Diglossia Slang Types of Using Language .1 Bilingual

called bilingual. There used to be communities whose members use one language as a means of communication. We call the individuals of such community monolinguals, while people who are not monolinguals but speak two languages every day are named bilinguals bilingual people. So, bilingualism is interrelated with the individual and society by two languages how both of languages use and how they studied. There was an argument that a person should be only called a bilingual when he or she can use two or more languages in the same level of performance. But a more moderate view suggested that for a person does not need to command two or more languages in the same level to be called a bilingual. And this second view is preferred in general. Bloomfield 1933:56 definite the bilingualism as “ability of a speaker in using two languages, in case the using of the first language as good as a second language”. According to Bloomfield, someone called bilingual if she can use the first language as well as the second language. Many people asked about Bloomfield’s concept about bilingualism, it is because, first, how to measure the ability of the speaker in mastering two languages that they use, second, is there any speaker that using the second language as well as the first language. In addition to the concept bilingual, the term multilingual is also sometimes used to refer to the people who can use more than two languages. However, it has been now common to use the term bilinguals to include people who are actually more properly identified as multilingual.

2.2.2 Diglossia

Universitas Sumatera Utara In sociolinguistics, diglossia is known as the situation in society where found the distinction of using language according the function or the play in role in each other by the social context. A diglossia situation exists in society when it has two distinct codes which show clear functional separation; that is one code is employed in one set of circumstances and the other in any entirely different set. Ferguson in Wardaugh 1998:87 as defined diglossia as follows: “Diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in which, in addition to the primary dialects of the language which may include a standard or regional standard, there is a very divergent, highly codified often grammatically more complex superposed variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech community, which is learn largely by formal education and is used for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used by any sector of the community for ordinary conversation”. While Holmes 2001:30 states that “Diglossia is a characteristic of speech communities rather than individuals. Holmes 2001:27 describes three crucial features of diglossia: 1. Two distinct varieties of the same language are used in the community, with one regarded as a high or H variety and the other a low or L variety. 2. Each variety is used for quite distinct functions; H and L complement each other. 3. No one use the H variety in everyday conversation. The phenomenon of diglossia is not ephemeral in nature; in fact the opposite is true: it appears to be a persistent social and linguistic phenomenon. Universitas Sumatera Utara

2.2.3 Slang

Slang is the language frequently used in ordinary conversation or in the formal or formal situation. Slang is the words informal nonstandard, which is arranged by specific; or the ordinary words changed in arbitration; or the simile specific words; powerful and humorous which is used in conversation. Sometime the word of slang resulted from the error speech indirectly or sometime disturber the ordinary word to fulfil a scope of another meaning. Actually, the words of slang, not even obtain on student classify, it may in the society classify too. In every classify or the society group can create the terms in specific or use the general words and the specific meanings which only current for their own group. The usage of slang is the introduction the new words with the new meaning. The words and phrases of slang is often found and suitability with idea and the new character which grow up in society. Slang the vocabulary circle, isn’t grammar or dialect and usually used by the people which have the high level, not only by the people in low profile.

2.3 Code