A Brief Description of the School-Based-Curriculum KTSP

There are following principles and procedures in Direct Method: 1 Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language. 2 Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught. 3 Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question and answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes. 4 Grammar was taught inductively. 5 New teaching points were introduced orally. 6 Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures. Abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas. 7 Both speech and listening comprehension were taught. 8 Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized. The use of realia for teaching vocabulary becomes one of the Direct Method principles. The realia is one of effective media in showing meaning and may provide learning experiences so that the students will be motivated and have interest in learning English. It also can help the students to master the English vocabulary, because by seeing, touching and feeling directly to the objects, the students will be easily memorizing the words.

6. A Brief Description of the School-Based-Curriculum KTSP

Curriculum can be defined as a set of plan and arrangement of objective, content, and learning material and also strategy that are used to achieve a particular educational objective. This particular objective consists of national education objective and the appropriateness with the learners. Therefore, a curriculum is compiled by an educational unit to enable the possibility of the appropriateness of education program with needs and potencies in each region. KTSP is an operational curriculum compiled by and implemented in each educational unit. KTSP consists of the educational objective of educational unit level, structure, and contents of curriculum of the educational unit level, educational calendar and syllabus. KTSP is developed based on its relevance by every group and educational unit under the coordination and supervision of education department or the office of Religion Department in Regency Municipality for elementary education and province for secondary education. The development of KTSP refers to Content Standard and Graduate Competency Standard. It is oriented to the curriculum designing guide composed by BSNP Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan and also gives attention to the consideration of school Islam school committee. KTSP is developed based on the following principles: a. Have a focus on the potency, development, need, and the significance of the learners and their environment. Curriculum is developed based on the principle that the learners have the central position to develop their competencies. To support the achievement of that goal, the development of the learners’ competencies is being adjusted to the potencies, development, needs, and the significance of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the learners and their environments. Having central position means the learning activity is focused on the learners. b. Varied and Integrated. Curriculum is developed by giving attention on the learners’ characteristic varieties, region condition, level, and type of education. c. Aware of the development of science, technology, and arts. Curriculum is developed by giving attention that science, technology, and arts are developed dynamically. Therefore, the spirit and content of the curriculum should give learning experience for the learners to follow and take advantage of science, technology, and arts development. d. Relevant with life needs. The curriculum development is established by involving the stakeholders to guarantee the relevance of education with the life needs including community life, business world, and working world. e. Comprehensive and Correlative. The curriculum substance consists of the whole of competency dimension, scientific study field and subject which are planned and given comprehensively for all level of education. f. Learn for lifetime. The curriculum is directed to the process of development, culturalization, and the deceit of the learners which is happened for the lifetime. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI g. Balance between national significance and region significance. The curriculum is developed by giving attention to the national and region significance to build the communal and national life. Emphasizing on the first and third principle of KTSP Curriculum mentioned above, the writer decided to apply this curriculum to design the vocabulary lesson using realia as the media. KTSP curriculum provided theories that have a focus on the potency, development, need, and the significance of the learners and their environment, and learning English should be aware of the development of arts. The implementation of realia as the media in learning vocabulary was intended to be appropriate and precise consideration in achieving the objectives of National Educational Standard as stated in the KTSP curriculum.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this study the writer modified Instructional Design Models and realia as the media. The modification was used in the significance of Educational Research and Development theory underlying this research. The writer did not apply all elements of these theories. The theories reviewed above more or less to the processes or steps of designing supplementary English instructional vocabulary materials using realia as the media for the sixth grade students of Kanisius Babadan elementary school. In designing the vocabulary lesson, the writer adapted the instructional design model from Yalden 1983 and Kemp 1977. This was used because it could be

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