis is word This word include possessive pronoun of she based on the context. In first line of first stanza, Her

hair, her hair falls perfectly without her the using word refers to hair and eyes of the girl which is mentioned before. This line showed how special

Then the use of words can be used for all other inanimate object and for animal where the sex is unknown. In the second stanza, Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won't believe me, and it it

the using refers to the From that line we can know that the writer feels sad when he knows that the girl is not



real. Next third person deixis is word The word can be interpreted as plural third person or as a group of people who are being addressed. The using word showed in first line Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like

Word here refers to the stars. The writer imagines

than the star. The last third person deixis is words This word can be categorized as the objective case or objective personal pronoun of they. In fifth stanza, Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them the using word

Next is temporal deixis. This song uses four words indicate temporal

deixis, such as and First is use of word

The use of word refers to the day when the first time the writer falls in love with a girl and how the writer amazed with a girl in everyday of his life. So, from the word occurs in that line we can know that the writer very deep in love with the girl from now, tomorrow and future of his life. Next temporal deixis is This word occurs in the second stanza,

every time Word in this song refers to

the time that he passes to love the girl, include when he sad, happy, and disappointed, etc he will look okay in front of her. Next is use of word



sixth stanza, If perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay , refers to the time when the writer said to the girl or someone he loves that he will stay with her and do not search the other perfect girl. The last temporal deixis occurs in this song is This word same as the use of word

which is refers to the time that he passes to love the girl.

Then the use of discourse deixis in this song which is represented by use of word in the second and third stanza of this song. here refers to the previous portion of discourse in the lyric

The last type of deixis in this song is social deixis. The social deixis in this song represents by use of word The word indicates the social status of someone which has closed relationship and this word include absolute social deixis. This word occurs in the fourth stanza, Cause girl, you're amazing,

The writer has reason why take the word to describe someone whom he loves because that word indicates intimate between both of the writers and the girl.


The use of personal deixis in this song is complete with occurring three types of personal deixis. First person deixis in this song shows by using word



me and In the first stanza, the use of word refers to the writer his self. He feels lazy to do anything in that day. The writer as the main subject in this song because the lyric of this song is his experience when he has nothing to do and want to stay at home. Then for using word in this song can be categorized as the objective case for one person, especially for the writer as the main subject in this song. While the using word is include possessive pronoun of me and indicate that it is his bed. It proves in the second line my means that the writer is lazy and uninterested to do anything and he just want to

has different referent based on the context. In the second stanza, the word ts, hands and snuggie.

Next is second person deixis which is shows by use of word The using word can be interpreted as a replacement for someone who has a role as addressee or someone which has direct contact with the first person. The occurring can be seen in the sixth stanza, But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait. From that line, word

writer says that he lazy to go to college and he promise he will make his father proud of him but he asks his father to wait.

Then for third person deixis, the writer finds there are two words indicate third person deixis, such as and In this song exactly in the fifth stanza occurs word indicated third person deixis which is refers to the girl who has been mentioned before. This word means the girl which the writer invites



girl enjoy their sex and make the girl scream out because of their sex. The use of can be used for all other inanimate object and for animal where the sex is unknown. The word occurs in the fifth stanza and refers to the word in the fourth stanza. It proves in this line, Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man, Oh yes, I said it I said it Next is using of word which can be interpreted as plural third person or as a group of people who are being addressed. This word refers to the couch in the third stanza. It proves in this line,

I'll be lounging on the couch just chilling in my snuggie, Click to MTV so they

Next types of deixis in this song are spatial deixis which is shows by use of word This word indicates spatial deixis or place deixis which is

just stay at home to make his body relax.

Next is temporal deixis or time deixis which is represented by use of word and Both of these words explain the time of event in the song happens. The occurring of word in the first stanza refers to the time when the writer begins to feels lazy and this time is not specific because did not mention in the song. The using word as the beginning of the song to shows that start from today, the writer just want to stay at home. While for word

refers to the time when the writer decides to go out from his home after in a full day he spares his time in his home and begins to do some sexual activity and meet



with every girl and doing bad attitude like sex. This word occurs in the fifth stanza, Tomorrow

Discourse deixis in this song shows by use of word This word occurs in the fifth stanza, Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex, And she's gonna scream out, this is great, (Oh my god, this The use of word in that stanza indicate discourse deixis which is refers to the writer activity outside his home when he meets with every girl. He feels that have nice sex with nice girl is the great activity.

The last is social deixis which is represents by use of word and The word includes relational social deixis because this word refers to a social relationship between the speaker and addressee. The use of word

to his father. It proves in this line

While for the word is includes absolute social deixis because it words is used to show intimate between the writer and his nice girl which he asks to do sex. Actually the use of word refers to the prostitute because the writer wants to do sex with them. It proves in this line Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex


The use of word in this song can be interpreted as a person who has a role as the main subject of the song. Word refers to the writer his self because in this song tells about the experience of the writer. The writer tells when he lost his girl. He doesn't know where she is now. But he believes that she is still alive



and lives in one place he unknown. Then the use of word can be categorized as the possessive pronoun for singular or one person. The pronoun can be interpreted as belonging to me. In the second stanza My

here refers to the neighbor of the writer which is say that the writer is crazy because in every night he just sits alone and begins to talk to the moon. The use of word in this song has different referent based on the context. In

the second stanza, my the word

The writer also found the word which has function as reflective pronoun that refers to the subject me. In the third stanza,

sit by myself the word refers to the writer who sit alone and talks to the moon to replace the girl who lost.

Next type of deixis in this song is second person deixis represented by using word This word occurs in the first stanza, you which is refers to the girl whom her presence is hoped by the writer. The writer beliefs that the girl still a

every night, the writer prays the girl will come back to him.

Then the last type of personal deixis is third person deixis represented by using word This word can be interpreted as plural third person or as a group of people who are being addressed. Word as the third person of deixis can be seen in the first stanza they

This word refers to which is mentioned before.



Next is spatial deixis represented by use of word and

Both of those words are referring to the location of the girl which unknown by the writer. The writer lost his girl and he hopes that the girl is come back. The use of word omewhere and can be found in the first line

somewhere out there, somewhere While for temporal deixis in this

song represented by use or word This word refers to the time that the alks directly with the girl. The writer believes that the girl still alive and lives in one place although he does not know where the place is.


The occurring word in this song can be interpreted as a person who has a role as the main subject of the song. Word refers to the writer his self because in this song tells about the experience of the writer. The writer tells about his experience and how he faces his live with his job in the liquor store, also how his conviction that he can life and get better after consume drag. Next the occurring word in this song can be categorized as the objective case for one person, especially for the writer. Then the using of word can be categorized as the possessive pronoun for singular or one person. The pronoun can be interpreted as belonging to me. In the third stanza, my pain, one drag for my the using word

pain and sorrow. That stanza also tells about the writer who shot his self for his pain because he feels sick after consume alcohol and drug continuously. He



Based on the finding and analysis above, the writer can take the conclusion

that deixis is one of the branch of pragmatics to describe the relation between

language and contexts in language structure itself. Deixis also study that explain

the place, time and situation of the writer. Deixis include the study which is very

important because it can give the information and can make the meaning or

referent will be clear based on the context. Based on the previous study explained

before, there are a lot of researches who have done about deixis in a variety

object. Moreover, the writer hopes for the next researchers who are interested in

studying pragmatics to make other pragmatics field such as in implicature, speech

acts, entailments or presupposition. For the next researcher who are interested to




This chapter presents two sections include conclusion and suggestion as the

Doo Wops and Hooligans 2010


Based on data analysis and discussion above, finally the writer concludes that

personal deixis always occur in every song in this album. Personal deixis can be

divided into three types, include first person deixis, second person deixis and

third person deixis. Personal deixis always occurs in seven song lyrics of Bruno

Mars because it refers the role of participant and addressee in the song.

Moreover, some of song in this album also used temporal deixis, spatial deixis,

discourse deixis and social deixis. From seven songs, temporal deixis occurs in

six songs. It means that the represented of temporal deixis give the information

the moment of the utterance in lyrics that is happened. Next is the use of spatial

deixis which is found in three of seven songs. It means the occurring spatial

deixis in some songs is to know how distance the speech situation between the

participants happened. Then for discourse deixis always occurs in every song in

this album because discourse deixis is used to refer to certain discourse that

contains the utterance in the song lyric. In other word, the occurring discourse



song lyric or what will be talked by the participant in the song lyric. The last is

social deixis which is found in four of seven songs. It means that this album

showed the social status of the person included relational social or absolute social


Furthermore, the use of first singular person deixis like

always refers to the writer because the writer as main subject in every song lyrics.

While for first plural person deixis like mostly refer to the writer and

the reader. Then second person deixis mostly refer to the

reader because the writer invites the reader to imagine they take role in the song.

Then for pronoun

plural mostly refer to the addressee in the song. The third pronoun

it is referred to things that has already been mentioned earlier. Temporal deixis

is generally expressed in the whole time, such as today, every day, tomorrow,

now, tonight, etc which are refer to the relative time in that song. Place deixis is

generally happened in which is refer to the location

where the writer or addressee take place in the song. Discourse deixis is mostly

used by the use of this which is referred to forthcoming portion of the discourse

such as, this, these and that. Social deixis is mostly used for showing the intimate

between the writer and addressee like the use of word and mad

Actually, deixis is used to point things in order to make clear what the writer

means. This thesis also show that there is a switch of referent which have similar



or in the song Just the Way you are which is refers to the girl which the

Just the Way you are, the occurring word

refers to the girl but the writer imagines that he is talks to the girl directly. But in

the using word or is the description of the writer about the girl. The

writer also found the shift of referent in the deixis. It means one word can be

including into two types of deixis. It can be seen in the Liquor Store Blues song

in occurring word The use of can include into discourse deixis and

spatial deixis based on the context.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the result of this research, the writer would like to give some

suggestions. The writer suggested for the next researcher who are interested in

studying pragmatics to make other pragmatics field such as in implicature, speech

acts, entailments or presupposition. For the next researcher who are interested to

observe deixis to explore more about deixis using different data sources not only

in song lyric but also can use in radio, advertisement, fairy tale etc.

This research also recommended for the student of State Islamic University

of Sunan Ampel Surabaya especially for English Department faculty of Letters

and Humanities to looking for knowledge in science resources such as in library,




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