Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Pegawai di Puskesmas Andam Dewi Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Tahun 2016

Kebudayaan organisasi yang berkembang di Puskesmas Andam Dewi
seperti masuk kantor tidak tepat waktu, pulang kantor tidak tepat waktu, tidak
memakai seragam sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan serta bekerja tidak sesuai
dengan prosedur. Hal ini mengakibatkan adanya kesenjangan antara pimpinan dan
pegawai dalam hal pelaksanaan disiplin kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1)
mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan Kepala Puskesmas Andam dewi (2) mengetahui
bagaimana disiplin kerja pegawai di Puskesmas Andam dewi (3) mengetahui
pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap disiplin kerja pegawai di Puskesmas
Andam dewi. Sedangkan hipotesa yang diajukan adalah: (1) gaya kepemimpinan
berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja pegawai di puskesmas andam dewi. (2)
berapa besar tingkat disiplin kerja pegawai di Puskesmas Andam dewi. (3) gaya
kepemimpinan yang diterapkan kepala puskesmas untuk meningkatkan disiplin
kerja pegawai di puskesmas andam dewi.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey dengan pendekatan eksplanatory
research dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 46 orang dan sampel diperoleh dengan
teknik total sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecenderungan gaya kepemimpinan yang
diterapkan kepela puskesmas andam dewi adalah gaya kepemimpinan bebas
dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 31 orang (67,4%). Hasil analisis regresi
linear dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh

gaya kepemimpinan dari aspek pengawasan (0,000) dan variabel koordinasi
(0,014) dengan disiplin kerja tenaga kesehatan. Selanjutnya pada disiplin kerja
tenaga kesehatan, menunjukkan pada umumnya berada dalam kategori sedang
yaitu sebanyak 29 orang (63,0%). Nilai koefisien determinasi (R square) adalah
0,460 artinya variabel pengawasan dan koordinasi memberi pengaruh terhadap
disiplin kerja tenaga kesehatan sebesar 46%, sedangkan sisanya 54% dijelaskan
oleh variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam penelitian ini.
Hasilnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara gaya
kepemimpinan kepala puskesmas Andam Dewi dengan disiplin kerja tenaga
kesehatan yang ada di Puskesmas Andam Dewi. Disarankan agar Kepala
Puskesmas Andam Dewi untuk dapat menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan yang
sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada baik itu dalam hal pengawasan kerja pegawai
maupun dalam melakukan koordinasi agar nantinya tercipta suatu kondisi disiplin
kerja yang lebih baik .

Kata Kunci : Gaya Kepemimpinan, Disiplin Kerja


Universitas Sumatera Utara

The organizational culture that developed in the Puskesmas (public health
centre) Andam Dewi such as admission office is not timely, at when office is not
timely, not to wear uniform in accordance with the specified and work not in
accordance with the procedure. This has resulted in the existence of a gap
between leadership and employees in terms of the implementation of the working
discipline. The purpose of this research is to (1) Determine the leadership style of
the head of puskesmas (public health centre) Andam Dewi (2) how to working
discipline the health professionals who are in Puskesmas (public health centre)
Andam Dewi (3)determine the influence leadership style of the head with of
working discipline of Puskesmas (public health centre) Andam Dewi. The
hypothesis to this study such as (1) the leadership style of influence with working
discipline the health professionals who are in Puskesmas (public health centre)
Andam Dewi, (2) How much the level of working discipline the health
professionals who are in Puskesmas (public health centre) Andam Dewi (3)
leadership style of applied the head of Puskesmas (public health centre) to
improve working discipline the health professionals who are in Puskesmas (public
health centre) Andam Dewi.
This research was conducted to look at the influence of leadership styles

working discipline against the health professionalsin the Puskesmas (public
health centre) Andam Dewi.
Type of this research is a survey by eksplanatory research approach with
the total sample as 46 people and samples obtained by by total sampling
Based on the results of the analysis it was found that as 31 people (67,4%)
health workers argue that the leadership style used most often is the leadership
style (laises faire).The results of the logistic regression analysis with a confidence
level of 95% indicate that there is the influence of leadership styles based on
variable supervision (0.000) and variable co-ordination (0.014) and working
discipline the professionals. The value of the coefficient of determination (R
square) is 0.460 means variable monitoring and coordination gave an impact on
the health professionals of working discipline amounted to 46%, while the
remaining 54% explained by other variables that are not included in this study.
The results can be concluded that there are influences between leadership
style of the head of Puskesmas (public health centre) Andam Dewi with of
working discipline the health professionals who are in Puskesmas (public health
centre)andamdewi. It is recommended that the heads of Puskesmas (public health
centre) to be able to apply appropriate leadership styles with the conditions that
exist either in terms of supervision the work of employees and in doing

coordination so that later created a condition better of working disciplines.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Working Discipline


Universitas Sumatera Utara