Studi Fenomenologi: Adaptasi Psikososial Wanita Yang Menghadapi Menopause Di Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara

Title of the Thesis
Name of Student
Student ID Number
Academic Year

: Psychosocial Adaptation in Menopause Women in Aceh
Tenggara Regency
: Fitri Mayang Sari
: 141121021
: S-1 (Undergraduate) Nursing
: 2016

Menopause is the last period of menstruation and occurs when hormones which
control menstruation cycles are in the lowest content so that menstruation will
stop. Here, estrogen and progesterone content dramatically decreases because
ovary stops responding follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinising
hormone (LH) produced by pituitary gland in brain. The research used in-depth
interview method and elicited a lot of information from participants by conducting
open interview prepared by the researcher. The criteria of the participants were

as follows: women who underwent menopause for one year, women who had
menopause because of age and not because of the removal of the uterus, no
hormone replacement therapy (HRT), women who could hear and talk clearly,
women who could speak Indonesian well. The research used
phenomenological design which was aimed to explore psychological adaptation
of a woman whgo underwent menopause in Aceh Tenggara Regency. It also used
qualitative method with Collaizi data analysis. The result of the research showed
that there were three themes: the respondents accepted their psychological
changes, their sexual desire decreased, and they expressed their complaint to
other people. It is recommended that nurses practitioners be able to provide
nursing care holistically through health education in the form of explanation for
menopause women.

Keywords: Psychosocial Adaptation, Menopause Women

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Universitas Sumatera Utara