Migrating WebCenter Spaces Custom Library

Patching Oracle WebCenter 5-27 b. Select the OWCDiscussionsServiceAuthenticated end point and attach the oraclewss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_ service_policy policy. c. Select the OWCDiscussionsServicePublic end point and attach the oracle wss11_message_protection_service_policy policy. d. Restart the WC_Collaboration Managed Server. 3. Secure the Spaces ForumConnection: Using WLST: a. Connect to the domain server. b. Set the policy and recipient key alias. For example: setDiscussionForumConnectionwebcenter, name=forum-con-name, policyURIForAuthAccess=oraclewss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_ client_policy, policyURIForPublicAccess=oracle wss11_message_protection_client_policy, recipientKeyAlias=orakey c. Restart the WC_Spaces Managed Server. If you want to do this using Enterprise Manager, locate the forum connection and specify the policy and recipient key aliases as defined above. Adding Oracle Single Sign-On Authentication Provider to the List of Authentication Providers After upgrade, Oracle Single Sign-on OSSO Identity Asserter does not appear in the list of Authentication Providers. If you continue to use OSSO 10g even after upgrading to Oracle WebCenter, then you must replace the following entry in the DOMAIN_HOME binsetDomainEnv.sh on UNIX operating systems or DOMAIN_ HOME \bin\setDomainEnv.cmd on Windows operating systems file: ALT_TYPES_DIR={ORACLE_HOME}modulesoracle.ossoiap_11.1.1,{ORACLE_HOME}mod ulesoracle.oamprovider_11.1.1 Replace the entry with: ALT_TYPES_DIR={COMMON_COMPONENTS_HOME}modulesoracle.ossoiap_11.1.1,{COMMO N_COMPONENTS_HOME}modulesoracle.oamprovider_11.1.1

5.6 Adding New Features to Oracle WebCenter

This section includes the following subsections: ■ Section 5.6.1, Enabling Process Spaces in a Patched Domain ■ Section 5.6.2, Extending a WebCenter Domain to Add Oracle WebCenter Analytics Collector ■ Section 5.6.3, Adding Activity Graph, Analytics, Pagelet Producer, and Personalization Server to the Patched Domain Note: After making this change, you must restart the Administration Server. 5-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide ■ Section 5.6.4, Upgrading a WebCenter Custom Application to Add Portal Framework Features

5.6.1 Enabling Process Spaces in a Patched Domain

This manual step should be followed if you would like to add Process Spaces BPM functionality – which is an integration between WebCenter and a BPM enabled SOA domain - to a WebCenter domain. This procedure must be performed regardless of whether the domain was an existing Release domain which was updated to Release or whether it is a brand new domain created with a brand new Release installation. To learn more about Process Spaces functionality, refer to Understanding Oracle Business Process Management Process Spaces in Oracle BPEL Process Manager Users Guide. 1. If you have not already enabled Process Spaces in your existing WebCenter domain, perform the following steps to extend your domain using the Oracle BPM Spaces template. a. Go to the commonbin on UNIX operating systems or common\bin on Windows operating systems directory in your WebCenter Oracle home and start the Configuration Wizard config.sh on UNIX operating systems or config.cmd on Windows operating systems. b. Follow the instructions in Extending a WebLogic Domain in Graphical Mode in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard to extend your domain. On the Select Extension Source screen, select Base this domain on an existing template . Click Browse and select the following template from the list: On UNIX operating systems: WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME commontemplatesapplicationsoracle.bpm.spaces_ template_11.1.1.jar On Windows operating systems: WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME \common\templates\applications\oracle.bpm.spaces_ template_11.1.1.jar c. Close the Configuration Wizard when the domain extension is complete. 2. Copy the SOA_ORACLE_HOME bpmprocess_spaces on UNIX operating systems or SOA_ORACLE_HOME \bpm\process_spaces on UNIX operating systems folder from the SOA Oracle home directory to any location from where it would be able to connect to the Webcenter installation. 3. Edit the process-portal-install.properties file located in the process_ spaces folder you just copied to specify the required BPM and WebCenter properties. For security purposes, you can leave the passwords empty and provide them later when prompted. Note: The config services flag in the properties file can be used to configure WebCenter services if WebCenter Services has not already been configured as part of the Webcenter installation.