Theoretical Framework LITERATURE REVIEW



This research deals with two major problems to be solved as it has been stated in problem formulation. The first is how a set of instructional English speaking materials for the first semester students of Program Khusus Sarjana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta is designed. Secondly, what the designed material will look like. It will cover Research Methodology, Respondents, Research instruments, Data Gathering, Data Analysis and Research Procedures.

A. Research Methodology

This thesis used educational research and development. Borg and Gall 1983: 772 state that educational research and development R D is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this process are usually referred to as R D cycle, which consists of studying research findings pertinent to the product to be developed, developing the product based on these findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be used eventually, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage. As thesis used educational research and development, the writer conducted pre-design survey for needs analysis research and information collecting, material development, and evaluation on the designed materialsmain product revision post- design survey.

1. Pre-design Survey

The first survey was primarily used in conducting needs survey to obtain data about the students’ interests, motivation, and needs in learning English. The survey was done by interviewing the lecturers and some second year students of 33 Program Khusus SPKS who had experiences at oil palm plantation and distributing the questionnaires for the students of the Program Khusus SPKS as a study program in which the designed materials was applied. The interview was about the program itself, the aims of the program and the needs of the students according to the lecturers. Next, the writer distributed questionnaires to the students of Program Khusus Institut Pertanian STIPER. It is done in order to obtain necessary information about the students’ English learning experience, their English mastery so far, their strength and weaknesses, and what kind of learning will be likely to challenge them.

2. Material Development

From the result of the survey study, the writer would be able to design English instructional speaking materials which are suitable for the learners’ needs and interests. In developing the materials, the writer also had to consider goals and list the topics and general purposes for teaching each unit. Then, the writer specified the learning objectives and selected the syllabus type. After that, the subject content was listed. In addition, it was important to select the teachinglearning activities and instructional resources.

3. Post-design Survey

The last survey research was administered to obtain some evaluations like opinions, comments, and suggestions on the designed materials from the qualified respondents. In addition, the survey was done in order to know whether the content of the materials had been relevant and reliable to the needs of the students. Besides, the respondents evaluated the whole materials whether it was 34 already well developed. The survey was conducted by distributing and gathering questionnaires to English lecturers, instructors, and language consultant. The data gathered from this survey research was used as guidance in revising and improving the design materials.

B. Respondents of the Survey Study

The respondents of the survey research were grouped into two groups based on the purpose of the survey. The first group was the students and the lecturers of Program Khusus SPKS Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta The second group consists of lecturers and language consultant of English Department of Sanata Dharma University, lecturer of Program Khusus SPKS Institut Pertanian STIPER, and English instructors. Their inputs were very useful in the stage of revising and adjusting the designed materials so that the final version would be much more improved. Table 3.2 below is to describe the respondents who evaluate the designed materials. Table 3.2: The Description of the Respondents Blank Gender Educational Background Teaching Experiences year Groups of Respondents M F S1 S2 1-5 6-10 10 English Lecturers English Instructors English Consultant 35

C. Research Instruments

This study employed two types of instruments, namely questionnaires and interview.

1. Questionnaire

In implementing this study, the writer used questionnaires both in pre-design survey and post-design survey. The questionnaire in the pre-design survey used to obtain the opinions from the respondents about the students’ needs, background, interest and characteristics. The questionnaire was used in the post-design survey to obtain feedback on the designed set of materials. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh, there are two types of questionnaires, namely structured and unstructured questionnaires 1990: 424. The questionnaire in the pre-design survey is classified into the structured questionnaires in which the respondents, in this case the students of Program Khusus SPKS Institut Pertanian STIPER Yogyakarta, had to answer the questions provided in the questionnaire only by choosing the best option for them. The questionnaire consisted of questions which revealed the needs of the students including their interest. To inform, the need analysis was written in Bahasa Indonesia instead of English to avoid misinterpretation which might lead to irrelevant answers. However, the questionnaire which was used in the post-design survey to attain feedbacks on the designed set of materials was written in English and it was the combination of both structured and unstructured type of questionnaires. Therefore, the questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is the evaluation on the designed materials in which the respondents were supposed to select one from 5 points of

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