Updating Multi Calendar Layouts Extending a Domain to Install Oracle WSM Policy Manager

5-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide [ fromLabel ], [ toLabel ], [ applicationVersion ] For example: exportMetadataapplication=webcenter, server=WC_Spaces, toLocation=tmpmyrepos, docs=oraclewebcenterwebcenterappmetadatamdssyscustsitewebcenterwe bcenter-config.xml.xml For more information see exportMetadata in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference. 2. Edit the webcenter-config.xml file from the exported directory for example, tmprepos on a UNIX operating system or C:\TEMP\repos on a Windows operating system, remove the defaultGSSiteTemplateId parameter, then save the file. 3. As administrator, import the document. a. Start the WebLogic Scripting Tool WLST. On UNIX operating systems: cd WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME commonbin .wlst.sh On Windows operating systems: cd WebCenter_ORACLE_HOME \common\bin .wlst.cmd For more information, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool WLST Commands in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle WebCenter. b. Run the importMetadata WLST command: importMetadata application , server , fromLocation , docs , [ restrictCustTo ], [ excludeAllCust ], [ excludeBaseDocs ], [ excludeExtendedMetadata ], [ cancelOnException ], [ applicationVersion ] For example: importMetadataapplication=webcenter, server=WC_Spaces, fromLocation=tmpmyrepos, docs= For more information see importMetadata in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference. 4. Verify that System Default is now honouring the page template at the administration level for group spaces. Note: WebCenter Spaces supports the built-in skins, Fusion FX and WebCenter Spaces FX. Prior to Release, WebCenter Spaces supported various other built-in skins such as Mist, DeepSea, and MistFX. You can still use the old skins with your upgraded personal spaces and group spaces by using the format {old family name} in EL expressions. However, you cannot use the old skins with any new Space or Home Space created in WebCenter Spaces