Dr. Matius C.A.Sembiring, M.A. Head of ESP

Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfiment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of North Sumatera. The examination is held on June 2014 Faculty Of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera Dean, NIP. 19511013197607 1 001 Dr.Syahron Lubis, M.A Board of Examiners Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A.Sembiring, M.A. Head of ESP

.................... 2. Drs. M. Syafi’i, M.A. Supervisor .................... 3. Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum Reader …………… Universitas Sumatera Utara i AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I am Rizky Juliant, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for awarded another degree. No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgment in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education. Signed :………….. Date : July , 2014 Universitas Sumatera Utara ii COPYRIGHT DECLARATION Name : RIZKY JULIANT Title of Paper : The Description of Mystic in Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl’ Novel Beautiful Creatures Qualification : D-III Ahli Madya Study Program : English I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Studies USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of Republic of Indonesia. Signed : …………… Date : July , 2014 Universitas Sumatera Utara iii ABSTRAK Kertas karya yang berjudul The Description of Mystic in Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl’ Novel Beautiful Creatures ini membahas tentang mistik yang ada di dalam novel. Novel ini adalah salah satu novel Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl yang menceritakan tentang Lena Duchannes sebagai pemeran utama di novel ini, adalah seorang gadis cantik yang memiliki kekuatan sihir yaitu mistik. Adapun jenis mistik yang terdapat dalam kertas karya ini di bagi empat jenis, namun ada dua jenis mistik yang terdapat dalam novel itu yaitu Al-Hawatif and Al-Junun. Metode yang digunakan dalam kertas karya ini yaitu metode descriptif. Tujuan dari penulisan kertas karya ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan mistik- mistik yang terdapat di dalam novel beautiful creatures dan mendeskripsikan arti dari mistik itu. Universitas Sumatera Utara iv ABSTRACT The paper entitled The Description of Mystic in Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl’ Novel Beautiful Creatures is a mystic description found in the novel. This novel is one of best seller novel by Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl that makes Lena Duchannes as a main character, she is a young girl who has a magic power, it is mystic. There are four mystics in this paper, however there are only two kinds of mystic found in the novel, they are Al-Hawatif and Al-Junun. This paper used descriptive method. The purpose of this paper is to describe about mystic which exist in the beautiful creatures novel and to describe the meaning of those mystics. Universitas Sumatera Utara v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim, Praise and gratitude are for the almighty Allah SWT who has given his blessings so that the final task of the study by the title “The Description of Mystic in Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl’s Novel Beautiful Creatures”, can be finished as one of requirement for the degree of education. A great appreciation and deepest gratitude are also dedicated to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, his family and beloved friends. Then for all material and spiritual motivations and assistance received during the process of accomplishing this thesis, I desire to acknowledge my sincerely gratitude to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as The Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies. Then, I would like to thank to Drs. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A as The Head of Diploma III English Study Program, who has shared his time to guide me in the process of my study. I would like to dedicate a deep gratitude to my supervisor, for the valuable time to give the correct and give constructive criticisms in completing this paper. Then, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for their valuable guidance and knowledge that they have gave to me during my study. Then, I would like to thank to Drs M. Syafi’i Siregar, M.A as my supervisor. Thanks for your time, advices, suggestions, encouragements, constructive, criticism and for guiding me in finishing this paper Then, all lecturers of English Department who have taught me the worthy knowledge as a preparation for the future. Thank you for my reader, Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum, for his valuable time to read my paper. Universitas Sumatera Utara vi The most special is dedicated to my beloved parents, my father, Rusdi A.S and my mother, Umi Kalsum who have given me love, cares, advices, supports, and always pray for me in order to get my best. To my dearest sisters who always support me to do best in my life. Their love and endless prayers have sparked me whole life through so that whatever I do. With you all, I never feel lonely in this world. Thanks for being my best friends in English Diploma Study, Putri Rizki Annisa Dalimunthe Amd, Zulfida Sari Amd, Rizky Alvionita Sari Amd, Tisha Milaqmar Amd, Rumada Pane Amd and M. Ilham Mulhakim Amd, thanks for understand me so well, and flourishing my life with jokes, motivation and advices. You brought me to a new world guys, Then to my all friends in English Diploma III 2011 and also thank to all people who have helped me either directly or indirectly that I cannot mention here. Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it very much. Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, criticism and advice from the readers for the improvement of this thesis will be fully appreciated. Medan, ,2014 The writer, Reg. No 112202033 Rizky Juliant Universitas Sumatera Utara vii TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION …………………………………… i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ..………………………………….. ii ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………..…….. iii ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………… iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT …………………………………………… v TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………… vii 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study ……………………………………………. 1 1.2 Problem of Study ...………………………………………………….. 3 1.3 Scope of Study ……………………………………………………. 3 1.4 Method of Study ..…………………………………………............... 3 1.5 Reason of Study ….…………………………………………………. 4 1.6 Purpose of Study ..…………………………………………............... 4


2.1 Character ………………………………………………………….,. 5 2.2 Characterization …………………………………………………... 8 2.3 Mystic …………………………………………………………... 8 3. THE DESCRIPTION 3.1 A Brief description of mystic ..…………………………………. 11 4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.1 Conclusions ………………………….……………………….. 14 4.2 Suggestions ………………….……………………………….. 15 REFERENCES ………………….……….……………………..... 16 APENDICES ………………….……….………………………. 18 Bibliography Summary Universitas Sumatera Utara iii ABSTRAK Kertas karya yang berjudul The Description of Mystic in Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl’ Novel Beautiful Creatures ini membahas tentang mistik yang ada di dalam novel. Novel ini adalah salah satu novel Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl yang menceritakan tentang Lena Duchannes sebagai pemeran utama di novel ini, adalah seorang gadis cantik yang memiliki kekuatan sihir yaitu mistik. Adapun jenis mistik yang terdapat dalam kertas karya ini di bagi empat jenis, namun ada dua jenis mistik yang terdapat dalam novel itu yaitu Al-Hawatif and Al-Junun. Metode yang digunakan dalam kertas karya ini yaitu metode descriptif. Tujuan dari penulisan kertas karya ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan mistik- mistik yang terdapat di dalam novel beautiful creatures dan mendeskripsikan arti dari mistik itu. Universitas Sumatera Utara iv ABSTRACT The paper entitled The Description of Mystic in Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl’ Novel Beautiful Creatures is a mystic description found in the novel. This novel is one of best seller novel by Kami Garcia Margaret Stohl that makes Lena Duchannes as a main character, she is a young girl who has a magic power, it is mystic. There are four mystics in this paper, however there are only two kinds of mystic found in the novel, they are Al-Hawatif and Al-Junun. This paper used descriptive method. The purpose of this paper is to describe about mystic which exist in the beautiful creatures novel and to describe the meaning of those mystics. Universitas Sumatera Utara 1