Presentation of the Designed Set of Material



This last chapter summarizes the findings of the study. It also provides some suggestions not only for the English lecturers who wish to use this design but also for future researchers.

A. Conclusions

The ultimate goal of this study was to design a set of English instructional speaking materials for the first semester students of Program Khusus SPKS Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta using task-based language teaching. To reach the goal, the writer adapted the instructional design models offered by Kemp and Yalden. The steps were: a Conducting Needs survey, b Considering the Goals, Listing the Topics and Stating General Purposes, c Specifying the Learning Objectives, d Selecting Syllabus Type, e Listing the Subject Contents, f Selecting the Teaching or Learning activities and Instructional Resources, and g Evaluation. The writer administered a survey study after completing the designed set of materials. It was done by distributing a questionnaire to obtain opinions, comments, and suggestion concerning the existing materials. The survey study revealed that the designed set materials were acceptable and appropriate. It could be seen from the central tendency in the descriptive statistics in which the means ranged from 4 to 4.5 in five points scale of agreement. However, revision and improvement based on the respondents’ suggestions were still necessary. Next, the writer presented the final version of the designed materials in order to answer the second question. The designed set of materials comprised of three parts 59 namely, the student’s handout, lecturer’s manual, and attachments. The student’s handout and the lecturer’s manual covered eight units. They are: ‘Hello’, ‘Nice day, isn’t it?’, ‘I don’t think so…’, ‘It’s going to…’, ‘What is it?’, ‘Does it eat people?’, ‘What should I do?’, and ‘Here is the process…’. The content of the units were ‘What’s up?’, ‘Try it’, ‘Do you know about it?’, and ‘Be active’. The whole designed set of materials can be seen in Appendix 4.

B. Suggestions

Some suggestions are provided for the lecturers or instructors who would like to use this design in the class, and for further researchers. 1. For English lecturersinstructors Here are some practical suggestions for those who wish to use this design especially for English lecturers or instructors: a. It is suggested that the lecturers make a good preparation before doing the learning activities. The preparation includes reading the lecturer’s manual, preparing the things used in the activities, which includes making some copies of the attachments. b. The activitiestasks in this material might need further instruction from the lecturer. To make the students be more active and challenged doing the tasks, the lecturersinstructors should make those instructions clearer by giving explanation and example if needed. c. To have an effective class, the lecturers should limit the number of the students in a class. Therefore, Program Khusus SPKS Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta has two classes of first semester students in which each of them has 24 and 25 students. The number of the students in each class in 60 Program Khusus SPKS Institut Pertanian STIPER is already appropriate in conducting the learning process. It means that the lecturer will be able to handle the two classes in different session time. d. The time allocation provided in the syllabus is subject to change. Some activities need groups’ presentation so the lecturers may set a longer time than the proposed time allocation. e. Lecturers should remind the students to always use English most of the time. The lecturers, therefore, should give a model by speaking in English most of the time, and monitor the students especially in the discussion sections. 2. For future researchers Although the writer applied the designed set of materials, she only had the chance to apply some of them. The implementation was helpful in the process of developing the materials. However, the writer did not mention the result since it was not done in an ideal class as what the writer has suggested. At that time, the two classes with the total number is 49 students were put in one class. It really affected the result since English speaking class needs the students to interact with each other doing purposeful tasks and the big class reduced the students’ opportunity to do it. Therefore, the writer expects that the future researchers will implement these materials in an ideal class so that an accurate result can be obtained. Any occurring strengths and weaknesses can be used in developing the materials. At the end of the research, the future researchers can also observe the changes experienced by the students in terms of their public speaking ability. 61 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ary, Donald, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Azghar Razavieh. 1990. Introduction to Research in Education. New York: Halt, Rinehart, and Winston. Borg, Walter R, and Gall, Meredith D. 1983. Educational Research: An Introduction. New York: Longman. Davies, Paul. 2000. Success in English Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Golebiowska, Aleksandra. 1990. Getting Students to Talk. New York: Prentice Hall Inc. Hadfield, Jill. 1987. Advance Communication Games. Hongkong: Nelson. Hadfield, Jill. 1987. Elementary Communication Games. Hongkong: Nelson. Hadfield, Jill. 1999. Beginners’ Communication Games. Harlow: Longman Hartley, CWS. 1988. The Palm Oil Tropical Agricultural Series 3 rd edition. New York: Longman. Hornby, A.S. 1987. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hutchinson, Tom and Waters, Alan. 1987. English for Specific Purposes: A learning- centred approach. Glasglow: Cambridge University Press. Kemp, Jerold E. 1977. Instructional Design: A plan for Unit and Course Development. Belmont: Fearson- Pitman. Klippel, Friederike. 1984. Keep Talking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kristanto, Purnawan. 2002. 100 PERMAINAN Asyik 4. Yogyakarta: ANDI Offset. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 2000. Technique and Principles in Language Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press. Mukarto, F.X. 2004. English on Sky 2 for Junior High School Students. Jakarta: Erlangga. Nofrianto, Dede. 2006. Laporan Resmi Praktek Kerja Lapangan Kerja Dasar Budidaya Kelapa Sawit di Rangkas Bitung. Yogyakarta: Program Khusus SPKS Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian STIPER INSTIPER. Nunan, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publisher.

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