Gambaran Penerapan Program Behavior Based Safety di Departemen Hydrocarbon Transportation PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia Distrik Minas Tahun 2016


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran program behavior
based safety di Departemen Hydrocarbon Transportation PT. Chevron Pasific
Indonesia Distrik Minas. Kurangnya kedisiplinan karyawan dalam melaksanakan
proses program BBS dapat menghambat pencapaian target perusahaan terutama
bidang keselamatan. Di sisi lain, pemberian sanksi kepada karyawan indisipliner
bukan pilihan yang tepat. Kurangnya pemberian penghargaan kepada karyawan
yang melaksanakan proses BBS dengan baik, berpotensi mengurangi
produktivitas dan semangat karyawan dalam bekerja dengan selamat.
Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan
untuk sampel adalah total population sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini
adalah seluruh pekerja yang bekerja di Departemen Hydrocarbon Transportation
Minas yang berjumlah 30 orang. Data yang tersedia dianalisis secara deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program behavior based safety di
Departemen Hydrocarbon Transportation PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia Distrik
Minas diperankan oleh setiap karyawan untuk mengisi Kartu Observasi BBS
paling sedikitnya 2 buah serta memasukkannya ke Website IBU (website
perusahaan) pada akhir bulan. Setiap karyawan berperan untuk memberikan
umpan balik (feedback) kepada karyawan lain yang diobservasi. Hasil

pengumpulan Kartu BBS pada Website IBU akan dihitung dan dibahas di rapat
Steering Committee, yaitu karyawan terpilih yang memiliki tugas ganda, setiap
bulannya. Dari keseluruhan responden, terdapat 3 (10%) responden tidak selalu
mengisi Kartu Observasi BBS sesuai target perusahaan dan 5 (16,7) responden
tidak langsung memasukkan data BBS ke website. Adapun 2 (6,7%) responden
menyatakan bahwa pekerja diberikan sanki apabila ada pekerja bertindak tidak
aman ketika diobservasi. 14 (46,7%) responden tidak pernah mendapatkan
penghargaan BBS. Dari total 10 steering committee, 1 (3,3%) responden tidak
selalu memastikan Kartu Observasi BBS terkumpul tepat waktu, serta 2 (6,7%)
responden tidak selalu menerima Kartu Observasi BBS dari karyawan tepat
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapkan PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia,
khususnya Departemen Hydrocarbon Transportation Minas, agar meningkatkan
pemberian penghargaan kepada karyawan agar produktivitas kerja terjaga. Di sisi
lain, komunikasi dan himbauan sesama karyawan diperlukan untuk menjaga
kedisiplinan dalam mengumpulkan Kartu Observasi BBS. Ketidaktepatan
ditemukan pada pemberian sanksi kepada karyawan yang diobservasi. Disarankan
perusahaan membenahi proses program BBS.

Kata Kunci: Behavior Based Safety, Safety Behavior, Hydrocarbon



Universitas Sumatera Utara



This research is committed for knowing the description of behavior based
safety (BBS) program at Hydrocarbon Transportation Department in PT.
Chevron Pasific Indonesia Minas District. The lack of employee’s discipline in
performing the process of BBS program could hamper the achievement of
company’s target especially safety. On the other side, giving sanction to the
employee is not a precise option. The lack of awarding to employee who perform
the BBS process, potentially decrease the employee’s productivity in working
The design of this research is descriptive The samples were determined
with total population sampling. The samples of this research were all employees,

30 people in total, who worked at Minas Hydrocarbon Transportation
Department. The available data were analyzed descriptively.
The results showed that behavior-based safety program at Hydrocarbon
Transportation Department in PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia Minas District is
roled by every employee to fill the BBS Observation Card at least 2 in total and
admit it into IBU (company’s website) at the end of the month. Every employee
roles in giving feedback to the other observed employees. Collecting results of
BBS Observation Card in IBU will be counted and discussed by steering
committee, who were chosen to have double duty. From all respondents, 3 (10%)
respondents were not always fill BBS Observation Card due to company’s target
and 5 (16,7%) respondents were not admit the BBS data directly into the website.
2 (6,7%) respondents stated that employees will be punished if unsafe behavior
are observed and reported. 14 (46,7%) respondents never receive a BBS award.
From 10 steering committees, 1 (3,3%) respondents were not always make sure
that BBS card collected on time, also 2 (6,7%) respondents were not always
receive BBS Card from the employees on time.
Based on the results of the study, PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia,
especially Minas Hydrocarbon Transportation Department, is expected to
improve the awarding for employees inorder to keep work productivity. In the
other side, communication and appeals between fellow employees is needed to

keep the discipline in collecting and admitting BBS Observastion Card. The lack
of inaccuracy is found in a stage of punishment to the observed employee. It’s
recommended for the company to improve the implementation process of BBS.

Kata Kunci: Behavior Based Safety, Safety Behavior, Hydrocarbon


Universitas Sumatera Utara