

Between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and
The Government of the Kingdom of Norway
on Marine and Fisheries Cooperation
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Kingdom of
Norway have agreed to pursue opportunities for cooperation on marine and fisheries
management with the aim to promoting sustainable and equitable use and
conservation of the marine resources.


Such cooperation shall be followed up through specific arrangements to be agreed by
the two Governments, and will mainly be facilitated through a mechanism of
institutional cooperation between relevant institutions, particularly the Ministry of
Marine and Fisheries, the Republic of Indonesia, and the Royal Ministry of Fisheries
and Coastal Affairs, Norway.
The cooperation could include the following areas:
• Sustainable harvesting of marine fish resources
• Prevention, combating and elimination of illegal, unregulated and unreported

• Aquaculture development
• Research activities
• Education and training
• Post harvesting development and food safety (including processmg,
distribution and fishery trade)
• Coastal fisheries management
• Marine fisheries conservation
• Other related activities that are mutually agreed by both Governments.


The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway, intends to allocate funds to facilitate
the institutional cooperation.
Done in duplicate in Oslo on 23 January 2006 in the English language, both texts
being equally authentic.
Oslo, 23 January 2006.

For the Government of the
Republic of Indonesia



For the Government of the
Kingdom of Norway



. · Signed ·


Dr. N. Hassan wゥセ@
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Jonas Gahr Stcre

Minister of Foreign Affairs