Strategies in Reading Narrative Text

when the students use story mapping, they could know that the story related one to another. If there is one element is lost, the story will incomplete. The visual schema of story includes identification, organization, and analysis of story elements such as beginning, middle, and ending. 54 Story mapping represents the elements of narrative text, such as characters, setting, plot, events, problem, and resolution. 55 Since story mapping represents the elements in narrative text, it automatically makes the students become easier to read the story in narrative text and apply it into story mapping elements. Graves, et al., in Coffman and Reed had the same idea. They said that story mapping includes a setting with a character who has a problem or goal to achieve, the character who must solve the problem and the end of the story whether it is happy ending or not. 56 It can be said that when students use story mapping, they could easily know about the character and setting based on the story. The students will know what is problem which face by the character, what heshe will dodid, so on. Harp and Brewer also added that story mapping involves the main character, the problems, the solutions, and the resolution. 57 From those definitions above, it can be said that story mapping technique is a technique that has elements which exist in the narrative text such as characters, setting, plot, events, problem, and resolution. The students could know easily who the characters are, what the problem is, how to solve the problem, where the setting is, etc. The elements of story mapping can facilitate the students to read the story in narrative text. Story mapping is a good technique to help students to see cause and effect, recall story events in sequential order, and understand story structure. 58 It is because in story mapping elements there are characters, setting, sequence of events which start from beginning to ending that make students be easy to see 54 Drue E. Narkon and Jenny C. Wells, Improving Reading Comprehension for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities: UDL Enhanced Story Mapping, Preventing School Failure, 2012, p. 232. 55 Allison E. Babyak, et al., The Effect of Story Mapping Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of Students with Behavioral Disorders, Behavioral Disorders, 2000, p. 240. 56 Gerry Coffman and Melissa D. Reed, The True Story of Narrative Text: From Theory to Practice, The Reading Professor, Vol. 32, 2000, p. 7. 57 Ibid., p. 7. 58 Martha A. Keleer, Story Map Game Board, The Reading Teacher, Vol. 46, 1993, p. 626. cause and effect which happened in the story. Story mapping contains two major components, those are, setting and episodic event. 59 It means story mapping not only tells about where is the place happened, who is main character, who are minor characters, and when the story begins, but also the story mapping tells about the whole events in the story in good sequence. Story mapping technique is very helpful for the students in comprehending a narrative text since the technique provides the structure awareness. 60 Structure awareness here means story mapping elements which providing characters, setting, problems, and solution based on the story that will make students be more aware about the story which they read. In using story mapping technique, the teacher could ask students to locate the story elements of narrative. 61 It means when the students use story mapping technique, the teacher as a guide gives the directions to students what should they do to the story mapping. Story mapping could improve students’ reading comprehension by asking them to organize the story mapping elements, to sequence story information, and to make connections between story components. 62 Story mapping could help students to improve their reading comprehension by showing them the story elements, then they fill it into those elements. Students also will be more familiar with most story elements by using the story mapping. 63 Hence, when the teacher asks the students to fill the story mapping elements and to make connection from one element to another element, it will make the students be familiar with the story organization. The story mapping elements are defined as: main character tells about who or what the story is about, setting tells about where the story happens, problem tells about what the main character must solve or do, main events tells about what are the important 59 Narkon and Wells, loc. cit. 60 Dymock, op. cit., p. 162. 61 Matthias Grunke, et al., Analyzing the Effects of Story Mapping on the Reading Comprehension of Children with Low Intellectual Abilities, Learning Disabilities: A

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