Tough The Character of Jacques Sauniere


4.2.4 Curious

Since Sophie still kids, her curiosity was in her. She likes to play puzzle. Her grandfather always gave the birthday present or Christmas present indirectly. Sophie had to break the several codes, riddles or treasure hunt to get her present. It was the day before her ninth birthday. She was secretly combing the house, searching for hidden birthday presents. Even then, she could not bear secrets kept from her. 117 Her curiosity makes Sophie always wandering. When something is on her mind, she would find the answer by herself. She does not like secret. She would never give up until she finds the answer that makes her satisfied.

4.3 Jacques Sauniere’s Motivation for Writing His Last Message

Most people in the world, whether they realized or not live in an organize way. They manage their daily activities. They know when they have to go to work or to school, to go with friends, to visit relatives, to have a vacation, or just to enjoy the day with the person they love. Everything goes like they want and they do not have to worry about it. But what if something unexpected happens? Most people do not prepare themselves for the unexpected things. They are happy with what they are and what they have. So, when something unexpected happens, they do not know what to do. The same condition also happens in a family. Jacques Sauniere is left by his granddaughter, Sophie Neveu. It is the hard thing he faced, since Sophie Neveu is his beloved granddaughter. Sophie live with him since Sophie’s parents PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 got an accident when she was still kid. Until his last times, he tried to call Sophie. There is something he wanted to talk. “We had a falling – out ten years ago,” Sophie said, her voice a whisper now. “We’ve barely spoken since. Tonight when Crypto got the call that he had been murdered, and I saw the images of his body and text on the floor, I realized he was trying to send me a message.” 76 Because his effort is not success, in his last minutes he tried to attract Sophie. He posed as The Virvituan Man one of Leonardo da Vinci famous painting. The Virvituan Man is Sophie favorite painting. Jacques Sauniere hopes that by posed like that in his death, Sophie will come. “The Virvituan Man,” she said flatly. “That particular sketch has always been my favorite Da Vinci work. Tonight he used it to catch my attention.” 76 Saunire looked remarkably fit for a man of his years… and all of his musculature was in plain view. He had stripped off every shred of clothing, placed it neatly on the floor, and lain down on his back in the center of the wide corridor, perfectly aligned with the long axis of the room. His arms and legs were sprawled outward in a wide spread eagle, like those of a child making a snow angel… or, perhaps more appropriately, like a man being drawn and quartered by some invisible force. 38 As stated in chapter 2 that people’s behavior in influenced by certain motives. These motives lead them to behave in their manner to get some achievement. Motivation seems to provide the “why” behavior. To discover why Jacques Sauniere leaves a message before he died, the theory of motivation especially Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is utilized. According to Maslow, there are five basic needs in the hierarchy of needs. There are psychological needs, safety needs, belonging and love needs, esteem PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI