Example 4: Specifying a Properties File, Administrator Password, and Node Manager

Patching Oracle WebCenter 5-13 A sample upgrade properties upgrade.properties file is available in the WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME webcenterscriptsupgrade_11.1.1.4 directory. Formatting Your Properties File You must make sure you escape values correctly

in your properties file. This is particularly import to when entering Windows paths because all backslashes must be escaped with backslashes in other words, a single backslash is represented by two backslashes in a Java properties file. Refer to the following URL for details: http:java.sun.comjavase6docsapijavautilProperties.htmlload28 java.io.Reader29 Below is a sample properties file on a Windows operating system: domain.directory=C:\\Middleware\\domains\\ domain_name oracle.home=C:\\Middleware\\Oracle_WC1 admin.user=weblogic admin.url=t3:examplehost:7001 admin.server=AdminServer nodemanager.user= node_manager_user nodemanager.host=localhost nodemanager.port=5556 nodemanager.type=ssl upgrade.custom.spaces=false Below is a sample properties file on a UNIX operating system: domain.directory=homeMiddlewaredomains domain_name oracle.home=homeMiddlewareOracle_WC1 admin.user=weblogic admin.url=t3:examplehost:7001 admin.server=AdminServer nodemanager.user= node_manager_user nodemanager.host=localhost nodemanager.port=5556 nodemanager.type=ssl upgrade.custom.spaces=false user.config.file Name and location of a user configuration file which contains an encrypted username and password. When you create a user configuration file, the storeUserConfig command uses a key file to encrypt the username and password. Only the key file that encrypts a user configuration file can decrypt the username and password. NOTE: if you set this property then you will not need to pass a password and it will not use the admin.user and admin.url properties. See helpstoreUserConfig in WLST for details on how to create a user configuration file. user.key.file Name and location of the key file that is associated with the specified user configuration file and is used to decrypt it. NOTE: you only need to set this property if you set the user.config.file property. See helpstoreUserConfig in WLST for details on how to create a user configuration file. Table 5–2 Cont. Upgrade Properties File Property Description 5-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide Completing Your Update

After you have run the automated script, do the following to complete your Oracle WebCenter update: 1. Copy the Trust Store file from the Oracle home directory to the Oracle WebLogic Server domain directory. For example: cp MW_HOME oracle_commonmodulesoracle.jps_11.1.1jps-wls-trustprovider.jar DOMAIN_HOME libmbeantypesjps-wls-trustprovider.jar 2. Start the node manager, Administration Server, and the Managed Servers in the domain. 3. Update your OWSM policies, as described in Section 3.8.8, Adding New OWSM Pre-Defined Policies .

5.5 Performing Oracle WebCenter Post-Patching Tasks

Depending on your system environment, patching Oracle WebCenter may require one or more of the following: ■ Section 5.5.1, Migrating Your Oracle Wiki Pages and Blogs ■ Section 5.5.2, Restoring Your OmniPortlet and WebClipping Customizations ■ Section 5.5.3, Upgrading Oracle WebCenter Custom Portal Managed Servers ■ Section 5.5.4, Migrating Content Presenter Custom Templates ■ Section 5.5.5, Updating Oracle WebCenter Portal Schemas ■ Section 5.5.6, Updating Your Configuration for WebCenter REST APIs ■ Section 5.5.7, Updating Multi Calendar Layouts ■ Section 5.5.8, Extending a Domain to Install Oracle WSM Policy Manager ■ Section 5.5.9, Setting the Web Context Root on the UCM Connection ■ Section 5.5.10, Performing Post-Patching Tasks for WebCenter Spaces ■ Section 5.5.11, Performing Post-Patching Tasks for Security Features

5.5.1 Migrating Your Oracle Wiki Pages and Blogs

This section contains the following sections to help you migrate your existing Wiki pages and blogs for use in the newly patched Oracle WebCenter domain: ■ Section, Procedure for Migrating Oracle Wiki Pages and Blogs ■ Section, Troubleshooting Problems During Wiki Migration Procedure for Migrating Oracle Wiki Pages and Blogs

If you have installed Oracle Wiki, you must run the Wiki Migrator utility, which is available in the following directory in the Oracle WebCenter Oracle home: WEBCENTER_ORACLE_HOME webcenterarchiveswiki-upgrade.jar This utility migrates your wiki pages and blogs into group space-specific folders in UCM. Existing WebCenter Spaces pages for wikis and blogs will be migrated, accordingly.